The cutting-edge weapon technology of World War II that the system rewarded itself before, the technology recorded above was only before the end of World War II, and the technology after the end of World War II was completely absent.
World War II ended on August 14, 1945, and the T54 tank came out in March 1945.
However, the T54 tanks produced before the end of World War II had poor performance, even not as good as the previous T34.
To sum up, the real mature model of the T54 tank will not be finalized until 1946, and it will not be put into production until 47 years later. Compared with the previous generations, the T54 tank at that time was indeed superior in performance and quality.
Chapter 704: In terms of making money, it has to be the arms business
But the T54 before World War II can only be regarded as a younger brother.
Su Yun didn’t have the technology of the mature T54 model in his hands, otherwise he would have to directly get the T54 out.
While listening to Su Yun, Dong Cheng was also looking at the information in his hand.
After browsing the content, Dong Cheng was slightly relieved. Since the performance of the T44 exceeded that of the T34, there was nothing to worry about.
If they really meet on the battlefield, their weapons and hardware will still crush the little devil.
But Dong Cheng still had some doubts in his heart.
After all, although the performance of the T34 is not as good as that of the newly produced T44, the latter can be ignored. The combat effectiveness of the T34 is also among the top ranks. However, Su Yun agreed to sell such advanced weapons to the little devils?
Su Yun’s character Dong Cheng knew a little bit. He hated the little devil very much, and it was impossible to watch the little devil’s strength improve.
So, does Su Yun have other ideas?
Dong Cheng couldn’t help but look at Su Yun, butIt was found that Su Yun was always indifferent.
From Su Yun’s face, Dong Cheng couldn’t guess what Su Yun was thinking.
In fact, how did Dong Cheng know that Su Yun had too many thoughts in his heart!
Later, he not only has to lose money vigorously and complete the tasks given by the system, but also plans to make big money in the army 09!
Dong Cheng and these people are not clear, but Su Yun is very clear as a person who has come here. In the future, the little devil will fight with the American army in the Pacific Ocean, but the little devil does not seem to be very good, and he will often be beaten all over the place.
And what he wants to do is to take the opportunity to make money!
And to make this money, of course, he has to make the two sides fight back and forth, so that he can make a lot of money.
Just imagine, at that time Huayin Group produced all kinds of advanced weapons. When the two sides fought, and neither of them could make a profit, he could take the opportunity to trade in weapons.
As for domestic…
I’m sorry, domestic weapons can always crush the little devils, and Su Yun will not sell the things at the bottom of the box to the little devils.
And now Su Yun is not afraid of making more money. Judging from the current situation, no matter how much money he earns outside, he can use it in China.
At present, roads are being built and schools are being built all over the country, and the infrastructure project has just begun.
Therefore, Su Yun will take advantage of the war to earn a fortune!
He is a small businessman, and his net worth is only 100 million. To make money, he is never shabby.
After Dong Cheng read the information, he returned it to Su Yun.
“Mr. Su, since you agreed to sell the T34 tank to the little devil, then I will notify Wang Dehai of this matter and let him negotiate with the little devil.”
“Go, remember to explain the situation to him.”
After Dong Cheng resigned, he sent Su Yun’s decision to Wang Dehai in the form of a telegram.
The island country, Fushan, is in the hotel where Wang Dehai stayed.
After receiving Dong Cheng’s telegram, Wang Dehai sent someone to inform Sasuke and let the other party come to negotiate again.
Before Sasuke asked him to sell T34 tanks from Huayin Group, Wang Dehai was also a little surprised. At that time, he stabilized the other party and passed the matter back to the headquarters.
Like Dong Cheng, he was also worried that after the little devils got these tanks, they would slaughter their compatriots in turn.
But now, since Su Yun personally agreed, Wang Dehai thought about it for a while and thought that President Su should have his own considerations and would not harm his own people, so there is no need to worry about it.
In the hotel room, after Wang Dehai met Sasuke, he conveyed Su Yun’s meaning to Su Yun.
“Our President Su agrees to your request, and Huayin Group can sell T34 tanks to you.”
Sasuke was overjoyed to hear that!
The T34 tank is currently the most advanced tank in the world. If they get this weapon, they can completely dismantle it and imitate the process for mass production.
This can play a considerable role in the expansion of the future empire. Just Sasuke or too young to copy?
Just think about some things. They can look at this kind of tank. If they really want to imitate it, they have the virtue of licking their fingers like a little devil. Do they have so much steel?
It’s a pity that Sasuke didn’t think about these aspects at all.
