But now we are forced by the situation, we can only befriend them on the surface, slowlydeal with.
After we recover, we will naturally get rid of each other. Not only that, but one day we will grow stronger and we will take revenge on those guys in the west!
At that time, we may have to rely on your country for help. ”
“It’s easy to say, easy to say, it’s right for friends to help each other (well, it’s good).”
Sasuke was still smiling, and at the same time, he completely understood what Huayin Group was doing.
Huayin Group’s current approach to doing things is similar to what they have always believed in.
The people of the empire have always endured dormancy when their strength is weak, waiting for the opportunity to rise, and then take revenge on their opponents after they are strong.
From this point of view, both sides are very speculative.
Seeing Sasuke trusting him so easily, Wang Dehai was full of contempt.
In today’s island country, internal disputes are fierce, and the domestic military and political discord is not a day or two. The military and the government have never dealt with each other.
And there are disputes within the military, the army and the navy also have a lot of contradictions.
In these few negotiations, the negotiators sent by the island countries are all from the army side. Huayin Group is not so much cooperating with the island countries, but rather cooperating with their army.
Chapter 701: The big fool
But the little devil’s army is “illiterate”.
They don’t understand finance or business disputes, but they still have to look like they are proficient.
The result is that when I talk to them about financial matters, the other party is completely smeared, and they rely on their face to support them.
Wang Dehai doesn’t consider himself a financial elite, and he doesn’t know much about finance, but it’s easy to play with these guys.
Fortunately, after receiving the order from President Su, I still thought about it for a few days.
At that time, Wang Dehai racked his brains thinking about how to fool these little devils, and he must not let the other party see the flaws.
Playing negotiation and finance with these people is like fooling a three-year-old.
After knowing the level of the other party, Wang Dehai was greatly calmed down.
Immediately, Wang Dehai raised his hand slightly, as if he had something to say, but just as he was about to open his mouth, he put his hand back again.
Sasuke was a little puzzled when he saw this: “Wang Sang, do you have anything to say? If you have something, please say it directly.”
Wang Dehai hesitated for a long time before nodding: “There are indeed some words, but I’m afraid you will misunderstand and don’t know what to say or not.”
Sasuke waved his hand: “Why did Wang Sang say this, we are friends, let’s just say it!”
Wang Dehai opened his mouth and said: “The Western chaebols have caused us a lot of losses, and this time, rumors have arisen, and we almost lost your country’s cooperation.
Before I came here, I compared with our Su total. Although Huayin Group is still unable to initiate a big revenge, but thinking of a small revenge against the Western chaebols, this bad smell came out.
And this matter requires your country to cooperate with us. ”
“Oh? What do you need us to do?”
As soon as Sasuke was interested, Wang Dehai said: “When we were in contact with the Western chaebols before, we negotiated with them.
Now Huayin Group is about to sign a commercial contract with the other party, in which Western chaebols proposed that we help them transport industrial products to your country for sale.
During the negotiation that day, we agreed with those people that Huayin Group would only pay the other party the proceeds from the sale after the goods were sold. ”
“Is this why it is said that you want to cooperate with the West and dump industrial products on us?”
Sasuke suddenly realized when he heard it, and Wang Dehai agreed: “The general is very smart, that’s how it is.”
After saying a word to the other party, Wang Dehai continued: “So we plan to directly eat this batch of industrial products and not give any money to those Western chaebols.
But now our cooperation has not been officially reached, so we can’t reveal flaws in the early stage.
In this regard, our President Su decided that after the batch of industrial products from the West is delivered to us, we will transport this batch of industrial products to the island country for temporary storage. If the other party asks, we will directly deny the debt and not admit it!
In this way, it can be regarded as a trick to the people in the west and let them suffer. ”
Sasuke listened to these words and nodded slightly, but his mind was spinning rapidly.
These guys from Huayin Group are not good people either.
Previously, he only heard how Huayin Group is loved by the people in China and how to abide by its reputation. Now it seems that their reputation is only for their own people.
But Sasuke didn’t care, they often did it anyway, but they didn’t say it on the bright side.
And this kind of thing is actually very simple to cooperate. It is nothing more than moving a place for Huayin Group to store the goods, and if Westerners ask, they will deny it.
And Sasuke was still thinking of getting something out of it at this time.
So he opened his mouth and said: “This matter only needs a little effort, and we can cooperate with you.
But after all, this is related to the reputation of the empire, and we can’t help this in vain, otherwise we won’t be able to explain to the people in the future. ”
When Wang Dehai heard this, the corner of his mouth ajed.
What I want is the words of the little devil!
He was happy in his heart, but Wang Dehai remained calm on the surface.
“Of course, since your country has contributed, we naturally cannot let your efforts go to waste, so let’s wait for the industrial products to arrive, and we will divide this batch of goods with your country 50-50.
