After getting off the car, Su Yun glanced at the airport runway and nodded with satisfaction.
…….. 0 ……
From the current point of view, it seems to be not bad, but the specifics will depend on the actual landing of the plane.
After getting in the car, I ran around the airport runway again, and after a glance at the time, it was getting dark before I chose to return to the temporary residence.
Early the next morning,
“Xie An, come here!”
After Su Yun got up to wash, he called Xie An over.
Su Yun ordered: “Send a telegram to Zhao Lin and ask him to register with Huayin Airlines.”
Zhao Lin was instructed to do it quickly, went to register quickly, and came out not long after, holding several documents in his hand, which were printed: “Huayin Airlines”.
In this era, there are not many civil airlines. There were only two in the whole country before, and there were only a few planes.
With the registration of Huayin Airlines, the newspapers immediately began to publicize it.
It has attracted the attention of many people, but now Huayin Airlines is only listed, not actually operating, and there is not much information that can be paid attention to.
Lu’an Airport
A Boeing 247 passenger plane landed slowly at Lu’an Airport.
After Zhao Qingshan came down from above, he went to Su Yun’s temporary residence without stopping.
He is the general manager of Huayin Construction Company, and he is mainly responsible for these projects.
It was the first time that the passenger plane landed at this airport, and it was naturally inspected by him. If something went wrong, Su Yun would use him for surgery.
Seeing Zhao Qingshan coming, Su Yun didn’t talk too much nonsense with him, just took out a document and threw it on him.
“Build up airports in those places!”
Zhao Qingshan just glanced at it, and the document said Huayin Airlines’ top ten civil airport construction plans!
“No problem, Mr. Su, I’ll do it right away!”
Hearing this, Zhao Qingshan turned around and rushed back to the airport. He knew that his main purpose in coming to Lu’an today was to check whether Lu’an Airport was qualified.
He has no objection to this. As the general manager of Huayin Construction Company, if he dares not test it himself, how can he convince others of the quality of the airport?
The next day, Zhao Qingshan took a Boeing 247 to fly to Chengdu Airport in Sichuan.
After arriving, Zhao Qingshan saw many people around the airport, and reporters from major newspapers were also here. .
There were already many people lining up to welcome him at the airport, and Tian Wen, Changtian in Chengdu, hurriedly greeted Zhao Qingshan when he saw Zhao Qingshan.
In order to welcome Zhao Qingshan, he not only prepared a welcome team.
At the same time, a welcome convoy was also prepared outside the airport. After leaving the airport, you can directly arrive at the temporary residence.
“Manager Zhao, what do you think of our Chengdu Airport?”
Tian Wen knew that Huayin Construction Company was going to build an airport. This was related to his political achievements, and he was naturally enthusiastic.
Zhao Qingshan swept the Chengdu Airport. The Chengdu Airport in front of him was a bit rudimentary, with only one runway, and it was still a runway built of sand and gravel.
As for other facilities, no! Just such a lonely airport.
According to Su Yun’s civil airport plan, all Huayin airports have high requirements for infrastructure and runway quality.
For example, in the airport southeast of Jinling School City, the bottom of the airport runway is poured with reinforced concrete, and the width of the runway is also very large. Not to mention civilian airliners, even heavy transport aircraft can land.
This is the most basic requirement of a civil airport base.
Zhao Qingshan looked at Tian Wen with a serious face and said, “Chengdu Airport is too small, and the facilities at the airport are also rudimentary.
It is not enough to undertake the heavy operational responsibility of Huayin Airlines.
It is necessary to relocate and build a civil airport base with twelve runways. ”
“I have the land ready!”
Tian Wen said with a smile, and then took out the document from the briefcase of his subordinate beside him and handed it to Zhao Qingshan Qian.
Chapter 137: The first wave of industrial blowout development
One military vehicle after another drove towards the industrial park.
Su Yun, Robert and others were waiting outside the industrial park. After the military truck stopped, a group of blond foreigners descended from above.
Robert greeted him with a smile. These were all industrial talents recruited by Yang Qing.
“Du Gan, arrange accommodation for these people and let them settle down.”
