Su Yun was a little curious when he heard the words. Could it be that he needed to settle the wounded soldiers?
“At present, the wounded soldiers have almost recovered, and the wounded soldiers from the north also arrived in Jinling last night.
Tonight we will be holding a retirement dinner at the hospital, which is organized by the military for them, so I would like to invite Ziwen to join you. ”
Li F said softly, each of these wounded soldiers used to be heroes who defended their families and the country and fought bloody battles. Now even if they can no longer go to the battlefield, they still want to prepare a retirement dinner for them beautifully.
Let these wounded soldiers still be beautiful even if they miss the battlefield. You must know that these are his soldiers, soldiers worthy of his pride.
“Su is disrespectful, but Commander Li is serious. What kind of help is this? It is an honor for Su to go.”
Su Yun said with a smile, the retirement dinner is much more meaningful than the dinner party held by those dandies.
It was an honor for him to be a part of it, to send these wounded soldiers off in this way and to welcome them into a new life.
How could this count as asking him for help?
“Ha ha ha ha!”
Li �F glanced at Su Yun, and the two looked at each other and laughed.

The dinner began. Wooden tables were placed under the hospital. The hospital canteen staff kept bringing plates of dishes to the table, but the soldiers did not sit well.
A group of people who lack fingers and toes hold wine bottles and talk about meat together.
Those with fewer fingers and toes will be despised by others, and those without palms and soles are considered qualified.
Those who lack arms and calves are heroes.
Until the two lost their legs, with meat in their mouths, and were pushed in front of everyone in a wheelchair, the surroundings immediately became quiet, and everyone respected them as their bosses in unison.
Life and death on the battlefield are ordinary things, and it is really not worth mentioning the flesh on the body, compared to those comrades who died on the battlefield.
At least these people will have jobs in the future, and they can still drink and eat meat now, so what else can they be dissatisfied with? thousand.
Chapter 142: School-wide military training plan
Su Yun and Li Ming were walking in the crowd, watching the injured people talk eloquently, Su Yun couldn’t help feeling emotional.
When he came to the crowd, he coughed twice, and everyone looked at Su Yun.
After glancing at everyone, he said loudly: “Your future work has been arranged,
Those who cannot walk should first learn cultural knowledge, learn hyphenation, and then sit in the office to manage documents.
Those who can walk and shoot, some people enter Huayin Security Company and become the instructors inside.
Responsible for training security guards in combat skills and the use of firearms. The rest entered Huayin Culture and Education Company as teachers. ”
All the wounded soldiers were stunned after hearing this, and they looked at each other a little at a loss.
At this moment, a hand stretched out and pulled Su Yun, Su Yun looked over and found a familiar face.
It was actually Wang Hanchun, who was appointed by him as the general manager of Huayin Security Company.
Wang Hanchun scratched his head and said with a smile, “We are all old and rude, isn’t it wrong to act as a teacher?”
Su Yun said with a smile: “From the beginning of the semester, Huayin School City will add a course called self-defense training course. Their responsibility is to teach students how to fight and other skills.”
“Ha ha ha ha!”
Everyone burst into laughter when they heard it.
Isn’t that what they want?
Some wounded soldiers shouted: “I haven’t been to school since I was born, and I can’t say that I can read and hyphenate.
But when it comes to fighting, one hand can knock over those students, and it is not enough to teach them. ”
“When I think of teaching, my head hurts, but if I want to teach fighting, I can teach for three days and three nights without stopping,
I’m afraid that those students can’t bear it! ”
Some of the wounded soldiers laughed.
Looking at them, Su Yun smiled.
The next morning, Su Yun came to the office early. He picked up the phone on the “810” desk in the office and called He Jingzhi.
“Minister He, Su now needs weapons from the troops.”
After getting on the phone, Su Yun explained his purpose.
He naturally has his own ideas for doing this, and the weapons that these troops have replaced can just be used on it.
“no problem!”
He Jingzhi said with a smile, he did not ask Su Yun what to do with these weapons.
After Su Yun hung up the phone, he continued to write the document. The previous plan for the military training was a little bit worse. After writing for a while, he finally finished writing it.
“Call Zhan Ming and ask him to come to the company headquarters.”
Su Yun looked at Gao Lin and said that this document needs to be implemented by the person in charge of the school town, Zhan Ming.
“Okay, Mr. Su!”
