They only have one idea now, and that is to rush to the White Army’s position and engage in hand-to-hand combat.
The number advantage of the Blues was lost under the firepower advantage of the MG34 general-purpose machine gun and the Somi submachine gun.
Ferocious fire like a torrential rain hit one Blue Army soldier after another.
One Blue Army soldier kept withdrawing from the exercise, but they were still unable to break through the first 200 meters of the White Army position.
It was as if two hundred meters were an insurmountable moat.
Once they got close to the range of 200 meters, they were greeted by a more dense rain of bullets.
“Rush up at all costs!”
Liu Jinghan saw this scene in the rear headquarters and said angrily.
The soldiers of the Blue Army roared and rushed forward, their momentum soaring into the sky.
The charge at all costs can only cause casualties to rise rapidly, and countless soldiers withdraw from the exercise with every step forward.
In the command center, Li �F watched the blue army soldiers on the front line keep withdrawing from the exercise, and his eyes were calm.
For this result, he had long expected that in Lu’an, his own troops had conducted similar exercises.
Two infantry regiments armed with Hanyang-made, Czech-style light machine guns could not take down an infantry battalion armed with Garand rifles, MG34 general-purpose machine guns, and Somi submachine guns.
Since then, he has known the benefits of ferocious firepower, and he also understands that the old way of fighting with a few shots and rushing up for hand-to-hand combat has become a thing of the past.
During this period of time in Lu’an, he has also been training troops to learn to use firepower to win.
“Military seat, the casualties of the two divisions of the Blue Army are nearly half!”
At this time, a staff officer stood behind Li F. and said loudly.
“Order the troops to launch a counter-charge, and defeat the Blue Army in World War I!”
He and Liu Jingfu belonged to the five tiger generals, and they had a good relationship, and he didn’t want Liu Jingfu to lose too ugly.
Now the white army launched a counter-charge, engaged in melee combat, and saved him a little face.
Otherwise, even if Liu Jingfu comes back with another A-type army, he will not be able to take the position unless his troops run out of ammunition.
“Did dick dick tick…”
The loud charging horn resounded through the plains again, and countless white soldiers jumped out of the trenches and launched a counter-charge against the blue army with Garand rifles!
The Blue Army soldiers were overjoyed when they saw this scene.
The sound of bayonets and guns resounded constantly. When the blue army soldiers thought that the opponent was going to fight hand to hand, a scene that made them dumbfounded appeared.
When the soldiers of the White Army rushed in front of them, they had no intention of fighting them hand-to-hand.
Blank bullets were fired from the gun chambers, hitting the Blue Army soldiers who wanted to fight them head-to-head.
Some White Army soldiers took out a magazine from their waists and loaded it on the Garand rifle from the bottom up.
This is the second feeding method of the Garand rifle, which uses a magazine to feed the ammunition with a capacity of twenty rounds.
In close combat, the magazine can ensure that the soldier can use the bullet to destroy the enemy to the greatest extent.
As time passed, the sunset gradually hung in the sky, and the exercise finally came to an end.
The exercise between the two armies finally ended with the blue army being wiped out and the white army winning a complete victory.
During the entire exercise, fewer than 2,000 Whites withdrew from the exercise due to casualties.
When He Jingzhi saw the results of the exercise, he immediately said: “The entire army must be changed to the configuration of Garand, MG34, and Somi submachine guns.”
After he finished speaking, he looked at Su Yun with a little embarrassment on his face: “Ziwen, can these weapons still be used for IOUs?”
The whole army is very expensive to replace these weapons and equipment, as well as the cost of ammunition.
Although 10 million was given earlier, it was not enough for the entire army to change their outfits, not to mention that there were all kinds of artillery in the back.
“Minister He, I have already said that it is enough to make an IOU.”
Su Yun said with a smile. He made an IOU, didn’t he just let them use it?
In the evening, the two armies held a banquet, and everyone came. At the banquet, all the soldiers were happy, and there was no sense of tension in the previous exercise.
The soldiers of the two armies crossed their shoulders and looked very harmonious. Su Yun and He Jingzhi also came to the dinner party, and the two walked slowly.
Su Yun looked at this scene and felt a little warm, except that there were two people who seemed a little abrupt.
Only to see that Liu Jingfuzheng was chasing after Li Fei to hammer, and the fist of the casserole had been raised.
“Li �F, you are so rude, how will I face my colleagues in the future?”
Liu Jingfu cursed loudly, but Li F did not answer and ran in front of him.
This time, Liu Jingfu was very angry. An A-type army with more than 40,000 people was killed by an infantry division with more than 10,000 people.
The opponent’s casualties were less than 2,000, and those who didn’t know thought that Liu Jingfu was a waste.
Su Yun followed He Jingzhi and felt a little funny when he saw this scene.
The two of them were big people in normal times, but now they are completely different from each other.
“Okay, you all stop!”
He Jingzhi called out to the two of them helplessly.
“It’s not fair. The weapons and equipment of the Second Army are all new, and the firepower is still so fierce. Isn’t this a trick to let him come to the exercise?”
