“Everyone here tonight is young and talented from Jinling City. Don’t Mr. Su want to associate with us at all?”
Huo Wen opened his hands and said loudly. He thought Su Yun was too boring.
After a good dinner, he invited Su Yun to let everyone know each other, but Su Yun actually left early.
The others were also attracted by the movements of the two of them. Countless people stopped and looked at Su Yun and sized him up.
Su Yun glanced at the people in the hall, his face became colder and said: “You are self-proclaimed young talents in Jinling City, do you know what you are doing?”
These people call themselves young and talented all day long, but they do the same things as the second generation of the rich and the nouveau riche. Are these people worthy of the words young and talented?
“I remembered a poem, the businesswoman does not know the hatred of the country, but she still sings the flowers of the backyard across the river. Now the country is in crisis,
You don’t want to serve the motherland, but you are here to hold a dinner party under the pretentious name. ”
Su Yun said coldly, he didn’t bother to associate with these people.
If it wasn’t for Huo Lao’s face, he would have even left when he entered the door in the face of such a smoky dinner party.
Hearing Su Yun’s words, these arrogant young people were very dissatisfied, and some people came out and scolded: “It’s so righteous and awe-inspiring, isn’t it a fake!”
As soon as he finished speaking, the man was slapped on the face.
Huo Ying, who was wearing a dress, hung her hands in the air with a frosty expression on her face.
“Get out!”
Huo Ying said coldly.
Su Yun didn’t pay attention to this, but raised his hand and pointed at the crowd in the hall and said angrily: “In the war in the north, countless passionate young people went to the front line to fight with blood.
To defend the motherland, protect the people of one side, and sacrificed your young lives, some of you are older than them.
What are you doing? You are here to enjoy yourself, not to make progress, to join forces with you, it is my shame! ”
He didn’t know these dudes, so there was no need to talk about them.
But it’s just that these dudes don’t want to make progress, and even think that everyone thinks the same as them, which makes him feel sad and angry.Just after Su Yun finished scolding, he pointed at Huo Ying and said, “As a college student, you are not in school now, what are you doing here?”
Huo Ying was said to be at a loss, and bowed her head a little aggrieved.
Su Yun ignored them, turned around and strode out of the hall, his face was frosty.
Seeing this, Huo Ying quickly followed, and the three of them left the hall together.
“Mr. Su!”
Huo Ying looked at Su Yun as if she hadn’t seen her, and she said anxiously, “Mr. Su, please stay.”
“Is there a problem?”
Su Yun looked at her and said coldly. When he saw these people here, he remembered the wounded soldiers he saw in the hospital in the past.
Those wounded soldiers are all protecting this homeland with their lives, and some of them even have no arms or legs.
These wounded soldiers can no longer return to the army. If it wasn’t for him and he was still able to arrange work for them, how miserable would the rest of their lives be?
He thought that these children of wealthy families should know how to serve the motherland when they grew up, but what happened?
However, he saw this scene, the homes that these soldiers guarded with all their might have become a place for these people to spend their days drinking and drinking.
He didn’t have much affection for these playboys, and he didn’t want to bother about these things anymore.
Huo Ying lowered her head and said.
Hearing that, Su Yun didn’t speak, turned around and left, ignoring Huo Ying.
When Gao Lin was leaving, she took a deep look at Huo Ying, then quickly followed Su Yun’s pace and left Huo’s house.
Inside the Hall of Huo Mansion.
All the young people had angry expressions on their faces.
“Who is this? What a disappointment!”
One of the young men said coldly.
“That’s right, this guy is really boring.”
Another young man said solemnly.
Huo Wen also frowned. He had a very bad impression of Su Yun. He didn’t expect Su Yun to be such a person.
He kindly invited Su Yun to come to make them get closer to these young people, but the result was good, it was a bad atmosphere.
At this moment, Huo Lao came out.
