Soon a Boeing 247 jet skied into the sky. After he returned to Jinling, he hurried to the school town to find Mr. Shao Wen.
The employee came to the office, knocked on the door, and got permission to come in.
After seeing Shao Wen, he handed the article over and said, “Mr. Shao, President Su ordered me to hand over this article to you!”
Shao Wen took the article and read it, and after a while he waved his hand slightly, indicating that the employee can go back first.
the next day,
“Selling newspapers! Selling newspapers! Jiangnan Chen’s family and Qian’s family donated 3 million to the disaster area. They are good people.”
“Selling newspapers! According to investigations, the Jiangnan Chen family and the Qian family mainly operate banks, with an annual income of 10 million yuan and a donation of only 3 million!”
The cries of the newsboys rang out in the streets and alleys, and everyone was used to the headlines of Huayin Company.
The sudden change to someone else made many people curious.
Coupled with the vigorous publicity of many newspapers, everyone’s attention gradually shifted to the Chen family and the Qian family.
Donating three million is a good thing, but the old manSurname is not satisfied with their actions.
Annual income of 10 million, only to donate 3 million? Many people were talking about it.
That’s how people are, it doesn’t matter how much they donate, what matters is how much the rich donate.
Nearing the afternoon, the machinery and equipment Zhou Xu purchased from abroad had arrived in Jinling. As soon as Zhou Xu returned to Jinling, he sent a telegram to Su Yun.
On Su Yun’s side, he quickly got the telegram he got from Xie An, and he knew about it after taking a look at the content of the telegram.
“Call Zhou Xu back and let him be responsible for transporting the machinery and equipment to Nanyang. Let him take the Jinpu Railway to Xuzhou,
In Xuzhou, transfer to Longhai Railway Line to arrive in Zhengzhou, then transfer to Jinghan Railway Line to go south to Xiping and get off the train, and finally transport to Nanyang. ”
Su Yun looked at Xie An and said, Xie An immediately sent a telegram when he heard the words.
“Find Du Gan and Robert for me!”
Su Yun then asked an employee to find the two.
After a while, Du Gan and Robert both stood in front of Su Yun.
“Du Gan, you now need to transfer 200 high-level talents to Nanyang, and then transfer 1,000 from the more than 5,000 technicians recruited by the United States to go north to Nanyang.”
Su Yun first looked at Du Gan and said, and then turned to Robert.
“Robert, you select some people who can extract oil and build oil refineries to follow north!”
After Su Yun finished speaking, both Robert and Du Gan were a little puzzled.
“Building a refinery? What’s the use of building there?”
Robert looked at Su Yun and asked, feeling a little inexplicable.
“There is oil underground in Nanyang!”
Su Yun looked at the two of them and said slowly.

In early June, after several months of development, Lu’an Industrial Park finally ushered in the first wave of industrial development.
With the assistance of several machinery factories, the Lu’an Industrial Park has undergone tremendous changes.
When Su Yun reappeared in the industrial park, he saw a large iron smelting plant, and the machine hummed. This large iron smelting plant was much larger than the original iron smelting plant.
Su Yun not only saw the iron smelting plant, but also saw a large steelmaking plant.
These two large factories are the first in the Lu’an Industrial Park.
“With them, our annual steel production can reach a million tons!”
Robert smiled and looked at Su Yundao. Su Yun squinted his eyes when he heard that. In just a few months, their industrial park has grown to such an extent.
If it was when he first established the restaurant, Su Yun would not have dared to think that he would be like this now.
Su Yun is very clear that in this era, the annual output of steel represents industrial capacity. The industrial capacity among countries is measured by annual steel production.
Then Su Yun and his party came to the arsenal, and the arsenal at this time was completely different from the previous arsenal.
The arsenal has also changed a lot, and the arsenal has also ushered in an expansion.
When I walked into the arsenal, the production line was continuously producing firearm parts.
Compared with when the arsenal was first established, it is much more professional, and the manufacturing speed is also much faster.
“Currently the arsenal can produce 5,000 Garand rifles per month, and Hanyang’s monthly production of 4,000 rifles remains unchanged.
The mass production of MG34 general-purpose machine guns has begun, and the monthly production can reach 500 pieces, and the monthly production of Somi submachine guns is 1,500 pieces. ”
Robert said with a smile that today’s arsenal is different from what it used to be, the output has also been greatly improved, and many new weapons can be produced at the same time.
Su Yun nodded with a smile, and was satisfied with the current output of the arsenal.