He glanced at Du Gan who was standing behind him and said.
“Mr. Su, don’t worry, I have given themOnce arranged, you can go directly to the host. ”
They have already received the news, and Du Gan will naturally arrange it in advance.
At this time, seven or eight people carried several large boxes to the industrial park. They put the large wooden box on the ground and found Robert.
After a few exchanges, those people carried the boxes and went to Robert’s office.
And Robert came to Su Yun.
Robert stepped forward and said with a smile, “I have brought back the information given by my instructor.”
“Bring it back? Go! Go and see!”
Su Yun raised his brows and came to Robert’s office with Li F.
Several people came to several large wooden boxes, and Robert opened the wooden boxes, revealing a pile of clothes.
“It’s all clothes?”
Su Yun glanced at it, these wooden boxes seemed to be full of clothes, these clothes were placed randomly, and it seemed that no documents were seen.
“The information is all in the interlayer of the clothes, otherwise you won’t be able to pass through customs!”
Robert explained. After listening to Su Yun, he couldn’t help but ponder, it seems that there is some technology in it, it seems that it is not simple.
Someone took a few scissors and cut all the clothes in the boxes.
When the contents of the mezzanine appeared in front of everyone, as Robert said, there were all kinds of data files.
There are also some information scattered to the side.
Robert and others quickly sorted out all the information, and Su Yun glanced at it casually.
He found that all the densely packed documents were in English, as well as various data.
After they sorted out the information, Robert picked up a few pages and glanced at it casually. The more “807” looked at his eyes, the brighter and brighter the smile on his face became.
“This is the technical information we need!”
After reading a few pages, Robert told Su Yun excitedly, thinking in his heart that as long as they had these materials, it would be easy for them to build a wind tunnel laboratory.
“Okay, let’s start building the wind tunnel laboratory and the power engine laboratory!”
Su Yun immediately made a decision, feeling a little excited.
After being busy for such a long time, looking for information and asking for a mentor, I finally gathered all these elements, and now I just need to build it up.
“There is no problem with the construction, and now it is necessary to go to Europe to buy some equipment.”
Robert said slowly, some equipment cannot be manufactured in the Lu’an Industrial Park, and can only be purchased.
“These are all trivial matters. I will have them generate electricity for the company headquarters immediately, and let them send people to Europe to buy equipment.”
Su Yun waved his hand, buying equipment is not a big problem, as long as it can be built, these are not a problem.
Robert shook his head slightly and said, “It must be professional, otherwise I don’t know if it is correct.”
These equipment can not be bought by sending individuals, and people who understand it must be arranged.
Robert thought for a while and said, “Mr. Su, wait for me here, I’ll go back and find someone!”
After saying this, Robert turned around and left the office to find someone in the industrial park. He already had a suitable candidate in mind.
After a while, Robert came over with a person.
Su Yun raised his head and glanced at the young man beside Robert, not too impressed, but as long as he could get things done.
“Mr. Su, his name is Abbott. He has some research in this area. Buying equipment is just enough for him to go!”
Robert said with a smile, Abbott is a professional industrial talent, and he couldn’t help buying equipment.
“Okay, then leave it to you, Abbott, I will send someone from the company to go with you.”
Su Yun nodded when he heard the words, looked at Albert and said.
“I think it’s not too difficult for me.”
Albert smiled and shrugged.
At this moment, Xie An came to Su Yun with a telegram.
“Minister Zhu of the Ministry of Education sent a telegram saying that the Chen family in Jiangnan and the Qian family joined forces to donate 3 million yuan to the disaster area in Hubei.”
Xie An handed the telegram to Su Yun and reported it.
Su Yun glanced at the telegram and nodded. He found an office chair at random and sat down to start writing the article. After spending a certain amount of time, he finished writing the letter.
Called an employee and handed him the article he wrote: “You can take the plane back to Jinling now,
Give this article to Mr. Shao Wen from School City. ”
“Okay Mr. Su!”
The employee turned around and left.
Su Yun heard the words and nodded.
The employee got in the car after leaving the industrial park and rushed to Lu’an Airport.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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