Liu Jingfu said loudly, with a look of indignation, this time it was a shame, and he was used as a background board. Now that I think about it, I want to beat Li F, too much to give him old Liu face.
“My troops are next to the arsenal, and of course the first to change, isn’t this normal? ”
Li F shrugged his shoulders and said casually, he is next to the arsenal, and it’s not too much to change his equipment, right?
“Do you use bullets like this? I only have a few million bullets in an army. Don’t you bully people?”
Liu Jingfu was still talking indignantly, and when he remembered Li F’s troops, he was angry. The bullets seemed to be asking for no money, and they kept hitting without stopping.
“There is no way, my brother’s arsenal now produces more than one million rounds of ammunition a day,
I can’t overdo it, can I? I just fired a few million rounds today. ”
Li �F grabbed Su Yun’s shoulder proudly and said, “Is it a lot of millions?” He felt that it was far from enough, and he felt that it was not enough.
In the past, it was naturally impossible to consume bullets like this, but now it is different.
His troops were stationed in Lu’an and had enough weapons and ammunition.
Liu Jing was furious and glared at Li F. Li F was really arrogant.
“I demand fair treatment, my troops have to dress up and do it all over again.”
Liu Jingfu looked at He Jingzhi, and he was dissatisfied. If he was equipped with the same equipment, he would definitely be able to win against Li F. Li �F won him by relying on new equipment.
“You will also lose if you come again. My brother’s arsenal is now producing 75mm field guns and 105mm howitzers.
When your troops are refitted, our Second Army must have been equipped with 75mm field guns and 105mm howitzers, and you still lose. ”
After listening to it, Li �F said indifferently, that when Liu Jingfu finished changing his equipment, he would be able to update his equipment again, and his army equipment would always be kept up-to-date.
Liu Jingfu’s eyes turned red when he heard it, and 807’s neck was also a little red.
He looked at He Jingzhi and said, “Minister, you are going too far. You want a bowl of water to be level. I am not raised by a stepmother.”
Li F is too arrogant, and the equipment is also very good, when I think of it, my troops are still made of Hanyang.
He felt uncomfortable. Li F’s Second Army was close to Lu’an, and the replacement of weapons and equipment was faster than theirs.
He Jingzhi smiled bitterly when he heard the words, and looked at Su Yun helplessly.
Su Yun looked at Liu Jingfu and said with a smile: “Now the Lu’an Industrial Park is developing rapidly, and now it has entered the first blowout period, and the output of the arsenal is still increasing rapidly. I believe that it will not be long before General Liu’s troops will be able to change to new equipment. .”
For him, these are not problems, let alone Liu Jingfu and Li F, I am afraid that more troops will be equipped with new weapons.
At that time, the combat effectiveness of these troops will be improved by several grades.
And when fighter jets and tanks appear, maybe the future acting will not be as simple as a rifle confrontation.
Liu Jingfu was finally happy after hearing this. Could he be unhappy that his troops could be replaced with new equipment?
“Mr. Su, you are a real person, unlike Li F, who has a lot of hearts and minds. If there is anything in the future, I will tell my brother, and my brother will settle it for you.”
Liu Jingfu said with a smile, he didn’t expect Su Yun to be so refreshing, so naturally he should also be refreshing.
“Thank you General for your kindness.”
Su Yun said with a smile.
Hearing this, Liu Jingfu looked at Li F with pride, and raised his eyebrows. He is also a well-equipped person now.
Li F shrugged and said indifferently: “Next time I will practice again, and I will beat you to the ground.”
Anyway, he doesn’t care, no matter how Liu Jingfu changes, he feels that his troops are stronger than Liu Jingfu’s troops.
At that time, he still beat Liu Jingfu’s troops to the ground.
Afterwards, Su Yun and He Jingzhi walked around to see the surrounding scene.
He Jingzhi looked forward and asked, “Ziwen, have you had any difficulties recently? I can help you solve it.”
“There is oil underground in Nanyang, and machinery and equipment are being transported. I am afraid that someone will conspire.”
Su Yun said slowly, he was not worried about anything else. The industrial park was heavily guarded, but it was only in the Lu’an Industrial Park.
He didn’t worry too much about industrial parks before, but since knowing that the little devil is curious about these industrial parks, he has a sense of crisis in his heart.
Many of his plans have not been implemented yet. For example, the security company’s armed security guards are still recruiting people and have not been trained.
The safety of the industrial park can only be helped by the military now.
These machines and equipment are still very important. If those people destroy these machines and equipment, it will be troublesome.
“Don’t worry! Liu Jingfu’s five armies will be stationed in Henan after the performance. At that time, let him send a division of troops to protect the industrial zone.”
He Jingzhi said with a smile, this matter is not difficult.
Su Yun felt a lot of joy in his heart when he heard the words. With the protection of a division’s troops, even those who were ruthless would not dare to take action. Those were all regular troops, so he felt relieved.
“Will those wounded soldiers of the previous ninth division enter Huayin Company after their injuries are healed?”
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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