Just then there was a knock on the office door.
“Come in!”
Su Yun put down the document in his hand and looked up at the doorway.
I only saw Dong Cheng and Wang Qing walk into the office in a hurry, their eye circles were darkened, and the whole person seemed to be in a bad state of mind.
“Mr. Su, we are back!”
Dong Cheng and Wang Qing looked at Su Yun and said that they had just returned from Hubei.
“Thanks for your hard work!”
Su Yun heard the words and nodded.
“How about the recruitment of victims in the disaster area?”
Su Yun moved the pen in his hand and asked.
“It is being recruited, and many new employees have been recruited, and the staff dormitory is also under construction.”
Dong Cheng looked at Su Yun and said.
Su Yun nodded after hearing this.
“How is the farm in Hubei?”
Su Yun looked at Wang Qing and asked.
“There are also a few farms in Hubei, but things are too busy right now.”
Wang Qing said helplessly, that the farms in Hubei would not have been in such a hurry to recruit employees.
But now that we have caught up with the flood, in order to help some of the victims settle down, we can only recruit employees to set up farms in a hurry.
It’s just that the consequence of doing this is that everything is piled up.
After Su Yun thought for a while, he looked at Dong Cheng and said, “You can help Wang Qing with the things on the farm. Now the company has no extra staff.”
“Mr. Su, it’s not because I don’t want to help, it’s because I really don’t know much about the farm!”
Dong Cheng shook his head slightly. He didn’t understand much about the farm, and he had never set foot in it before.
After hearing this, Su Yun thought for a moment and looked at Wang Qing and said, “Wang Qing, is there a farm over there in Meishan?”
“Yes, President Su!”
Wang Qing replied immediately.
“Okay, you two pack up, we’ll set off for Meishan immediately!”
It doesn’t matter if the farm does not understand, this thing is not a high-tech job, just look at it and you will understand.
After the three got in the car, they rushed in the direction of Meishan.
The car was driving slowly, Su Yun looked at the muddy ground outside the car window. The road had changed to what it is now because of the rain two days ago.
On such a road, the car can’t go fast at all.
Moreover, there are many detours on the road to Meishan, and vehicles must be very careful.
There are also some roads with a lot of standing water, and the whole car will be stuck in mud if you drive fast.
These are still trivial matters. After sticking it on, it is nothing more than a car wash. In some places, the water accumulation is very deep, and the car sinks into a third when it goes off, and the engine is turned off.
“Jinling 810, the roads in the south of the Yangtze River are not bad, at least it is a gravel road, and the other side of Hubei is full of dirt roads.
After the flood, the road was difficult to walk, and the trucks were there, and could only run two or three kilometers an hour. ”
When Dong Cheng saw Su Yun frowning, he understood that he was annoying for this bad road, and immediately explained it with a little helplessness on his face.
They can’t do anything about it, and they can only overcome difficulties when they deliver the supplies, crawling little by little.
After listening to Su Yun, he remembered that the infrastructure in this era was a mess.
The roads in various places have not been built. In his eyes, the gravel road is not very good, but it is actually very good.
Many other places are serious dirt roads, and in the summer there is a lot of rain, and a car like him can’t compare to a human on the road.
Thinking of this, Su Yun pondered in his heart, the infrastructure is not good., then you can burn money into infrastructure.
Think about the road from Lu’an to Pukou, which costs more than three million yuan.
From Lu’an to Nanyang, the distance is only four or five hundred kilometers. Because there are many rivers, bridges need to be erected, and the money needed is tens of millions.
In the future, he will build so many farms, farms, schools, etc. all over the country. He will have no problem building some roads, right?
Maybe also participate in the construction of railways and so on.
This is also a good way to burn money, and you can build infrastructure later.
When Su Yun thought of this, there was a smile on his face, and these dirt roads didn’t look so uncomfortable anymore.
The car came to the farm slowly. After Su Yun and others got out of the car, they walked into the farm.
This Meishan farm has a very large number of livestock. It is currently the largest farm under Huayin Company. At a glance, Su Yun can see a lot of houses.
“Mr. Su, this way please!”
