Nelson and the others took the cards and waved their hands to indicate that they were not in a hurry.
Immediately, Nelson stood there and looked at it.
During this period, his eyes have been on the employees who have come out and the employees who are eating at the table.
Of course, Nelson wasn’t watching them, but the food on their plates.
It goes without saying that Nelson did this because he wanted to see how the food was. He found that there were all kinds of food on the plates of the employees, and almost every employee did not eat the same dishes. of.
This made Nelson a little dazzled.
After all, Western dishes are different from those in the East. In the West, ordinary people eat nothing more than steak, chicken, mashed potatoes, salad and other things.
But there are tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of food practices in the East.
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And now, Nelson is a little dazzled by the variety of dishes.
After regaining his senses, Nelson couldn’t help nodding slightly.
He has been in the East for a while, and he has long heard how excellent the benefits provided by Huayin Group to employees, and even the food has crushed countless companies.
Now Nelson does have some confidence.
Although he did not know most of those dishes, judging from the color and aroma, the taste and quality of these foods would never be bad.
After observing for a while, Nelson waited for the rest of the employees to beat the meal, and then he stepped forward and checked each window.
The interpreter followed, and told Nelson what was written on the sign at each window.
“Master, this is the Huaiyang cuisine area, including Pingqiao tofu, Yangzhou fried rice, squirrel mandarin fish…
Here is the window of Shandong cuisine, there are pouch chicken, three-wire shark fin, three stacks of Yangguan…
This place is Sichuan cuisine…”
For the next few minutes, Nelson has been checking the dining windows everywhere, and the translator followed behind him, constantly reporting the name of the dishes for Nelson and making introductions.
At first, Nelson was intrigued.
“Huaxia’s food is really rich.”
But soon, Nelson couldn’t stand it anymore!
It’s not because the food is bad, it’s because there are too many windows!
There were also Lu cuisine, Cantonese cuisine, Anhui cuisine, Huaiyang cuisine, and all kinds of fancy dishes made from roasted, fried, and fried dishes, which almost made him unable to keep up with his thoughts.
It’s not that he lacks knowledge, but that Nelson has never seen so many types of food at the same time in a canteen.
So in the back window, Nelson didn’t look so carefully.
But he soon discovered something that surprised him.
That is, in addition to a variety of oriental delicacies, there is actually a western food area in this canteen.
Nelson came to the window of the western food area and found that the western food dishes here are also very complete, such as cheese, steak, foie gras, caviar, and bread and milk burgers and other western food are readily available!
At this time, Nelson couldn’t help but murmured, “I didn’t expect such a staff canteen to contain so much food.
Even our western food has everything. “begging.
Chapter 683: The Potential of Huayin Group
At this time, Nelson no longer hesitates about the quality of the food here.
He saw with his own eyes just now that the food in this canteen is very delicate, and the categories are very complete. If you change it to another place, let alone the staff canteen, even within the families of major chaebols, it is impossible to find so many at the same time. food.
Full of amazement, Nelson came to a window.
This time, he specially chose a Chinese food window, and discussed with Phyllis to let the group choose a few different dishes.
He wanted to see how the dishes here tasted.
After choosing the meals, Nelson and his party came to a table and sat down.
After being seated, Nelson felt very good about the table and chair experience here.
This is just the cafeteria for the employees, but the tables and chairs are all custom-made. The tables are all solid wood, the height is moderate, and the chairs are moderately soft and hard, which is very comfortable.
After that, the group began to taste the food on the table.
Several of them have chosen a lot of food styles, all kinds of dishes, all kinds of dishes, Nelson and others are full of praise for these dishes.
After eating and drinking for a while, Nelson said to Phyllis with satisfaction: “Uncle Phyllis, I didn’t expect the canteen here to cook so deliciously.
Their dishes are even better than some restaurants in Shanghai in terms of color, aroma, and taste. ”
Phyllis also kept nodding in approval.
The food in Huayin Canteen may not be the best. After all, this is a collective canteen, and there are too many fine aspects that cannot be taken into account when cooking.
But the dishes of a canteen can be compared with many high-end restaurants outside, which is already incredible.
Nelson was eating his meal, but he had a calculus in his heart.
