After Chen Shiyin heard this, he suddenly woke up and smiled, “Yes! These battleships are not theirs.
If the Min clan wants to think about it, they have to weigh whether they can afford these battleships.
He Jingzhi shook his head and did not continue to struggle.
He looked at Chen Shiyin and said, “The geological survey team sent back a message that there is indeed oil underground in Nanyang.
Now Huayin Company is in the process of mining, and the military expenditure of the Fujian department will be reduced at that time.
They need oil to start their warships, and Huayin Company does not supply them with oil, and the Fujian department does not have enough military spending to purchase them, so the ships have to lie down. ”
He Jingzhi said with a smile that the arrogance of the Fujian clan has to be cured.
Chen Shi heard the words and said excitedly: “For the Thunder Academy, we have to recruit more students.
Put some more military money into it, and no one will drive the warship when it comes back. ”
He Jingzhi thought for a while and said, “We can ask Britain for help at that time.
Buy two battleships from it, they won’t refuse it. ”
At that time, let the people in Britain personally guide them and buy two battleships for after-sales service. He thinks it is not excessive at all.
A few days later, Su Yun was looking at documents in the office.
“Dong dong!”
There was a knock on the office door.
Before Su Yun could speak, Ding Yan said, “Mr. Su, the British Minister to China, Minister Lan Pusheng, is visiting.”
Su Yun heard the words and said, “Invite him to the living room and let him wait for a while, I’ll be there in a while.”
He directly picked up the phone at hand and called He Jingzhi.
“Minister He, please help Su to invite General Chen.”
Su Yun said with a smile, this time Lan Pu was born for the sake of the battleship.
Moreover, he also put forward conditions before, and Ram Pusheng estimated that he had already contacted the British side.
“Small problem, I’ll help you call him over.”
He Jingzhi said with a smile, he guessed that it was probably related to the battleship.
After a while, Chen Shiyin came to the company headquarters. After he was led up to the top floor by Ding Yan, he saw Su Yun standing waiting for him.
Chen Shiyin hurried up to meet him, Su Yun saw him and smiled: “General Chen, he’s already here, let’s go!”
Chen Shiyin nodded with a smile, and the two then walked towards the living room.
Soon the three of them sat in the living room and talked about the battleship again.
Lan Pusheng looked at Su Yun and said, “SuSir, I have already reported to the country, and the country has also given a reply.
If Huayin Company buys two King George V-class battleships, China will send 5,000 dock workers to assist Huayin Company in building a dock, but the machinery and equipment of the dock need to be purchased by Huayin Company. ”
These are the results of his discussions with Britain. They can agree to Su Yun’s demands, but they also have demands.
Su Yun was overjoyed when he heard the words, and immediately agreed: “Yes, no problem, but what is the price of those dock equipment?”
“Building a large shipyard requires a lot of machinery and equipment, but we can sell it at a discount, as long as Huayin pays 1.5 million pounds.”
Lan Pusheng was clearly prepared, he said confidently.
Hearing this, Su Yun waved his hand and said, “No problem.”
£1.5 million, is that expensive? Not expensive at all, buy them all.
At this time, Chen Shiyin looked at Lan Pusheng and said, “Can I make a condition?
Could you send some navy to help me train the navy. ”
Hearing the words, Ram Pusheng shook his head and said, “I can’t control this matter, I need to ask the domestic 0……”
Su Yun said: “Can Su Mou pay part of it first this month, and the remaining IOUs will be paid in a few days in early July.”
He still lacks money in his hand, so naturally he has to pay IOUs. However, he just felt strange in his heart. It felt a little different when the account was depleted for the first time!
“Yes, yes, but are you sure you can pay in early July?”
Lan Pusheng looked at Su Yundao in disbelief.
Chen Shiyin thought that Lan Pusheng was worried that Su Yun would default on his debt, and he quickly added: “The military can guarantee Huayin for this.”
“It’s just a small matter, you can pay anytime this year.”
Lan Pusheng said with a smile, he just felt that Huayin Company would have to pay it all in a few days for such a large amount, and was a little surprised by Huayin Company’s financial resources.
“Mr. Minister, wait a moment.”
At this time, Su Yun looked at Lan Pusheng and said.
After speaking, he left the living room, returned to the office, picked up the phone and called Qian Tong.