But this output is far from his satisfaction, even Fengtian Arsenal can’t compare.
How much output does Fengtian Arsenal have?
Let’s put it this way, a day’s weapon output can be equipped with a battalion, which is still normal. If it is transferred to the wartime system, the output will be larger and cannot be estimated.
After the little devils occupied, they all said that Fengtian Arsenal was the first in the East!
At this moment, Xie An ran over with a telegram.
“Deputy Director Xu of the Logistics Department sent a telegram saying that he wanted to place an order and asked what the price of the MG34 general-purpose machine gun and the Somi submachine gun?”
Xie An said after handing the telegram to Su Yun.
Su Yun took the telegram and read it. After thinking about it, he said, “Call back Deputy Director Xu and say that the MG34 general-purpose machine gun costs 60 yuan and the Somi submachine gun costs 30 yuan.”
Xie An immediately left to deal with it after taking the order.
After a while, Xie An came over with another telegram to report: “Master, the military has decided to place an order!”
Then Xie An handed the telegram to Su Yun, and Su Yun took the telegram and handed it over to Robert and the others to deal with.

After staying in Lu’an for such a long time, Su Yun was also preparing to leave for Jinling. After packing up, he set off by car and returned to Jinling the next day.
The group traveled all the way to Xiaguan. After Su Yun disembarked in Xiaguan, he saw a group of familiar faces at a glance.
Zhu Jiahua, Chen Mingshu, Xu Deli and others stood in the distance and looked at him with a smile.
Looking up, there are soldiers standing straight around.
Outside the soldier’s cordon, it was even more crowded, with pennants fluttering in the wind.
“What is Ziwen’s virtue and ability, how can I trouble you to come and greet me?”
Su Yun looked at the people who came, and he understood what was going on with a second thought.  …
He stepped forward and looked at the crowd with a smile, a look of shame on his face.
“Hey! Ziwen, what you said is wrong. You have done so much for the country, why should I wait to come?
It’s not just us who came to greet you today, there are also thousands of people! ”
Zhu Jiahua looked at Su Yun and laughed.
“That’s right, you went to Lu’an several times to revitalize the industry, and this time, you stayed in Lu’an for more than a month.
Now Lu’an industry is booming, this is all your credit!”
Chen Mingshu also looked at Su Yun and said with a smile.
“You adults have shown your love, how can this be the credit of Ziwen?”
Su Yun looked at the surrounding people and said loudly: “This is the merit of countless people. It is their hard work day and night in the factory that has brought the flourishing development of today’s Lu’an industry!”
This sentence attracted countless cheers, and Su Yun smiled slightly when he saw this scene.
“Okay! You guys, don’t brag here. Let’s get in the car now!”
At this time, Xu Deli looked at the crowd and smiled.
“Okay! Ziwen has been exhausted all the way, so he should go back to rest first!”
After Zhu Jiahua finished speaking, he took Su Yun and walked out of the pier.
Along the way, the people cheered, and countless people shouted.
Looking at the frenzy in their eyes, Su Yun knew that this was the heart of the people, and this was support!
When he came to the outside of the wharf, Su Yun was stunned when he looked at the convoy outside.
Looking at Xu Deli, he pointed at the two light tanks and said, “Isn’t that necessary?”
“Haha! Why don’t you use it? You deserve it!”
Xu Deli chuckled, Su Yun nodded, he knew what it meant.
This is actually more to express a kind of support for him, the support from the military.
Some time ago, many people thought that Huayin Company would be suppressed.
This is how the military tells others not to think too much, but to think about the consequences.
Even Chen and Qian had to submit to the soft donation in the end, and you can see how much happened secretly during this period.
Along the way, tanks cleared the way, military vehicles escorted, and air force flew over the sky.
After entering Jinling City, Su Yun’s return attracted thousands of people, and countless people chased Su Yun’s footsteps.
It’s just that Su Yun didn’t think too much about these, because he was too tired.
Back at the mansion, Su Yun leaned on the sofa and breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at Xie An and said, “Xie An, go and ask Fang Mingshan, how much did those houses sell for?”
Xie An immediately picked up the phone and dialed it.
The call was quickly connected, Xie An asked a few questions and then hung up.
“Master, the house manager said that after all the Jinying Lake villa and Yangshan Lake courtyard were auctioned, they sold for a total of 15 million.”
Xie An looked at Su Yunhui’s report.
Su Yun nodded when he heard the words, which was similar to what he expected.
“Call Qiantong and ask him to give all the money from selling the house to Abbott to buy various equipment.”
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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