“I have the technology in this area. It is similar to sonar, but it involves electromagnetic band technology. I call it radar. Production is going to start now, so people in this area are very needed.”
Su Yun said with a serious face, but he knew that the world’s first practical radar would not be born in 35 years.
At present, there are many countries in the world that are studying radar. The United States, Britain, Gallic and Germanic countries all have this technology.
The first practical radar was manufactured by Britain in 1935, and was also developed by the United States in the same year.
In 1937, the United States developed a warship radar.
Gallic chicken has never finished making a practical radar.
The Germanic practical radar was assembled in 36 years.
However, because they are developing in the wrong direction, they use the mid-range frequency, which cannot be used on the sea surface, foggy weather, rainy days and winter, which is almost equivalent to free.
“Mr. Su, please come with me!”
Hearing the words, Robert said solemnly, and then brought Su Yun to the broadcasting room.
“There is research on the electromagnetic wave band, and those who understand it will come to the office immediately.”
Robert grabbed the microphone and shouted, and notified everyone in the industrial park through the broadcast room.
Afterwards, a total of more than 30 people came, all of them standing in the lobby of the office. Lined up in three rows, they looked at Robert neatly.
Robert walked to the team, watched one of the industrial talents and then introduced it to Su Yun.
Su Yun listened to Robert’s introduction and nodded from time to time.
“His name is Simon Delichev…”
When Robert introduced one of the young men, Su Yun raised his hand and interrupted him.
His eyes narrowed, and there was surprise in his heart.
He knows this man!
was inI have seen his name in the general history of science, he is the founder of pulsed electromagnetism.
After the outbreak of World War II, he was hired by the Marconi company with a high salary.
He has an apprentice named Dreyer, the inventor of intelligent radar.
“Why did you come to work in Huaxia?”
Su Yun calmed down, looked at Simon Delichev and asked.
Simon Drichev gave a wry smile and said nothing.
“My younger brother had set up a laboratory with someone to study the electromagnetic wave band, but was defeated by a large company and lost his job.”
Robert explained that he could understand Simon Delichev’s mood.
Su Yun was overjoyed when he heard this. He had to thank that large company for sending him such a big cow.
He didn’t expect Simon Delichev to be so poor before he developed.
Su Yun looked at Simon Delichev and smiled: “You don’t have to worry, I have the technology in the electromagnetic band, and now I need you to do something for me.”
Simon Delichev’s eyes lit up when he heard the electromagnetic band technology, but he quickly returned to normal. He lowered his head slightly and asked, “Mr. Su, what do you want me to do?”
“I have all the technologies in the electromagnetic band, and there is a new thing that is almost the same as sonar. I named it radar. The drawings will be printed in a few days. I need you to produce and assemble the radar for me.”
Su Yun looked at Simon Delichev and said.
“Don’t worry, Mr. Su, I will definitely do my best!”
Simon Delichev looked at Su Yun and said loudly, but he was also puzzled, how could Su Yun have electromagnetic band technology.
You know, there are many people all over the world who are researching this stuff, but no one dares to say that they have all the technology in this area.
Su Yun didn’t know what Simon Delichev was thinking, looked at him and continued: “You pick some people from here to form your team, remember to let go and don’t worry about problems.”
When Simon Delichev heard the words, he immediately communicated with a group of alumni.
Electromagnetic band technology is a new technology, and the whole world is still in the research stage, and not many people understand it.
Su Yun looked at them and smiled, and there was only the conversation between Simon Delichev and these alumni.
“Mr. Su, I have already found a suitable candidate!”
After a while, Simon Delichev and a group came to Su Yun.
“Okay, you go back first!”
Su Yun nodded and said.
Then everyone dispersed, Robert called his friend Austin, and the two followed Su Yun out of the office.
The three were walking outside the industrial park, looking at the factories in the industrial park.
“Austin, after the power engine laboratory is established, can a team be formed to develop an improved engine?”
Su Yun looked at Austin and asked, now Robert is mainly in charge of the wind tunnel laboratory, while Austin is in charge of the power engine laboratory. Naturally, these things also need to be handed over to Austin.
