“As I said just now, our T34 tank is the most advanced tank model in the world at present, and its own weight has reached more than 30 tons. It is impossible for such a tank to sell scrap iron for only one hundred and twenty dollars. ?
One hundred and twenty dollars a tank, but I would like to ask Your Excellency, where can there be such a deal.
This price is not to buy a tank, it is a free gift!
We Huayin Group will give some small discounts to the domestic military, but we are doing business with them, not charity. If each tank is only sold for one hundred and twenty dollars, Huayin Group would have already gone bankrupt~々! ”
Sasuke heard the words and asked, “Then may I ask Wang Sang, what is the price of the tanks you sold to the Huaxia military?”
When asked, Sasuke sneered slightly.
He didn’t believe a word of what Wang Dehai said just now!
It’s not that they haven’t heard about the business between Huayin Group and the Huaxia military. Now Sasuke is asking this because he wants to see what Wang Dehai has to say.
Wang Dehai said calmly: “The tanks we sell to our own army are set at $75,000 each.
But to sell to your country, it needs to come across the ocean. In addition, the tanks are unusual goods, which need to be transported by large freighters and consume a lot of fuel, so the overall price is higher.
Presumably your country can understand this point. When doing business between us, you must let Huayin Jitu benefit and make money.
We can’t lose money by ourselves, take the loss and give you the tank, right? ”
Damn it!
These guys from Huayin Group are so thick-skinned!
After listening to Wang Dehai’s words, Sasuke’s heart suddenly burst into flames.
What came across the ocean, what to bear the loss, 75,000 to the Huaxia military, this is fooling the ghost!
If nothing else, just their poor bastard can afford a tank of $75,000 apiece?
Or buy thousands of them at once?
What a joke!
They also know a little bit about the economic situation of Huaxia in the first two years.
At that time, although China’s economy was developing on the whole, due to the deep accumulation of malpractices and the melee of warlords, the overall economic situation was not good, and the government’s finances were also very tight.
It is no exaggeration to say that at that time, they could not even get the money for the army to equip the army with firearms. Even if China’s economy was good in the past two years, they could afford such an expensive tank?
Who can believe this!
Not to mention that China’s economy is just getting better and better, even an island country can’t afford such a high-priced tank!
But this cannot be said on the surface.
Although Wang Dehai’s quotation is really exaggerated, the two parties are always partners, and Sasuke can’t make these things clear.
After thinking for a while, Sasuke asked patiently, “Wang Sang, the price you’ve given is really extraordinary, can you lower it a bit more?
If you agree to reduce some prices, in exchange, the Empire is willing to give you some more preferential policies. ”
kingDe Hai heard the words and sighed softly: “To tell the truth, Your Excellency, we also want to lower the price a little bit, so that the tanks will be easier to sell.”
Said Wang Dehai thoughtfully, and after a pause, he seemed to have made up his mind.
“‘ ‘Since we are friends, then I can tell you one more thing. When we cooperated with the domestic military in the past two years, they also mentioned to us about the price reduction.
At that time, our President Su also considered the issue of price reduction, so that the military could place more orders and the group could make more money.
However, this kind of tank involves a lot of advanced technologies, and the production process is very strict. Many parts and instruments are quite precise, and the cost involved is very high.
So we can’t reduce the price at all. Even the price of 80,000 US dollars is still the lowest line obtained after pressing and pressing again and again.
People from the group have told me that if the price is lower than this, we will lose money, and even the cost will not be recovered. ”
When Wang Dehai said this, his face was helpless.
Sasuke scolded inwardly when he heard it.
The people of Huayin Group really fell into the eyes of money!
If according to their fixed price, one tank is 80,000 US dollars, then 2,000 tanks are 160 million US dollars!
What is this concept?
Last year, the military expenditure of the entire empire was only about 900 million yen, and the current exchange rate between the US dollar and the yen is about 1:2, and 900 million yen is equivalent to about 450 million US dollars.
The 450 million US dollars includes all military expenditures of the navy and army.
And the military budget allocated to the army is only 150 million US dollars.
This is because the Kwantung Army needs to expand, and the army aviation also needs to replace the new fighter jets, which requires more military expenses to be allocated the 150 million US dollars.
Otherwise, the Army will receive about $120 million at most.
But now Huayin Group wants them to place an order, and the mouth is 160 million US dollars!
This amount of money is enough for their army’s military expenditures for a whole year, and according to the normal situation, there is still a great surplus! .
Chapter 706: The field of infrastructure
After weighing it for a long time, Sasuke said to Wang Dehai: “Sorry Wang Sang, the price you gave is too high, this 160 million US dollars needs to take up a large part of our military expenses.