Gao Lin called Zhan Ming immediately after hearing the words.
An hour later, there was a knock on the office door.
“Come in!”
Su Yun said lightly.
Zhan Ming hurried in and stood in front of Su Yun.
“Mr. Su, is there anything I need to do?”
Zhan Ming looked at Su Yundao, and he murmured in his heart that there must be something important to announce for him to rush here so early.
Su Yun picked up the documents on the desk and handed them to him, and then slowly said, “All schools under Huayin Culture and Education Company.
All junior high school students have military training for the first week of school, and at the same time simply teach students to use weapons and shoot with blank bullets.
High school students begin, half a month before the start of school, military training, shooting training to hit live ammunition.
college student, start of school, One month of military training, shooting training to hit live ammunition. ”
The weapons used in military training do not need to be so advanced, otherwise it is enough for him to purchase directly from the arsenal in Lu’an.
It’s all at home anyway, it’s okay to do this but it’s not necessary.
Besides, the number of junior high school, high school, and college students is a bit too many.
If you want to replace all of them with a batch of new weapons, the output of the troops will not be able to keep up.
So he thought of the weapons replaced by the troops. Every time the troops’ weapons are updated, a large number of weapons will be eliminated, so he can also use them.
At that time, after changing several rounds of weapons, on average, each student can have five or six weapons in their hands to experience, and there is no need to use them alternately one class at a time.
At that time, the bullets consumed every day will be a huge number, and it will cost a lot of money, which is exactly what he wants.
“No problem, Mr. Su, don’t worry, leave it to me. It’s just the first year of junior high school, the first year of high school, and the first year of high school. If you enter the military training, there should be no problem in arranging it.”
Hearing this, Zhan Ming said with a smile, if it was just for military training, it would be well organized.
After all, although there are many students in the first year of junior high school, the first year of senior high school, and the freshman year, it is still acceptable.
“Remember, it’s not the military training of the first year, the first year of high school, and the first year of the freshman year, but all grades and all students.”
Su Yun said with a serious face, it is only the first year of junior high, the first year of high school, and the number of people in the freshman year is completely insufficient, he has already planned it.
Three grades in junior high school, three grades in high school, and four grades in college, all of which included a lot of students at once.
Hearing this, Zhan Ming was stunned for a moment. He didn’t expect that Su Yun’s so much skill would allow so many grades to train together.
“No problem, Mr. Su, don’t worry, leave it to me!”
Although it was a little difficult, Zhan Ming said immediately.
He had just become the general manager of Huayin Culture and Education Company, so naturally he had to fight a beautiful turnaround battle for Su Yun to see.
“Mr. Su, do you have any other orders?”
Saying that, Zhan Ming looked at Su Yundao, for fear that he might have missed something important.
“All students have two self-defense training classes every week, which cover basic physical fitness training, fighting skills training and shooting training.”
Su Yun continued to say that this was something he had thought about for a long time before.
He promised He Jingzhi to arrange those wounded soldiers.
But there are too many people, and the total number is more than 10,000. The normal arrangement of Huayin Company naturally cannot accommodate so many wounded soldiers.
Then he thought of military training. If it is just a simple military training, the system requires additional fees, otherwise it will be regarded as a gift and violate the rules of the system.
However, if military training is listed as a course, it is included in the tuition fee, and there is no additional charge.
That’s why he came up with this coup. All students who enter the Huayin School City must participate in military training, because this is a class.
Doing this just made it possible to arrange all these wounded soldiers, and he no longer had to worry about the problem of wounded soldiers.
And with the increasing number of schools and the sharp increase in the number of students, I am afraid that there are not enough people.
“No problem, Mr. Su, don’t worry, leave it to me!”
Hearing this, Zhan Ming patted his chest and said confidently, these are no problems for him, they are just small problems.
Su Yun looked at Zhan Ming’s confident appearance, smiled and nodded.

“Sell newspapers! Sell newspapers! Huayin School City has launched military training courses to strengthen students’ physique.”
“Sell newspapers! Sell newspapers! Huayin School City Military Training increases shooting training to restore the most realistic shooting.”
“Sell the newspaper! Sell the newspaper! Huayin School City has added a new self-defense training class to teach the most professional fighting skills.”
In the early morning, the newsboys walked around the streets with newspapers, and the news seemed to spread all over the country overnight.
“Look, Huayin School City has launched a new course again.”
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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