Su Yun raised his head and said lightly.
At this time, Qian Tong walked into the office with the general ledger, and after entering 810, he stood in front of Su Yun.
“How much is the net profit this month?”
Su Yun crossed his hands on the desk, raised his head and looked at Qian Tongwenroad.
“Report Mr. Su, the net profit for this month has not been calculated yet, and now the factory’s orders are directly exploding,
Every factory is overloaded. It will take some time for our finance to calculate, and we can get the exact number after the end of the month. ”
Qian Tong said with the general ledger in his hand.
“How many are there now?”
Su Yun heard the words and asked, he can’t wait for the accurate data to come out by the end of the month. If many of his plans can’t be implemented by the end of the month, of course, the sooner the better.
After hearing this, Qian Tong opened the account book in his hand, and after a while he raised his head to look at Su Yundao: “Report to President Su, the current net profit is estimated to be around 14 million, and the profit in May is now in the company’s account. Another twenty-nine million or so.”
“Okay, you go to work first!”
When Su Yun heard his eyebrows stretched out, he waved his hand to signal Qian Tong to go out first.
“Fourteen million!”
He thought about it in his heart, the remaining profit from last month was about 15 million, plus an approximate figure of 14 million for this month, and the company account was 29 million.
29 million, there are still more than ten days, and it is estimated that there will be a minimum profit of seven or eight million in these ten days.
Taking into account the salaries and benefits of the employees, it is estimated that the money that he can use in the end is only around 20 million.
“Twenty million…hiss…a little bit!”
Su Yun muttered to himself, this time, in order to complete the task and get a reward of 50 million US dollars, he racked his brains and came up with a lot of big plans.
Now the last big plan, which requires too much money.
“Try first, if you can, then you will earn it. If you can’t believe it, it’s a big deal to start over.”
After thinking about it, he picked up the phone and called He Jingzhi.
After the call was connected, Su Yun said slowly: “Minister He, Su has something to discuss with you.”
He had a plan in his heart, and he believed that He Jingzhi had no way to refuse.
At that time, once the massive amount of money is implemented, all of it will be burned!
Isn’t the task of such a whole system simple?
“Ziwen, if you have anything to say, you’re welcome!”
He Jingzhi didn’t know what Su Yun was thinking, he just thought that Su Yun was in trouble, he even picked up a glass of water and drank it unprepared.
“Minister He, I want to ask if your military wants battleships?”
Su Yun asked casually.
He Jingzhi was choked on hearing this.
“Battleship? Cough cough cough!”
He Jingzhi’s eyes widened, almost blurted out, and a violent cough came out.
Chapter 144: The super plan is coming, I want to buy a battleship
“Ziwen, come to the Military and Political Department tomorrow, you can’t tell me clearly on the phone!”
He Jingzhi calmed down and said, if others told him that, he would definitely not believe it, but if Su Yun’s nature was different.
He knew that Su Yun was not joking, but that he could really make it. The weapons Su Yun made were enough to explain the problem.
Hearing this, Su Yun hung up the phone.
After putting down the phone, he looked at Gao Lin and said, “Go find the maps of Jiangsu, Anhui, and Zhejiang regions.”
He already had an idea in his mind.
After taking the order, Gao Lin went to look for it immediately. After a while, Gao Lin knocked on the door and walked in with three maps.
“Mr. Su, this is the map you want!”
Gao Lin handed the map to Su Yun and smiled, with curiosity in her eyes.
Su Yun nodded when he heard the words. After he took the map, he began to look at it. At the same time, a pen and paper came out, and he wrote the document while looking at the map.
After finishing writing, Su Yun put down the pen and looked at Gao Lin.
“Call Zhao Qingshan and Zhao Lin!”
Su Yun said that he already had a plan in his heart, and this matter was left to the two of them.
Gao Lin immediately picked up the phone and contacted them. After making two calls, she said, “Mr. Su, they have been notified!”
Su Yun heard the words and nodded.
After a while, there was a knock on the office door.
Zhao Qingshan and Zhao Lin walked in one after the other and stood in front of Su Yun.
“For Huayin Company to operate traffic now, it first needs to go to a construction company. The construction company is responsible for building roads, and then covering the villages and towns around Jinling for me, so that every village around Jinling has access.”
