Because this private group has such a huge power to carry those privileges.
After hearing what Phyllis said, Nelson nodded and said, “I understand this too, Uncle Phyllis.
I had the same doubts as you before, but after seeing Huayin’s security team with my own eyes today, I realized that there is a reason for all this. ”
Phyllis nodded, sighing in his heart.
Nelson said with a little light in his eyes: “Uncle Phyllis, I have heard people say before that Huayin Group not only seconded a large number of pilots to support their Air Force and help the Air Force develop its strength.
And long ago, Huayin Group spent a lot of money to buy a lot of machinery and equipment from Britain, and at the same time spent a lot of money to hire British ship personnel to support their navy and help the sea.military development.
Even the battleships of the navy were bought by Huayin Group from Britain and then leased to the navy.
The Huayin Group, however, charges their navy only one thousand oceans a year for leasing.
In addition, some new warships used by the Huaxia Navy, such as the destroyer type 09, etc., are manufactured by the shipyards under the Huayin Group.
These ships are also leased to the navy by Huayin Group, and the annual lease fee also only needs one thousand oceans.
As for the army, Huaxia’s army has also received a lot of support from Huayin Group. A large number of advanced weapons used in the army are sold to them by Huayin Group at a very low price.
In some cases, Huayin Group also accepts IOUs from the Army, and without charging any fees, the weapons are directly given to the Army for use.
As for the security personnel we have seen today, their literacy is comparable to that of the regular army. To put it bluntly, they are the army reserve! ”
Nelson said so much in one breath, and he felt incredible.
Opposite him, Phyllis was also stunned by those words.
Nelson heard the news, but Nelson had never shared it with himself before.
Now that he heard these actions of Huayin Group, Phyllis realized that some of his previous doubts were pure jokes in the eyes of the Huaxia government.
The Huayin Group not only did not think about how to make moves, but also spared no effort to support the development of the military.
How can the government restrict such business groups?
Nelson’s thoughts at this time were similar to Phyllis.
He sighed and said, “If I were the leader of the government, I would spare no effort to support a commercial company like Huayin in China.
Over the years, Huayin Group has invested in various industries, which has greatly promoted the economic development of the East. It also supports the military and helps national defense. With such a commercial company, people in the Huaxia government can probably wake up with a smile from their dreams. ”
Phyllis nodded.
After understanding all this, he agreed with Nelson’s statement.
After sighing, Nelson added: “As we have seen and heard today, Huayin Group has raised millions of security guards, and all of them have received formal military training and are armed with guns.
This means that in the event of a war, these millions of security personnel can instantly transform into an army of millions, ready to enter the battlefield at any time.
After all, these security personnel are the reserve troops trained by Huayin Group for Huaxia. Their combat literacy is not inferior to that of the regular army, and they do not need any investment from the military, which greatly saves the military expenditure of the entire country.
And Uncle Phyllis, you have also heard that there are more than 15,000 instructors in their security company, and they are all retired soldiers.
That is to say, while Huayin Group cultivates reserve troops for Huaxia, it also greatly solves the problem of placement of retired soldiers. ”
“This… I know the young master. In this way, Huayin Group is the hidden pillar of Huaxia!”
After listening to Nelson’s remarks, Phyllis completely understood.
All in all, Huayin Group accepted some rights granted by the government, but also solved some of the government’s problems.
Moreover, Huayin Group has saved countless military expenditures for the government over the past few years, used its own money to subsidize the country, and helped the government develop its national strength in various fields.
How could such a group of companies not be valued by the government, and how could they not be supported by their national leaders?
Not only in Huaxia, no matter which country in the world such a company group is placed in, it is a pillar of existence, and no government of any country will reject such a company.
Unless the ruler of some country loses his mind!
Phyllis thought about this and sighed softly.
The more he understood this, the more he felt that Su Yun was unfathomable.
There are many company groups in the world that can be called extremely rich, and there are also many company groups with privileges in their hands, but besides him, Su Yun, who else can handle the relationship between enterprises and the government so properly?
Countless thoughts flashed through his mind, and Phyllis said solemnly: “Master, the fact that Huayin Group can fight so hotly with their government proves that Su Yun has an extraordinary mind.
In the face of such a person, we should pay close attention to it. ”
“I know that, Uncle Phyllis.”
Hearing this, Nelson nodded seriously.
He knew what Phyllis was talking about.
Last time at Gao’s house in Hangzhou, he negotiated with Su Yun, but he looked down on Su Yun because of Su Yun’s few words.
Now, after understanding this series of 223, Nelson also understands that Su Yun at that time just told him some truth, but he was a little rash at the time, and he didn’t have time to think about it seriously in the future.
Thinking of this, Nelson couldn’t wait to meet Su Yun even more.
He was anxious to see Su Yun before because the two sides wanted to discuss cooperation.
But now Nelson is mixed with some selfishness.
Last time, he inadvertently looked down on Su Yun, and now he really wants to meet this genius from the East again and really test this young legend.
