Li Wenfan smiled at the faces of the few people, and then glanced at them for a while before continuing with a smile: “The commissioner has already summoned me this morning,
Let me increase policy support for Huayin Company! ”
It’s normal for them to worry, after all, Huayin Company has grown to such an extent without noticing it, and these people have a close relationship with Su Yun.
Several people breathed a sigh of relief.
The stone in Zhu Jiahua’s heart also fell slightly.
Su Yun was an offspring he admired very much, and he naturally hoped that Su Yun would get better and better.
Chen Mingshu’s brows stretched. He didn’t expect the committee to increase policy support. It seems that the committee thinks farther than them.
Like Chen Mingshu and Zhu Jiahua, they both admire Su Yun very much and think that Su Yun is the star of national industry.
Now that they all know that Su Yun is fine, it is a good thing for them.
Zhu Jiahua picked up the tea cup with a relaxed look and sipped the tea.
Chen Mingshu’s hand on the chair he was holding also loosened, and he felt a cold sweat.
“Isn’t the commissioner afraid that Huayin Company will take the lead?”
Duan Xipeng looked at Li Wenfan and asked, although he knew that the committee was going to support Huayin Company, he still didn’t understand something.
After the Huayin Company is dominant, the impact will probably be very large, right?
And now so many people are relying on Huayin Company for their meals, which can lead to the whole body.
“What’s wrong with Huayin being too big? Controlling prices? Driving up prices? 803 controls everything?”
Li Wenfan said with some humor.
According to Duan Xipeng, what will be the impact of Huayin’s dominance?
is for the marketcontrol? And then control the whole country?
Several people heard the words and did not speak, just silent.
Isn’t that how you sit?
Once many people have achieved the status of being the dominant family and mastered the absolute right to speak, their original intentions at that time will gradually change and become arbitrary.
“We are all people who have lived half our lives, and the people we have met are unknown.
Needless to say, what kind of person Su Ziwen is,
Can’t you see? Su Ziwen is a man who will do anything for money? ”
Li Wenfan restrained his smile, said solemnly, and glanced at everyone present.
They can sit in this position and have their current identities, and they have dealt with countless people, whether it is officialdom or shopping malls.
There are so many people I’ve seen, can’t I see what kind of person Su Yun is?
“Impossible, if he does anything for money,
It will not give employees such good treatment, and will not invest heavily in education and industry. ”
Zhu Jiahua immediately denied it, he and Su Yun had a close relationship.
He knows Su Yun the most, and he knows that Su Yun is absolutely impossible to be like this.
Others, Zhu Jiahua, can’t guarantee it, but only Su Yun can pat his chest and promise that Su Yun is not such a person.
“Isn’t that right? Besides, you only see the industry outside, there is one more thing you don’t know,
The weapons and ammunition sold by Huayin Company to the military are almost at the cost price, reducing the military’s weapons and equipment consumption to one-sixth of the previous cost.
Moreover, the military still issued an IOU, and Huayin Company did not ask the military for money. For such people,
Do you think he will be a price control, or even price gouging? ”
Li Wenfan said loudly.
Su Yun could have made a fortune by selling weapons, but he didn’t even sell it at cost.
Su Yun also made a different weapon, which could have been a rare commodity and sold at a high price, but he still didn’t have it.
If he wanted to make money, he could have done so long ago, but he didn’t.
His words hit the hearts of several people like a heavy hammer.
Several people’s (ajec) hearts were extremely shocked.
They opened their mouths but couldn’t speak, they didn’t know these things at all.
They didn’t expect Su Yun to do so much for the country.
Li Wenfan looked at their expressions and continued, “These things were also told to me by the commissioner this morning,
Otherwise I don’t know, you don’t think such a person would be a price control person,
Naturally, the committee will not think so, and there are many things you don’t know. ”
Li Wenfan still sighed a little, he felt that he didn’t understand Su Yun a little bit.