Huo Wen hurriedly stepped forward and saluted: “Grandpa, Su Yun is too arrogant, and it is useless to demote us all!”
Huo Wen said with some grievances on his face.
He wanted to show that Su Yun’s departure had nothing to do with him, and he already wanted to try his best to get close to Su Yun. Everything is Su Yun’s problem.
Huo Lao gave Huo Wen a slap in the face.
Huo Wen was stunned by the beating. He covered his face with his hands and looked dazed. He didn’t expect his grandfather to hit him.
“I will send you to Huayin School City to study in the second half of the year. If you dare to do these complicated things, get out of Huo’s house.”
Huo Lao said coldly.
The young people in the hall were silent, not daring to say a word.

The next day, Su Yun had just had breakfast at the mansion and was about to go to the company headquarters when Xie An trotted in with a telegram.
He handed the telegram to Su Yunhouhui to report: “Master, Diao Li sent a telegram saying that the Hangzhou school has been built ahead of schedule.”
Hearing this, Su Yun nodded, took the telegram and glanced at it. The school in Hangzhou has been under construction for some time, and it is not too long to calculate at this time.
Then he came to the company headquarters by car, and after returning to the office, he picked up the phone on the desk.
“Zhao Lin, come to my office.”
Su Yun directly called Zhao Lin and instructed him to continue, and then hung up the phone, he already had an idea in his mind.
After a while, the door of the office was knocked, and Zhao Lin walked in and stood in front of Su Yun.
“Go to register Huayin Culture and Education Company.”
Su Yun looked at Zhao Lin and said that with the establishment of schools in other places one after another, there must be someone to manage school-related matters.
Zhao Lin took the order and left quickly to deal with it.
Su Yun picked up the phone again and dialed the school town.
“Zhan Ming, come to the company headquarters right now.”
Su Yun called Zhan Ming directly, he still needed to use Zhan Ming for one more thing.
After finishing speaking, Su Yun directly hung up the phone.
After a while, the door of the office was knocked, and Zhan Ming walked in.
“Zhan Ming, do you know why I called you here this time?”
Su Yun raised his head to look at Zhan Ming, and put his hands on the desk.
Hearing this, Zhan Ming shook his head.
“Now I’m officially promoting you as the general manager of Huayin Culture and Education Company, do you have the confidence to manage it well?”
Su Yun looked at Zhan Ming and said loudly, Zhan Ming’s ability is beyond doubt, otherwise he would not have promoted him to the position of general manager.
“No problem, Mr. Su, don’t worry, leave it to me!”
Hearing this, Zhan Ming said excitedly, with a look of excitement on his face, he finally became the general manager of the subsidiary, it felt like he was living in a dream.
“And the headquarters of Huayin Culture and Education Company is located in the school town.”
Su Yun said with a smile, after thinking about it, he finally decided to put Huayin Culture and Education Company in the school town.
The school town has a special meaning, and it also has a management committee, which is equivalent to the predecessor of Huayin Culture and Education Company.
Everything is fine.
“Good job!”
After finishing speaking, Su Yun said with a smile that he still has confidence in Zhan Ming, and I have to say that Zhan Ming’s talent in school management is very high.
…….. 0
Zhan Ming nodded heavily.
After Zhan Ming left, Su Yun continued to write documents.
At noon, there was a knock on the door of the office.
“President Su, Commander Li is visiting!”
Ding Yan knocked on the door and reported.
Su Yun’s face was a little curious when he heard that, why did Li F came to him suddenly?
But he didn’t think too much and said directly: “Please come in, Commander Li!”
Then he stood up and greeted him.
“What’s the matter with Commander Li, just send a telegram to Su Mou!”Su Yun smiled and looked at Commander Li and said politely, he knew that it must be unusual for Li F to come in person. I have already started to guess.
“Ziwen, this time my brother came to see you for something!”
Li F said with a smile, and patted Su Yun on the shoulder.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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