And in those places, you can do any business you want, and you can do business in any way you want. As long as you don’t use some means on the Chinese people, Huayin Group will not deliberately control it.
Moreover, I also discussed with Su Yun that as long as you are willing to go abroad for development, Huayin Group can also provide some support, sell you some light weapons, and help you establish a local security company.
The situation in Southeast Asia is very chaotic, but with these conditions of Huayin Group, it should be enough to escort your industry there. ”
With all that being said, Song Wen had a complete showdown.
No matter how slow the response is, everyone here will understand.
At tonight’s banquet, it’s fake to do charitable fundraising, and it’s real to send them to overseas areas and send resources to the country.
Many people do not know that Huayin Group is guarding against them, but they understand that this is Huayin Group making them a tool for capital accumulation.
But then again, there is nothing wrong with being such a tool.
You must know that a long time ago, many of them wanted to invest in some industries abroad. After all, doing business in those places can easily make huge profits!
Let’s not talk about it, just talking about the people of Dongjiang Group, they were still a little restrained in the country and had to abide by some moral rules.
But since being squeezed into Southeast Asia, although they have been squeezed out in name, people with a little more information know that Dongjiang Group has made a lot of money in the Siam area in the past two years.
There are no so-called restrictions on public order and good customs. As long as you have the strength, you can make money with all your might.
As for what means to use, who will care!
What’s more important is that the people of TK Group are clearly not doing anything glorious, but they are supported by Huayin Group, and their names are all for the benefit of the country.
Now some people who don’t know what to do in the private sector even support the TK Group, saying that they would rather bear the infamy, but also deliver benefits for the country, and support the TK Group from the bottom of their hearts.
Who wouldn’t want to do such a good thing with fame and fortune? begging.
Chapter 693: Businessmen are talking about interests
Therefore, after Song Wen finished the follow-up conditions, everyone in the room was smiling.
“Minister Song, if it’s true as you said, we can do whatever we want in Southeast Asia, then we will definitely support it.”
“Yes, Minister Song, this is a good thing, and we must actively implement it.”
“Please communicate with Mr. Su, we will leave immediately.”
In the entire hall, all the capitalists looked happy, and even many people couldn’t wait.
When they arrive in Southeast Asia, they are the emperor of the sky!
And the only thing to worry about in those places is the local unrest.
If there are no weapons and no security personnel, these people will only become fat in some people’s mouths when they get there.
But it’s different now!
Huayin Group made a promise that it would support them in terms of weapons and “two-three-zero” security, so what should everyone worry about?
Everyone’s words are my words, and the enthusiasm is very high.
Seeing this, Song Wen smiled and said: “It seems that everyone’s enthusiasm is very high. Since this is the case, then I have to work for you.
After you arrive in Southeast Asia, don’t just think about making your own fortune. After you get rich, you should also think more about domestic development. ”
“Yes, yes, we must support the country and the people’s livelihood.”
“Whatever Minister Song said, we are all from China, how can we forget our motherland.”
“As long as we can make money, we must not forget our homeland.”

The above words are completely polite words from Song Wen and various capitals.
Song Wen was very happy in his heart, and he didn’t even think that today’s affairs could be solved so smoothly.
He also knows that among this group of people, there must be many people who are unwilling to leave their homes and go abroad.
But Song Wen has already said everything.
Those who stay in China will be regulated by the terms of Huayin Group.
heI believe that these people are not stupid. Those who really want to make money will definitely go abroad.
Of course, some businessmen who support Huayin Group, or are truly patriotic, should choose to stay. Song Wen and Su Yun don’t need to worry about this type of capital.
They dominate these guys abroad, firstly to consolidate foreign resources and accumulate capital for domestic development, and secondly to eliminate some potential hidden dangers.
Other capital that supports Huayin Group, such as Donghua Building Materials Company, which is close to Huayin, is not within Su Yun’s goal.
After talking about the business, today’s dinner officially started.
Before, everyone was either in the auction or listening to Song Wen discussing the conditions. Unless they were heartless guys, no one was eating and drinking.
Having said that, if they were heartless, they wouldn’t be able to get to where they are today.
Now that the business is over, Song Wencai greeted him: “Today’s banquet was neglected. Now that the business is over, please eat and drink well, and have fun.”
A group of dignitaries returned their gifts one after another.
However, this dinner party, which seemed to have just started, has actually come to an end.
The people present are all smart people, and none of them came here just to eat. Now that everything is over, there is no need for them to stay here.
