After thinking about it, Su Yun opened the mouth and said, it happens that the establishment of the wind tunnel laboratory and the power engine laboratory requires all kinds of equipment. These are all money, and this money is just used.
The next day, after Su Yun came to the company headquarters, he called Zhao Qingshan.
“Three thousand backbones were dispatched from the construction team at the headquarters of the construction company to Lu’an to assist Robert in building the wind tunnel laboratory and the power engine laboratory.”
Su Yun immediately ordered the wind tunnel laboratory and power engine laboratory to be established immediately. Those skilled workers are obviously better.
“No problem, Mr. Su, I’ll do it right away. 4.2”
Zhao Qingshan took the order to leave and made arrangements immediately.
At this time, the phone on the table rang, and Su Yun picked it up. Dai Yunong’s voice came from inside.
Su Yun asked, “Director Dai, what’s the matter?”
After listening for a while, he hung up the phone.
Sun Li, the manager of the personnel department, was called again.
“How did the people recruited by the company headquarters perform?”
Su Yun looked at him and asked that the recruitment of the company had already been completed, and he knew about it.
It’s just that he had been in Lu’an for more than a month before, and he didn’t know the specific performance of those people.
Sun Li had already guessed that Su Yun would ask, and he brought the documents in advance when he came.
He handed over the documents to Su Yunhouhui and reported: “Many of the recruits are overseas students.
The best performers this month are Lu Jiarong, Qiu Yuncheng, Tian Ao, and Guo Siyi, all of whom have returned from studying in the island country. ”
The protagonist looked at the document and said after a while, “These guys are doing well.”
Then he remembered what Dai Yunong told him just now.
“Observe these people more, and don’t make mistakes.”
Su Yun had a few thoughts in his heart, but didn’t say much.
He didn’t doubt what Dai Yunong said, but he wasn’t sure if it was these four people. From the information, many of the recruits this time studied in island countries, but these four people performed the best during this period.
“No problem, Mr. Su, don’t worry, leave it to me!”
Sun Li took orders to leave, only thinking that Su Yun wanted to promote new people.
At this moment, the phone rang, Su Yun picked it up, and He Jingzhi’s voice came from inside.
“Li F’s troops currently have one division equipped with weapons and equipment from the Lu’an Arsenal.
In a few days, a military exercise will be held in the south of Jinling. In order to test the combat effectiveness of new weapons and equipment, I would like to invite you to watch it together. ”
“No problem, Minister He, Su must be here!”
Su Yun nodded when he heard the words, he was not surprised by this.
They have never seen or even used new weapons, so naturally they need to test their usage.
Chapter 138: The era of firepower is coming!
A few days later, as soon as Su Yun opened the door after breakfast, he saw a group of soldiers in front of them, and behind them were many military vehicles and a black sedan.
Su Yun recalled that today was the time for the exercise, so he got into the military car under the guidance of an officer, and the car drove all the way out of Nancheng.
After getting out of the car, another officer took him to the exercise referee department.
Su Yun saw He Jingzhi not far away at a glance. He estimated that He Jingzhi had been waiting here for a while.It’s time.
When He Jingzhi saw Su Yun, he stepped forward and greeted him.
“Let Minister He wait here for a long time.”
Su Yun had an apologetic expression on his face.
“It’s okay, let’s go!”
He Jingzhi waved his hand and smiled, leading Su Yun to a high place.
At this time, a school-level officer came over with a telescope.
“Mr. Su, please!”
He said and handed Su Yun a telescope.
Su Yun smiled and nodded, took the binoculars and looked down.
Only seeing a plain below, Su Yun glanced at it, and there were two troops on the left and right.
One of them is slightly smaller in terms of the length of the defensive position, but it is equipped with Garand rifles, Somi submachine guns and MG34 general-purpose machine guns. The number of troops is about 10,000 people.
Su Yun glanced at it and guessed that it should be Li F’s troops. It’s just that he doesn’t know exactly how they stipulated this exercise.
Using the binoculars to look at the other unit, the troops were equipped with Hanyang-made and Czech-style light machine guns. Occasionally, one or two heavy machine gun positions could be seen. From the binoculars, Su Yun estimated that it was the Mark Qin heavy machine gun.
He had seen this thing in the Taierzhuang Museum on the other side of Zaozhuang.
At this moment, He Jingzhi’s voice came over.
“Li F’s unit is an infantry division, and the commander of the other unit is Liu Jingfu. His unit is an A-type army. In this exercise, Liu Jingfu is the main attack of the blue army. Li F. Defend for the White Army.”
