So we are now in contact with Germanic, the purpose is to help Huayin Group. ”
“I understand, Commissioner, you cooperated with Germantown only to discuss recruiting talents for Huayin?”
Yang Yongtai is very clear about the meaning of the appointment.
In the past two years, Huayin Group has provided the military with a large number of advanced weapons at very cheap prices.
Today, the weapons of many armies have completed a major blood change, and their combat power has skyrocketed.
But now the development of Huayin Group has fallen into a bottleneck, and this bottleneck is mainly the problem of talents. First, the number of talents is not enough, and secondly, the level of talents cannot further meet the development needs.
Therefore, Huayin Group needs a large number of top talents to supplement it.
Therefore, the commissioner chose to communicate and cooperate with Germanic, and wanted to recruit top-notch Jewish talents who were not welcome in Germanic, so as to add vitality to Huayin Group.
The commissioner smiled: “Yes, that’s exactly what I’m thinking.
Some time ago, I read the report on the development plan of Huayin Group, which stated that Huayin Group will increase the annual domestic steel production to 5 million tons by the end of this year!
To this end, they built many iron smelters and steel mills to increase steel production.
However, the development of this heavy industry field requires the support of a large number of relevant talents. Now the country’s education development has just started, and it is still too early for the first generation of students to become qualified.
Even if Huayin Group searched the world, it could not find enough talents.
In this case, it is time for those of us in power to do our part. We must let the people of the world know that not only Huayin Group is fighting to restore the glory of the motherland, but we are also contributing our part. strength! ”
“Yes, the committee is well-intentioned, and my subordinates understand.”
Yang Tai nodded slightly.
In the past two years, the domestic industry, education, economy, transportation, science and technology and other fields have flourished, the economy has risen wildly, and the entire country has begun to prosper.
And all of this is because Huayin Group is making unremitting efforts to 0 ……
But those in power do very little.
Therefore, from last year to the beginning of the year, the commissioner began to take the lead and set an example, devoting himself to national development, rectifying internal affairs, and standardizing the conduct of officials.
Yang Tai knew that from the beginning of the year to the present, the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) in charge of Chen Shaoshan had investigated and dealt with many officials who violated the law and discipline, which has attracted many people’s discussions.
Most of these comments are positive comments, and the people can see the determination to govern the country by appointing the committee.
Yang Tai naturally understands that the commissioner is setting the tone, including the Independent Commission Against Corruption, and the previous commissioner’s announcement of cooperation and exchanges with Germanic, all of which are telling the people that those in power are also working hard for the revival of the country.
Then Yang Tai asked: “By the way, what else do you want to tell me about tonight’s state banquet?”
The commissioner thought about it and said, “Since you have arranged everything, I have nothing to worry about, but you will come over in person before the evening.
Remember, we must ensure that nothing goes wrong in all aspects. Tonight is our first state banquet in such a long time, and we must not lose face in front of foreigners. ”
“I understand the commission, I’ll go check it out myself, and make sure I won’t embarrass the country!”
After Yang Tai promised, he went to Shengqing Restaurant No. 1 Xuanwu Road first, and after a short rest, he continued to sit down and deal with some things.
After some time, he will also prepare to set off on 4.3 to meet with the German advisory group.
Time came to night, and the sky gradually darkened.
As night fell, all the streets in Jinling City were gradually lit up.
However, the night at this time is not the city that never sleeps, the nightlife is not so colorful, and the whole street is relatively deserted.
But at this time, Shengqing Restaurant No. 1 Xuanwu Road, as well as the surrounding streets and intersections were brightly lit.
Businesses elsewhere are about to close their doors to thank guests, but here is bustling.
If someone approaches the restaurant, they will find that there are countless people busy.
However, at this time, the entire entrance of the restaurant, including the nearby streets and intersections, was already tightly held by the soldiers.
Chapter 709: One hundred and eight-course state banquet
Across the entire street from the restaurant, the army’s sentries began to be arranged. From the outer streets to the entrance of the restaurant, there were sentry teams extending from all directions.
There is one sentinel every five meters or so. It is a real three-step one sentry and five-step one sentry post.
In addition to the sentries on the bright side, in the shadows of some buildings on both sides of the street, there are some dark sentries lurking at intervals.
These whistleblowers are paying close attention to the situation around them at this time, strictly guarding against anySuspicious people appear.
At the same time, at all the intersections near the No. 1 store on Xuanwu Road of Shengqing Restaurant, officers and a team of soldiers were setting up checkpoints.
There will be a total martial law in this area tonight, no one is allowed to approach without an order.
In addition to the checkpoints and checkpoints, there are officers patrolling back and forth with teams of soldiers in the nearby streets. In some hidden corners and buildings that are easy to hide, soldiers will search back and forth to ensure that there is nothing there.
The patrolling team started from a street, and was distributed from 09 to the entrance of the restaurant.
And every street is inspected by several patrol teams at the same time, and headlights are installed at the top of the buildings, sweeping back and forth at certain key corners all the time.
With such a posture, let alone a human being, it is impossible for even a mosquito to fly in.
The reason why the military put up such a big battle is naturally that it received an order from the commissioner.
Early this morning, the entire Shengqing Restaurant No. 1 Xuanwu Road was contracted by the government, in order to hold a state banquet here and entertain the consultant team from Germany.
The advisory team this time is a military advisory group, and all of them are senior generals of the German military.
And here tonight, not only the German advisory team, but also the commissioner and a number of high-level military generals.