Nelson couldn’t help but said to Phyllis: “Uncle Phyllis, when do you think Su Yun will arrange to meet us?”
Phyllis saw Nelson’s thoughts, and said helplessly: “Wait first, Master, Su Yun said that he would see us at 3:30, so he shouldn’t lose his trust.”
When Nelson and Phyllis discussed meeting Su Yun, Su Yun was meeting guests in his office.
It was none other than Chen Mingshu, the Minister of Transport who met him this time.
Since the end of the year, Huayin Group has allocated a large amount of funds to support the Ministry of Communications to carry out large-scale road construction across the country. During this period, Chen Mingshu was busy every day from morning to night, and led the Ministry of Communications to survey, plan and build roads day and night.
And Chen MingshuToday, I want to exchange with Su Yun about the progress of road projects in various places during this period of time.
Chapter 685: After the war, the infrastructure is completed
“Ziwen, thanks to your Huayin Group’s help during this period, we have invested enough funds, and our road projects in various places are progressing very smoothly.
Now, the construction of the two major loop lines in the north and south is intensifying, and the planning and construction of the rest of the places are also in preparation…”
In Su Yun’s office, Chen Mingshu and Su Yun were discussing the construction status of roads in various places.
He came today, to put it bluntly, to announce the good news to Su Yun.
From the end of the year to the present, the entire Ministry of Communications has been working day and night to mobilize countless human and material resources to build roads and open up transportation networks in various places.
Now they have been busy for four or five months, and finally achieved good results.
After listening to this, Su Yun also picked up the teacup and said, “Congratulations to you, Lao Chen. Your Ministry of Communications has worked hard during this time.”
Saying that, Su Yun stretched out his hand and gestured to Chen Mingshu.
Chen Mingshu also picked up the teacup, and the two exchanged tea for wine to express their feelings.
Immediately, Su Yun said: “Unfortunately, you and I have business affairs and don’t have time to celebrate, so let’s find a time, let’s talk about it.”
“it is good!”
Chen Mingshu nodded again and again, and said, “I came to you this time, not only because the overall road is progressing smoothly, but also for another good news.
If the road from Hanzhong to Guangyuan goes smoothly, the road will be officially opened to traffic around June this year at the latest. ”
Chen Mingshu said with a look of joy on his face.
Su Yun was also a little surprised.
He remembered that the road had been built this time last year, and if it was officially opened to traffic in June, it would have taken a little over a year before and after the road was built.
This is definitely no small achievement.
After all, this road is too difficult to repair.
The road from Hanzhong to Guangyuan has always been the focus of his investment and the Ministry of Communications.
This section of the road has to pass through many mountains and ravines along the way. Many places are surrounded by cliffs and mountains, which are extremely steep, not to mention road construction. Sometimes pedestrians pass through the mountain roads there, and they have to be careful to prevent them from slipping off the cliffs.
Compared to roads in other places, this is the hardest bone to crack.
At that time, in order to support the Ministry of Communications to open up this road as soon as possible, Su Yun specially told Chen Mingshu that even if he invested more, he should focus on this road first.
For this reason, Chen Mingshu also calculated the cost with him, but Su Yun didn’t care at that time.
After thinking for a while, Su Yun’s face also showed joy.
“However, such a difficult road can be completed in just over a year. Your Ministry of Communications must have paid a lot for this~々.”
When Chen Mingshu heard this, he quickly waved his hand.
With a bit of a wry smile on his face, he said, “This road is really important. During the one-year construction of this road, even the commissioner himself called over and asked questions over and over again.
To this end, we can only continue to tilt human and material resources and other resources on this road, and put more energy into it.
At the beginning of the construction of this road, the Ministry of Communications called millions of migrant workers from all over the country to build it in sections, and also invested a lot of road planning, design, and supervision personnel to supervise the site.
That’s not enough. At the end of last year, the old man who commissioned him repeatedly urged us to recruit another 1.4 million migrant workers to invest more manpower in the construction.
All in all, the number of migrant workers invested in this road alone has reached more than 2.4 million!
And that’s not counting some of the people sent by our Ministry of Transportation.
Fortunately, the emperor pays off. Although we have invested a lot in this road, there are no major problems in the middle, and this road can be successfully completed in more than a year. ”
Chen Mingshu said this, his face was both gratified and a little bitter.
In order to build this road, many people in the department are almost like machines, and several members fainted on various construction sites.
He, the Minister of Transportation, is not idle either. The Ministry of Transportation is already busy. While Chen Mingshu is in charge of various affairs, he also has to devote a lot of energy to supervising the related matters of this section of the road.
Seeing this, Su Yun comforted: “I understand Lao Chen. I understand the difficulty of building this road. You must have spent a lot of energy to win this road in such a short time.”
Chen Mingshu couldn’t help but nodded, and then he was a little fortunate.
“Actually, this is thanks to your Huayin Group.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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