“No problem, Mr. Su, I’ll call back right away!”
Ding Yan left immediately after hearing this.
“Jingle Bell!”
Just then, the phone on the desk rang.
After Su Yun answered the phone, Xu Deli’s voice came out.
“Ziwen, the doctors recruited in Europe and the United States will arrive in Shanghai in a few days. There are about 800 people.
These doctors may require you to pay a salary of about 1.2 million oceans per month. ”
Xu Deli said with a smile, the matter that Su Yun asked him to help has finally settled, and more than 800 people have been recruited at once, which should be enough for the time being.
“I’m sorry, Deputy Director Xu.”
Su Yun said gratefully that Xu Deli also helped him a lot in these matters.
Medical equipment, doctors, etc. are basically contacted by Xu Deli, otherwise he would be smeared.
Now there are results, more than 800 doctors are similar, as for the more than 1.2 million oceans, it is a small problem.
Hang up the phone, tap 09 on the desk twice, and pick up the phone on the desk.
“Zhao Lin, come to the office!”
After Su Yun called Zhao Lin, he ordered to go on, and hung up again.
After a while, the door of the office was knocked, and Zhao Lin walked in and looked at Su Yun.
“To register a company, it is called Huayin Transportation Company, which is responsible for operating passenger transport and maintaining roads under the name of Huayin Group.”
Su Yun looked at Zhao Lin and said softly. In the future, he will build more and more roads. The schools in the surrounding cities will have to build roads, and the same will be done between industrial parks.
There is no way to talk about these places, right? .
All these places will need to be repaired, and after these places are repaired, there will be roads to the airport, and these will also need to be repaired.
Factories also need roads to transport goods, and all of these need to be paved.
So many places have to build roads without a company to manage them.
Besides, he also intends to open up the passenger transportation of each city, so it will be much more convenient to travel by then. Don’t all these require roads?
Zhao Lin heard the words and asked, “No problem, Mr. Su, is there anything else I need to do?”
“Go to register another company, it’s called Huayin Electric Power Company, which is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the power operation and maintenance of Huayin Company!”
Su Yun put his hands folded in front of the desk and said that as Huayin Company becomes bigger and bigger, the demand for electricity is also increasing.
Heavy industrial parks need electricity. In addition, Nanyang is also planning to build a new industrial park recently, which is very short of electricity.
This is just a newly opened industrial park, and industrial parks may be established in other places one after another.
Light industrial factories need more electricity, not to mention school towns. School towns need more electricity, and more places need to be managed and maintained.
“No problem, Mr. Su, don’t worry, leave it to me!”
Zhao Lin nodded after hearing this.
“Okay, let’s do it first!”
Su Yun looked at Zhao Lin and said, Zhao Lin is still clear, after all, it is the talent given by the system, and these things are not difficult.
Zhao Lin took the order and left quickly to deal with it.
After Su Yun was busy in the office for a while, the door of the office was knocked again.
I only saw Zhao Lin walked in with several documents.
“Mr. Su, all the companies you want to create have been registered. These are the relevant documents.”
Zhao Lin put all the documents on Su Yun’s desk to report.
Su Yun glanced at the documents on the desk and saw the names on the two prominent documents.
“Huayin Electric Power Company” was printed on one certificate, and Huayin Transportation Company was printed on the other certificate. He took a look at it again and nodded.
Zhao Lin’s work efficiency is still very good, and all these things have been done in a while. After finishing these things, Su Yun looked at the time.
“Zhao Lin, please inform the employees of the company headquarters to go to the conference hall. I have something to announce, and all employees must be present.”
Su Yun looked at Zhao Lin sternly and said, Huayin Company has been established for such a long time without knowing it, and some things must be dealt with.
“Okay, Mr. Su, I’ll inform you immediately!”
Zhao Lin replied when he heard the words, and immediately led the order to leave to gather the staff.
Soon the employees of the entire company headquarters moved, and everyone went to the top floor of the company in an orderly manner.
In a short while, more than 400 employees of Huayin Company had gathered in the conference hall.
Gao Lin went to the conference hall to take a look, then returned to the office and said, “Mr. Su, everyone has arrived!”
Su Yun nodded when he heard the words, picked up a document from his desk, walked out of the office, and walked towards the conference hall.
When Su Yun entered the conference hall, the entire conference hall was filled withIt was quiet, everyone’s eyes fell on Su Yun, no one spoke,
After Su Yun glanced at the employees sitting below, he withdrew his gaze and walked to the podium.
Due to the increasing number of employees in Huayin Company, which has expanded from more than 50 to more than 400 now, the layout of the conference room has also changed.
The original round table has also been removed and replaced with the current podium and the audience area below, which is full of seats.