The more he knew, the more he felt that he underestimated this young man.
Su Yun’s pure heart of serving the people and the country was even warmer than he imagined.
“What’s the matter?”
Chen Mingshu looked at Li Wenfan and asked.
He suddenly found that he didn’t know Su Yun well. He only knew that Su Yun invested in heavy industry and invested in school towns.
It turned out that there was more than he thought.
“Do you know why Huayin’s industrial products are so much cheaper than other factories’ products?
Even retailers in those cities are selling Huayin’s industrial products at half the price of others. ”
Li Wenfan spoke slowly.
Huayin Company not only sells weapons cheaply, but also does not even think about extracting considerable profits from the industrial products used by ordinary people.
You must know how high Su Yun’s status is in the hearts of the common people.
He can rely on these reputations to make money crazy and squeeze the money in the pockets of the common people.
But he didn’t at all.
He still gave it to the common people at a very favorable price.
Several people shook their heads when they heard the words. They were also very puzzled about this, but they didn’t know the reason.
Zhu Jiahua and the others thought they already knew Su Yun very well.
Now it seems that I don’t understand him at all.
Haven’t gotten to know him at all.
“The Huayin Company and the wholesaler have signed a contract. The wholesaler takes the goods from the Huayin Company’s factory, and the wholesale price must be implemented according to the standards set by the Huayin Company.
Wholesalers wholesale to the following retailers also signed a pricing contract with Huayin Company.
In other words, Huayin Company does not have its own stores, but the pricing power of all commodities is in the hands of Huayin Company.
Therefore, Huayin’s industrial products are half lower than other companies.
Based on various reasons, the committee did not believe that Su Ziwen would do anything to drive up prices.
Those people didn’t understand this, and naively thought that they could defeat Su Ziwen in this way. ”
Li Wenfan took a deep breath before speaking slowly.
You can see a lot of what Su Yun has done.
Invest in school towns, establish student loans, pay less attention to merit-study policies, invest in heavy industry, and revitalize the country’s heavy industry.
Invest in light industry, save sunset industries, create medical insurance, recruit the poor, hire disaster victims, and provide disaster relief.
Everyone can see this, and the common people can also see it. Those of them can use the topic to play and kill him.
But there are things they don’t know!
Selling weapons to the military at cost prices, making excuses for the military, and decisions made by Huayin in light industry.
They can’t see it! They don’t even know!
They think they have the absolute reel, that they have absolute dominance.
However, everything is under control. They simply don’t have a chance to turn around.
Several people laughed after hearing this, Zhu Jiahua completely relaxed, the stone that had been hanging in his heart finally fell, and he let out a long breath.
Chen Mingshu leaned on the back of the chair, he felt frightened all the way, and his mood went up and down.
He felt a cold sweat on his backWell, now finally don’t have to worry.
“Those people are definitely busy in vain.”
Duan Xipeng said with a smile, his eyebrows stretched, and the things they had been worried about were finally settled.
Whether it is for them or for Su Yun, it is a good thing.
Zhu Jiahua also said the same, with a smile on his face, and then asked: “Then we don’t care about those people now? Continue to let them stir up the situation like this?”
Since what those people did was useless, he felt that they didn’t need to get involved in this matter, and let those people do it on their own.
“This matter has been calculated by the committee, but according to my estimation,
Now the committee should be asking people to investigate secretly to see if those people are stirring things up behind their backs. Once found out, these people are afraid that their lives will be lost. ”
Li Wenfan’s face became serious, and he said seriously, these people have attracted the attention of the committee.
Even if they are not used, the committee will not let these people go.
Several people took it seriously, and they never doubted this.
They still know some of the means of entrusting the seat.
After knowing that the commissioner personally took over this matter, several people became more relaxed.
The originally heavy atmosphere disappeared in an instant.
Several people were drinking tea, and those who read the newspaper continued to read the newspaper, all with smiles on their faces.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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