Then he received telegrams from his father one after another, asking him to go to Huayin Group to negotiate.
The last time Nelson left from Huayin Group, he did not leave Jinling, but found a hotel in Jinling City to stay.
On this day, after Nelson wanted to understand what happened, he and Phyllis came to Huayin Group headquarters again with a translator and entourage, hoping to meet Su Yun and discuss cooperation with him.
The difference from last time was that after the two arrived this time, Su Yun did not deliberately hang them.
However, Su Yun did not appear in person, but asked Wang Dehai to meet the two.
In the reception building next to the headquarters building, did Nelson and his group wait here for a while, and Wang Dehai brought someone in from the outside.
Coming to sit down opposite Nelson, Wang Dehai said indifferently: “Mr. Nelson, I will negotiate with you this time. If there is nothing to add, let’s start.”
Compared with the last time, Wang Dehai’s attitude was a little more serious, but he was still calm.
When Nelson saw Wang Dehai coming, he frowned and said, “Wang Dehai, isn’t it, why didn’t you come to meet Mr. Su? I prefer to negotiate with him face-to-face on this matter.”
Phyllis added at the right time: “Yes, Mr. Wang Dehai, what happened last time was just a misunderstanding. Today we come with sincerity and hope that Mr. Su can come over in person.”
The translator conveyed the words of the two to Wang Dehai, and Wang Dehai calmly said: “I’m sorry, Mr. Su is discussing important matters with the President of the Legislative Yuan and has no time.
This time, it is up to me to discuss cooperation with the two of you. If the two of you are unwilling, then I will go to my own business. ”
After Wang Dehai finished speaking, he leaned back on the chair slightly.
Seeing this, Nelson was not as angry as last time.
After understanding the intention of Huayin Group, he naturally would not be as impulsive as before, but smiled and said: “Please don’t misunderstand Mr. Wang, since we are here, we naturally want to talk about things.
But I would like to ask if you can fully represent Huayin Group? ”
Wang Dehai nodded and said, “This is naturally possible.”
Nelson said: “In this case, let’s go straight to the topic. We are here to discuss financial cooperation with your company. Didn’t your Huayin Group just issue Huayuan? We can recognize you internationally. of this currency.”
As soon as Wang Dehai heard it, he knew that the other party was showing sincerity.
Immediately he asked: “Then may I ask, who can you represent? With all due respect, our Huayuan does need international recognition, but if you can only represent your own family, then this condition is too cheap.”
“No no no, I think you misunderstood.”
Nelson waved his hand slightly and added: “This time I am representing the Morgan Consortium, the Locke Family and other eight major consortiums to cooperate with you.
In other words, I am now fully representing the eight major financial groups, not just our own family, please rest assured. ”
Wang Dehai asked again: “Since you said that, can I understand that if our cooperation is successful, the United States can be the first to recognize the international liquidity of Huayuan?”
Wang Dehai knew that the economy of the United States was actually controlled by the eight major consortiums at this time. In other words, the eight major consortiums recognized Huayuan, which was basically equivalent to the United States’ recognition of Huayuan.
Nelson nodded. “Yes, exactly.”
Only then did Wang Dehai show a hint of satisfaction.
“Okay, I accept your sincerity.”
After saying this, Wang Dehai had nothing to say.
Nelson immediately understood when he saw this. They offered their first sincerity just now, and Huayin Group also readily accepted it, so now it’s time for them to put forward corresponding exchange conditions.
So Nelson said: “We recognize your company’s currency, and in exchange, we hope that your company can buy a certain amount of industrial products from our eight consortiums, and then help us sell them to the island country.
I wonder if you can accept this condition? ”
After Nelson finished speaking, he quietly looked at Wang Dehai.
If the other party accepts this condition, it means that their cooperation this time has been initially reached.
And this is also the main purpose of the eight major consortiums coming to Huayin Group, including the fact that Che admitted the currency of Huayin Group at the beginning, which is also their main sincerity.
It can be said that Nelson threw his biggest trump card as soon as he came up this time, in order to negotiate this cooperation as soon as possible.
And Wang Dehai naturally knew what the other party meant.
And this matter has long been in Su Yun’s plan, and the eight major consortiums are doing this just because they want to.Through the channels of Huayin Group, harvest the finance of the island country.
The eight major consortiums previously launched an economic offensive against Huaxia, but it ended in failure.
By now, they had to turn their attention to the island nation.
Chapter 695: Overwhelming People
After listening to Nelson’s conditions, Wang Dehai raised his palm slightly, as if he wanted to say something, but then retracted his palm and sighed.
“To tell you the truth, Mr. Nelson, in fact, Huayin Group also wants to cooperate with you, and the finance of the island country is also what we want, otherwise we would not put so much effort into the island country.”
Nelson nodded and did not respond in a hurry, he knew that Wang Dehai had something to say next.
Sure enough, Wang Dehai immediately added: “But those little devils don’t want to see us at all.