Su Yun looked at Zhao Qingshan Road, and now he has to cover the entire Jinling, from Jinling City, to the township, and then to the countryside.
“It’s going to cost a lot of money.”
After hearing this, Zhao Qingshan said, how much does such a large project cost? He didn’t even dare to think about it.
“You don’t care about money, the construction company only needs to be responsible for building roads!”
Su Yun waved his hand, of course he knew that it would cost money, and more money would be needed for infrastructure construction.
“Understood, Mr. Su.”
Zhao Qingshan didn’t say much after hearing the words, he only needed to be responsible for repairing the road.
Su Yun looked back, looked at Zhao Lin and instructed: “Huayin Transportation Company currently lacks the position of general manager. For the time being, you will be in charge of it. You need to be responsible for the operation and maintenance of the road after construction.”
Today, a large-scale road construction is required, and there will definitely be many problems after the construction is completed, and now Huayin Transportation Company has not found a suitable candidate for the time being.
“No problem, Mr. Su, don’t worry, leave it to me!”
Zhao Lin heard the words and said.
“Mr. Su, how should the route be chosen?”
Zhao Qingshan had a question, and he asked it directly.
“How to build the route, I will ask Ding Yan to hand over the documents to you later. If there is not enough manpower, I will recruit. For the machinery and equipment, I will let Yuan Xin take charge.
Once the road repair equipment in Lu’an is manufactured, it will be brought to Jinling immediately, so you don’t have to worry! ”
Su Yun crossed his hands and said slowly, he has already planned all of these, as forThe road-repairing machinery and equipment in Lu’an is also in full production, and it is estimated that it will be available soon.
“No problem, Mr. Su, don’t worry, leave it to us!”
The two said loudly, and then they were ordered to leave quickly to deal with it.
Su Yun then picked up the phone at hand and called Ding Yan.
“Ding Yan, come to the office!”
After Su Yun gave the order, he hung up the phone.
Soon Ding Yan knocked on the door and entered, standing in front of Su Yun.
“Let the assistant department transcribe a few copies of these documents and send them to Zhao Qingshan and Zhao Lin, and then to Yuan Xin to generate electricity, and ask how many small passenger cars can be produced every month~¨!”
After giving the documents to Ding Yan, Su Yun said that now the roads are to be built for passenger transport, and the number of small passenger cars can keep up.
As for the assistant department, of course, because Huayin Company is getting bigger and bigger now, only one assistant, Ding Yan, must be too busy, and a new department has been added. Ding Yan manages other assistants as the department manager of the assistant department.
“No problem, Mr. Su, I’ll go right away!”
Ding Yan immediately sent a telegram after receiving the order.
After a while, Ding Yan knocked on the door with a telegram.
“Reporting to President Su, Yuan Xin replied that at present, about 100 units can be produced per month. The mass production of trucks will be rolled off this month, and the mass production of passenger cars will be rolled off the production line next month!”
Ding Yan handed the telegram to Su Yunhouhui to report.
Su Yun glanced at it and said, “Call him back and ask him to send the produced minibus to Jinling immediately.”
Then Su Yun picked up the phone again and called the school city management committee.
“Zhan Ming, come to the company headquarters immediately!”
Su Yun ordered, he still has an important thing to hand over to him.
After a while, there was a knock on the door of the office, Zhan Ming hurried in and stood in front of Su Yun.
“Mr. Su, what can I do for you?”
Zhan Ming looked at Su Yundao and called over in such a hurry, probably because there was something urgent he needed to do.
“You asked the cultural and educational company to plan a detailed and fixed operation route for small passenger cars in the school city.”
Su Yun folded his hands on the desk and explained.
“No problem, Mr. Su, wrap it on me!”
Zhan Ming patted his chest and said with a smile, full of confidence.
Su Yun heard the words and nodded.
Zhan Ming took the order to leave and dealt with it quickly.
As soon as Zhan Ming left, Gao Lin knocked on the door with a telegram and walked in.
“Mr. Su, Zhou Xu sent a telegram saying that the government’s geological survey team has found oil, and the workers are preparing to extract oil!”
Gao Lin said, and handed the telegram in her hand to Su Yun.
Su Yun took a look at the telegram, and was overjoyed. He didn’t expect the geological survey team to find oil so quickly. This was a pleasant surprise.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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