I am worried that if we do this, will it attract the dissatisfaction of Western chaebols?
Especially companies such as Ford, they themselves are connected with the eight major consortiums. If they are dissatisfied with our approach and interfere with it, will it affect the implementation of our plan? ”
After hearing this, Dong Cheng waved his hand and said, “It’s okay, according to President Su’s intentions, our action this time is to exchange interests with Western chaebols.
Our group’s goal is to capture all market shares in East Asia.
At that time, American car manufacturers such as Ford, GM, and Chrysler will be squeezed out of the island country.
In exchange, Huayin Group will cooperate with the United States to purchase car engines from them as our production accessories.
“So it is.”
Fang Shanming understood as soon as he heard it.
The original group meant to uniteThese brands engage in a joint production model with them, and establish a joint brand with Ford, GM, Chrysler and other manufacturers.
To give a straightforward example, the cars produced under this brand are equivalent to Sino-foreign joint ventures. Its engines are provided by Ford, the wheels are provided by GM, and accessories such as bearings are provided by Chryslers.
But even so, Fang Shanming was still a little worried.
“But vice president, if we do this, will those brand merchants agree?
They used to occupy the market share of the island country, but now they are forced to withdraw from the market there and give all the share to us. ”
Dong Cheng nodded: “Don’t worry, they will definitely agree.
The auto market share of the island country is not large, and in the past two years, the auto manufacturing industry in the island country has gradually developed, and the sales of these foreign households have been declining.
They choose to cooperate with us, and the two sides will work together to squeeze the living space of domestic cars in the island country, which will only gain greater benefits.
This point, I think those old foxes are very clear.
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What’s more, according to the follow-up plan, they will continue to develop the brand to other regions after that.
Compared with the comprehensive interests and the market share of the island country, which of the two has greater interests, I believe they have an accurate measure, unless these guys give up and are willing to stick to it. ”
Fang Shanming was relieved.
These car brands such as Ford and GM originally occupied a lot of market share in the island country.
However, these shares are naturally inferior to the cooperation of Huayin Group, and it is even more impossible for them to stick to the front.
As a business group, the helms of brands such as Ford, GM, and Chrysler are all old foxes. They can’t put their long-term interests aside and are only satisfied with the little profit in the moment.
After talking about this matter, Dong Cheng asked again: “By the way, how are the preparations for the financial company in the past few days, we are going to the world soon, you are an important part.
Since the group has taken this step, the eight major consortiums have also recognized Huayuan’s international status, and the financial company will soon be in line with international standards.
At this time, you can’t drop the chain. ”
Fang Shanming showed a confident smile.
“This is no problem. Regarding the matter of international integration, I have been preparing for it very early, and now all the preparatory work has been completed.
I’ve been in contact with Nelson and the others these past few days.
Nelson and others came on behalf of the eight major financial groups. When I met him yesterday, he had already made a commitment on behalf of the eight major financial groups.
As long as our cooperation is carried out, the eight major consortiums will buy one billion Chinese dollars from us as their foreign exchange reserves and increase the influence of Huayuan in the world. ”
At that time, we will even take the first step to be in line with international standards! ”
Fang Shanming’s eyes flickered slightly.
He is a financial elite with big ambitions and extraordinary talent in his own right.
As early as a few years ago, Fang Shanming thought that one day he would be able to run a financial company to the world and compete with the top financial experts in the world.
But before, there was no domestic company or group that could let him show his ambition, but Huayin Group did it! begging.
Chapter 703: What if I give you data? Do you have the resources to produce?
Not long after he came to Huayin Group, Fang Shanming, with the support of Su Yun, made a newly established financial company bigger and stronger, and will soon enter the international stage.
Among them, Fang Shanming contributed an indispensable force.
For someone like him, nothing makes him more proud than realizing his ambitions with his own hands.
Seeing Fang Shanming so confident, Dong Cheng was also quite happy. ,
“You have worked hard during this time, and you must do this time well.”
However, Dong Cheng was not careless, and said cautiously: “Remember, this opportunity is the key for Huayin Group to move from China to the world, and your financial company is an important docking port.
Only when you successfully go international can the group successfully transform into a world chaebol, an old house, you must be careful and don’t be careless! ”
“I know “two, three, seven” on this point. Please tell President Su that I will definitely live up to the expectations of the group.”
Fang Shanming calmed down when he heard the words, and made a solemn promise.
While the two were talking, there was a knock on the door of the office.
“Come in.”
Dong Cheng responded, and his secretary opened the door and entered.
When he came in, the secretary was holding a telegram in his hand.
Arriving in front of Dong Cheng, the secretary respectfully said, “Vice President, this is a telegram from President Wang from the island country. Please take a look at it yourself.”
