Although he lost the title of scholarly family, 230 was able to get Su Yun’s other works, which is also a very worthy of celebration.
This can not only flatter Su Yun on the spot, but also allow them to earn enough face and reputation among their peers.
Next, the auction continues.
The subsequent works are all calligraphy or paintings, which are mostly done by Su Yun, and their meanings are not as profound as the first work.
But people are still fascinated by it.
As the auction went on, Su Yun’s works were sold one by one, and the prices of these works were raised very high in the end. The cheapest landscape painting was also called 7.3 million yuan.
The auction continued until about 9:30 pm.
After the auction of Su Yun’s last piece of work was over, Song Wen motioned for his entourage and others to leave.
Immediately, Song Wen looked at everyone and said, “Thank you for your generosity today. The money from the auction tonight, except for the taxes that should be paid, the rest of the money will be invested in the country’s education and road construction.
As you all know, domestic transportation is under construction, and education is booming in various places, which requires a huge amount of money.
After today, all of you have made contributions to education and transportation. Song arrogant, on behalf of the people in the country, thank you all. ”
After Song Wen finished speaking, there was a burst of applause at the scene, and then some people stepped forward to give salute.
“Minister Song is serious, I can’t wait to make a little effort.”
“Minister Song doesn’t have to be like this.”

After everyone was quiet for a while, Song Wen said again: “The auction has been completed, but this is only one of the events tonight. Next, Song has another important thing to tell you.”
As soon as Song Wen said this, everyone began to whisper.
They were invited to come here today, aren’t they just to attend the charity dinner and donate money to support the construction?
Is there anything else besides that?
Wu Guangqi was also very curious and couldn’t help but say, “I don’t know what Minister Song is talking about. Please speak bluntly.”
Everyone present nodded.
“Yes, Minister Song, you are blunt.”
Song Wen nodded and said, “Since this is the case, Song will not hide it.
As we all know, Huayin Group was authorized by the government a few days ago to supervise the domestic market on behalf of the government.
Su Yun also serves as the chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the chairman of the bank board committee, and the speaker of major civil organizations.
Su Yun met with me a few days ago, and proposed to conduct a comprehensive rectification of the entire domestic market, stipulating that all domestic companies must strictly abide by uniform standards in terms of employee benefits and salaries.
The specific regulations are: the basic salary of ordinary employees at the bottom shall not be less than 12 yuan per month.
In addition, during the Mid-Autumn Festival, Lantern Festival and other holidays, if employees continue to work, they will be treated as overtime (ajed), and they need to pay double wages. The daily working hours of employees shall not exceed eight hours.
ifUnder special circumstances, employees who work more than eight hours a day are also required to pay corresponding overtime pay in accordance with the prescribed standards.
Of course, these are only preliminary ideas put forward by Huayin Group. The specific provisions will be improved by Huayin Group in the future, and then you can implement them according to the final regulations. ”
After Song Wen finished speaking, he kept observing everyone’s performance.
Today’s charity dinner, doing charity is only incidental.
The fundamental purpose is naturally to fulfill Su Yun’s requirements for the Song family, which is to lead some domestic capital to foreign countries.
He discussed this matter with Su Yun, and the two finally decided to force the capital to go abroad in the name of regulating the domestic market and establishing new rules.
Of course, the content of these regulations mentioned by Song Wen is true. Soon, Su Yun will indeed formulate relevant provisions to regulate the operation of domestic capital.
And these regulations are definitely bad news for a group of capital.
After all, the content of the clauses is plain, that it is to strive for welfare for those working people, which is tantamount to restricting capital from exploiting the people.
As a result, the cost of their investment will increase, and the benefit will be reduced.
Su Yun and Song Wen decided that these guys were bound to be unacceptable, so then Song Wen could logically propose to let them develop abroad.
Sure enough, many capitalists present couldn’t help but talk about these regulations after listening to Song Wen’s statement.
“This raises the salary, raises the salary, and also asks us to pay them overtime, so what kind of money do we make?”
“Yeah, business is not easy to do this year, and if we invest more, won’t our business close down?”
“With these regulations, there is no way for us to survive!”
“Minister Song, tell Mr. Su that he must not do this.”
These capital discussions and discussions have become mutual complaints.
They kept saying things like small business and difficult business. In fact, it was to persuade Song Wen and spread these words to Su Yun’s ears.
At this time, they were still hoping that Su Yun would raise his hand and not implement these regulations.
