There are many readers in the comment area who have mentioned some problems, and some people have been talking about something.
For those I ignore, those who understand understand and understand why some things don’t appear.
Some people don’t understand and pretend to understand, no matter how much you tell them, it’s useless, so I don’t bother to explain anything.
Say it now! The book has now reached 2 million words, and the real climax of the book is about to come. Looking back on the past six months, I feel a lot of emotion in my heart.
The next climax is coming, and I hope to bring you a different reading experience! .
Chapter 696: The Ruthless Capital Pursuit of Profit
“Sir, what are your orders?”
Hearing John Locke’s greeting, his chief butler immediately came to obey.
John Locke handed the telegram to him: “You go and send a telegram to the other seven consortiums, informing them to come here to meet, and say that there is something important to discuss.”
“Understood sir.”
His chief butler heard the words and immediately went to inform.
As the news reached the other seven consortiums, their respective owners all set off to the Locke family’s manor.
During this time, everyone was worried about how to make up for their losses. Huayin Group was their greatest hope at present, and the important task of negotiating with Huayin Group fell on the Locke family.
Therefore, as soon as the news of the Locke family arrived, the other seven consortiums did not neglect at all. After handling the affairs at hand, they rushed here immediately.
About three hours later, the patriarchs of the seven major consortiums came to the scene one after another.
A group of people sat in the conference room, Pierpont and John Locke at the top.
Among the eight major consortiums, the Morgan consortium and the Locke family are the top three, and Pierpont and John Locke are the heads of these two families, so they have the highest status and the greatest voice.
After being polite for a while, Pierpont asked John Locke, “Your Locke family was in charge of the transaction with the Hua Group two days ago. How is it going now?”
The owners of the other six consortiums also listened attentively.
They knew that John Locke asked them to come over today, most likely for this, so everyone was very attentive.
John Locke pushed the telegram to the center of the table.
“Everyone, look, this is the news from Nelson.
Previously, he had gone to Huayin Group for the second time to discuss cooperation. This time the negotiation went smoothly, and Huayin Group also gave their conditions.
The other side wants us to repeal the Act passed in 1882 and fight for fair treatment and status for the Chinese.
The other party made it clear that if we do this, the cooperation between the two parties can be carried out, and if we do not agree, then Huayin Group will not cooperate with us. ”
Everyone present heard the words and began to circulate the telegram.
After reading the contents of the telegram, the patriarchs of the seven major financial groups showed their thoughts one by one.
DuPont Barrett, the owner of the DuPont consortium, thought for a while and said, “Have you really confirmed it? Do we have to find a way to repeal this bill before Huayin Group is willing to cooperate with my family? (ajed)”
John Locke nodded: “Yes, this is what my son Nelson talked about in person. The most important condition of Huayin Group is this. If we want to cooperate with each other, we must repeal the Chinese Exclusion Act.
If we do not agree, the other party will not cooperate with us. ”
Hearing this, the consortium patriarchs fell into deep thought again.
In fact, it is not difficult for them to repeal the “Chinese Exclusion Act”, but repealing this Act may lead to some public turmoil.
Originally, they lost countless money in this economic war, which also exacerbated the dissatisfaction of many people.
If the bill is repealed again, will it attract criticism from some opponents?
In their position, the attitude of the domestic people is still very important, so they need to think about it.
Seeing everyone meditating, John Locke remained silent.
Pierpont was also thinking about the same question.
After a long time, Pierpont said slowly: “Everyone, listen to me, we have lost enough in this economic war, and the major financial groups and the financial groups below have lost countless wealth.
It can be said that we have already lost this financial war.
And now, our top priority is to replenish our losses, and only in this way can we make up for the deficit. ”
“Well, well said.”
“It’s true, I agree.”

Listening to Pierpont’s words, the owners of the consortium expressed their approval.
As Pierpont said, making up the deficit is what they want to do most at the moment, and only by making up for the loss as soon as possible can the grievances of the domestic people be quelled.
Pierponge continued: “And if we can successfully cooperate with Huayin Group, we will definitely get a lot of benefits in the future.For example, in the oil business, Huayin is a conglomerate of the East, a well-known oil importer in the East.
Everyone should know that Huayin Group purchased crude oil from Britain twice, and both times it placed an order of up to 100 million yuan.
If we can repeal this bill against Chinese, we will successfully cooperate with Huayin Group.
Then next time, we can continue to work with Huayin Group and let them buy oil from us instead of giving the wealth to the British.
If I guess correctly, Huayin Group was reluctant to buy oil from the United States before, and this bill is also a big reason. ”
Pierpont finished speaking and looked around the crowd.