“It should be fine, Mr. Su, leave it to me!”
Austin smiled and agreed.
Su Yun nodded when he heard the words, and the three continued to walk in the industrial park.
At this moment, Xie An rushed over with a telegram in his hand.
“Master, the company headquarters generates electricity, and the Minister of the Interior, Li Wenfan, personally rushed to Hubei to direct the disaster relief.”
Xie An handed the telegram to Su Yunhouhui to report.
Su Yun took the telegram and glanced at it and said, “Okay, I see.”
Then he looked at the employee who was carrying the radio station and said, “Call Dong Cheng to ask him about the situation in the disaster area and the recruitment of victims.”
“Okay, Mr. Su!”
The employee immediately took down the station and started sending.
After a while, Dong Cheng called back!
Employee Report: “Manager Dong called back and said that 150,000 employees are currently being recruited, and all kinds of materials are fully distributed.”
“Call Wang Qing and ask about the current situation of the farm.”
Su Yun nodded when he heard the words, and continued to order.
From Dong Cheng’s call back, it is not difficult for him to imagine that the disaster was more serious, otherwise he would not have recruited 150,000 employees in such a short period of time.
Wang Qing’s call back soon arrived.
“Mr. Su, Manager Wang of the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry called back and said that the major farms in the Lianghuai and Nanyang basins have started to operate, and rice and wheat have been planted.”
The staff turned their heads to report.
Su Yun heard the words and nodded.
The time has come to the end of May unknowingly.
In the morning, just after Su Yun had breakfast, Du Gan came.
“Mr. Su, the auto factory can already mass-produce small passenger cars.”
Su Yun heard the words and looked up at Du Gan.
“Some of the produced small passenger cars are left for use in the industrial park, and the rest are all shipped to Jinling.”
These small passenger cars are not only used by the school city, but there are plans waiting for him!
Now he has a lot of plans in mind, but they all need the support of industry.
“Mr. Su, I understand. After the production is completed, it will be shipped directly to Jinling.”
Du Gan said with a smile, and after Su Yun ordered a few more words, Du Gan turned around and left, he still had a lot of things to do.
After a while, Xie An came to Su Yun with a telegram.
“Master, the company headquarters called to say that more than 200 talents recruited by Yang Qing had already disembarked in Shanghai and will arrive in Lu’an the day after tomorrow.”
Xie An handed the telegram to Su Yundao.
Su Yun nodded when he heard the words. Although there were not many people in this group, they were all high-level talents.
At this moment, Du Gan hurriedly came to Su Yun.
“Mr. Su, the Lu’an South Airport has been completed.”
Su Yun nodded when he heard the words.
He got up and walked out of the temporary mansion, and went to the military headquarters next to him. The soldiers at the military entrance did not stop him or check the documents, so they let him in.
“Ziwen, why are you free to come to me today?”
Li �F looked at Su Yun and asked with a smile.
“I am the Three Treasures of EverythingDian, I came here today to ask you to bring 200 military vehicles full of soldiers and me to the airport to test the quality of the runway. ”
Now there is no equipment to check whether the quality of the runway has passed the test. After thinking about it, this method seems to be quite good at present.
After listening, Li F laughed and said, “It turns out that this is the case. It’s simple. I’ll order it now.”
Then he ordered 200 military vehicles to assemble to the southern airport of Lu’an.
Su Yun and Li F also got in the car and soon came to the airport.
Su Yun looked at the airport in front of him with some emotion.
The southern airport of Lu’an is built with the feeling of the future, with the waiting hall under the glass cover, the endless airport runway and the empty apron.
Su Yun stuck his head out slightly to feel the wind in the empty airport, and narrowed his eyes slightly.
Turning his head to look at Li F, Li F has understood it before he even opened his mouth.
“Go hard for me, don’t stop!”
Li F. then stuck his head out and shouted, more than 200 military vehicles behind him stepped on the accelerator and sped away on the airport runway.
Two hundred military vehicles drove at high speed on the runway of the airport without rules, making a huge humming sound.
After a long period of testing, the two hundred military vehicles stopped.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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