Suddenly He Jingzhi looked at Su Yun and asked.
Su Yun nodded and said, “Yes!”
In my heart, I was a little curious why He Jingzhi suddenly mentioned this matter. Could it be that He Jingzhi has some arrangements? There was speculation in his mind.
Chapter 139: The Problem of Eight Thousand People
He Jingzhi looked at Su Yun with some embarrassment and said, “There were a lot of wounded soldiers in the northern war before, but now they’re almost healed.
The military has placed some people, but there are still more than 8,000 people who cannot be placed. Ziwen, do you think you can arrange positions for them? ”
He Jingzhi is really embarrassed.
After all, there were too many people this time, and there were 8,000 people.
But he really had no way to ask Su Yun, in fact, they were not placed before.It’s just that after Huayin Company took over the wounded soldiers of the Ninth Division, the military could not do nothing at all, and placed some usable ones.
The rest he had no choice but to ask Su Yun.
“Yes, but I still need to think about the specifics.”
Su Yun said sternly, the arrangement is naturally no problem.
It may not be so easy to let him place more than 8,000 people at once.
“Ziwen, you really helped me a lot.”
He Jingzhi breathed a sigh of relief and said gratefully.
If there is no Su Yun, he is really difficult to arrange these 8,000 people.
After the dinner tonight, Su Yun and He Jingzhi returned to the mansion after parting.
He was lost in thought while sitting on a chair in the hall. Eight thousand wounded soldiers could not be accommodated.
According to his knowledge, these people are left with disabilities.
Otherwise, He Jingzhi wouldn’t be so embarrassed.
“Not very good placement!”
Su Yun thought for a while, it was indeed a problem.
Huayin Security Company can’t even have so many instructors.
At the same time, the scale of 8,000 instructors is quite large.
Instructors and security guards are not the same.
But he was not in a hurry, and he would think about it slowly when the time came.
The next day, I came to the company headquarters.
When he came to the office, he saw one more person in his office.
To be precise, there is one more woman.
The woman was sorting documents in her office with her back to him.
Su Yun was puzzled.
He didn’t come back for a few days, and the company has changed?
“Who are you? Why are you in my office?”
Su Yun looked at the woman’s back and said lightly.
However, when the woman turned around, his face suddenly became stunned.
Isn’t this Gao Lin’s sister Gao Lin?
Su Yun had a stunned expression on her face, looked at her and asked, “Why are you in my office?”
He was a little confused and couldn’t figure it out.
The crown jewel of Gao Fu is in his office.
Then help him clean up like an employee.
How can you think this picture violates!
“I applied for the position of secretary to the chairman of Huayin Company,
It’s been a while since I joined the company. I had something to do at home a few days ago, so I asked for leave to go back.
I just came back to work in the company yesterday, but Mr. Su, you were picked up by the military.
So we never met. ”
Gao Lin said with a smile, not forgetting to pack the documents on the desk in her hand.
Su Yun looked at Gao Lin with a strange expression.
Does Gao Lin, a rich girl, need to go to work? Is Gaofu still short of money?
“Aren’t you short of money?”
Su Yun looked at Gao Lin and asked with a strange expression.
Gao Chong took her to buy a villa before, and he bought a house with a price of more than 100,000 yuan.
“I have nothing to do when I come back from studying abroad, so I wanted to find something to do.”
Gao Lin turned to look at Su Yun and smiled.
Seeing this, Su Yun nodded and didn’t say much. When he left Jinling earlier, Ding Yan was saying that his work was getting busier and he was a little too busy.
At that time, Su Yun asked Sun Li to recruit him a capable secretary, and Ding Yan set up an assistant department.
Now the company has a lot of industries, and things are getting busy.
Sit in the boss chair and pick up the phone.
“Qian Tong, come to my office with the general ledger.”
Su Yun called Qian Tong and ordered to go on, then hung up the phone.
After a while, the door of the office was knocked, and Qian Tong walked in with the general ledger.
“What was Huayin’s net profit last month?”
Su Yun looked at Qian Tong and asked, thinking that another month has passed so quickly.
Now the company has a lot of accounts. To ask them one by one, he will be exhausted, so he can simply ask Qiantong’s net profit directly.
There is no need to worry about Qian Tong and Zhao Lin, because they were assigned to him by the system, and no one else would listen to them except himself.
“After deducting the salaries and benefits of all workers, including talents recruited from abroad,
In addition to the profit of the restaurant and the profit shared by Boss Zhou, the total profit is about 18 million~¨. ”
Qian Tong opened the general ledger report.
“There are seven or eight million in the restaurant, and the remaining ten million should be the profits of light industry.”
Su Yun made an estimate in his heart, and couldn’t help sighing when he came to the conclusion.
Light industry deserves to be the representative of the economy, and the money is really fast.
No wonder those businessmen do light industry at all costs.
Under such a large expenditure of Huayin Company, there is still a surplus of tens of millions.
But he also knew there was a reason for such a big profit.
Among them is the expansion of the factory and the reason for the crazy increase in production capacity.
After he left Jinling, Zhao Lin approved the following plant expansion requests.
As soon as these factories are expanded, productivity rises.
The reason why Huayin Company has not been able to dominate the share of industrial products in the entire Jiangnan region now is that it cannot be sold.
But the factory’s production capacity is so much, which is an important reason for restricting the rapid development.
“Mr. Su, the next expenditure will be huge. Hubei has recruited 150,000 employees to run the farm.
There are more than 100,000 employees in the high farms in the Lianghuai and Nanyang basins, and then there are farms in Chengdu that need to recruit people.
In a few days, the official staff of Huayin Company will probably exceed 600,000.
In addition, to build a factory in Nanyang, people will also be needed. By then, the number of employees is likely to exceed 800,000. ”
Qian Tong closed the general ledger and continued reporting.
“Okay, I see, you go to work first.”
Su Yun waved his hand and said casually, he didn’t care about it.
He doesn’t care about any expenses, he doesn’t need to save money if he can spend it.
As for the 800,000 employees, he felt a little less.
In the future, the scale of Huayin Company will become larger and larger, and 800,000 employees will not be enough.
Qian Tong heard the words and left the office with the general ledger.
After thinking about it, Su Yun said to Ding Yan, “Go and call Zhou Xu to the office for me.”
When Ding Yan was about to leave, Gao Lin stood up.
“I’ll just go!”
Gao Linqingsaid.
Su Yun nodded when he heard the words, but he did not object.
After a while, Gao Lin brought Zhou Xu to the office.
After Zhou Xu came in, he stood in front of Su Yun.
“Zhou Xu, the affairs of Nanyang Industrial Park will be handed over to you from now on. You need to rush over as soon as possible.”
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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