During this period of time, Wu Guangqi has been busy entertaining the greetings of various capitals and dignitaries, but Wu Guangqi did not feel disgusted or put on airs.
From beginning to end, Wu Guangqi responded with a smile on his face and enthusiastically responded to everyone present.
He understands in his heart that the reason why these people please him is absolutelyPart of it is because of Su Yun’s aura, and his words and deeds will also affect Su Yun’s reputation to some extent.
Therefore, Wu Guangqi responded politely to everyone and never ruined Su Yun’s reputation.
Chapter 690: Sky-high handwriting
The Song Mansion was very lively, and many dignitaries who came here were flattering to Wu Guangqi and wanted to board Su Yun’s boat through Wu Guangqi’s line.
In the face of these people’s flattery, Wu Guangqi responded quite appropriately, neither treating him coldly nor promising anything.
Time passed slowly, and before you knew it, the clock on the wall pointed to eight o’clock.
At this time, the snacks, drinks and dishes on the table have been arranged, and the atmosphere in the hall is almost the same. Many people chatted, greeted each other, and it was very lively.
Wu Guangqi was still surrounded by many people, and he was courteous to please.
At this moment, Song Wen walked in from outside with several servants.
Entering the door, Song Wen bowed his hands and saluted, and said loudly: “My guests and friends, thank you for enjoying the light tonight, so that the humble house is full of brilliance!”
Hearing Song Wen’s voice, the entire hall fell silent.
The guests who were chatting just now stopped making noise and looked at Song Wen with a restrained expression.
They know that today’s charity dinner is only now the beginning.
Song Wen looked around and said with a smile: “Everyone is a bright person, Song will not be polite.
As Song said in the invitation, I invite you to come here today because I hope you can contribute generously to the country’s education, infrastructure and other causes.
Of course, Song will not let everyone busy. ”
Saying that, Song Wen gestured to the attendant next to him: “Bring the things up.”
The entourage responded respectfully and handed it over with a wooden plate in both hands.
Seeing this, everyone turned their attention to it.
I saw that the wooden plate was covered with red cloth, and there seemed to be a scroll-like thing under the red cloth, but no one could see what it was.
At this time, Song Wen continued: “Today’s charity dinner will be held in the form of an auction. The first thing to be auctioned is the handwriting of Su Yun, the president of Huayin Group!”
After the loud announcement, Song Wen lifted the red cloth and showed the items to everyone.
Many people’s eyes lit up when they heard it!
If the scroll really was written by Su Yun, they must buy it.
Because this is a good time to be flattering!
Don’t forget that Wu Guangqi is still watching here. If he spares no effort to buy this handwritten book and the news reaches Su Yun, will they have a chance to connect with Su Yun?
What’s more, Su Yun is now a top figure in the country. Now, as Su Yun’s status is getting higher and higher, the value of his handwritten books and other items is also rising.
In today’s China, a handwritten book by Su Yun can be called a national treasure.
After Su Yun’s status has been elevated, many people want to get some of Su Yun’s calligraphy and paintings, so that they can admire his style and hide at home.
But it is a pity that Su Yun’s works of this kind are all casual, and he will not give them to anyone, so there has been no Su Yun’s works on the market.
This makes people who think about collecting Su Yun’s calligraphy and painting nowhere to find it even if they want to.
And now Song Wen actually took out Su Yun’s works for auction, which was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
Seeing the enthusiasm of the crowd, Song Wen’s smile grew stronger.
He picked up the scroll with his own hands and put it in front of him and showed it to everyone.
Everyone looked at it quickly, and saw that on the rice paper, there were four big characters “Scholarly Door ~ 々” written by Su Yunyi.
This suddenly made countless people at the scene exclaimed.
Immediately afterwards, the minds of many people began to turn wildly.
a family of scholars!
They have to buy this word whatever they say!
If they got it back and made it into a plaque and hung it at their door, they could tell outsiders after they went out that their family was not a businessman, but a serious scholar.
After all, this is Su Yun’s own inscription, which is equivalent to Su Yun’s personal admission.
Let’s see who dares to call them businessmen in the future!
Although this idea may sound a bit strange, it is the common thought of everyone present.