The essence of capital is exploitation, but Huayin Group does not allow them to do so.
But if workers are not exploited and oppressed, where will they make money? You can’t really eat that little profit, right?
If they do that, can they still be called capitalists?
The capitalists in the entire hall were discussing with each other, they complained, they were helpless, they poured bitterness against each other, but no one dared to stand up and oppose it publicly.
Chapter 692: Swept abroad
Although it is difficult for these capitalists to accept those terms, they are very clear in their hearts.
These rules introduced by Su Yun are not something they can refute.
Huayin Group is the only giant in the domestic business field. Su Yun himself holds several positions and has a profound background. His subordinate Huayin Group holds the lifeline of domestic business.
If anyone dares to stand up and refute, once they are retaliated by Huayin Group, their family business will be lost.
There are examples of this kind of thing.
When Su Yun regulated the real estate industry before, they had all heard about the guy in southern Henan.
That guy stood up against Huayin Group that day, and called on all the participants to unite against Su Yun, but it turned out that this old man’s family business was acquired by Huayin Group that day.
As for himself, he still doesn’t know which corner he is staying in.
The businessmen who come here know how to keep track of current affairs, and with this foreshadowing in advance, how can they dare to seek death by themselves.
As for saying that there will be a certain vacancy in the market, which may affect the market operation of a certain industry, this kind of thing is even more unlikely to happen.
Now there are a large number of businessmen in China who are willing to kneel and lick Huayin Group, thinking of connecting with Huayin Group.
These people do not cooperate. After Huayin Group cleans up them, it can easily support a group of enterprises to fill the vacant market.
After weighing and understanding these truths, everyone can only silently accept these conditions.
Of course, they can also unite and collectively oppose the Huayin Group.
But this is simply impossible.
It’s not that they dare not, but even if they do, nothing will be achieved.
The development of many enterprises relies on the help of various parties, but all large companies have certain involvement with the capital of all parties, and only with the support of multi-party cooperation can a company truly enter the first-class field.
But this does not apply to Huayin Group.
The reason why Huayin Group can rise is not relying on the support and cooperation of any commercial capital, but relying on various activities to benefit the people and helping the government to develop its national strength, laying a solid foundation for the people and the government.
After all, the foundation of Huayin Group’s development is the government and the masses.
As long as Huayin Group’s public prestige is still there and government support is still there, they will be able to develop long-term and stable.
In other words, even if this group of capitals united to oppose Huayin, it would be of no use.
Maybe it will also arouse the opposition of the people and the government, and set them on fire.
All in all, from the perspective of people’s livelihood and helping the country’s development, Huayin Group is an indispensable pillar, and no one can replace its position.
And their capital can be replaced at any time.
If they don’t know the importance and rashly unite against Huayin Group, even without Huayin Group’s action, the government will not let them end well.
While these people were discussing, Song Wen didn’t speak, just watched quietly in front of the crowd.
On the surface, he was giving these people time to think.
But in fact, today’s situation has long been expected by him and Su Yun.
He knew that these people couldn’t accept those rules.
In this way, Song Wen can push the boat smoothly and say the next step.
“ClapSnapped. ”
Regardless of what these people were muttering, Song Wen clapped his hands lightly.
Suddenly the whole hall became quiet, and those capitals looked at Song Wen, wanting to hear what he said next.
Song Wen said indifferently: “Everyone, please don’t worry, Su Yun has communicated with me before, and he knows that when these rules come out, they will definitely make everyone less money.
However, he also gave another promise, that is, as long as everyone goes abroad to develop, he will not care about it.
Everyone here is a businessman. I will speak directly. The accumulation of capital requires oppression and exploitation, blood and tears. Su Yun and I both know this.
But he and I share the same view that this blood and tears cannot be applied to our own countrymen. Others, we don’t care at all! ”
Song Wen said, and glanced around again.
This time, he saw that many capitals present were slightly nodding their heads. Obviously, some people who responded quickly already understood his intention this time.
Song Wen was very pleased with this.
The more clearly these guys think, the more effort he can save.
Song Wen then continued to add: “As you all know, our domestic economy is in a stage of rapid development, and it is the time when a lot of resources are needed.
The amount of resources in Southeast Asia is very large, especially teak, which is an indispensable resource for building ships.
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If you are interested, you can go to Annan and other places to cut teak, collect other resources and transport them back to China, which can also be regarded as helping the development of the country.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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