He Jingzhi said slowly.
Su Yun heard the words and glanced at the armbands of the two training troops. One team had a blue logo and the other a white logo.
Su Yun didn’t say much about their main attack and defense settings.
Before the blitzkrieg of the Germanic army was used on a large scale, the cognition of the current war in all countries in the world was still in the trench warfare of World War I.
A standing division of the little devil has more than 20,000 people, which benefited from the powerful breakthrough ability of the US National University Infantry Division in World War I.
09 So it is not surprising that He Jingzhi and the others set the main attack and defense.
In the final analysis, the national strength is still too weak, and the heavy industry is almost blank, resulting in the military’s combat cognition still staying in the trench warfare of World War I.
If it is a later military academy graduate, facing the firepower advantage of his own side, he will definitely adopt an alternate attack method, changing from defense to main attack.
With a red flare soaring into the air, the exercise officially began.
“Did dick dick tick…”
The resounding charge horn sounded in the blue army, and countless blue army officers and soldiers charged with Hanyang-made rifles under the command of the officers!
Li F stood in the underground bunker headquarters with a high-powered telescope set up in front of him.
Looking at the Blues getting closer and closer to the position, he was not in any hurry.
When he saw that the Blue Army was only 300 meters away from his own position, he immediately shouted: “Pass my order, full firepower! Don’t save ammunition, let me go!”
Li F.’s order was immediately spread to every corner of the position through the messengers.
The fierce firepower suddenly tilted towards the Blues like a flood of open gates.
Especially the MG34 general-purpose machine guns equipped in each infantry squad, the sound like tearing tarpaulin sounded, and countless bullets tilted towards the blue army like a torrential rain.
In the Blue Army’s offensive unit, a second lieutenant commander was lying on the ground, feeling the dense rain of bullets flying over his head, and could not help but spit.
“Bah! When did the bastards of the Second Army have such ferocious firepower?
Lao Tzu never encountered such ferocious firepower in the battle with the little devil in the north. ”
The second lieutenant and the company commander were very resentful. They were all directly affiliated troops, and they were all under the command of the Five Tiger Generals. They were all old acquaintances.
I thought that I had an A-type army on my side, and they were only one division. Wouldn’t it be easy to defeat them? But now it doesn’t seem easy!
“Company commander, the white army’s firepower is too strong, the brothers can’t rush up!”
A platoon leader crawled beside the company commander and said loudly.
“If we can’t rush up, we have to rush. If we lose to the Second Army today, we won’t be laughed at by them in the future? Rush up with me!”
The company commander roared and stood up and was about to charge when more than ten bullets hit him.
Looking at the little white dot in front of him, the company commander’s face was very exciting.
Naturally, it is impossible to use live ammunition in the exercise. They are all blank bullets, which are just a small white spot on the body.
“Captain, you are dead!”
The platoon leader said in a daze when he saw this scene.
“Asshole, I know!”
The company commander scolded and launched the exercise, in a very bad mood.
A division of the Blue Army was suppressed at a distance of 200 meters in front of the White Army’s position. Whoever wanted to charge forward would be greeted by a heavy rain of bullets.
Liu Jingfu watched the battle in the command headquarters behind, and his face became extremely embarrassed.
“Bastard! When did Li F, the bastard’s army have such powerful firepower!”
Liu Jingfu scolded, and then said again: “Pass the order, pass my order, launch a group charge, be sure to rush up and fight them hand-to-hand!”
Hand-to-hand combat is impossible, and it is simply impossible to break through such a ferocious firepower and rush up to carry out hand-to-hand combat with a division’s troops.
As time passed by, under Liu Jingfu’s military order, the Blue Army launched several charges without success.
He Jingzhi was completely shocked when he saw this scene, his mouth opened slightly, and he was speechless.
Less than four hours after the performance began, one infantry division of the Blue Army had already suffered more than half of the casualties.
This has never happened before.
“The first division went up to continue the feint attack, the second and third divisions concentrated their forces and charged in groups, rush up to me and fight the bayonet.”
Liu Jingfu was furious when he saw the casualties in front of him, and let the infantry divisions with more than half of the casualties pretend to attack, and the other divisions rushed up to fight.Blade fight. Defeat the White Army with a numerical superiority.
As for the first division, second division, third division, etc. in his mouth, it is naturally not the number of the unit, but the number of the exercise.
Following Liu Jingfu’s military order, the first division of the Blue Army withdrew from the front line and launched a feint on the other side, while the second and third divisions launched a group charge.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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