So let him bear the IOUs alone, he has already calculated.
Nine million pounds to buy two battleships, plus one and a half million pounds for docks, machinery and equipment.
The total price is 10.5 million pounds, which is 105 million yuan.
That’s a full 150 million!
This time the mission is definitely guaranteed, and even the IOUs are marked, and the spending is overspending. He wants to see what else the system can do?
“No problem, Mr. Su, I’ll arrange it right away!”
Qian Tong replied immediately, and then ordered to leave.
When the office door was closed again, Su Yun took out a bill from the drawer.
After picking up the pen, he wrote a payment slip of 20 million yuan, and finally took out the official seal of Huayin Company and affixed it.
After taking a look, he walked out of the office and returned to the living room with satisfaction. After sitting down, he handed the payment slip to Lan Pusheng.
Looking at Lan Pusheng, he smiled and said, “Mr. Minister, with this payment slip, you can withdraw 20 million yuan from Huayin Company.
As for the remaining 85 million at the beginning of July, it will be given to you at one time. ”
His account is really empty, there is not a single copper left, and now he still owes 85 million, and he is directly in debt.
Even if someone wanted to backstab him, they probably wouldn’t be able to, and there were still a few days left before the settlement time.
Now even if the entire Huayin Company is at full capacity, the light industry factory and the heavy industry factory are running at full strength, it is impossible for the restaurant to make this amount of money in a few days after comminuted fractures.
“Mr. Su is really refreshing 09. The rest of the money can be given after the battleship and machinery and equipment arrive, so don’t worry!”
Ram Pusheng took the payment slip with a smile and said.
“That won’t work, you can’t owe it!”
Su Yun said with a smile, he was in a good mood now, and he immediately used the official seal of Huayin Company to write down an IOU of 85 million and handed it over to Lan Pusheng.
Lan Pusheng took the IOU with a smile on his face. He was also very happy, but only when he raised his head to look at Su Yun did he realize that he was truly happy.
He has a way of how Su Yun, the one who spends money, is happier than the one who makes money.
Lan Pusheng naturally didn’t know what Su Yun was thinking.
He looked at the two with a smile and said, “If the speed is fast, the battleship will be unsealed immediately in China, and after a little rectification, it will be able to reach the East in a month.
As for the mechanical equipment, it will take a little longer, but it will definitely arrive within a month and a half. ”
“Battleships and machinery can be placed in Hainan!”
Chen Shiyin said with a smile, his fleet will be stationed in Hainan in the future, and he will save the trouble of moving these machines and equipment to Hainan.
“These are the little things!”
Lan Pusheng said with a smile, isn’t it just changing the place to unload the goods, these are all small problems.
Their battleships and machinery and equipment have made a lot of money, and naturally they don’t care so much. Whatever happens to Su Yun, he can be satisfied.
Then Ram Pusheng and the two separated.
“I have to go back and prepare. There is no port in Hainan where battleships can be parked. Now the port needs to be vigorously expanded.”
Chen Shiyin said with a smile, the battleship problem has finally come to an end, and he has to plan well for the next things in Hainan.
Then Chen Shiyin also parted with Su Yun and left the company headquarters.
At this time, Su Yun returned to the office and sat on the boss chair. Today, he felt that the boss chair was extraordinarily comfortable.
He is very happy now, his ultimate grand plan is going very smoothly, and everything is under his control.
Now that he is carrying a foreign debt of 85 million yuan, he does not believe that the dog system can fill this gap.
Su Yun called out the system, this time he was fully prepared, and he didn’t believe it. At this time, the system can still be turned upside down?
Let him earn 85 million in two days? Dreaming posture is not right!
“Host, what’s the matter with you?”
The system’s mechanical prompt sounded.
“System, I’m not quite sure that there is money in the company’s account? Would you like to take a look at it for me?”
Su Yun started to panic, he wanted the system to take a good look at how much his current account balance was?
He has never seen a negative number, and he still has so much debt, it is exciting to think about it.
The system did not answer it and fell silent.