Therefore, after these people stayed for a while, they all made excuses to leave.
Song Wen didn’t care about them, and asked someone to pass the news to Su Yun.
While Su Yun and Song Wen were leading domestic capital to Southeast Asia and other places, Pierpont and John D. Locke were also discussing affairs in a manor in the United States.
The meeting between the two was naturally for cooperation with Huayin Group.
Pierpont spoke first: “John Locke, how are things going in the East?”
John Locke shook his head: “Our affairs in the East are not going well. Earlier, I asked my son Nelson to go to Su Yun to negotiate, but in the end, the door was closed.
According to the news from Nelson, Su Yun first let them hang for a long time, and then asked a subordinate who did not understand English to talk with them. This was no negotiation at all. ”
He said so, but John Locke understood in his heart.
Pierpont contacted the matter before and after, and instantly understood the meaning.
“According to this, Su Yun wants to gain more initiative in this cooperation, or they want to occupy greater interests?”
John Locke nodded.
Pierpont’s face condensed: “Su Yun is indeed going too far! In this economic invasion operation, our eight major consortiums and those below them have invested a lot of costs, but in the end, they have nothing to gain, even the previous ones. The investment also loses a point and there is no 0 left ……
And all this is lost to Huayin Group! Their plan cost us a total of more than four billion dollars, and each consortium lost a lot of money.
During this period of time, many people in China have also been quite dissatisfied with us, but we have lost money and reputation. But Huayin Group still wants to get more benefits from us? ”
Pierpont said at the end, the speed of his speech could not help speeding up.
There was a deep dissatisfaction on his face, apparently thinking that Su Yun was taking an inch.
In contrast, John Locke was relatively calm.
He said: “Pearpont, you and I don’t have to do this, this kind of thing is expected by us, isn’t it?
Previously, Huayin Group fought an economic war with us and leveraged their domestic financial leverage more than ten times. Now they definitely need money to make up for their losses.
Moreover, they have just completed the conversion of the gold standard system, and they are in need of foreign exchange to convert Huayuan, which is currently circulating in China.
I have said earlier that Huayin Group’s entry into the world market is inevitable.
But if their Huayuan is not recognized by various countries, it will become difficult for Huayin Group to go global.
So I think in 4.3, he is striving for the initiative for these things through this cooperation. ”
Pierpont couldn’t help but nodded.
It’s not that he didn’t think about what John Locke said, but he couldn’t swallow it.
Calm down now, Pierpont responded: “So what kind of benefits do you think we should give up in order for Huayin Group to agree to cooperate with us?”
John Locke shook his head and said, “I don’t know about this either. Until now, none of us know what kind of ambition Huayin Group has, or how much they want to get, but we can try again.
I have asked Nelson to go to the news before, and asked him to continue to find Su Yun, and I specially told him that this time, we must test the bottom line of Huayin Group.
Chapter 694: Return to Nelson
“Oh, that seems to be the case.”
After listening to what John Locke said, Pierpont sighed softly.
The previous economic invasion activities against the East were initiated by the eight major financial groups, but in the end, they were stealing chickens without losing money.
Because the loss this time was too huge, not only were some of the consortiums under them very dissatisfied with their eight major consortiums, but even many people in the country were berating their eight major consortiums and asked them to give an explanation.
After all, the cost of this investment is not only related to the eight major consortiums, but also equivalent to causing an economic outflow from the United States.
After sighing, Pierpont said resolutely: “John Locke, in the words of the East, our reality is a grasshopper on a rope, and this time, the eight major financial groups are inseparable.
So this time, you must tell Nelson that he must ask Huayin Group to agree to cooperate.
Our loss this time can only be made up for by cutting the flesh from the island country.Only in this way can we quell public anger in the country and give those people an explanation.
Otherwise, from now on, our eight major financial groups will lose the trust of the people. ”
“I know this is related to our common interests, and I will not be sloppy.”
John Locke leaned forward, very serious.
After today’s meeting, John Locke sent another telegram to Nelson after returning to the consortium.
Although his son is a genius, he is still too young. This cooperation with Huayin Group is related to the overall interests and reputation of the eight major consortiums. John Locke had to ask him again and again.
In China, Nelson’s attitude changed greatly after he received the telegram from his father.
The last time he left Huayin Group angrily, he did not carefully consider Su Yun’s intentions, but with his understanding, it is not difficult to understand this matter.
After going back, Nelson reacted the next day, Su Yun was not deliberately humiliating him, but was striving for the interests of Huayin Group and for greater initiative.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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