“I heard that many factories have joined Huayin Company now.
Just don’t know if their product quality is up to standard,
But don’t spoil the reputation of Huayin Company. ”
Zhu Jiahua suddenly realized a problem and said with a smile, but he was still very happy for Su Yun.
At least now that Huayin Company’s reputation has gone out, its business is getting bigger and bigger, and more and more people are cooperating.
“Don’t worry about this, Huayin Company has sent people to watch, and for the past few months,
Huayin Company has driven the entire economy of Jinling and its surrounding areas. I heard that during the time when Ziwen went to Lu’an,
Zhao Lin, vice president of Huayin Company, has passed the documents for the expansion of major factories.
It is estimated that Huayin’s light industry will usher in a new round of expansion. ”
Li Wenfan said with a smile, Huayin Company has already arranged all this.
Moreover, the expansion will be carried out in the future, and the business will get better and better in the future. He is happy for Su Yun from the bottom of his heart.
“Ha ha ha ha!”
Several people laughed when they heard Li Wenfan’s words.
“I must go to Shengqing Restaurant for a meal today.”
Several people laughed, and after they all came to the same conclusion, they looked at each other and laughed again.

On the Lu’an side, Su Yun was walking in the industrial park, inspecting the industrial park. He went in and looked at every factory.
At this time, we just came to a machinery factory.
Now the workers in the machinery factory are able to operate more skillfully.
Occasionally senior technicians walked through the machine shop with translators.
I came to an iron smelting factory again, and the workers were busy.
Su Yun walked through one factory after another, and what came from inside was basically the roar of machines.
The workers have less communication and are all working hard.
Su Yun walked slowly, inspecting in detail to see the specific situation in the industrial park.
At this moment, Robert trotted over with a telegram.
“Mr. Su, my mentor has already called back. He said that the information will be handed over to Yang Qing, and then asked Yang Qing to bring it back to China and give it to me.”
Robert said with a smile, in a very good mood.
Hearing this, Su Yun was overjoyed and asked with a smile, “Is it possible to build a wind tunnel laboratory and a power engine laboratory now?”
“Yes, but need financial support!”
Robert said with a smile, as long as the funds are in place, these are no problems for him.
“Funding is not a problem, do it with confidence.”
Su Yun waved his hand and said with a smile.
“That’s fine, Mr. Su, don’t worry, leave it to me!”
Robert said with a smile, very confident, now that the technology is available, it is still very simple to create.
Su Yun nodded with a smile.
At this moment, Xie An trotted over and came to Su Yun.
Su Yun looked at Xie An holding a telegram in his hand and was a little curious.
“Master, this is a telegram from Zhao Zhen!”
Xie An said after handing the telegram to Su Yun.
After Su Yun received the telegram, he restrained his smile and walked out of the factory building, frowning slightly.
Because Zhao Zhen had told him not to come with him, he stayed in Jinling to see the situation for him.
At this time, Zhao Zhen sent a telegram, which meant that there was a problem.
Su Yun picked up the telegram and began to read it. The more he looked at him, the more his brows wrinkled, and his whole face became gloomy.
He didn’t say a word until I watched it.
Su Yun walked to the car without looking back after reading it. Xie An quickly followed, while Su Yun got in the car and returned to the temporary residence.
After he returned to the temporary mansion, he looked at Xie An and said solemnly, “Call Zhao Zhen back and ask him to find Zhu Jiahua, Minister of Education.”
After Su Yun finished speaking, he sat in the hall without saying a word, and the atmosphere became solemn.
Xie An didn’t dare to say much, so he hurried to deal with it.
After a while, Xie An returned with a telegram.
“Master, it was sent by Minister Zhu.”
Xie An said, and quickly handed the telegram to Su Yun.
Su Yun nodded when he heard the words, took the telegram and read it.
When he finished reading, he raised his brows, and finally a smile appeared on his face.
Chapter 136: Civil Airport Plan
“Xie An, go and call Du Gan for me!”
After thinking about it, Su Yun looked at Xie An and said.
After Xie An took the order, he left the mansion and immediately went to inform.
After a while, Du Gan came to the temporary mansion and stood there.In front of Su Yun.
“Are there printing machines in the industrial park?”
Su Yun raised his head and glanced at Du Gan and said, if there is a printing machine, it will be easy to do, otherwise, you have to go back to Jinling’s own printing factory. It is safer to use your own printing machine for these things.
“Yes, President Su!”
Du Gan nodded in response, the industrial park will need to print a lot of documents, etc., and naturally the printing machine is ready.
Su Yun nodded and said: “Okay, ~ you wait here!”
After that, Su Yun entered the temporary mansion. Naturally, he couldn’t take out all these design drawings out of thin air.
After Su Yun called out the system, he took out all the technical drawings of the radar. He thought it would be over after a few boxes, but when one after another white light appeared in front of him, he was stunned.
There were twenty-seven white lights, and then twenty-seven large wooden boxes were neatly placed in front of him.
“System, why so many?”
Su Yun was a little stunned, didn’t he only get a few design drawings in total? This is a full twenty-seven large wooden boxes. What is it that requires so many drawings?
“Radar technologies include altimetry radar, two-coordinate radar, three-coordinate radar, friend-or-friend radar, multi-station radar, mechanical scanning radar, phased array radar, over-the-horizon radar, microwave radar, millimeter-wave radar, etc. Sonar is classified as a radar, and all technologies are as of the end of World War II.”
A pop-up window popped up, and then the system’s mechanical prompt sounded.
Su Yun looked at the pop-up window in front of him with a smile on his face, that feeling is good! I didn’t expect the system to be so generous, giving it all at once, and also sending a sonar.
However, there is a problem with these radars. The most advanced technologies were only after the end of World War II, and the latter technologies were not given, but for Su Yun, these are enough.
“Du Gan, come in!”
Su Yun called Du Gan, and Du Qian trotted over immediately after hearing the sound.
“How long will it take to print these drawings in two copies?”
Su Yun looked at the big wooden box in front of him and asked Du Gan, these blueprints in the industrial park are expected to be available soon, and naturally the sooner the better.
“Reporting to President Su, it will take a few days.”
Du Gan just glanced at it and said, he can only give an approximate time.
“Okay, I see, take all these drawings and print them.”
Su Yun nodded and said, a few days are not long.
“No problem, I’ll call someone!”
Du Gan turned around and called someone to go.
Afterwards, Su Yun left the temporary residence and got in a car to the industrial park.
“Go and call me Robert!”
After Su Yun entered the industrial park, he asked Xie An to find Robert.
Xie An hurried to deal with it, and after a while, Robert came to Su Yun.
“Robert, are any of your alumni working on electromagnetic wave technology?”
Su Yun looked at Robert and asked that the drawings he had obtained before just needed talents who knew this technology.
It’s just that he doesn’t know what to do. He doesn’t know whether electricity and mechanics are taught separately in physics abroad. If they are taught separately, he will have to delay some time abroad to see if there are talents in this field.
“Mr. Su, what are you doing?”
Robert asked curiously, why did Su Yun suddenly think of studying electromagnetic band technology?
To know that he is still busy with the wind tunnel laboratory, it seems that Su Yun has a big plan.
“You know sonar?”
Su Yun did not answer his question, but asked instead.
Naturally, he came to Robert in the hope that someone would create a brand new thing, so he had to know something.
“Of course I know sonar, what’s wrong?”
Robert nodded when he heard the words, with some doubts on his face, he was wondering why Su Yun suddenly mentioned sonar?
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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