Due to economic development and the rise of the real estate industry, more and more construction projects are being carried out in various places, and the demand for cement is also increasing.
Recently, the amount of cement produced by Donghua Building Materials has been unable to meet the market demand, and there has been a large supply gap.
In particular, the Ministry of Communications has been busy building roads since this year, and the amount of cement required is huge.
Almost all of these cements were ordered from the cement factories owned by Donghua Building Materials. Recently, the supply gap has increased, and people from the Ministry of Communications have sent letters every three days to urge cement.
Huayin Construction Company is engaged in projects in various places, and will come to urge from time to time.
Not to mention the private real estate developers.
They build buildings and residential quarters, and all the cement they need is rushing to order from Donghua Building Materials Company.
Even if the supply of cement is not timely, they would rather have people come over to remind them every day rather than buying from other manufacturers.
The reason is also very simple.
Donghua Building Materials Co., Ltd. has a large output of cement, and has always had a stable supply and excellent quality. Compared with other cement manufacturers, the cost-effective ratio is the highest, second only to Huayin Group in China.
So everyone wants to use their cement.
But during this time, their supply was unstable.
It’s not that the company’s production is unstable, but the supply is not stable!
Although Donghua Building Materials Co., Ltd. is developing rapidly and its scale is not small, the production capacity of a single building materials company is limited after all, but almost all of the cement in countless places across the country are supplying 0 ……
In this case, Wu Guangqi lost his hair and couldn’t think of a way to achieve a perfect supply in a short time.
Even if it continues to expand, it will have to give him time to recruit and buy machines!
After stepping up to deal with the matter at hand, Wu Guangqi put down his pen, his face full of helplessness.
He had a headache when he remembered that there were still so many customers urging orders outside.
“Alas. It’s all the fault of Huayin Group. With such a big company, they can’t get more cement?”
Wu Guangqi’s words were angry words, but also out of helplessness.
Speaking of which, the people originally wanted to buy cement from Huayin Group, but the supply of cement produced by Huayin Group was not enough, so how could it be sold to the outside world?
Therefore, whether it is the common people or real estate businessmen, they put their sights on Donghua Building Materials Company.
This is good for the company’s development.
But the problem is… with the current output of the company’s local manufacturers, it simply cannot meet such a large demand!
Just when Wu Guangqi was worried about this, someone knocked on the door of the office.
Wu Guangqi was slightly surprised at first. There were too many people urging cement during this time, and many anxious customers even came to urge them directly, so Wu Guangqi subconsciously thought that there were people who urge orders again.
But he still said: “Come in.”
It was not until the office door was opened that Wu Guangqi breathed a sigh of relief.
The person 4.3 who came in was not a client, but his female secretary.
“What’s up?”
Wu Guangqi asked.
The female secretary bowed slightly: “Mr. Wu, the time is almost up, you should go to the Song Mansion for the dinner.”
“Understood, you go to inform the people below to prepare the car, and I will go immediately.”
Wu Guangqi waved his hand, and the female secretary went to prepare.
Then Wu Guangqi changed his clothes, sorted out his instruments, and set off for Song Mansion.
This time the dinner was initiated by Song Wen, and it was essentially a charity dinner.
Song Wen said that nowadays education and infrastructure construction in various parts of the country are booming, and on this basis, he organized such an event and invited major domestic capital to participate.
Its purpose is naturally to raise funds for domestic education and infrastructure.
And Wu Guangqi and his Donghua Building Materials are naturally also on the invitation list this time.
Chapter 689: Charity Dinner
This charity dinner, Song Wen invited some big domestic capitals, but although these capitals were rich, their hearts could not be called kind.
In the final analysis, they can become big capital, relying on exploitation and squeezing.
But Wu Guangqi is an outlier among this group of people.
Compared with many big capitalists who only know how to squeeze people and exploit workers, Wu Guangqi is one of the few conscientious capitalists in China.
In the past two years, construction projects in various parts of the country have been carried out frequently, and many construction projects by the Ministry of Communications and Huayin Group have been carried out continuously. Wu Guangqi’s Donghua Building Materials Company has rapidly developed into the No. 1 building materials company in China.
Donghua Building Materials Co., Ltd. has also become one of the top ten major capital groups in China.
But in the process of development, Wu Guangqi never exploited employees and squeezed the people like other capitals.
It is said that the various treatments he gives to employees, including salaries, are second only to Huayin Group in China.
Anything in Donghua Building Materials Co., Ltd.The employees of the factories under the company are all serious about food and housing, and they also receive a salary of ten yuan every month.
Of course, Donghua Building Materials’ room and board conditions and benefits are not comparable to Huayin Group’s, but in the current environment, it is already very conscientious for Wu Guangqi to give such conditions.
