And when the domestic newspapers were flying all over the sky, new news came from the island country.
The eight major consortiums support Huayin Group, and the congratulations for Huayin Group have made a lot of trouble, and the island country will not be ignorant of it.
Even the army of the island country, which has always been ignorant of finance, noticed something was wrong this time.
For this matter, the little devil’s army side even sent a telegram directly to Huayin Group. This telegram was sent directly to Su Yun, and the wording was quite rude.
On the telegram, the little devil questioned severely.
“Recently, the eight major Western consortiums have publicly supported Huayin Group. We have received news that Huayin Group will cooperate with Western consortiums and conspire to help them dump industrial products on the empire. What is your explanation for this?”
However, Su Yun didn’t care about this matter.
As early as the beginning of the implementation of the plan, Su Yun had already thought that when they cooperated with the eight major consortiums in the United States, the little devils would definitely receive rumors.
And Su Yun also knew that they would definitely question Huayin Group for this matter.
But Su Yun had already decided on a final solution.
So after reading the telegram, Su Yun called Dong Cheng to his office, and secretly told Dong Cheng the next plan steps, and asked him to convey it to Wang Dehai.
After coming out of Su Yun’s office, Dong Cheng returned to his office and called Wang Dehai to come.
Soon after, there was a knock on the door.
Dong Cheng responded, “Come in.”
Wang Dehai opened the door and entered, and Dong Cheng gestured to the chair opposite.
“Dehai, sit down and talk.”
When Wang Dehai sat down, Dong Cheng said, “I discussed it with President Su just now, and the little devil is already questioning our cooperation with the West.
President Su instructed that we must stabilize the little devils. This is the most important part of the whole plan, and there must be no mistakes.
For this plan, we have been preparing for so long before and after, and now as long as we pass this barrier, we can start to fully close the network! ”
Dong Cheng said, gritted his teeth slightly, and made a fist gesture.
Then he handed the little devil’s telegram to Wang Dehai.
“This is the telegram from the little devils, look at it.”
After Wang Dehai received the telegram, he read it carefully, and then smiled: “Don’t worry, Vice President, I have already prepared everything during this time, just waiting for this telegram from the little devil!”
When he was in Hangzhou, Wang Dehai knew about Su Yun’s plan, and Su Yun gave him a relevant document at that time.
In that document, Su Yun indicated everything that might happen in the future.
Therefore, Wang Dehai has also made preparations for this.
After the handover, Dong Cheng and Wang Dehai discussed it carefully, and after confirming that there would be no loopholes, Wang Dehai boarded the plane to the island country that day, ready to fool the little devils.
After a period of flight, Wang Dehai’s plane arrived at Fushan Airport in the island country.
Before coming here, Huayin Group communicated with the little devils by telegram. This time, the little devils were unambiguous and sent someone to the airport to greet Wang Dehai.
After the plane landed, Wang Dehai and his entourage took the vehicle prepared by the little devils and drove towards Fushan city.
After entering the urban area of ​​Fushan, the convoy turned around a few intersections and stopped before reaching a hotel.
An officer of the little devil opened the car door for Wang Dehai: “Mr. Wang Dehai, General Sasuke is waiting for you here, please come in.”
Wang Dehai nodded and followed the little devil to a room upstairs.
There were two little devil soldiers at the door of the room. Wang Dehai entered it and saw at a glance that the devil major general named Sasuke was sitting there waiting for him.
And this time, as soon as Wang Dehai entered the door, he noticed that Sasuke had a strong dissatisfaction on his face.
Seeing Wang Dehai coming in, Sasuke’s expression did not soften, but he asked in a cold voice, “Mr. Wang Dehai, we have discussed cooperation with Huayin Group before and will open tariff barriers to your company.
But recently there have been a lot of rumors outside, saying that you, 233 Huayin Group, plan to cooperate with a Western consortium to dump industrial products on the empire!
Mr. Wang Dehai, we are the first partners to reach cooperation with you, but you have made such despicable actions. I don’t know how your company explains this? ”
Sasuke’s face became colder when he said these words.
And his eyes are always looking directly at Wang Dehai.
He was very angry. Huayin Group had reached a cooperation with them first, but it had two hearts. It wanted to use the convenience given by the empire to guide Westerners to dump industrial products against the empire!
Across the table, Wang Dehai heard Sasuke’s question, and his face suddenly turned gloomy.
He stood up abruptly and said angrily: “I, Huayin, cooperate with your country with full sincerity, but I never thought that your country will hear the wind and rain!
Now the eight major financial groups are building momentum for us. There are good and bad rumors outside, and there are people who say anything, but you are indiscriminate, and you are accusing us of Huayin Group for some rumors! ”
Being rebuked by Wang Dehai, Sasuke didn’t know what to say.
Looking at Wang Dehai’s appearance, is there any misunderstanding?
Wang Dehai noticed his hesitation, and continued: “Yes, there are rumors that Huayin Group is in contact with Western chaebols, and we have indeed had contact with them.