These things are free of cost, and our group doesn’t care about it, we just want to take revenge on those people in the West. ”
“Hahaha, Wang Sang is polite, since that’s the case, then I will thank you on behalf of the empire!”
Sasuke immediately smiled when he heard Wang Dehai’s conditions.
They just put in a little effort, and they get so many benefits in vain.no difference.
Then Sasuke promised: “There is no problem with the cooperation, but what exactly do you need the Empire to cooperate with?”
Although Sasuke is happy, he also knows that things are not that simple.
Although Western chaebols are hateful, they are not fools. If Huayin Group wants to hack their industrial products, they still have to make preparations in advance, otherwise it will easily arouse suspicion from the other party.
Wang Dehai replied: “This is simple. If we want to win the trust of the Western chaebols, we must first win an automobile order from your army.”
Sasuke frowned, he didn’t quite understand: “What does Wang Sang mean?”
Wang Dehai explained: “If your military can give Huayin Group a car order, Huayin Group can use this as a proof to trick Western chaebols into shipping more cars to us.
In this way, our commitment to them becomes more real. ”
Speaking of which, Wang Dehai also thought about it seriously: “The number of this batch of car orders does not need to be too large. It is enough to give about 2,000 cars first. Otherwise, the Western chaebols will not ship too many things, and we will not get much benefit.”
“Well, Wang Sang is right.”
After listening to Wang Dehai’s explanation, Sasuke nodded in agreement.
If they want to trick the Western chaebols, the more the better.
And as Wang Dehai said, if the Western chaebols shipped too few things, they would have nothing left after sharing the accounts with Huayin Group.
After weighing it up, Sasuke agreed: “Then do as Wang Sang said, but I need to go back and report this matter. The order has to be approved by the senior management.”
“No problem, then I am here waiting for your good news.”
Wang Dehai got up and shook hands with Sasuke. Sasuke left the hotel and returned to the army.
After the matter was settled, Wang Dehai was not in a hurry to send the news back to China. He just negotiated with Sasuke, which did not mean that the military of the island country would agree so happily.
Therefore, Wang Dehai has to wait for the news to be confirmed before reporting to the country.
In Huayin Group, Dong Cheng is sitting in the office to meet Fang Shanming.
Chapter 702: Financial War – Never a Fluke
The two met this time for the current plan.
Fang Shanming is the perfecter of the whole plan, so he knows every step of the plan by heart.
After the two talked for a while, a worried look appeared on Dong Cheng’s face.
“Old Fang, do you think Wang Dehai will be able to successfully complete his mission when he goes to the island country this time? Although the little devils don’t understand finance, they have always been very cunning. These guys can’t be fooled.
I was thinking, should we ask Mr. Su for instructions and ask him to send someone over to assist Wang De-Hai? ”
Fang Shanming knew as soon as he heard it that Dong Cheng didn’t trust Wang Dehai very much.
This is also normal. Although Wang Dehai has made great progress in recent years, he has always been an honest person within the group.
Compared with the managers of various departments and subsidiaries, Wang Dehai usually acts low-key, and he himself looks stupid, which makes it easy for people to think that he can’t do anything.
And Dong Cheng doesn’t know enough about Wang Dehai, so he has this worry.
Fang Shanming told Dong Cheng: “Vice President, I understand what you mean, but although Wang Dehai looks silly and usually acts in a low-key manner, he is meticulous in his mind, and he is very good at understanding people’s hearts and grasping the thoughts of others.
This time we send someone to negotiate with the little devil, and we need someone who is thoughtful and quick at the negotiating table.
Moreover, his appearance is special, which is just enough to confuse the little devil on the surface. With him, you can rest assured. ”
Wang Dehai worked with Fang Shanming in a financial company for a long time before. With Fang Shanming’s keenness, he could easily perceive Wang Dehai’s talent.
Therefore, Fang Shanming is very relieved to Wang Dehai.
Dong Cheng was a little relieved after hearing what Fang Shanming said.
But Fang Shanming had doubts.
Although he made the plan, when the plan was drawn up, Fang Shanming aimed the main target at the island country.
But now Huayin Group wants to make money together with the interests of the island countries and the West. Fang Shanming is worried that this will arouse the resentment of Western financial groups.
After all, so far, the domestic auto industry in island countries is not large, and their auto market has always been dominated by American brands, with a share of more than 95%.
Huayin Group’s order for automobiles from the island country is to seize the business of those American car manufacturers in the island country.
This incident was considered an episode, not in Fang Shanming’s original plan, but Su Yun temporarily changed it.
Therefore, Fang Shanming was a little worried, and he asked Dong Cheng: “Vice President, this time we are going to take action against the little devil, but we are robbing the business of those car brands in the United States. This is a pitfall!
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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