While Su Yun was still thinking about the future of Nanyang Industrial Zone, there was a knock on the door of the office.
“Dong dong!”
Along with the knock on the door, Ding Yan’s voice came from outside the door.
“Mr. Su, Gao Ming, the young master of the Gao Mansion, is here to visit.”
Ding Yan reported on foreign exchange at the door.
“Invite him in!”
Su Yun said quickly, stood up and went over to greet him.
His cheeks twitched, and when he heard Gao Chi’s arrival, he remembered something very important.
Ding Yan opened the door to let Gao Ming in.
After the two met and chatted for a while, Gao Chi asked suspiciously, “Mr. Su, the rubber technology has been given to you, why haven’t you started a rubber plantation yet?”
“It’s too busy, I forgot!”
Su Yun heard the words with a wry smile. If Gao Ming didn’t come, he would have forgotten it. He has been a little too busy recently, and he was turning into a spinning top when he was busy with all kinds of things.
“My grandfather sent me a telegram saying that the Gaofu can produce some talents to help Mr. Su build a rubber plantation.”
After hearing this, Gao Yan said with a smile. The Gao family was worried that Su Yun did not have the technical talents in this area, which delayed the planting of rubber, and all arrangements were made for him.
“Junior thanks Gao Lao.”
Su Yun said gratefully that not only did Mr. Gao give him all the rubber skills, but now he was worried that he was not good at planting, which made him feel a little sorry.

The next day, Su Yun got in a car and went to the Military and Political Department, and after passing the soldiers’ briefing, he met He Jingzhi.
“Ziwen, you have come, come in and sit!”
When He Jingzhi saw Su Yun, he hurriedly dragged him inside, and Su Yun was pressed on the seat before he could speak.
“Ziwen, tell me what happened to the battleship? I remember that Huayin Company didn’t build a dock, right? Where did the battleship come from?”
He Jingzhi looked at Su Yun doubtfully and said, he didn’t sleep well last night, he was thinking about the battleship, and seeing Su Yun today was a little anxious.
He must figure out this matter, this matter is very important.
“Minister He, we can buy battleships!”
Su Yun said with a smile, with a relaxed look on his face, he had already thought about it.
“Where to buy?”
He Jingzhi was speechless when he heard the words. He thought about it all night last night, but Su Yun told him that these battleships could be bought?
He almost thought that Su Yun’s industrial park could manufacture dock equipment, but he was right, how long had Su Yun’s industrial park been established, it would be the most outrageous if it could produce dock equipment.
“Britain and the United States have preserved battleships and battlecruisers!”
Su Yun said casually, he has some memories in his mind, he can buy it from these two countries, I believe they will not refuse as long as the money is in place.
And when the time comes to make a deal, just let He Jingzhi and the others negotiate, and he will be responsible for paying the money later. Few of his people understand this.
“Battleships are expensive, even those from World War IShip, the price is not cheap, you bought it for the military, this gift is too big, we can’t accept it. ”
He Jingzhi frowned, he knew that Su Yun was not joking, but they didn’t dare to accept such a heavy gift, nor could they accept it.
Su Yun has helped them too much and saved them a lot of military expenses. They are not insatiable greed and ignorant of gratitude.
“‘ ‘Who said it was going to be given to the military? I want to rent it to you, just 10,000 yuan a year.”
He has considered this matter, if he buys back the battleship and sells it to the military, it will not be safe even if it is a white paper.
If you sell this thing, the military feels guilty and pay him some money every month? That’s not what he wanted.
So the best way is to buy it and lease it to the military, and then set the price at 10,000 yuan a year, without giving them any chance to refute it.
“One…10,000 yuan?”
He Jingzhi almost blurted out, opened his mouth, the price of the battleship is not a joke, how many ten thousand yuan, can you earn back the cost of ten thousand yuan a year?
It will not be possible to return to the original for hundreds of years! Even the battleships of the First World War cost more than 10 million yuan.
He was completely shocked, looked at Su Yun and asked, “Ziwen, why are you doing this?”
He Jingzhi knew that Su Yun had done a lot for China. He wanted to revitalize China. He wanted to make the motherland stronger. In his opinion, Su Yun had done enough, and there was no need for this.
Where is this leased to the military, this is clearly…
“Huayin’s ships returning from overseas can only fly foreign flags, and they dare not fly their own flags at all, otherwise they will be harassed by the little devil’s navy.
I do this in the hope that in the future, Huayin’s ships will be able to fly their own flags in the waters in an upright manner, instead of flying the flags of other countries. ”
Su Yun sighed. He doesn’t want to be so controlled by others anymore, and looking at the faces of other countries, he also wants China to become stronger.
He Jingzhi was silent when he heard the words, bowed his head slightly, and his fists slowly tightened.
Su Yun went on to say: “I feel humiliated every time I see so many ships flying the flags of other countries sailing in my own waters.”
He Jingzhi did not speak.
After a long silence, he slowly opened his mouth and said, “Ziwen, wait for me for a while.”
Then He Jingzhi got up and left.
