In the future, after the construction of the communication field is completed, daily communication will become an indispensable part of people’s life, just like the mobile phone later.
That’s why Su Yun will consider whether to incorporate this matter into the Basic Life Department.
But for now, this plan is still in the preparatory stage, and Su Yun is not in a hurry to make a decision. Moreover, the reason why he decided to build a communication is for the development of the country, and the main reason is to enhance the efficiency of losing money.
A few years ago, Su Yun thought about it. Now that Huayin Group has a big business, the system’s mission requirements are getting higher and higher, even to an outrageous level.
In order to ensure the completion of the tasks given by the system, the general means of losing money are no longer enough.
So Su Yun turned his attention to infrastructure.
In the field of infrastructure construction, it has always been a big moneymaker, such as education, medical care, transportation, communication, power facilities, etc., all of which belong to the field of infrastructure construction.
And each of these projects is a big money-burner.
Chapter 707: It’s all about talent!
Not to mention education, in order to set up education, Su Yun has spent hundreds of millions of dollars before and after, and in terms of transportation, Su Yun often spends hundreds of millions of dollars.
And now, Su Yun decided to add another communication!
This thing, like education and transportation, is a big project once it starts.
Including power supply, medical services, etc. Once these things start, they must continue on a long-term and large-scale, and cannot be abandoned halfway.
So Su Yun needs to plan well.
In good conscience, Su Yun really wanted to lose money crazy, but before that, the infrastructure project had to be completed.
If he starts too many infrastructure projects at one time, but does not have enough energy and manpower to manage them, then in the end, the money will be lost, but the infrastructure will be abandoned.
This is a major event related to the country and people’s livelihood, and half-hearted behavior is absolutely not advisable.
Therefore, Su Yun has to take it step by step to ensure that each project can run quickly and smoothly after it is launched. While completing the system tasks, he must also carry out the infrastructure construction to the end.
In this way, this pit system can not only provide oil and water for itself, but also truly serve the country.
Just as Su Yun was immersed in planning, there was a knock on the door of the office.
“Come in.”
Su Yun responded, and Wu Si walked in from the door.
“Mr. Su, General Wang Cheng came to find you and said it was urgent. I asked him to wait outside for a while, and then come to report first.”
Su Yun waved his hand: “Please come in, by the way, in the future, Wang Cheng and Li F are here, you don’t need to come over to report, just let them come directly to me.”
Su Yun’s expression was very casual.
Wang Cheng, Li F, and others, these are all his best friends, so you don’t need to pay attention to what you have and what you don’t have.
As a result, as soon as Su Yun finished speaking, Wang Cheng paced into the office.
Seeing this, Wu Si consciously retreated.
After entering the office, Wang Cheng looked around and sighed: “Okay, you guy, you haven’t been in style for a few days, and the new headquarters has been established. Why don’t you invite me and Lao Li to come here…for a drink!”
When it came to drinking, Wang Cheng slapped Su Yun on the shoulder with a smile on his face.
Su Yun could not help grinning.
After all, Wang Cheng was born in the military, and he rolled over on the battlefield with a lot of dexterity.
Being photographed by his slap, Su Yun was on fire at the time.
“You bastard, take it easy! Also, I have been going to my place to eat and drink for free with that guy from Li recently. Hurry up and pay for the meal first!”
What Su Yun said was of course Shengqing Restaurant.
He had heard that these two old men would go there all day to eat and drink, and after eating, they would followThe former urine sex, accounting does not give money!
Of course, the account must be on his own head.
Seeing Su Yun mention this, Wang Cheng hurriedly smiled and said, “Look at your Ziwen, we are all brothers, it hurts feelings to raise money!”
While he was talking, Wang Cheng pulled up a chair and sat down on his own, without being polite at all.
Su Yun gave the guy a white look: “It’s alright, let’s talk, what are you doing here today?”
Wang Cheng said loudly: “It must be a good thing to find you. I will go to Shengqing Restaurant No. 1 Xuanwu Road with me tonight, and our brothers will set up a table for you!”
“You two? Impossible!”
Su Yun didn’t believe what this guy said at all, unless there was something wrong with these two people, they had to invite them to eat and drink, and there was no door!
Seeing Su Yun say this, Wang Cheng smiled and said, “Actually, it’s not the two of us, but the commissioner is going to set a table there tonight to entertain the military advisors from Germany, and I specially invite you to come over.
Ziwen, this is a serious state banquet, you must go. ”
“Oh. I’m not interested. This time, when you entertain German military advisers, it is clear that you are talking about military affairs. I have seven knowledges about military affairs, and the rest I don’t know anything!
What am I going to do? Don’t go don’t go! ”
Su Yun looked indifferent.