This matter, I still need to go back and report it to the senior management for discussion. ”
Of course Sasuke wouldn’t tell the Army’s true financial situation, so he said these words vaguely.
Wang Dehai seemed to be in a dilemma with a look of hesitating to speak.
Sasuke saw it and asked, “Wang Sang, what else do you have to say. Please speak bluntly.”
Wang Dehai put on a sincere tone: “If this price is really expensive for your country, I can try to submit an application to the group headquarters and ask them to lower the price.”
“Oh? Didn’t Wang Sang say just now that your group will lose money?”
Sasuke looked at Wang Dehai, Wang Dehai waved his hand: “Depending on the situation, try to reduce some costs and keep the cost down!”
While speaking, Wang Dehai smiled again, looking very simple and honest.
Hahaha, Wang Sang! Your behavior is very friendly, and the Empire will remember your sincerity. We are in need of such friends!
Sasuke burst into laughter when he heard the words.
At the same time, he began to think silently in his heart.
It seems that Wang Dehai is still very honest, but the 240 others in Huayin Group are afraid that they are not fuel-efficient lamps.
Speaking of this, the atmosphere between the two was very pleasant. Wang Dehai’s last move greatly won Sasuke’s favor, but Sasuke didn’t know that Wang Dehai had already figured out his mind.
Looking at Sasuke like that, Wang Dehai knew that Sasuke’s trust in him had increased a bit.
But what he said just now was just pretending.
As for the price reduction application…
Anyway, I won’t submit it myself, and when the time comes, they will directly say that the group does not agree. Can they still ask?
While Huayin Group was intensively preparing for the island country, there were also some new news in China.
Since some time ago, the committee has been sending people to contact with Germanic. After several negotiations, the relationship between the two sides has developed very well.
With these foundations in place, the committee finally decided to further strengthen ties with Germania and carry out extensive cooperation in the fields of economy, military, science and technology, and industry after several trade-offs.
Today’s Germanic is mainly developing these fields, and China also attaches great importance to these fields. (ajed) The two sides can learn from each other’s experience, and China can also get some help from the other side.
After making this decision, the committee made the matter public.
So in the past few days, major newspapers all over the country are promoting this matter.
In Jinling City, many newspapers have successively reported on this.
“Celebrate the whole world! A happy event is coming! Recently, the committee issued an announcement at the leader’s official residence, deciding to strengthen the ties with the Germanic country and strengthen the cooperation between the two sides in the fields of industry, technology, military, economy and so on.
The benefit of this matter is in the present, and the merit is in the future. I wish the two countries can strengthen cooperation in related fields and make progress together. I believe that in the near future, the country will definitely be further developed. ”
Soon, the news spread from the press to the people.
Many people in the upper echelons of society are very optimistic about this.
In a branch of Xinyue Restaurant, a table of guests are talking about this in the private room.
“Have you heard the talk in the newspapers recently? It’s a good thing or a bad thing to ask the old man to strengthen cooperation with German.”
“Of course it’s a good thing! My nephew is studying in Germany. Their industry, military, and technology have developed well. If the country can deepen cooperation with them, it will definitely promote development.”
“CommissionThis time, the old man has done a great thing for the country and the people. I heard that the military technology in Germany is particularly powerful. If we can exchange some advanced military technology, we can also strengthen the national defense force! ”
These guests were all excited about drinking, and since no one in the private room could hear them, the discussion became louder.
However, this happens mostly in the upper circles.
As for the ordinary people below, almost no one of them knew what Germanic was.
But no matter how ignorant the people are, they also know that the development of the country is a major event, so many people are very happy about this news.
The common people do not understand the exchanges between the two countries, but they know that if the country develops well, they will earn more money. The more money they make, the better their life will be!
These things that the outside world spread, naturally couldn’t hide from Su Yun.
But Su Yun didn’t have time to pay attention to this now.
In the past few days, the island country’s plan has been carried out very smoothly. As long as there are no mistakes in the middle, it is almost certain to harvest the island country’s finance.
Under this premise, Su Yun began to prepare for the construction of communication.
Like traffic engineering, communications planning is an infrastructure project that covers many areas.
This matter, Su Yun must start from the beginning to slowly discuss.
This morning, Su Yun was writing and drawing on paper, considering whether to hand over the communication matters to Cheng Si and incorporate this matter into the Basic Life Department.
Before Su Yun asked Cheng Silai Group to be the manager of the basic life department, but the basic life department had not been formally established at that time.
But now, after a period of preparation, the department has been established and perfected.
The Group’s heating supply, drinking water supply, including electricity supply, etc., have been incorporated into and managed by the Basic Living Department.
And water, electricity and heating are all things that are closely related to people’s lives.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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