But see John Locke agreeing immediately.
“I agree with Pierpont’s view. By cooperating with Huayin Group, we can not only pick up the plane to make up for the current losses, but also have the opportunity to gain more benefits in the future.”
He’s so positive because Pierpont’s rhetoric is in his favor.
The Rock family is mainly engaged in the oil and rubber business. They are the largest crude oil merchants in the United States. If Huayin Group can buy a large amount of oil from the United States in the future, then the Rock family will be the biggest beneficiary.
Compared to John Locke, the owners of other consortiums are hesitant.
They are not in the oil field and see no immediate follow-up benefit from Pierpont’s words.
Merchants are always greedy for money.
For these consortia, it is not enough to make up for the current deficit.
After making up the shortfall, they also want to make more profit, so as to satisfy their appetite.
Seeing that the rest of them didn’t speak, Pierpont kept looking at them with his eyes.
Pierpont knew the thoughts of these people.
To really convince them, you have to let them see more immediate benefits.
So Pierpont looked at the owners of the DuPont Consortium and Cleveland and other consortia, and organized a little bit of language and said, “I know what everyone wants.
But you should know that Huayin Group not only needs oil, but now they are developing shipbuilding and chemical industries in Huaxia, and the fields of military industry and chemical industry are exactly the type of business you operate.
The partner of Huayin Group in these fields has always been Britain, but as long as we repeal the Act and have the first cooperation transaction with the other party, then we will be able to communicate with the other party slowly in the future to attract business in these fields. into your own hands. “.
Chapter 697: Benefit – Everlasting
Hearing these words, the householders who were still hesitating just now couldn’t help but flicker.
To put it bluntly, they just want profit.
Huayin Group is the largest commercial group in the East, with many business fields and huge investment scale. As long as Huayin Group is willing to cooperate in their fields, everyone can get considerable benefits.
After thinking about it, the family owners felt that what Pierpont said was quite reasonable.
As long as they have the basis for the first cooperation with Huayin Jitu, they can draw these cooperation into their own hands.
It will be them who will profit from it, not the British gang.
Of course, whether the follow-up cooperation can be achieved depends on the abilities of their respective families, but everyone present is old fritters, and they are still very confident in winning the cooperation of Huayin Group in the future.
Seeing that everyone was excited, John Locke said at the right time: “Since everyone has no objection, please make a statement.”
DuPont Barrett raised his hand slightly and said: “Actually, it is not difficult to repeal that bill. Our eight major financial groups have contacts with many members of Congress. More than 80% of these members of Congress are ours. ~ people.
During this time, we just need to work together and send messages to the lawmakers who are in contact with each other, so that they can submit an application to Congress to repeal this bill. ”
The repeal of such a bill is decided by the votes of the members.
The eight major consortiums control more than 80% of the members of Congress. When the application is submitted, they can get at least about 80% of the support votes, then this bill can naturally be repealed.
“I agree, just do it.”
“I also agree. When we go back, we will notify the lawmakers we contacted.”
After listening to DuPont Barrett’s words, all the owners of the house expressed their agreement. Pierpont and John Locke saw this and finally made a decision.
“Well, since everyone agrees, we’ll do it this way.
At that time, we also ask you to work together. After the cooperation with Huayin Group is reached, the benefits we will get will be far from what a bill can match. ”
After the assembly of the day dissipated, the patriarchs of the eight major consortiums returned to their families and began to deliver news to the parliamentarians under their respective control.
Under the instigation of major financial groups, most of the members of the US Congress “reached a consensus” at the same time and submitted an application to the Congress to repeal the “Chinese Exclusion Act”.
These lawmakers all used the same reason: this bill is essentially an unjust bill full of racial and geographical discrimination, which goes against the spirit of equality and freedom that the United States has always pursued.
Not long after the meeting between the heads of the eight major consortiums, there were some rumors in the country.
First, the US Capital Post published a relevant article, congratulations to the East for completing the transformation of the financial standard system.
“As an ancient civilization in the East, Huaxia has recently completed the reform from the silver standard to the gold standard system. This reform will help this ancient country take off, which is gratifying.”
“A few days ago, Oriental Huaxia completed the reform of the gold standard system, and the financial standard system of this eastern country is more stable. Our country agrees with this. Congratulations to Huaxia for its steady progress and prosperity in the near future.”
These contents of the Capital Post are naturally manipulated by the eight major financial groups.In the current era, although there is no obvious holiday between the United States and China, they do not have any friendship, not to mention that because of some problems in the last years of the previous dynasty, the two countries have not really dealt with each other.
But the eight major consortiums did this naturally to show their sincerity, and at the same time to build momentum for Huayuan.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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