However, Sasuke didn’t show it on the surface, he just said with a smile: “If that’s the case, then thank you very much. We can place this order now. I wonder when you will be able to deliver the tank?”
Wang Dehai waved his hand: “Don’t be too busy to please Your Excellency General, Su always agrees to give you tanks. But there is a condition.
That is the order you placed. The number of tanks purchased at one time cannot be less than 2,000. ”
“What kind of statement is that?”
Sasuke looked puzzled.
He had never heard of such a thing as buying tanks, and the quantity required.
Wang Dehai explained: “It’s like this, at present, the tanks used by our domestic military have always been supplied by Huayin Group, and a large number of them are sold to them at one time.
When we trade with the domestic military, we always require the other party to purchase at least hundreds or thousands of vehicles at one time.
If the number of orders placed by your country is too small, if the military hears about this, it will make the domestic military think that we are biased towards foreigners, which will lead to their dissatisfaction.
Even more serious, it will affect our cooperation with the military. In this case, we may lose more than the gains. ”
“Um…that’s it.”
Sasuke touched his chin to show his understanding.
But he was actually a little undecided.
The empire does not know the details of the cooperation between Huayin Group and the Huaxia military. They only know that Huayin Group has been providing armaments to the Huaxia military for the past two years.
Seeing Sasuke hesitating, Wang Dehai smiled and said, “If your country thinks this condition is a bit inappropriate, then we can add a bit more leverage.
As long as the number of tanks you ordered from us this time reaches 2,000, then we can expand some more factories for use by local enterprises in your country.
This is the best of both worlds. Our group makes money, you get weapons, and you get production land, how about that? ”
When he said this, Wang Dehai’s face was full of attentive smiles.
He squinted his eyes together, leaned forward slightly, and his tone was also a little urgent, showing that he was open to seeing money.
Seeing Wang Dehai’s appearance, Sasuke’s eyes flashed with contempt.
But he quickly converged, lest Wang Dehai notice.
Wang Dehai’s appearance made him look down on Huayin Group.
He didn’t expect that the famous Huayin Group would be so shameless to make money!
The T34 tank is the most advanced tank of the current model. When it is pulled into the battlefield, it will be an unstoppable force.
The Empire has the manufacturing technology of this kind of tank, which will definitely greatly enhance the combat power of the army.
The Empire and China are notTo deal with it, there will be a war in the future. It is impossible for Huayin Group to think of this, but they will sell tanks to the empire. In order to make money, these people can even sell their own country!
And that Su Yun, I have always heard how he serves the country and the people, helping the people’s livelihood and the country’s development.
Now it seems that these are all in vain!
Sasuke thought about this, but his face didn’t show it.
He had no experience in negotiating, and he didn’t know that these soldiers had already been pinched to death by Su Yun.
Looking at the attentive Wang Dehai, Sasuke nodded and said: “Since Wang Sang said so, then I will report the matter to the senior management when I go back, I believe the senior management will agree.
But I would like to ask, how much is your company selling tanks to us? “.
Chapter 705: The lion’s mouth is wide open, and the price is scary!
“Your Excellency, we are partners and friends, so I won’t beat around the bush for some things.
It is no exaggeration to say that the T34 tank is the most advanced tank in the world, and its performance indicators are the best in the world today.
If your country is sincere to order, we Huayin Group can calculate it for you at 80,000 US dollars. ”
“What? Eighty thousand dollars a car!”
Wang Dehai made an offer for the T34 tank, but Sasuke was shocked when he heard it, and he almost roared when he spoke.
Damn Huayin Group, this is clearly slaughtering them as pigs!
They had received information before that the price of the tanks that Huayin Group sold to the Huaxia military was only 300 oceans.
Of course this is the previous price.
Now that Huayuan is in circulation, if it is converted into Huayuan, the T34 tanks sold by Huayin Group to the military are about 150 Huayuan each.
The exchange rate between Chinese dollars and U.S. dollars is not much different. Converted to U.S. dollars, that is, one hundred and twenty dollars per car.
But why did it become $80,000 when it came to them?
This price has doubled six hundred, sixty or seventy times in one fell swoop!
What is this going to do, this is completely slaughtering pigs!
Sasuke’s mouth kept twitching, trying his best to restrain his urge to curse, and asked Wang Dehai, “Wang Sang, as far as we know, when your company sells T34 tanks to the Huaxia military, the unit price is only one hundred and twenty dollars. one.
Why did you sell to Empire for $80,000?
IMHO, the price difference is too much, I have reason to suspect that you are deliberately making things difficult. ”
“Who did you hear, Your Excellency General?”
Wang Dehai looked at Sasuke with a weird face.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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