If you didn’t give the Ministry of Communications a lot of financial support at the beginning, and then continued to allocate funds, this road would have to wait until the Year of the Monkey and the Horse Moon if it was to be built.
This is a mere one or two hundred kilometers of road, but you have successively invested hundreds of millions of dollars. With so much money in the plains and wilderness, it is no problem to build a road of thousands of kilometers.
So it’s thanks to you that you are willing to spend money, otherwise we wouldn’t have so much money to recruit people to build. ”
Su Yun smiled and said: “‘ ‘There is no need to say Lao Chen.
Regarding the construction of this road, we have already talked about it a long time ago. Now that the road is open, we still care about what the money does. ”
Chen Mingshu nodded when he heard the words, but he knew something in his heart.
Although Huayin Group has a big business today, it can easily put hundreds of millions of funds, which is not a small amount.
He still admires Su Yun’s courage.
Then Su Yun asked again: “Except for this road, how are the roads in other places built?
Especially the highway into Yunnan, whichBut it is also a difficult project. ”
The terrain and topography of the Yunnan-Guizhou River area are inherently complex. Most of these places are steep mountains and rivers. Many places have always been sparsely populated and relatively backward in development.
So in addition to the road from Hanzhong to Guangyuan (successfully), Su Yun is most concerned about the traffic conditions in these places.
Chen Mingshu thought for a while and said: “You don’t have to worry about this, the highway in Yunnan has not been able to start many sections, so only a part of it has been built.
You also know Ziwen, now the commissioner is ordering the military to carry out bandit suppression activities in that generation, and battles will break out from time to time.
After a period of time, after the bandit suppression operation is completed, the construction there can be fully launched. ”
“Well, that’s great, then you have to work harder.”
Su Yun nodded, expressing understanding.
Now Zhang Yao, Hu Zong and others’ bandit suppression teams are still fighting in that area, and the local fighting will inevitably affect the progress of the road project.
However, Su Yun was not worried about this.
As Chen Mingshu said, after the battle in that area is over, the Ministry of Communications can naturally start construction in multiple sections to speed up the process of road construction.
Chapter 686: Presentation of infrastructure effects
After talking about the road construction, Su Yun started to think again.
Infrastructure is related to his plan to lose money, and it is the main method for him to lose money. Su Yun must make a good calculation and understand it well.
In the past two years, with the rapid development of the national economy, the living consumption level of the people has begun to improve significantly.
Especially since the beginning of this year, as the pace of economic take-off has been further accelerated, people have more money in their hands, and their spending power has been further enhanced.
The consumption power of the people has become stronger, and the demand for various industrial products and daily necessities has increased significantly.
Huayin Group operates a large number of light industrial factories under the name of Huayin Group, and most of the products produced by these factories are closely related to people’s lives.
It is also for this reason that since the beginning of this year, Huayin Group’s monthly total profit in industrial products has also increased steadily.
So far, the net profit of the group in the field of industrial products has reached about 300 million per month.
The net profit of 300 million in January is quite a considerable figure!
However, this is also normal. Huayin Group is a domestic monopoly business group. Products in many fields are operated by Huayin Group, which is equivalent to a Huayin supplying the national market.
223 Even if Huayin Group does not set high prices for industrial products, it cannot withstand the high demand from the common people, and the common people everywhere support the Huayin brand.
This is equivalent to taking the path of small profits but quick turnover.
With such a major premise, it is very reasonable for Huayin Group to make so much profit.
However, the net profit of 300 million yuan per month sounds terrible, but when it is invested in infrastructure projects, this number does not seem to be much.
After all, infrastructure is a serious money-burner.
Don’t forget that Huayin Group has invested several hundred million in the road from Hanzhong to Guangyuan alone.
Of course, this road is special, and when Su Yun invested, he paid at all costs, which made the investment a bit outrageous.
But there are so many areas up and down the country, and countless roads have to be built, and there are still many places where money will be used in the future.
After calculating to understand this, Su Yun made up his mind.
To be honest, if there is no infrastructure, the task of the system this time is really quite a challenge.
But with infrastructure, a big money-burner, he doesn’t have to worry about not being able to spend the money he has.
(ajed) After the two chatted for a while, Chen Mingshu asked about Nelson.
Chen Mingshu also heard about Nelson’s visit to Jinling.
“Ziwen, I heard that Nelson, the son of the Locke family, brought someone to Jinling. It seems that he is going to discuss cooperation with your Huayin Group. How is this matter?”
Su Yun nodded: “Now Nelson is at the headquarters of the group, and I know the purpose of their visit.