No wonder outsiders say that Huayin Group is the most humane group, which can be seen from the meals of employees.
From this, Nelson also realized that the reason why Huayin Group has been able to develop so prosperously in a short period of time and become a giant in the eastern business world is not without reason.
It is not without reason that they are recognized and loved by many people in the country.
At least in terms of dietary treatmentIt can be seen that compared with other companies, Huayin Group’s attitude towards employees is completely different from them.
A group that considers employees’ three meals a day so carefully, they really treat every employee and every subordinate as an adult.
Let’s just say that the cafeteria here not only has a wide variety of food, but also has everything you need, and the portion is full, the taste is outstanding, and even the environment is so excellent.
How can employees not support such a company?
Huayin Group is still not prosperous if it can achieve such a level, that is a ghost!
When he was full of food and drink, Nelson raised his head and adjusted his instrument slightly before saying to the Huayin Group employee next to him: “Your Huayin Group’s canteen is really good. The environment and food here are very good.”
Speaking of which, Nelson also gave the employee a thumbs up.
Now they and Huayin Group are not a cooperative relationship. If it comes to financial wars, they are even rivals.
But Nelson’s compliment came from the heart.
Although they had estrangements before, Nelson is not a stingy person, and will not deny the excellence of Huayin’s group because of the previous events.
After eating, the group walked out of the cafeteria building.
After walking around for a while, Nelson made a request: “Let’s go here for today’s visit first. Please arrange a room for us. We need a lunch break.”
“No problem, everyone, please come with us.”
An employee responded and returned to the reception building with Nelson and others.
The reception building has more than one floor. The first floor is mainly used for temporary reception, the second floor is the place for real business discussions, and the third floor is used to provide rest for partners who come to cooperate.
Sometimes, some important business can not be decided in an hour or two, or even a day or two.
At that time, if the partners needed to rest temporarily, they could rest in the rooms of the reception building.
Back in the reception building, after several escorts explained to the service staff here, they took Nelson and his party to several rooms on the third floor.
“Look, everyone, these rooms are prepared for you. There are drinking water and fruit snacks in it, and the beds are ready. If you need it, please press the blue button at the door at any time.”
“Got it, thank you.”
Nelson waved, indicating that they could leave.
Then he and Phyllis entered the same room, and the rest of the followers entered other rooms to rest.  …
After entering the room, Nelson and Phyllis did not rest, but sat together to discuss what they had seen and heard today.
Phyllis asked, “Master, did you see something just now?”
Nelson thought for a while, and there was some sighing on his face.
“This Huayin Group is really grand, they treat their employees with sincerity, and they have now become absolute business giants in the entire East.
Judging from their people-oriented charm, the development of Huayin Group will be more vigorous in the future. I am sure that for a long time in the future, the entire Eastern business community will respect Huayin Group.
As long as their ideas are not lost, Huayin Group will be an unsurpassed existence in the eastern business community in the next tens or even hundreds of years. ”
There was a hint of admiration in Nelson’s tone.
Today’s meal made him notice the secret of Huayin Group’s success, or one of the secrets.
But this recipe for success cannot be replicated.
Because apart from Huayin Group, there is no other company in the world that can be so friendly to employees.
Phyllis shook his head slightly after listening to Nelson’s words.
“Master, Huayin Group has indeed achieved the ultimate in people-oriented, but this is not what I want to say.”
Nelson was a little confused, but quickly realized 4.3.
“Then Uncle Phyllis, are you trying to say something about their security staff?”
Phyllis nodded: “Yes, young master, that’s what I want to say.
I heard before that the Huaxia government fully supports Huayin Group’s activities. They even opened up various privileges to Huayin Group, and even handed over urban land in various cities to Huayin Group for escrow. ”
Phyllis said, a glint appeared in his eyes.
When he heard this before, he was very surprised.
No matter how large and prestige Huayin Group is, it is still only a private company after all.
At that time, Phyllis didn’t understand why Huaxia’s government supported Huayin Group so much, but today, when he saw Huayin Group’s security team and heard about the overall security force of Huayin Group, he finally understood. everything! .
Chapter 684: National Enterprise
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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