Su Yun looked at the system’s pop-up window still stuck on something, and continued: “Let me tell you, I now have 85 million foreign debts, what can you do to me? This mission I’ve got the reward.”
Listening to Su Yun’s words, the system fell into silence as if it was down.
Su Yun only saw that the pop-up window of the system was still there, confirmingThe system is definitely listening.
Su Yun continued: “System, you are so powerful, if you have the ability, I won’t be able to get the reward this time?”
He didn’t believe that within the system’s own rules, he could conjure 85 million for him out of thin air. It was absolutely impossible. He had already won with an absolute advantage.
Su Yun glanced at the date with a happy expression on his face. At the same time, he picked up a pen from the desk, walked to the calendar, and circled a date.
The red circle is on the day, and it is fixed on the 28th.
“Today is June 28th, and the settlement date is June 30th at 5 pm!”
Su Yun picked up the pen again and made a red circle on the calendar again, and then marked “5”. The smile on his face became more and more intense.
“System, you don’t have time to play tricks,
It’s already the afternoon of the 28th, and in two days, you can’t earn 85 million. ”
Su Yun continued to say, 85 million, only a lot of money, and you have to make 42.5 million a day, what is the concept?
Su Yun’s net profit in a month is only how much, he can’t make 40 million a month, 40 million a day is a fantasy.
“Don’t bother me, I’m drawing money!”
The pop-up window of the system finally refreshed, and then the familiar mechanical prompt sounded.
Su Yun looked a little strange at the content of the pop-up window and didn’t quite understand it.
“Drawing money? Drawing what money?”
He asked suspiciously, shouldn’t the system want to cheat? It would be outrageous if he cheated and put money into his account.
“Fifty million dollars, and neither do I.”
However, at this moment the pop-up window lit up again.
Su Yun looked at the pop-up window in front of him, stunned for a moment, and then became angry.
It’s hard to complete a mission, did you tell me?
Su Yun said sharply: “System, are you cheating?”
Isn’t this fifty million dollars his reward?
The dog system actually said that he had no money, and he dared to come out and reward him even if he had no money. Isn’t this bullying honest businessmen?
Playing this big without money, the dog system is a bit too much, right?
This is just pitting him. He worked hard for half a year, and the result was such a result.
“Who is cheating? The piggy bank nicknamed in this system has always been in and out. The first time I met you,
Of course, you have to draw money, but if you don’t draw money, where will you get the money to reward you? ”
The system’s mechanical prompt sounded.
Su Yun was stunned again, stunned in place, somewhat confused.
“Draw from where?”
Why did he feel that he suddenly didn’t understand the system a little bit, the more he listened, the more strange he felt.
“Of course, it was drawn from all over the world. There are so many people in the world that one person can draw a dollar without knowing how much.”
The system mechanical sound returns.
“Aren’t you afraid of being discovered?”
The corner of Su Yun’s mouth twitched, a little speechless, the emotional system is still pulling money from the pockets of people all over the world.
He thought that the system had transferred it from his account in an unknown bank.
The result is not, it is really grab!
And it’s taking money from people all over the world.
“Who can find out that I did it? Besides, you have 100,000 oceans and one less ocean. Would you care?”
The system replied with a mechanical voice.
Su Yun was even more speechless when he heard the words, and he immediately logged out of the system.
He felt that if the chat continued, he would hear that the system implemented a larger plan to reward him.
But anyway, this mission is complete.
The two days passed quickly. Su Yun was very leisurely these two days. Anyway, his task was completed. He had to relax and relax, and he didn’t care about any work.
On June 30th, Su Yun got up early, went straight to the office after breakfast, sat in the boss chair and waited quietly for the settlement time.
In the morning, I just read the newspaper casually, have a leisurely meal at noon, and in the afternoon let Gao Lin buy a bottle of wine and come back.
“Gao Lin, you can get off work today!”
Su Yun said with a smile after getting the drink.
Although Gao Lin was puzzled, she still left the office.
He was the only one left in the entire office. He locked the door and quietly waited for the settlement time after having a drink by himself.
Finally it was five o’clock.
Su Yun took a deep breath, his face a little hard to hide the excitement.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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