But don’t worry about it now, let’s hang it for a while and then talk about it. ”
Chen Mingshu was a little stunned when he heard the words: “But Ziwen, isn’t this a little bad?
Nelson is also a genius child of the Locke family. He is very valued in the Locke family. Will you be dissatisfied with the Locke family by leaving him like this? ”
Su Yun waved his hand and said, “It doesn’t matter, I already have a plan in my heart.”
Chen Mingshu smiled bitterly when he heard the words: “Okay, since that’s the case, I won’t get involved in the affairs between you. You still have to do business affairs.”
Su Yun smiled, he knew Chen Mingshu’s kindness.
The Locke family is also a prestigious business family in the world, and now that Huayin Group has expanded to this point, it will definitely go abroad in the future.
Chen Mingshu should be worried not to provoke an opponent for nothing.
However, Chen Mingshu didn’t know the tricky part.
As early as when the conversion of the gold standard system was completed in China, Su Yun expected that the other party would definitely seek cooperation with him.
Because looking for cooperation with Huayin Group is the only way for them to open up the island country market, and only in this way can they harvest the island country’s finance and recover their previous losses.
So now Su Yun has the absolute initiative, and there is no need to be polite to the other party.
At the beginning, Su Yun gave the Locke family a chance.
But at that time, the other party didn’t grasp it, and now I can’t blame Su Yun for taking them back!
After communicating with Su Yun about the things on the road, Chen Mingshu left on his own.
Now he has a lot of things at hand, and even when he came to Su Yun to announce the good news today, he took time out of his busy schedule.
Road projects across the country are still going on, and the Minister of Transportation has to deal with countless businesses every day. In Chen Mingshu’s own words, this is a collection of all the things left behind in the past few years.
Chen MingshuAfter leaving, Su Yun looked at the time.
It is three o’clock in the afternoon, and there is still half an hour before Nelson and others make an appointment.
Su Yun was not in a hurry, and first dealt with the documents at hand.
It wasn’t until 3:25 that Su Yun left for the meeting room next to the headquarters building. When he came here, it was exactly 3:30 in the afternoon.
Before coming here, Su Yun also informed Wang Dehai to come with him.
Now Wang Dehai is in charge of the island country. Since the Locke family wants to talk about the island country, let them communicate with Wang Dehai.
When Su Yun went downstairs, Wang Dehai was already waiting downstairs in advance.
Previously, Wang Dehai went to the island country to discuss tariff barriers. After the negotiation was completed, he set off to return to China and reported the news to Su Yun.
At this time, the two of them went to the reception building together with a few casual people.
In the lobby of the reception building, Nelson and his party had long been sitting here waiting for Su Yun.
Before they saw that the time was coming, they sat here and waited, and during the period, they asked people to report the news many times, urging Su Yun to come and see.
Seeing that the clock on the wall was already pointing at 3:30, Nelson’s face was slightly displeased. He was about to have someone report it again when Su Yun walked in with Wang Dehai.
Seeing Su Yun’s arrival, Phyllis behind Nelson said, “Mr. Su, you are finally here.”
Su Yun replied calmly, and sat down on the opposite chair, with Wang Dehai standing behind Su Yun.
Seeing this, Nelson motioned for the translator to go out first.
He remembered that Su Yun could speak English.
After the interpreter went out, Su Yun gently wrapped his hands, leaned back on the seat slightly and said, “Mr. Nelson, what are you going to do when you come to see me this time?
If I remember correctly, your Locke family has nothing to do with me, Huayin Jitu, right? ”
While speaking, Su Yun’s eyes were filled with meaningless colors.
Seeing this, Nelson immediately frowned slightly.
There was nothing wrong with Su Yun’s words, but this senseless expression and tone made him instantly dissatisfied.
Chapter 687: Is this a humiliation to him?
When we met before, although Su Yun didn’t show any flattering attitude, his tone was still very calm, and now Su Yun’s whole person’s words and deeds revealed an arrogance.
This made Nelson a little unsure of how to deal with it for a while.
Behind him, Phyllis noticed that the atmosphere was not right, and immediately opened his mouth to make a clearance.
And his attitude was somewhat humble.
He knew that it was because of Su Yun that what happened last time was giving them a bad chance, but this time, the Locke family was in a passive position, and they had to lower their stance.
“Mr. Su, we had some minor unpleasantness last time, but it’s been so long, let’s let it go.
I believe that you are not a stingy person, Mr. Su, and this time we came here with full sincerity, wanting to talk to you about cooperation. ”
Su Yun sat up slightly, but his tone was still full of frivolity.
“Cooperation? Is there any cooperation we can talk about-?
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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