After a while, He Jingzhi brought a middle-aged man in. Su Yun raised his head and looked at the middle-aged man, only to see that he was wearing a navy uniform and carrying two shining generals.
Su Yun stood up and walked over.
He Jingzhi looked at the middle-aged man thinking about Su Yun and said, “This is Chen Shiyin, Commander of the First Fleet.”
Su Yun was a little stunned to hear this. He originally thought that He Jingzhi would bring back a Minister of the Navy, but who knew it was the Commander of the First Fleet.
“I’ve heard of you, Su Ziwen.”
Chen Shiyin smiled and stretched out his hand.
“Ziwen has met General Chen.”
Su Yun smiled and shook hands with Chen Shiyin.
He Jingzhi looked at the two with a smile and said, “I don’t know about the navy, but Commander Chen knows.”
Chen Shiyin looked at Su Yun and asked, “Do you really want to buy battleships and lease them to the navy?”
“Naturally such a delay.”
Su Yun said with a smile, he has already thought about it, and now he needs to contact the countries that can buy battleships.
“At present, there are not many countries in the world that can sell battleships. Only island countries, the United States and Britain have this ability.”
Chen Shiyin said after thinking for a while.
“I will never buy anything from a little devil, I can buy a battleship sealed in Britain!”
Su Yun said, with a firm attitude, he would not send money to the little devil, not even if it was a transaction, even if he bought it, he would only choose from Britain and the United States.
Chapter 145: The Matryoshka Project in the Big Plan
Chen Shiyin thought about it and said, “Britain had more than thirty battleships and ten battlecruisers during World War I.
But after the war, the rest are said to have been demolished, but I seem to hear that they sealed some away, and if you buy it from Britain, you can get the battleship very quickly. ”
After hearing this, Su Yun said, “Then buy battleships from Britain.”
In fact, Su Yun is also thinking about this question, more than 30 battleships, the rest are demolished? He thought it unlikely.
At the height of the Geinpo battle, a group of warships named heavy cruisers suddenly appeared in the British Navy to escort them. Su Yun had mentioned it in a previous general history, but only a few words.
Thinking of this, Su Yun seems to think of one thing. It seems that when the isolationism of the United States was the most prevalent, it seems that someone mentioned the new battleship.
But it didn’t pass. Some people say that there are too many battleships now, and some should be sold to save military expenses and support more factories.
It’s just that Su Yun is not clear about these, that is, he casually flipped through it before, and his eyes occasionally swept across.
At this time, Chen Shiyin smiled cheerfully: “We have battleships under our command, so we don’t have to worry about the troubles of the Fujian and Guangdong factions, but we have to think carefully about where the fleet is stationed. Some people in the province are hiding evil intentions.”
He can already imagine the scene of these battleships in his hands in the not-too-distant future.
Su Yun suddenly reacted when he heard Chen Shiyin’s words.
No wonder He Jingzhi would come to Chen Shiyin, the original problem was here.
Although Chen Shiyin graduated from the Naval Academy, he did not belong to the Fujian department.
On the contrary, he had a conflict with Chen Houfu, the boss of the Fujian clan. Originally, 28 years ago, he was the commander-in-chief of the navy, but he did not have many naval personnel under him.
After the Fujian Department came over and controlled all the departments of the navy, he could only be demoted to the commander of the First Fleet. Later, the chairman of the commissar set up a naval lightning school in Jiangyin, and his old subordinates were all transferred to the lightning school.The other positions of the First Fleet were instantly occupied by the Min clan, and he became the nominal First Fleet commander.
Thinking of this, Su Yun immediately understood why He Jingzhi did not seek Chen Houfu, but Chen Shiyin, because Chen Shiyin was their person.
Chen Houfu’s Fujian branch wants to continue to control the various departments of the navy and become bigger.
This kind of behavior has already caused the anger of the military bosses, but they have nothing to do with the navy, and can only let them do this temporarily.
Under such circumstances, Lei 810 Electric School came into being. The original intention of opening the Lei Electric School was to check and balance the Fujian department, and even…
Su Yun also remembered one thing. If he remembers correctly, the military will focus a large amount of naval military expenditure on the Thunder and Lightning Department next year, allowing it to develop rapidly.
The military’s approach directly aroused Chen Houfu’s dissatisfaction and threatened to resign.
Thinking of this, Su Yun sighed in his heart, but didn’t say anything.
He’s a businessman, and these things have nothing to do with him.
This is what Chen Shiyin and the others said here, which brought back some memories of when they were in school.
What’s more, he won’t touch the affairs of these big guys. This kind of thing is going to lose his head.
He Jingzhi listened to Chen Shiyin’s words, and after thinking for a while, he said: “Although the Jiangnan area is under our control, it is too close to the little devil and it is not safe.
Moreover, it is easy to be controlled by the Fujian faction, so it is best to choose Hainan as the station of your First Fleet. ”
It is true that this is their territory, but if they are here, they will not only suffer from the enemy on their backs and backs. The Fujian clan is also there, and the little devils are there. There are wolves in front of them and tigers in the back, which is a disaster for them.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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