The status of the Chinese in the world is too low these days. After the little devils cooperated with us, they made things difficult for them everywhere, completely disregarding our conditions.
Even the industrial parks we opened in the island country were filled with the little devil’s factories.
The little devils don’t care about us at all, so what are we going to talk to them about? What can you do to help you sell industrial products in the island country? ”
When he said these words, Wang Dehai kept sighing.
At this time, he has completely changed his attitude compared to before, and his attitude has become warmer, but his face is full of embarrassment.
When Nelson saw this, he wanted to answer that if Huayin Group could not help them, then he would be in vain this time, and the plans of the eight major consortiums would be completely unsuccessful.
But after all, he was quick-witted and reacted in a blink of an eye.
The reason why Wang Dehai took this attitude was not simply to talk to him about his difficulties, but to ask them for benefits.
To put it bluntly – Huayin Group helps you harvest the finance of the island country, and you need to talk to the little devils, and it is not enough for you to only admit the status of Huayuan, and you need to add some conditions.
However, Nelson didn’t know the specific bottom line of Huayin Group, so he simply asked: “Mr. Wang Dehai, please tell me directly, what else do you want from Huayin Group?”
Wang Dehai also restrained his expression upon hearing this, but still kept sighing.
“Mr. Nelson is indeed a wise man, and since that is the case, I will not be rude.
In the past few years, the national strength was not strong and the international status was not enough. As a result, we Chinese have been oppressed internationally, especially in your country, where I heard that many people look down on the Chinese.
And I also heard that you have come up with some kind of exclusion bill that specifically targets the Chinese.
With all due respect to Mr. Nelson, you in the United States have always advocated the spirit of equality and humanitarianism with the slogan of freedom and democracy.
But you have taken the lead in drawing out a bill that is full of discrimination. How can we cooperate with you at ease?
Huayin Group is a Chinese company. The objects of your cooperation are Chinese, but you discriminate against us and exclude us. What do you think? Mr. Nelson~々. ”
In the end, Wang Dehai’s face gradually became serious.
But at this time, his heart is very clear.
The negotiation between the two parties is to give each other face.
It was Su Yun’s decision to force the United States to repeal the Act through this cooperation, and this was an additional condition proposed by Huayin Group.
He is not afraid of the other party’s disagreement. For interest families like the Eight Consortiums, commercial interests are the main thing.
Repeal of that bill is only a matter of hand for them, and the other party will not give up cooperation because of this.
Opposite Wang Dehai, Nelson also understood what he meant.
Although Wang Dehai was vague, he basically wanted them to repeal that bill.
This time, Su Yun took this opportunity to force the other party to find a way to repeal this unequal bill.
Now the lives of the people in China are gradually getting better, but there are still many compatriots and sisters overseas who are suffering some unequal treatment.
For these compatriots, Su Yun can’t take care of them for the time being, but after all, he has to do his part to try to change the environment of his compatriots.
At least the name of the Chinese must be rectified, so that they will no longer be oppressed for no reason!
After understanding what Wang Dehai meant, Nelson nodded and said: “I probably understand what your company means, as long as you agree to cooperate, this matter will be covered by us.
However, I still need to communicate with the major consortiums about the specific matters. After all, the repeal of this Act is not up to me alone. ”
Wang Dehai nodded in understanding: “Yes, then I hope you will implement this matter as soon as possible after you go back.
If you agree to these conditions for us, the status of the Chinese can be improved. At that time, we can also speak among the little devils, and our cooperation can be launched. ”
“Well, I wish us a successful cooperation in advance.”
Nelson got up and shook hands with Wang Dehai.
Wang Dehai also reached out and shook hands.
Speaking of now, the cooperation between the two parties has actually been reached.
Don’t look at Su Yun and Wang Dehai pretending to be perfunctory and hanging on to each other before, but in fact, the progress of the matter has always been under Su Yun’s control.
Including these two meetings, Su Yun is also equivalent to writing the script in advance.
Therefore, Su Yun is very sure that the other party will agree to his conditions.
As for what industrial areas have been occupied, and what little devils have the right to speak, these are just occasional words.
Nelson knew that too, so he didn’t care.
After leaving Huayin Group that day, Nelson returned to their place of residence in Jinling and passed today’s events back to the family.
In a building of the Locke family in the United States, after John D. Locke received Nelson’s telegram, he browsed the above message in detail.
In the telegram, Nelson said their meeting with Huayin Group went well.
However, the other party must propose that the United States must repeal the Chinese Exclusion Act before formally cooperating with their eight major consortia.
see thisArticle, John Locke’s eyes became serious.
This matter involves the legislation of Congress, which cannot be decided by the Locke family. It must be decided by the eight major families together.
Putting down the telegram, John Locke called his chief butler to his side.
This butler is not Phyllis, but the big butler of the entire family (good), Phyllis is just an ordinary butler, and his current role is actually more like Nelson’s assistant.
Before I knew it, the book has nearly two million words, and I feel that time has passed really fast.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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