Su Yun stood on the podium, holding the microphone lightly and said loudly: “Huayin Company has been established for some time,
It is inseparable from the hard work of all of you who can grow from a family of more than 50 employees at the beginning to a family of more than 400 employees. ”
Su Yun said and paused, the employees below were a little excited.
In particular, the old employees who have been with Huayin since the establishment of Huayin Company raised their heads proudly.
They have witnessed the step-by-step rise of Huayin Company to where it is today.
Su Yun glanced at everyone in the audience and said, “The better the development of the company, the management of various departments cannot be relaxed, so I will announce the appointment of the managers of each department.”
Su Yun turned a page, looked at the next page and continued to read: “Sun Li, Manager of the Personnel Department, Liang Hui, Manager of the Planning Department, and Qian Tong, Manager of the Finance Department,
Wu Yi, Manager of Audit Department, Wu Qiong, Manager of Legal Department, Fang Mingshan, Manager of Sales Department, Zhong Shuqian, Manager of Technical Department, Du Gan, Manager of Production Department, Tian Ao, Manager of Product Quality Management Department,
Guo Siyi, Manager of After-sales Department, Qiu Yuncheng, Manager of Human Resources Department, Wang Qing, Manager of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Department, Dong Cheng, Manager of Purchasing Department,
Diao Li, Manager of Engineering Department, Ding Fang, Manager of Public Relations Department, Lu Jiarong, Manager of Marketing Department, Duan Quanyao, Manager of Publicity Department, and Yang Qing, Manager of R&D Department. ”
Su Yun read one name after another, and everyone who read the name also stood up one by one.
After I finished reading, I glanced at the people in the audience. Some people were not here, but most of them were.
People like Ding Fang, Yang Qing and others are still in the United States, and people like Dong Cheng and Wang Qing have been running outside with people these days.
After taking his eyes back, he turned the page and continued to read: “Finally, Huayin has registered six subsidiaries for business expansion to facilitate management.
They are Huayin Construction Company, Huayin Security Company, Huayin Airlines, Huayin Culture and Education Company, Huayin Transportation Company, and Huayin Electric Power Company. ”
Su Yun looked at the next page and said, “Let me read the appointments of the general managers of the subsidiaries.”
Su Yun raised his head and glanced at everyone and said, “They are Zhao Qingshan of Huayin Construction Company.
Wang Hanchun of Huayin Security Company, Zhan Ming of Huayin Culture and Education Company, and general managers of other subsidiaries are temporarily vacant. ”

After the meeting, Su Yun returned to the office, and as soon as he sat down, the door of the office was knocked.
Su Yun sat on the boss chair and raised his head to look at the two people who came in, his brows raised.
Only to see Lu Jiarong and Qiu Yuncheng came in and stood in front of Su Yun.
Su Yun looked at the two of them, and already had guesses in his heart.
“The little devil has contacted us again, and let us spy on the intelligence of the Lu’an Industrial Park, especially about the arsenal.”
Lu Jiarong stepped forward and said in a low voice.
“When you go back to those little devils, you say that the arsenal has just started and the output is very low.”
Su Yun’s face turned cold when he heard that, these little devils still wanted to spy on his arsenal, he didn’t even have to think about it.
This incident also made Su Yun make a decision in his heart that he should train people who do wet work for him as soon as possible.
“Yes, Mr. Su, we’ll go right away!”
After hearing this, Lu Jiarong replied with a serious face, and then the two of them left the office.
After the two left, Su Yun glanced at the date.
Unconsciously, it is June 17th, and there are still more than ten days before the task settlement time.
He thought about it, there should be about 15 million in the company’s account now.
The construction of the power engine laboratory and the wind tunnel laboratory exhausted all the previous money, and also took away several million from the profits of the previous month.
“This month’s income has not been calculated yet, and this month’s profit is estimated to exceed 20 million.”
Su Yun thought for a while. Although he spent a lot of money, the light industry was too ruthless to make money. He still slightly underestimated the light industry’s ability to make money.
Now the products under the company’s name have become the overlords of industrial products in the Jiangnan area, occupying an absolute position. Now ordinary people only use the products of Huayin Company.
Whether it is clothes, trousers, shoes and socks and other daily necessities, Huayin easily leaves its competitors far behind with half the price cheaper than other factories, and then frantically occupies market share.
If it weren’t for the insufficient output of the factories under the name of Huayin Company, or if the output was infinite, the market in the entire Jiangnan region would be directly controlled by Huayin Company.
By then those factories will all go bankrupt!
But even so, Huayin’s light industrial factories are making money like crazy.
As soon as Su Yun thought of this, he picked up the phone at hand and called Qian Tong.
“Qian Tong, come to the office with the general ledger!”
After Su Yun gave the order, he hung up the phone.
Rather than speculating here about how much profit will be made this month, he thinks it’s better to let the money come through.
After a while, there was a knock on the door of the office.
“Come in!”
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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