But it’s not what you thinklike that! “.
Chapter 700: Isn’t this bullying honest people?
“Some time ago, a financial war between Western chaebols forced our Huayin Group to leverage more than ten times the financial leverage. The entire Huayin Group consumed huge amounts of money, and in the end it suffered heavy losses!
In this case, what can we do if we don’t have contact with them again?
Are we going to continue to fight against each other, and then our Huayin Group will be destroyed directly, and our domestic economy will also collapse directly? ”
After being questioned by Wang Dehai so many times, Sasuke didn’t even know how to respond.
He is a soldier and does not understand finance. He only knows that Huayin Group has indeed fought an economic war with a Western consortium, and their domestic financial leverage has also been leveraged a lot.
He still heard other people talk about these things.
As for himself, he hardly understood the meaning.
At this time, Wang Dehai was pacing back and forth in front of the table, his whole face wrinkled together, looking very angry.
Sasuke saw that he was acting like this, and thinking about what he just said, he seemed to think it made some sense.
A few days ago, Huayin Group fought against the entire Western chaebol forces and maintained the stability of Huaxia’s financial market, which is well known to the world.
Now that Huayin Group is unable to support it, it seems reasonable to find a way to deal with Western chaebols.
He was born in the military and had no financial education since he was a child, so he knew nothing about financial warfare.
It’s not just him, everyone in the army is basically like this.
So as soon as they heard that Huayin Group had recently made contact with Western chaebols, the two sides were confused, and there were rumors from the outside world, so their military believed that Huayin Group had a different opinion.
But after contacting Wang Dehai today, he felt that the other party was right.
Otherwise, Huayin Group and Western chaebols are life and death enemies. Now that the financial war has just ended, why would Huayin Group cooperate with those Western people?
In fact, this is due to the shortsightedness of the military.
In other words, their financial ignorance determines that they cannot see through the nature of the exchanges between the two parties.
These people do not understand finance, they are not businessmen, nor do they know the secrets of business transactions.
For businessmen, there is no rival or kindness. There is no relationship between businessmen. Only interests are eternal.
Take Huayin Group and Western chaebols as an example. Even if they were enemies yesterday, as long as there is a common basis of interests between the two parties, they can immediately abandon their former hatred and become close partners.
Of course, this “tight ~ 々” is only on the premise that both parties have common interests.
Sasuke didn’t know this, and after thinking about it, he got up quickly, and the look on his face recovered.
“Wang Sang, don’t be so angry, we also misunderstood the rumors for a while, and only misunderstood some things, so I specially met with you here today to verify the facts.
Wang Sang, what you said makes sense. Huayin Group has difficulties, and we can understand it. Since we are still partners, we should cooperate sincerely, and don’t believe outside rumors. ”
“Please sit, please sit.”
Sasuke made a gesture of invitation and comforted Wang Dehai with words.
Wang Dehai waved his hand to indicate that it was okay, but in his heart he scoffed at these little devils.
These guys change their faces faster than flipping a book!
And it was clear that they questioned Huayin Group first, but they changed hands and would put the hat of listening to the rumors on Huayin’s head.
However, Wang Dehai’s purpose of coming here today is mainly to stabilize the little devil, and he has no time to play word games with him here.
After sitting down, Wang Dehai still had a trace of anger on his face.
“You questioned Huayin Group without checking the facts, which annoyed our President Su. Don’t you plan to explain this matter?”
Sasuke was speechless when he heard this.
He came here today to question Wang Dehai, but he didn’t want to make such a big misunderstanding.
Before coming here, the military did not expect things to be like this, so Sasuke had no way to answer the questions raised by Wang Dehai.
Seeing Sasuke’s appearance like this, Wang Dehai immediately thought about it.
He restrained his anger and returned to his usual simple and honest look.
“That’s all, since it was a misunderstanding, now we have opened it up, everyone is a partner, I won’t go to the bottom of it.
I will explain to you Mr. Su, but in the future, when such things happen, your country should stop doubting us. Otherwise, Mr. Su will get angry and cancel our cooperation, which will not benefit both of us. ”
“Understood, what Wang Sang said is very true!”
Sasuke heard the words, a smile on his face.
He secretly rejoiced in his heart that Wang Dehai was a simple and honest person after all, and at this juncture, he still wanted to settle things for them.
This is not because the little devil is grateful to Wang Dehai, but once the Huayin Group withdraws the cooperation, they will not be able to obtain the resources of the Huayin Group, which is a big loss to the empire.
As for Wang Dehai, Sasuke actually looked down on him.
This person is too simple and honest, and he has no aura of shrewdness and strength. I really don’t know what Huayin Group thinks, to send such a person to handle such an important negotiation!
When Sasuke was thinking about this, Wang Dehai said again: “‘”The wind outside, you don’t need to care about it.
The economic invasion of the Western chaebols has caused us heavy losses, and we are inseparable with them. It is impossible for Huayin Group to cooperate with each other on this one.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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