At the same time, they also made the next move, manipulating the press to publish articles for Huayin Group.
Under the control of major consortiums, the US Capital Post congratulated Huaxia Group for completing the reform of the gold standard system, and also congratulated Huayin Group.
Today’s Huayin Group is huge and has the power to take charge of Oriental Finance. Before that, Su Yun also carried out a large-scale reorganization of the internal structure of the group.
In a sense, it has already entered the ranks of the consortium.
In this regard, the U.S. Post said: Congratulations to Huayin Group for its development into the Oriental Consortium, and I wish Huayin Group a smooth sailing road in the future.
Huayin Group has always pursued the people-oriented business philosophy, helping people’s livelihood and the development of the country on the eastern land. Under the leadership of Huayin Group, the people of the East will surely live a prosperous, happy and stable life.
With such news, it is natural that the eight major consortiums are expressing their friendship to Huayin Group.
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After it was determined that the Chinese Exclusion Act would be repealed, John Locke instructed Nelson to convey the news to Huayin Group.
Now, as long as the bill is repealed successfully, the cooperation between the two parties can be officially launched.
In this cooperation, Huayin Group has taken the initiative. In order to show its sincerity to Huayin Group, the eight major consortiums will first build momentum for Huayin Group in the press.
There is another important reason for this.
That is, it is inevitable for Huayin Group to go global, which is also one of the demands of Huayin Group.
Although Wang Dehai did not make it clear at that time, it is not difficult for the eight major consortiums to guess the thoughts of Huayin Group from the point of view of their request for the eight major consortiums to recognize the status of Huayuan.
Now they first build momentum for Huayin Group, which can be regarded as an advance support for Huayin Group as a partner.
This can also win the favor of Huayin Group and open the way for future cooperation.
Only after these previous campaigns were completed, the eight major consortiums officially issued a joint statement in major newspapers in the United States.
“From now on, the eight major consortiums officially recognize the status of Huayuan in international trade. When Huayin Group conducts trade activities with us in the future, Huayuan can be used as a transaction currency.”
Because of the early momentum, the statement of the eight major consortiums is not abrupt.
But fundamentally, it’s an important sign.
Eight major consortiums took the lead in recognizing Huayuan’s international status, which means that Huayin Group has finally begun to go global, and the first step has been recognized by the international community.
From the perspective of Huayin Group itself, this is of great benefit to its future development.
In terms of currency, Huayuan has been recognized internationally and has extraordinary significance for the entire domestic finance and even the entire China.
Huayuan is the general currency in Huaxia. Huayuan goes to the world, which means that Huaxia’s currency can be officially integrated with the world.
While manipulating the U.S. press to report on related matters, the eight major consortiums also used means to send these messages to major countries in the world. Soon, Britain, Gallic Chicken, Germania, Polar Bears and other countries all received the news.
After hearing the news, people in these countries were quite surprised.
Chapter 698: The Beginning of Sino-Western Cooperation
They know about the economic war between the East and the West, and they also know that China has completed the gold standard reform.
But what they could not have imagined was that the eight major consortiums that had previously been rivals with Huayin Group were the first to stand up and recognize Huayuan’s status.
Of course, those small and medium-sized consortia are exceptions.
They originally followed the economic invasion launched by the eight major financial groups, and of course they knew the tricks.
Such a big thing, it is naturally impossible for the country not to know.
While all the countries in the world were stirring up the news of the United States, the domestic press also exploded.
From the day the news came back to China, major domestic newspapers took action one after another, frequently and frantically reprinting the contents of the U.S. Capital Post.
Many people in the press also made relevant “two, three, three” remarks under the news.
“Warm congratulations to Huayin Group for being recognized by the eight major consortia in the United States, which signifies that Huayin Group can finally enter the world market from China.
This is a big step in the development of Huayin Group. Hereby, this newspaper wishes Huayin Group to create greater glories in the future and show its presence in the world economy. ”
“The Capital Post of the United States congratulates Huayin Group on its successful transformation. From now on, Huayin Group has officially entered the ranks of major consortiums, and has been recognized by eight major consortiums, and has successfully entered the world.
In this regard, this newspaper congratulates Huayin Group on its indomitable progress on the world stage and is prosperous! ”
Such remarks quickly spread in the domestic press.
First, the Jinling-Jiangnan area newspaper delivered a congratulatory speech for Huayin Group and reported the news to the people of the whole country.
After the news spread, newspapers from the south to the north, from the coast to the inland all began to reprint the relevant news, and they continued to express their congratulations to Huayin.
I and other newspapers do not shy away from rudeness, and on behalf of the domestic press, I would like to congratulate Huayin Group on going overseas and reaching a new height.
May Huayin Group be long in the east and soar in the world! ”
Celebrities from all over the country, especially the upper-level businessmen, also sighed sincerely after receiving the news.
From the first two years,Huayin Group has always been a leader in the domestic business community, and now this behemoth is finally going to expand its edge overseas and compete with overseas consortia!
Although these people may have formed a relationship with Huayin Group on weekdays, after knowing the news, they are still a little proud in their hearts.
