“You gathered all the college students on the biggest inner playground, and I’ll be right there!”
Su Yun heard the words and said slowly, These things have to be resolved sooner or later, so he took advantage of today to finalize the matter. He felt that it was also time to resolve this matter.
“Okay, Mr. Su, I’ll do it right away!”
Zhan Ming said immediately, with a sigh of relief, if Su Yun didn’t come again, he really couldn’t stand it anymore.
After Su Yun hung up the phone, he left the company headquarters with Gao Lin, got in the car and headed towards the school town.
After another period of time, Su Yun and his party came to the school city, and some students in the school city were rushing towards the inner playground.
Su Yun saw at a glance that most of these students were in their early twenties, and their faces were anxious.
When he came to the inner playground, he looked around and saw a lot of people, all of them college students.
Su Yun stepped onto the stage on the inner playground. When all the students saw Su Yun, their hearts tensed. This one is the real principal of the school town.
“Students, I know what you are here for today,
There may be anger in your heart, or there is confusion in your heart, here I would like to say sorry to you from the bottom of my heart,
I don’t want it either, but now there is a shortage of educational resources, and I have built schools in many places, those children need more teachers,
So I made a presumptive suggestion to keep you guys. If you want, you can go to support teaching for one to two years first. After the teaching is over, you can come to work in Huayin Company.
I will arrange jobs for both of you, aren’t you going out now to find a good job? I can guarantee that no one in the whole country can offer a higher salary than Huayin Company. ”
Su Yun said loudly, and he glanced at the students in the audience.
Now he has the idea of ​​building school towns all over the country. There are so many schools that need a huge number of teachers.
Especially in physics and biology, recruiting from abroad?
Do not! This is not realistic! It’s not a question of money, it’s a question of translation!
Teachers recruited abroad, for a period of time, you have to provide them with a translator, and no one can understand them if they are not equipped with a translator!
This is a big problem. The only way Su Yun can think of now is only one point.
That is to let these students who are about to graduate this year to volunteer to teach, or even to say that in the next three years, these college students who are about to graduate will go to volunteer teaching.
Su Yun didn’t know if this could alleviate the current shortage of teachers, but he knew that this was the only way to do it.
After hearing Su Yun’s words, these students had different expressions on their faces, but it could be seen that they were a little hesitant in their hearts.
They know about the benefits of Huayin Company, and they all need to find jobs.
At this time, a student stood up and looked at Su Yun and said, “Principal, I hesitated just now, but when you think about your investment in education, you have hired international famous teachers for our college students.
I am also a Chinese. You are willing to go bankrupt to set up education, but now you just let me go to teach so that more children can be educated. I have no reason to refuse, so I promise you that I will go to teach after graduation! ”
As the student’s voice fell, others raised their voices to volunteer to teach.
And those students who are not seniors also stood up and shouted, and they are willing to go to teach after graduation.
“In this way, on behalf of the many students who have not yet enrolled, but are about to enroll, I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to you.”
Su Yun breathed a sigh of relief, these students are willing to volunteer, which is a good thing for him.
His education investments can go ahead.
At this time, there was warm applause in the playground.
These students all agreed to go to other schools to teach for two years, and the matter was settled.
Su Yun was about to leave when Zhan Ming followed.
After the group left the playground, Su Yun looked at Zhan Ming and asked, “What’s the matter?”
“Many students in elementary school cram schools, junior high school cram schools, and high school cram schools are saying that their families are not letting them go to school because they lack labor at home.”
Zhan Ming said slowly, he was also having a headache in this matter.
In fact, both Zhan Ming and Su Yun knew the exact reason for this.
In this era of economic poverty and backwardness, a child in a common people’s family is a labor force when they reach the age of twelve.
At the age of fourteen or five, they will start to become one of the main laborers of the family.
Zhan Ming looked at Su Yun with some embarrassment and asked, “Mr. Su, how should we deal with this?”
He had no choice but to turn to Su Yun for help.
“Tell those families that if they don’t send their children to school now, pay the IOU money immediately.
If you keep your child in school, you can wait until after your child graduates. ”
Hearing this, Su Yun said with a serious look on his face, these families would not be able to change this concept without coercion.