It’s not that he didn’t know Wang Cheng’s old-fashioned behavior, but Su Yun knew that this guy wasn’t telling the truth just by looking at him.
Seeing that Su Yun was indifferent, Wang Cheng had to tell the truth: “Hey, don’t say no, Ziwen, in fact, this time I invited you to go, not to talk about military affairs.
It’s not just a military adviser who came from Germany, but a big man in the group, from your business field.
So this time, the committee specially asked me to invite you to come over and talk to the group representative about the business field. ”
“Well, I see.”
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After listening to Wang Cheng’s words, Su Yun nodded.
It seems that the recent rumors from the outside world are not empty talk. The committee not only decided to strengthen ties with Germania and cooperate in various fields, but also, judging from this situation, it has already begun to be officially implemented.
Immediately, Su Yun began to care about it.
To say that the big companies in Germany can still discuss with themselves, it should only be Krupp.
Now that Huayin Group has grown and grown, he is considered a top figure in the business world, and ordinary company representatives are not qualified to talk to him.
Krupp is a well-known German industrial group and the largest arms manufacturer in Germany.
Huayin Group started out by relying on industry. Although the weapons and munitions produced are not sold to foreign countries, they are also quite famous overseas. After all, things such as T34 and MG34 are the most advanced weapons and equipment at present.
…… 0
From this point of view, Huayin Group and Krupp have a common topic foundation.
Thinking of it this way, the person who came to discuss with me this time should be someone from Krupp.
If someone from Krupp really came to talk to him, Su Yun would still be very interested. This is a big company, and the two sides also have the possibility of cooperation in the field of military industry.
Seeing Su Yun’s expression of thinking, Wang Cheng added: “Ziwen, you don’t need to hesitate. I invite you to come over this time, and there is another important consideration.”
“whats the matter?”
Su Yun became interested, and Wang Cheng explained: “Didn’t you disclose before that you want to recruit scientists from Germania? The committee has been keeping an eye on you.
Some time ago, the committee heard that the Germanic territory seems to be not very friendly to Jewish scientists, and those people are trying to find a way out one by one.
If Huayin Group needs it, the committee can make a request to German to recruit the scientists and other cutting-edge talents you need.
Now Germany is not very friendly to Jews in the country, this should not be a problem, you just have to seize this opportunity. ”
I see!
Su Yun’s spirit suddenly cheered up.
Before, because Huayin Group had too many things to develop and not enough internal talents, Su Yun did propose to go to Germantown to recruit people.
Chapter 708: Top Jewish Talents
However, because there are too many things at hand, and he has recruited some scientists from Europe and the United States before, there is no shortage of talents within the group, so this matter has been put on hold for the time being.
Unexpectedly, the commissioner has been thinking about this matter for himself.
To be honest, Su Yun didn’t have a good impression of Jewish businessmen. These people only knew how to do business, but they didn’t pay much attention to their conduct.
Su Yun also knew that the current situation in Germany was changing, and the Jews would be ostracized and oppressed, but this was none of his business, and he was not interested in caring about the life and death of the Jews.
However, he is still very interested in the cutting-edge talents among the Jews, such as mechanical engineers, designers, metal engineers, scientists and the like.
Huayin Group has been developing continuously and involves more and more fields.
Because of this, the talent pool within the “240” group is not enough no matter how much. What’s more, Su Yun is now preparing to build communications, which just needs a lot of relevant talents.
If he can really recruit a group of talents this time, it will save him a lot of trouble.
Thinking of this, Su Yun nodded and said, “Okay, I understand, you go back and tell the committee, I will be there tonight.”
“That’s fine, I’ll go back to my life first, how about it? I’ve come all the way to inform you about this kind of good thing. How are you going to thank me?”
Wang Cheng put on a slick posture again, Su Yun didn’t have time to pay attention to this guy at all, and waved: “Get out of here, someone will notify me if you don’t come, and want me to invite you as a guest, no way!”
Wang Cheng’s mouth twitched, and he left the office angrily.The relationship between the two is so strong, Wang Cheng naturally doesn’t care, he just regrets that he missed another meal today.
In the afternoon, in the leader’s official residence, the delegates were sitting down to drink water and rest after handling some matters.
At this time, Yang Tai knocked on the door from outside.
“Come in.”
After receiving the permission of the commissioner, Yang Tai entered the door and reported: “The commissioner, everything has been arranged, and the people from Krupp will be there in the evening.
It was Wang Cheng who volunteered to inform Su Yun. Just now, Wang Cheng came to report that Su Yun would arrive on time. ”
“Ah, very good.”
The commissioner was very satisfied with this and said to Yang Tai: “Changqing, with the help of Huayin Group in the past two years, our army has developed very well. We didn’t need German help originally, but Huayin Group has need.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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