After a while, Qian Tong knocked on the door and stood in front of Su Yun.
Su Yun said sternly: “How much money is in the company account now, I need the money urgently now.”
“Reporting to President Su, it will take a few hours to complete the calculation.”
Qian Tonghui reports.
“Okay, you hurry up.”
Su Yun nodded and said. Then he returned to the meeting.
After he sat down, he said, “Mr. Minister, we need to wait a little longer. My people are doing the accounting.”
“definitely no problem.”
Hearing the words, Lan Pusheng nodded and smiled. He is not in a hurry. Anyway, the cooperation has been negotiated. He believes that Huayin Company will not go back on its promises.
While waiting in his spare time, Lan Pusheng began to sigh with emotion: “The scale of Huayin Company is really large now,
I can see Huayin Company everywhere, and people here are using the industrial products produced by Huayin Company. ”
“Mr. Minister is too famous, and Huayin Company will do some business. The people think it is good, so they will buy more.”
Su Yun said with a smile. Several people chatted casually and talked about the world.
Suddenly, it was noon.
Su Yun glanced at the time and suggested, “If you two don’t dislike it, how about going to the company cafeteria with Su for a light meal?”
Lan Pusheng and Chen Shiyin nodded with a smile, and then the three came to the company cafeteria for dinner.
The three of Su Yun took the rice plates and came to the window for making meals.
When Lan Pusheng and Chen Shiyin saw so many cuisines in the restaurant window, they were a little confused for a while.
They thought they had entered some high-end restaurant.
Lan Pusheng couldn’t help sighing: “Mr. Su’s company benefits are the best in the world.
I have never seen such a luxurious canteen in any company. ”
Su Yun said with a smile: “The common people have suffered enough, we can no longer squeeze the common people.”
“Ziwen, you have so many meals here that I don’t know where to start.”
Chen Shiyin said with a smile, the amount of dishes here made him smack his tongue.
“It’s true, but I want to eat fish. There are so many ways to eat it. Huaxia has achieved the ultimate in eating.”
Lan Pusheng also laughed, and some emotions rose in his heart.
“The two of you can eat more.”
Su Yun said 4.2 with a smile, the three of them chatted and laughed while eating, and then found a place to sit down.
After the three of them finished eating, they returned to the company headquarters building and came to the living room.
At around three in the afternoon, there was a knock on the door of the living room.
Qian Tong opened the door and looked at Su Yun. When he was about to speak, Su Yun stood up.
Su Yun gestured to Qian Tong with his eyes, then looked at Chen Shiyin and the others and said, “You two wait a moment!”
Then Su Yun left the living room and came to the office.
Qian Tong stood in front of Su Yun and reported: “Report to President Su, the company has removed the 15 million salary and benefits that the company will pay employees this month,
There is also some money for raw material suppliers, about a million or so, and some silver money is outside,
It has not been recovered to the company headquarters, and the money that can be used at present is 20 million. ”
The comment area is too intense, let me say a few questions here!
Elevator, this thing has nothing to say, you can check it, you will find that there are four numbers 1854, what does it mean?
The world’s first elevator was invented in 1854, almost 80 years after the protagonist’s present time, and elevators have long been popularized in the West.
Then let me say another question, a lot of people are here to make trouble, right? Say no to recruit troops, the protagonist is looking for death. I’m just wondering, so many rich people live well, why didn’t he die?
What you said is reasonable, and it looks like a dog will die if you don’t recruit troops yourself. Are you looking for military articles?
But this is urban language, right? You want me to write about the military? What are you kidding? I don’t want a 404.
The reader of the ID Baisi pr, the comments of others, the suggestion is that I want the protagonist to be better, and I hope this book is better.
Are those clamoring to recruit troops to let me in? .
Chapter 148: It’s in a hurry, the system is in a hurry!
Su Yun thought for a while after hearing the words and said: “Later, you will distribute all the salaries and benefits of the employees,
Don’t delay the payment of the supplier’s money. All the money will be distributed. Just prepare the remaining 20 million yuan, and foreigners will come to pick it up. ”
The employees worked hard for a month every month, and in the end they were owed wages because they wanted to buy a battleship.
And the supplier’s money can’t be delayed, and even if they add their money, it’s not enough.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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