Dong Cheng took the telegram and checked it carefully.
But when he saw the content, his face immediately began to change.
Fang Shanming saw this and said at the right time: “Vice President, you are busy first, the financial company still has some affairs to deal with, I will go back and take a look.”
Dong Cheng waved his hand, signaling Fang Shanming to take care of himself.
After Fang Shanming left the office, he couldn’t help but feel a little drum in his heart.
Just now he noticed something was wrong with Dong Cheng’s expression. Could it be that something happened on the island country?
However, Fang Shanming didn’t think about it too much, and didn’t ask what he shouldn’t ask. This is a truth he has long known. If the matter is related to him, Dong Cheng will tell him directly just now.
After Fang Shanming left, Dong Cheng took the telegram to Su Yun’s office.
The look on his face was a little ugly.
In the telegram sent by Wang Dehai just now, it was stated that after he talked with Sasuke a few days ago, Sasuke went back and reported to the military that Huayin Group requested cooperation.
But the little devil’s army actually used this as an excuse to thinkLet Huayin Group sell them T34 tanks!
This matter is no trivial matter and must be handled by Su Yun himself.
When he came to the door of Su Yun’s office, Dong Cheng knocked on the door, and after getting Su Yun’s permission, he entered it, only to find that Wu Si happened to be here too.
And the look on Wu Si’s face was also very ugly, while Su Yun was sitting on an office chair, reading a telegram in his hand.
Dong Cheng didn’t care too much, he stepped forward and said, “President Su, Wang Dehai sent a telegram saying that the little devils actually want T34 tanks!”
Su Yun raised his head slightly: “This matter is not urgent, Wu Si has already sent the telegram.”
It turned out that Su Yun was holding another telegram from Wang Dehai.
Dong Cheng heard the words and asked, “So, Mr. Su, how should we deal with this matter?”
The T34 tank is the best tank in the world today, and there is no one. Its configuration data is only known by Huayin Group, and Su Yun has ordered it first, and these data must not be leaked.
But now the little devil has the idea of ​​a T34 tank.
Dong Cheng didn’t even have to think about it, he knew that these little devils wanted to use them to fight.
Moreover, after the little devil gets the finished tank, he will definitely re-split it, so as to find out the data of the T34 tank, and then they will be able to produce this weapon of war independently.
Su Yun naturally knew this, put down the telegram in his hand, and a sneer appeared on the corner of Su Yun’s mouth.
“These little devils have a lot of ambition. They want to get the data of the T34 tank, just give them, what can they do? As far as their weak resource reserves are concerned, do they have enough resources to produce?”
Wu Si and Dong Cheng nodded in understanding but not understanding.
They all understand the importance of this weapon, but they don’t quite understand some things.
For example, the weak resource reserve of the little devil.
According to Su Yun, now the little devil wants the data of this tank, how about giving them? Do they have enough steel production?
Most of their steel was taken away by the navy, the steel behemoth, and the army could only pick up some leftovers to eat, typical poor ghosts, otherwise Huayin Group would not be willing to sell them steel.
They are like grabbing a life-saving straw, and they are willing to give anything!
What’s more, in the past two years, the ambition of the little devil is getting bigger and bigger, and he is always thinking about strengthening the armament. If the data of the T34 tank is found out by them, once a war breaks out in the future, they will be able to have one more slaughter machine. ……
In the eyes of Dong Cheng and the others, if this is the case, Huayin Group has some intention of capitalizing on the enemy.
Who knows Su Yun’s words changed: “But, our tanks can be sold to them, but Wang Dehai must tell the other party that the order quantity must reach at least 2,000 vehicles, and we will not accept it below this number.”
“But Mr. Su, in this way, aren’t we capitalizing on the enemy?
Looking at the posture of the little devils now, we will definitely fight them in the future, and we gave them such advanced weapons, let them turn their hands over and kill our compatriots, this…”
Dong Cheng was a little anxious when he heard the words, and said the worries in his heart.
Su Yun smiled lightly, then took out a document from the drawer and handed it to Dong Cheng.
“You don’t have to worry about that, and look at this document.
Dong Cheng looked surprised, took the document and read it.
Su Yun added: “The T34 tank can be sold to the little devils because we already have better options.
Before Yuan Xin sent a telegram from Lu’an Industrial Park, they had completed the mass production of T44 tanks.
The performance of the T44 tank is better than that of the T34, and its attributes are excellent in all aspects, so the little devil only uses the backward weapons that we eliminated, and there is no need to worry about 4.3. ”
Su Yun said this with a very relaxed expression, but he actually had some regrets in his heart.
He originally wanted to directly produce T54 tanks, but the system is really a fool!
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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