Wu Guangqi said with a serious face, these things are not a joke.
“no problem!”
Su Yun saw that Wu Guangqi agreed, and he was also very refreshing, so he didn’t have to worry about the cement, and Wu Guangqi was also in charge of helping with management, which made it easier for him, he only needed to spend money.
Chapter 146: Want to cheat my money? No way!
On the morning of the 20th, Su Yun was eating breakfast, but Xie An hurried back from outside early in the morning.
“Master, there is a foreigner outside who wants to see you!”
Xie An looked at him strangely and said.
Su Yun is a little puzzled, why is a foreigner looking for him? He doesn’t seem to have contact with businessmen from other countries recently, right?
After thinking about it, Su Yun said, “Take him to the living room, I’ll be there in a while.”
Looking at Xie An’s expression, he felt that this foreigner might have a special identity, but he could take a look.
After eating, he came to the living room and saw a middle-aged foreigner.
Su Yun recognized him at a glance.
He knew this foreigner as the British ambassador to China, Ram Pusheng. He also knew that in 35 years the embassy would be upgraded to an embassy, ​​and Britain would send another person to serve as the ambassador.
When Lan Pusheng saw Su Yun, he greeted him with a smile-.
Su Yun looked at Lan Pusheng and said with a smile: “Mr. Envoy, sit down first!”
At the same time made a “please” gesture.
Su Yun looked at Lan Pusheng and asked, “Is there any business for Mr. Minister to come to find Su?”
When he saw Ram Pusheng, he already had some guesses in his heart, I am afraid that Ram Pusheng was responsible for negotiating.
“Mr. Su, I heard that you want to buy our empire’s battleships?”
Lan Pusheng said with a smile, looked at Su Yun, he had heard of Huayin’s financial resources.
Su Yun nodded slightly and said, as expected, Lan Pusheng was indeed here for his purchase of battleships.
Hearing that, Ram Pusheng took out a long telegram from his briefcase and handed it to Su Yun.
“Mr. Su, please take a look, all the battleships above are available for sale!”
Lan Pusheng looked at Su Yun and said with a smile.
Su Yun took the telegram and began to read it. After looking around, his cheeks twitched. He then glanced at Lan Pusheng who was there with the old god. Is this telegram serious?
With a strange expression on his face, he asked, “Is Mr. Ambassador sure that all the battleships above are for sale? Aren’t many of these battleships destroyed due to naval treaties? Why are they still there?”
Looking at Lan Pusheng, he already had some guesses in his heart that the old man’s purpose in coming to him was not pure.
“It didn’t take long for these battleships to be built and put into service. If they were to be demolished, it would not only be a pity, but also cost money.”
A hint of embarrassment flashed across Lan Pusheng’s face when he heard the words, and he quickly explained, saying that it meant demolishing, but these are all operable.
After listening to Su Yun, he understood that after the end of the First World War, although Britain still maintained the name of the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets, its finances were already quite difficult. Demolition of battleships also required financial expenditure.
In order to reduce financial expenditure, these warships were secretly sealed and then declared to have been demolished.
Su Yun did not continue to struggle with this matter. He slowly asked: “These battleships have been sealed for about ten years, can they still be used?”
These battleships have been stored for ten years, which is too long. He doesn’t want to buy them back as a pile of scrap metal.
“Mr. Su, I assure you that these battleships were well maintained before being sealed, and they will be usable now!”
Lan Pusheng restrained his smile and sat up straight, and promised Su Yun very seriously.
He didn’t lie to Su Yun about this. These battleships are still well preserved, and they can be used after some maintenance.
Britain will not seal up a pile of scrap copper and rotten iron. The sealing of this weapon itself has a meaning of preparing for future emergencies.
Hearing this, Su Yun didn’t speak, but watched slowly. He didn’t believe Lan Pusheng’s one-sided words, but he looked at how many warships Britain had prepared.
Su Yun looked around again and then looked at the price. When he saw the price, he frowned slightly.
Is this battleship at this price?
Although he doesn’t know much, the price is too outrageous, right?
“You don’t want to blackmail me, do you?”
Su Yun put the telegram on the table and looked at Lan Pusheng and asked, he didn’t know how to do it, but he wasn’t taking advantage of it. Lan Pusheng gave such a price, obviously trying to cheat him.
Although he wanted to lose money by buying battleships and then leasing them, he didn’t want to be tricked so much money, wouldn’t it be fragrant to take out the money and buy another one?
“We can’t lie to you, the price is very fair,”
Ram Pusheng denied it immediately, his face was serious, but he seemed to be a little sincere.
However, Su Yun didn’t eat his way.
He pointed to the telegram and said, “The battleship Ajax is just an old-fashioned battleship, with a displacement of only about 26,000 tons at full load. You actually want 10 million pounds, which is too expensive!”