Wang Qing smiled and led the way.
Then the three entered the farm. As soon as they entered, Dong Cheng heard the sounds of many livestock.
All kinds of chickens and ducks croaked incessantly, and Dong Cheng looked at the surrounding sheds with some curiosity.
“If you want to build a farm, you must first choose a larger plain.”
Wang Qing said with a smile, just like the breeding farm in Meishan, this piece of land has about 2,000 mu, and there is no head at all when looking around.
Dong Cheng nodded in understanding, he glanced at this farm and didn’t know how many houses were built.
In such a big place, he had to do a good job of inspection, and he also had to consider transportation. After all, these roads in Hubei were also troublesome to transport.
“Address, Shipping!”
Dong Cheng wrote it down silently in his heart, and then the group came to the first shed.
“Quack quack!”
Before entering, he already heard the sound of ducks. Su Yun had seen such a scene in the farm in Lu’an before.
On the other hand, Dong Cheng entered the shed a little curiously, only to see a pile of duck feathers rushing towards his face, and many ducks flew directly.
“Bah bah bah!”
Dong Cheng had hair on his mouth, and he looked helpless.
Wang Qing said with a smile on his face: “The species of livestock in a farm can’t be too single, like we generally raise chickens, ducks, geese, and pigs, but Meishan’s farm is the largest and most comprehensive. There are also cattle, sheep and other livestock.”
Wang Qing was talking while walking. Dong Cheng saw one breeding shed after another. There were chickens, ducks, and geese in it. The geese were the most ferocious.
Seeing this, Dong Cheng also had a certain understanding in his heart, and recorded all what Wang Qing said.
He directly took out the notebook and started recording, and the group recorded as they walked.
At this time, a farm worker came over with buckets of swill, and Dong Cheng quickly followed.
These workers take swill to feed the pigs. The pigs here grow slower than the pigs in Lu’an, but they are also white and fat, and they are not as lively and lazy as those in Lu’an.
“In terms of food, these pigs need to collect swill. We usually collect swill in nearby cities or rural homes.”
Wang Qing went on to say, explaining what feeding needs to be used.
Whether it is the bran eaten by chickens and ducks or the swill eaten by live pigs, Dong Cheng has also been popularized.
Dong Cheng took a small notebook and quickly recorded it.
Su Yun looked at the two and nodded.
Then the three continued to walk forward. Dong Cheng saw five or six chicken coops, as well as duck coops and pig coops.
There are actually more than one of these, and they are full of livestock.
“How many of these animals do I need to buy?”
Dong Cheng looked at Wang Qing and asked, there’s probably more than a few thousand here, right?
“Chickens and ducks grow fast and demand is great, so it’s best to buy more, tens of thousands of each would be better.
For geese, it is good to be less than 10,000 to 20,000. As for live pigs, it is about 15,000. For breeding pigs, it is only 1,000 to 2,000!
In this way, the entire farm can be recirculated and the cost can be reduced. It’s just that these livestock are difficult to collect.
Our Meishan farm, I bought it for more than a month before and after, and traveled everywhere to collect these. ”
Wang Qing said after thinking about it.
When Dong Cheng heard the words, he immediately recorded it.
After Su Yun and the others walked around the farm at will, Su Yun glanced at the time and it was almost time, and they were about to leave the farm.
“Dong Cheng, if the farm is handed over to you, are you confident?”
Su Yun smiled and said to Dong Cheng.
“It should be fine, Mr. Su!”
Dong Cheng pursed his lips and said, he is naturally confident and can try.
Su Yun heard the words and nodded.
The three then left the farm.
The group came out of the farm and returned to Jinling by car.
As soon as Su Yun returned to the office, the phone on the desk rang.
“Mr. Su, I’m Zhan Ming. Those students keep asking why they want to postpone graduation? I hope you can deal with it.”
Zhan Ming’s voice came from the other end of the phone, and his voice was somewhat helpless.
Now in the school city management committee, he needs to face a lot of inquiries from students every day.
He has tried his best to hold back, but this is not a solution.
If you can solve it yourself, you won’t find Su Yun here.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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