After all, in the past 100 years, there has been no domestic capital that can go overseas with its head held high.
The Song family and the Kong family have some ways of doing things overseas, but they can only be regarded as making small troubles, and they can’t be on the table at all.
As for the Dongjiang Group, they can only be regarded as being excluded from the domestic market, and they are not representative at all.
And now, Huayin Group has finally broken the pattern of hundreds of years and broke the magic barrier that Huaxia business community has no place in the world. Even the opponents of Huayin Group are extremely excited about this.
Although they exploited and oppressed the people, they were still Chinese.
Huayin Group is a domestic capital, and it is a very proud thing to be famous in the world market.
What’s more, after Huayin Group has established its position internationally, Huaxia’s business status will also rise in the international context. In the future, they will also gain a lot of benefits by doing business overseas.
Just as the domestic press and high-class people from all walks of life were talking about the news, another news from the US Capital Post was introduced into the country again.
After the news was captured by the domestic press, it began to hype again.
Its main content is: Recently, the eight major financial groups in the United States jointly condemned a bill passed in 1882 to exclude Chinese, which discriminated against Chinese and violated the principle of equality and freedom that the United States has always pursued, and should be abolished.
After the news spread, people from the upper classes in the country were boiling again.
Like Song Wen and others, when they saw this news, they knew that this matter must be related to Huayin Group.
Otherwise, why would the eight major financial groups take care of this matter?
And these rumors from the United States can’t be concealed from Su Yun.
And after the eight major consortiums made the previous actions, John Locke also personally called Su Yun and expressed his desire to cooperate with Huayin Group as soon as possible.
After getting a clear statement from the other party, on this day, Su Yun called Wang Dehai to the office.
“Now the eight major consortiums in the United States have agreed to our conditions and have taken practical actions. Since the other party abides by the agreement, then we can also cooperate with the other party.  …”
“Understood Mr. Su.”
Wang Dehai was instructed by Su Yun and immediately contacted Nelson.
After Nelson received the news from Wang Dehai, he came to Huayin Group again and met with Wang Dehai.
This time, the talks between the two parties went very smoothly. The two parties have already negotiated the terms of cooperation before, and the eight major consortiums have also taken practical actions. In this case, there is no need for Huayin Group to hang each other again.
In the lobby of the reception building, after the two parties signed the cooperation agreement, Nelson asked: “Mr. Wang Dehai, since our cooperation has begun, I would like to ask when your company can help our industrial products enter the island market?
This is what we negotiated earlier, and it is also our only demand, and I hope you will implement it as soon as possible. ”
This time, Wang Dehai seemed to be a lot more enthusiastic.
The reason for treating Nelson and others with a cold eye several times before was to strive for the initiative in cooperation, but since the other party has reached a cooperative relationship with Huayin Group, there is no need to offend others.
“Mr Nelson, we can understand how you feel, but this matter will take a while.
We cooperate with you to dump industrial products on the island country. The little devils will definitely disagree when they hear rumors.
Therefore, we still need to stabilize the little devils. After they are stabilized, we will tell you the follow-up measures. In addition, please rest assured that since Huayin Group has agreed to cooperate and signed relevant agreements, it will not be held in 4.3. Unbelievable. ”
“Understood, I trust your credibility.”
Nelson nodded in understanding.
The cooperation that day broke up happily. After Nelson returned, he passed the news back to the family, and the family passed it on to the eight consortiums.
After receiving the news, the eight major consortiums are all ready to go, ready to start dumping industrial products to the island country.
During this period of time, the disturbance in the domestic press has become more and more noisy.
In the period before and after the cooperation between Huayin Group and the eight major consortiums, newspapers all over the country were reprinting the news that Huayin Group was about to go abroad and go global.
The matter of the eight major consortia condemning the “Chinese Exclusion Act” has also been widely circulated.
After a long time, even the people at the bottom have heard some rumors.
Chapter 699: About to close the net
Originally, these people had no culture, did not understand finance, and did not understand business, and some people even didn’t even know what the “world” was.
But the local newspapers can’t bear the news all day long, and these days, many people have begun to care about this matter.
In a teahouse somewhere, several working men were discussing the latest newspaper.
“Hey, brothers, have you heard? Recently, I heard in the newspaper… What is Huayin Group about to go abroad and go to the world?”
A person next to him scratched his head: “I know about going abroad, but what is this “world”, where is Huayin Group going? Are you still staying in Jinling?”
As soon as the man finished speaking, he was given a blank look by the worker next to him.
“I said that if you don’t have culture, don’t talk nonsense. The world is foreign countries, that is to say, Huayin Group has developed very well. Now it will soon go abroad to develop and affect foreign countries!”
“Oh? Hahahaha, this is a good thing, a good thing. As Huayin Group develops, we will surely enjoy more and more happiness as well.”
This is generally the case among the people.
they have nothing 09I don’t know what is international and what is the world stage, but the people support Huayin and support Huayin.
For them, as long as Huayin Group can grow and develop, it is a great thing.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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