He felt that Ram Pusheng was here to pit him. He didn’t know the specific price of the warship, but for such an old warship, he still charged 10 million pounds. This was not his intention to goRob? Anything lower, he thinks it’s expensive.
Lan Pusheng’s face was also a little embarrassed when he heard the words. He actually thought it was very expensive, but this is the price given in China.
Su Yun looked at Lan Pusheng’s expression, and he already understood in his heart.
He threw the telegram directly to Lan Pusheng, and said solemnly: “I have good intentions to do business with you in Europe, but you are trying to blackmail me. It seems that this business cannot be done. I will go to the United States and island countries to buy battleships.”
Ram Pusheng really thinks that he is taking advantage of himself, and if he gives such an offer, he will not give them even if he throws the money away.
After speaking, Su Yun immediately got up and wanted to leave, but he knew in his heart that Lan Pusheng would never miss this opportunity.
“Mr. Su, wait!”
Seeing that Su Yun was about to leave, Lan Pusheng quickly grabbed him and said anxiously.
Su Yun raised his brows, and what he had guessed was correct. Lan Pusheng would definitely not miss the opportunity to deal with these battleships. Now that he finally came to buy it, it was impossible for Lan Pusheng to let him go.
“Mr. Su, the price is actually negotiable.”
Lan Pusheng said softly, as long as he didn’t directly refuse, the price can be negotiated.
“If you want to talk about the price, then go to the company headquarters to talk slowly.”
Su Yun said lightly, Lan Pusheng finally let go.
But now he doesn’t want to deal with Ram Pusheng. He is just a layman. If he talks to Ram Pusheng here, he might buy it at a high price.
If he got to the company headquarters, it would be his home court, and he had already figured out what to do.
“Okay, no problem, Mr. Su!”
Lan Pusheng said with a smile, he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, the duck almost flew to the mouth, if the cooperation was not negotiated today, he would not be able to explain it when he went back!
Su Yun turned around when he heard the words, Xie An quickly greeted him when he saw Su Yun’s appearance, Su Yun whispered: “Call Minister He Jingzhi and ask him to call General Chen Shiyin to the company headquarters.”
Su Yun now fully understands that what the old man Lan Pusheng wants to blackmail is him, obviously he wants to blackmail Chen Shiyin.
But Chen Shiyin is knowledgeable and knows what the price is, so he will find himself in private, just to extort more money, he is really an old fox.
But it’s a pity that Lan Pusheng’s little abacus was wrong. If he bid seven or eight million and then flickered, he might have some hesitation, and it would cost tens of millions. Isn’t this looking for a fool?
Then Su Yun and Lan Pusheng got into the car and headed to the company headquarters, and when Su Yun and the others got off the car, they saw that there were already soldiers standing guard downstairs at the company headquarters.
Glancing at these soldiers, he withdrew his gaze, he knew that Chen Shiyin had arrived.
After Su Yun and others went up to the top floor, Ding Yan had been waiting here for a long time. When he saw Su Yun, Ding Yan hurried up to greet him.
When he saw a strange foreigner beside Su Yun, he was stunned, Su Yun winked, and the two walked aside,
Ding Yan approached Su Yun slightly and said in a low voice, “Mr. Su, General Chen is already waiting in the living room.”
Su Yun heard the words and nodded.
“Mr. Minister, this way please!”
Then he took Lan Pusheng to the living room.
When the door of the living room opened and Su Yun and Lan Pusheng walked in, they saw Chen Shiyin standing up with a smile.
Looking at Chen Shiyin, Lan Pusheng was stunned for a moment, and his face was also a little embarrassed.
When Chen Shiyin saw Lan Pusheng and Su Yun, he immediately understood and said with a funny face, “Mr. Minister, I didn’t expect to see you here.”
No wonder he couldn’t find Lan Pusheng. It turned out that he ran to find Su Yun secretly. He thought it was funny.
“Sit down first!”
Su Yun said with a smile, and then the three of them took their seats.
Su Yun looked at Chen Shiyin and asked, “General Chen, is it better to buy that battleship?”
With professionals, he doesn’t have to worry about being pitted by Ram Pu, the old man is uneasy and kind.
“The battleship Ajax was sealed at the end of 26 years. The storage time is relatively short, and it can be used when it is brought back.”
Chen Shiyin said with a smile, he knew all these things well, but he just got it at his fingertips.
“Then Huayin will buy the Ajax.”
Su Yun immediately made the decision when he heard the words. Anyway, he didn’t know much. Chen Shiyin said that Ajax was the best, so it would be right to choose it.
“How much is the right price?”
Su Yun asked, he was not sure about the price.
Chen Shiyin said casually, “Two million pounds.”
“How many?”
Su Yun almost blurted out when he heard the words, opened his mouth, is the price given by Chen Shiyin serious?
Two million pounds? Isn’t the price of battleships determined to be random? The price difference between these two is too outrageous, right?
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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