And Wu Guangqi was able to get close to Huayin Group, in large part because of his enthusiasm for education.
Until the company’s development, Wu Guangqi has never forgotten his original intention. Every month, Wu Guangqi donates part of the money to the education industry to contribute to the education industry.
And Su Yun’s idea of ​​attaching importance to education also had a great influence on Wu Guangqi.
Because he often donates to the education sector to support the development of education, many newspapers have also interviewed him.
Whenever he is interviewed, Wu Guangqi will quote Su Yun’s words – “If domestic education could have been developed ten years earlier, they would not be as poor and backward as they are now.”
This sentence is always convinced by Wu Guangqi, and he also hopes to inspire the Chinese people and call on everyone to actively contribute to the cause of education.
And Wu Guangqi did this, which deepened Su Yun’s recognition of him.
This is why from his cooperation with Huayin Group to now, Su Yun has been very trusting and close to him.
After leaving the company, Wu Guangqi took a car and ran all the way to Song Mansion.
Song Gongguan was brightly lit tonight, with bright yellow lights hanging from the mansion to the door.
A long red carpet was laid in front of Song Mansion to entertain the capitalists who came to attend the charity dinner.
Such a red carpet is laid from the gate to the living room.
There are also many neatly arranged welcome lines at the door. These greeters are all dressed in personal suits and lined up on both sides of the door with smiles on their faces.
The entrance of Song Mansion was wide open, and four welcome leaders stood on both sides of the entrance to welcome the coming and going guests.
In the hall where the guests were entertained, table by table of wine and dishes had already begun to be arranged, and the servants of the Song family carried the wine and shuttled between the tables in a fast and uncluttered manner.
At the same time, many servants brought exquisite dishes one after another into the hall from outside to inside.
In the hall, not only are chandeliers and ceiling lamps lit, but also bright candles are lined up around.
At this moment, many guests have also arrived.
They were all dignitaries invited by Song Wen, as well as big capitalists from all over the world.
These people are all dressed in neat suits, either in tunic suits or long top hats. They sit at the table, greet each other with neighboring guests, and taste the snacks on the table.
From their clothes and words and deeds, it can be seen that the people who came to the Song Mansion tonight are all rich or noble, and they are all celebrities and elites at the top.
Soon after, Wu Guangqi also took a car to the front of Song Mansion.
After getting out of the car, Wu Guangqi asked his entourage to hand over invitations.
After inspecting it, the leader of Yingbin said respectfully, “Welcome to Mr. Wu, please take a seat inside.”
Wu Guangqi gestured slightly and walked in. Immediately in front of him, a servant from the Song family came to lead the way, and led Wu Guangqi all the way to the hall.
There were already many people in the hall. At this time, when many people saw Wu Guangqi’s arrival, they all stood up to greet him.
“Brother Wu is here, come in and sit!”
“Xiongtai doesn’t have to be like this, it will be a shame for Wu.”
“Hahaha, President Wu, I’ve been looking forward to it for a long time, I’ve been looking up to the famous name for a long time.”
“Where is it, Mr. Zhao is joking.”
“Brother Wu, stay safe, where have you made your fortune recently?”

When everyone faced Wu Guangqi, some enthusiastically stepped forward and greeted him, while others were attentive and more or less flattering.
In the face of these people’s greetings, Wu Guangqi responded one by one.
His attitude was very modest, which made everyone more attentive.
The people who come here today are all dignitaries and high-level figures. It stands to reason that there is not much difference between the status and status of many people and Wu Guangqi.
But the more such a person is, the more diligent he is.
The reason is very simple. Wu Guangqi’s business may not be the biggest among this group of people, and his status is a little lower than some people on the scene.
But the relationship between Wu Guangqi and Su Yun is here!
In today’s upper-class circles, especially in the business world, who does not know that Wu Guangqi and Su Yun have a close relationship.
The reason why they are so attentive to Wu Guangqi is naturally that they want to establish a relationship with Su Yun’s Huayin Group through Wu Guangqi.
Now Su Yun’s Hua 227 Silver Group is a domestic business giant, controlling the vast majority of domestic business resources. A random action can decide the rise and fall of these people’s industries.
In addition, Su Yun himself also knows many bigwigs in the military and political circles, and has extraordinary influence in the military and political circles.
Today’s Su Yun can be said to be the real top figure.
Although they are called upper class, their “upper class” is still a thousand miles behind Su Yun’s “top class”.
Because of this, many people want to get on the big boat of Su Yun, but they have no way to contact Su Yun on weekdays, so they can only take this opportunity to flatter Wu Guangqi.
Wu Guangqi and Su Yun have a close relationship, and they please Wu Guangqi, maybe they can communicate with Su Yun one or two times?
In the blink of an eye, ten minutes passed.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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