He has seen too many, even in compulsory education, such a situation has occurred, like those teenagers who came out to work before finishing junior high school, isn’t that the case?
He remembered that when he was in junior high school, he watched a parent pull his child out with his own eyes.
The student was holding simple daily necessities such as buckets and mats.
The teacher tried to persuade him, but the parent’s attitude was very firm, and he didn’t listen to anything.
“There is no money for him to go to school at home, so let him go to work!”
The most common thing that parent said during the period was that the family had no money, and the family couldn’t open the pot.
At that time, Su Yun was only in the third year of junior high, and he watched the student pass by in front of him with his own eyes.
In the end, it seemed that he disappeared, and he was never seen in the school again.
Since it is difficult to change the concept, he uses coercive means.
After Su Yungang finished speaking, he was stunned for a moment, looked at Zhan Ming and asked, “Does the school have military training?”
How can schools not have military training?And when he thought of military training, he immediately had an idea in his mind.
Zhan Ming was stunned when he heard the words, and there was doubt on his face.
Su Yun ignored Zhan Ming and hurriedly left the school town and drove straight to the headquarters.
He couldn’t delay for a moment, he had to write this plan quickly.
Soon the sedan returned to the company headquarters, and Su Yun went directly back to the office to start writing documents.
He already had a complete plan in his mind, and the more Su Yun wrote, the stronger the smile on his face.
It was not until about five o’clock in the afternoon that Gao Lin stepped forward and reminded, “Mr. Su, it’s time to go to the dinner party in Huo’s house.”
Hearing that, Su Yun looked at the time, nodded, put the document he just wrote, got up and took Gao Lin to Huo Mansion.
Chapter 141: A different dinner party, a different nature
After Su Yun entered Huo’s house, he found that the people who came in and out were young people.
They were talking eloquently with wine glasses in their hands, and their faces were a little red.
These young people made the whole Huo Mansion seem noisy.
Su Yun frowned slightly and glanced at these people, they looked like a dandy.
“Mr. Su, Master has a request in the study.-”
At this moment, a housekeeper of Huo’s house came to Su Yun and said with a smile.
Su Yun nodded after hearing the words and followed the housekeeper to the study.
During this period, these young people looked over and occasionally glanced at Gao Lin who was following Su Yun. When they saw her, their eyes lit up.
Then Su Yun pulled to Huo’s study room.
“In my later life, Wen has seen Mr. Huo!”
Su Yun saw Mr. Huo stepping forward and saluting.
“Come in and sit, Ziwen!”
Huo Lao waved his hand and motioned for Su Yun to come in.
Su Yun then sat in front of Mr. Huo.
“It’s really hard for the grandson to invite Ziwen to come to tonight’s dinner party!”
Huo Lao looked at Su Yun and smiled helplessly.
Su Yun shook his head and said, “If it’s this kind of dinner, the younger generation doesn’t want to participate, it’s a bit of a waste of time.”
These young people can only say that they are not in harmony with his aura. These people have a playful atmosphere, and they know at a glance that they have been spoiled since childhood and are not the same as him.
Huo Lao heard the words and smiled bitterly: “Ziwen, go to the dinner first!”
Su Yun glanced at Lao Huo’s expression, knowing that he was also in a dilemma, and finally took Gao Lin to a random booth in the hall and sat down.
After watching it in the hall for a while, these young people were still doing boxing, dancing, etc. The music was played very loudly, which made him feel a burst of noise, as if he had come to a place of feasting and feasting.
He really couldn’t like the atmosphere like this, he gestured to Gao Lin, stood up and turned to leave.
At this moment, a young man came over with a smell of alcohol and stopped him at once.
“Did Mr. Su just come and leave?”
The young man looked at Su Yun and asked, and his eyes occasionally glanced at Gao Lin beside Su Yun.
“Who are you?”
Su Yun frowned slightly and asked softly, the young man was a little strange, and suddenly came out and blocked his way.
“My name is Howen.”
The young man introduced himself, with a smug expression on his face, today is the game he set up.
“I don’t like scenes like this, go ahead!”
Su Yun said lightly when he heard the words, he had already guessed the identity of the young man in front of him, the grandson who gave Huo Lao a headache.
But it has nothing to do with him, and he has no plans to have deep friendship with these people.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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