The people present were all big capitalists in China, who started out by running businesses, but because of some concepts, no one wanted to admit that they were businessmen.
After some capitals have reached a certain scale, they even find people everywhere and make friends with some literati, just to break away from the business circle and wash their family into a scholarly family.
Today is good, if anyone gets Su Yun’s words, it is equivalent to getting the imperial edict.
Even Su Yun has spoken, who would dare to say that they are not scholars?
Next, Song Wen personally announced the starting price.
“Mr. Su’s first handwritten book, a scholarly family, the starting price is two million Chinese yuan.”
“I!! I am me, I will give out three million!”
“I made a bid, and I made three and a half million Chinese yuan!”
“I’ll give five million!”

As soon as Song Wenhuayin landed, countless people at the scene began to make quotations.
In order to get this piece of Su Yun’s work, the capital who came here almost went out of their way. At the beginning, every quotation went up by millions.
Later, although the price increases of all parties were smaller, the competition was still fierce.
Until the last pass, Su Yun’s calligraphy has been carried to 12 million yuan.
But this price is still not the peak. After the quotation of 12 million, there are still many people who continue to bid.
“‘ ‘I’ll pay 12,200,000!”
“Thirteen million Chinese yuan!”
“I’ll pay 13.1 million!”

“These people are so motivated to bid.”
Listening to the quotations from many people next to him, Wu Guangqi in the crowd just watched quietly. From beginning to end, he did not speak.
Until now, the range of bidding has gradually decreased. Wu GuangqiJust thought about it silently.
He knew that most of the people here wanted to buy this work, not because they really appreciated Su Yun’s calligraphy, but because of the value of the words “Scholarly Family”.
At this moment, a northern merchant called the price to 14 million.
And behind him, it seems that no one has raised the price anymore.
In front of the crowd, Song (to Zhao) Wen had already started to confirm the price.
“Fourteen million Chinese dollars once, fourteen million Chinese dollars twice…”
Seeing that the price could no longer rise, Wu Guangqi suddenly walked to the front of the crowd and said loudly: “Wu Guangqi of Donghua Building Materials Company, offer 15 million Chinese yuan!”
As soon as these words came out, everyone present immediately looked at each other, and they all looked at Wu Guangqi.
Although Su Yun’s calligraphy is very valuable, it is only a pair of characters. It is already a sky-high price to call it. No one would have thought that Wu Guangqi would suddenly come out and raise the price of one million in an instant.
Even the northern merchant was a little dumbfounded.
He originally thought that he was bound to win, but he never expected that Wu Guangqi would raise the price again at a critical moment.
This time, everyone gave up.
The price of 15 million is beyond what everyone can bear, not to mention that Wu Guangqi is also someone Su Yun trusts, so there is no need for them to have a quarrel with each other because of this.
Chapter 691: Capital Drainage
“Fifteen million Chinese dollars once, and fifteen million Chinese dollars twice!”
Seeing that everyone present was silent, Song Wen began to confirm the price.
After repeated quotations, no one at the scene made any further bids, and Song Wen finally made a final decision.
“Congratulations to Mr. Wu Guangqi for winning the calligraphy of Mr. Su, President of Huayin Group, at the price of 15 million Chinese dollars!
Mr. Wu Guangqi, congratulations, this fund can be settled after the dinner. ”
Wu Guangqi nodded, and there was warm applause from the scene.
The capitalists, dignitaries, etc. who came here applauded, with envious expressions on their faces.
“Congratulations, congratulations, Brother Wu has this calligraphy treasure, it is worth celebrating.”
“Brother Wu is decisive, you can taste what you want, I will be envious.”
But in the hearts of the people, it was a pity.
They originally wanted to take this opportunity to gain the reputation of a scholarly family, but now this opportunity has been missed by them.
Song Wen knew what these people were thinking, and said loudly: “If you haven’t obtained Mr. Su’s calligraphy, don’t worry, we will continue to auction Mr. Su’s calligraphy and paintings and other works, please be patient.”
Saying that, Song Wen gave way.
It was only then that everyone noticed that there was a team of attendants behind Song Wen, and the trays in their hands were all scrolls, and those works were all in the hands of Su Yun.
Seeing this, everyone was interested again.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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