With so many generals from the two countries gathered here, the military must do its best to ensure the security of the place to ensure the safety of the officers of the two countries, as well as the envoys and others.
In the Shengqing Restaurant No. 2 Xuanwu Road, not far from here, Zhou Xian was busy going back and forth.
As the general manager of Huayin Catering Company, with such a big show tonight, he should be sitting here in person and commanding the overall situation.
Like the No. 1 store, the entire No. 2 store will not be open tonight, but is solely used as a command venue.
As the general manager of a catering company, Zhou Xian knows better than anyone the importance of tonight’s state banquet. This is the first time that China has held such a large-scale state banquet in so many years.
The government chose the venue here without saying a word. This was out of trust in Su Yun and also in Huayin Group.
Therefore, Zhou Xian did not dare to neglect at all. Since he received the notice a few days ago, he has personally arranged for the end of the game.
At present, Shengqing Restaurant has opened semicolons in cities all over the country. For this banquet, Zhou Xian personally issued an order to recruit a large number of chefs and assistant chefs from branches in Guangzhou, Jinan, Shanghai, Chengdu, Bengbu and other places.
These chefs are the most outstanding chefs in the semicolon, and even the assistant chefs who come with them are some of the most agile.
Today’s No. 1 store has gathered famous chefs from all over the world, including Sichuan cuisine, Cantonese cuisine, Shandong cuisine, and Huaiyang cuisine. Chefs from the four major cuisines are among them, and they are stepping up preparations.
And Zhou Xian, starting early this morning, has drawn some service staff from the semicolons of the various Shengqing restaurants in Jinling City, and asked them to quickly rearrange the tables, chairs, and decorations inside the restaurants.
The state banquet in the evening was small, and it was related to Su Yun’s face and the reputation of Huayin Group.
In a big way, it is more related to the dignity of the country.
Because of this, Zhou Xian attached great importance to this and spent a lot of thought.
These large and small tasks kept Zhou Xian busy all day. At this time, everything was almost arranged, and Zhou Xian finally breathed a sigh of relief.
Even so, in the evening, he went to the No. 1 store to check in person to make sure that there would be no mistakes.
But now, Zhou Xian stood at the door and looked out while taking advantage of the break.
To be honest, the military’s posture tonight really surprised him.
Looking out from the door of the No. 2 store, you can see that many headlights installed on the street buildings in the distance are searching back and forth. From time to time, you will see a group of soldiers with guns and live ammunition patrolling back and forth in silence.
Under the night, the patrolling soldiers did not make any noise, only the sound of neat footsteps could be heard faintly.
At the entrance of and around the No. 1 store, there are even more soldiers lined up around.
Each of these soldiers has a solemn expression, all of them are holding submachine guns in their hands, their eyes are bright, and they are ready to fight!
“It seems that tonight’s scene is indeed no trivial matter. Fortunately, I ordered it in advance. Now that everything is ready, there should be no mistakes.”
Zhou Xian whispered and returned to the second store.
At this moment, Zhou Xian’s big housekeeper Zhou Quan hurried in from outside.
Tonight’s No. 1 store was originally not allowed to go in and out at will, but Zhou Xian and others, as well as the service staff of the restaurant, all have special passes issued by the government, which is convenient for cleaning up and arranging things.
When Zhou Quan came to him, Zhou Xian hurriedly asked, “How is the preparation inside?”
Zhou Quan took a breath and said, “Master, the furnishings inside have been cleaned up, and the dishes are ready.
Among the four major cuisines, we selected a total of 108 dishes.
The Sichuan cuisine is home-styled with a variety of flavors, and selected dishes such as Kung Pao Chicken, Mapo Tofu, Twice-cooked Pork, and Dengying Beef as representatives. Dishes such as carp are representative.
Cantonese cuisine has five flavors and six flavors. This time, we mainly arranged Cantonese cuisine, such as Dinghu Shangsu, Luohanzhai, and glutinous rice chicken. Touhou, Pingqiao tofu and other dishes are served.
According to the master’s instructions, these dishes are the most classic and representative dishes among the major cuisines.
Now the simmering and stewing dishes are already in the pot, and they are being simmered in the back kitchen. They can be served at any time. The stir-frying and other dishes are all ready. As long as they call for the dishes, they can immediately stir-fry in the pot. ”
The state banquet this time is mainly based on the dishes of the four major Chinese cuisines, supplemented by other local cuisines..
This morning, when Yang Tai came to arrange supervision, Zhou Xian had specially communicated his thoughts with him. They chose the famous dishes of the four major Chinese cuisines to show the Chinese style.
This idea was also endorsed by Yang Tai.
It is for this reason that Zhou Xian has selected famous chefs from the four major cuisines from all over the world.
Listening to Zhou Quan’s report, Zhou Xian did not look bored at all, but was extremely satisfied.
Chapter 710: Hidden Meanings in Speech
He knew that the government decided to hold a state banquet with the four major cuisines as the main reason to promote Chinese culture and at the same time express its importance to the Germanic Advisory Group.
Now hearing Zhou Quan say that everything is ready, Zhou Xian feels very satisfied.
“Very good, everyone has worked hard this time.
But our work is not over yet, you will continue to watch it later, and you must not make any mistakes.
The government entrusted such an important matter to us, which is the trust of Huayin Group. We must play a 12-point effort. If there is any negligence, it will damage the reputation of the group. ”
“Yes, my lord, I’m going to keep an eye on it. There will be absolutely no mistakes.”
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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