Zhou Quan’s expression froze, and he immediately went to the No. 1 store to take care of him.
Zhou Xian went back to his seat and sat down.
Now that the advisory team and the government team have not arrived yet, he has to hurry up and think about what is inappropriate and add them in time.
At around eight o’clock in the evening, the sound of wheels rolling over the road suddenly sounded on Xuanwu Road in the dark.
Through the dim moonlight, you could see that it was a convoy of more than a dozen black cars. The vehicles drove across the road, ignoring the soldiers patrolling by the side, and went straight to the No. 1 store and stopped.
“stand at attention!!!”
Seeing the arrival of the convoy, the two officers at the entrance of the hotel shouted loudly.
In an instant, the soldiers at the door cheered up one by one, their backs straight, and their eyes were straight ahead.
After the dozens of vehicles stopped in sequence, a famous soldier opened the door from above. Some of these people were Chinese soldiers, and some had gray pupils of Germanic people, and the facial contours were obvious. At first glance, they were Germanic soldiers.
These soldiers are all senior generals of the two countries. Although the two sides have different clothing styles, the epaulets are inlaid with twinkling generals.
They are the generals of both countries!
No matter which country these officers are in, they can be regarded as high-ranking generals and lead a party.
However, after they got off the bus, they did not rush into the restaurant, but went to both sides of the door and waited sideways.
Under the eyes of everyone, the doors of the two black cars in front of the convoy were slowly opened, and the seat and a general got off the cars respectively.
After getting off the bus, the entrusted seat walked side by side with the general and entered the restaurant door first.
At this time, the soldiers on both sides saluted the two of them one after another.
The two officers on duty at the door noticed that the general next to the seat was carrying four generals on his shoulders, and he was a first-rank general.
Su Yun arrived at the same time with this group of teams.
At this time, the commissioner and the first-level general entered the restaurant, while Su Yun followed the crowd behind.
Looking at the back of the first-level general in front of him, Su Yun felt a little embarrassed.
He knew this general. Speaking of which, Su Yun admired this general.
If he remembered correctly, on the eve of the Anti-Japanese War, it was this general who ran around to help Huaxia build a modern defense force system.
However, it is a pity that the machinery and equipment he bought from Germantown with countless efforts was resold by Fatty Kong.
When he came to the restaurant, Su Yun found that the layout had changed a lot.
In the hall in front of you, some of the tables and chairs that were originally arranged have already been re-arranged on both sides and rearranged in a circle around them.
In the middle of the front of the hall is a huge round table.
Even some of the original partitions in the hall have been removed. At this time, the entire hall is connected, and some of the original furnishings have also been removed, and the interior is neat and spacious.
Seeing this, Su Yun couldn’t help but nodded slightly.
It seems that Zhou Xian spent a lot of thought for today’s dinner party, and he should have started preparations a few days ago.
Otherwise, in a short period of time, he would not be able to rearrange the layout here.
Now that the banquet has not officially started, after the officers entered the hall, they waited on both sides.
The commissioner came to the front, smiling and pressing down on everyone.
“All generals, all guests and friends, please take a seat.
Today, we are having a feast here. We welcome General Seekert and his military advisory group to visit. The presence of your country’s advisory group will definitely add luster to the friendship between the two countries.
In the future, I also hope that your country can cooperate sincerely with our side, and our two countries will work together to develop together~々. ”
The translator is next to the person who immediately translates the words of the delegate to the advisory group.
After the commissioner’s speech was over, there was a burst of applause.
Immediately, the seat was entrusted to look at General Seekert, who was the leader of the German advisory group on this visit to China.
At this time, after the commissioner finished speaking, he slightly gave up the middle position and made a gesture to invite Seekert to come forward to speak.
Seekert does not understand Chinese, but he can understand the meaning of the entrusted seat.
He stepped forward with the accompanying translator and said with a smile: “Huaxia is a splendid ancient civilization, and you have created a splendid culture.
I am very honored to be able to come to this ancient and mysterious eastern country on this trip.
Here I have witnessed with my own eyes the miracles of your East. ”
Sekter said here, and the people applauded again.
After the crowd was quiet, Seekert said again: “”Germany’ and Huaxia are the world’s most beautifulExcellent country, in recent years, our economy has started a vigorous recovery under the leadership of our Prime Minister.
And your Huaxia economy has also risen rapidly under the leadership of your country’s commissioner. I am surprised that Huaxia has created an almost impossible miracle in just two years!
You have allowed a country that was originally economically backward to complete transformation in such a short period of time, and the national economy is booming, which is quite incredible. ”
After listening to Sekter’s speech, everyone below applauded again to welcome.
Sekter smiled and stepped back a little, signaling that he had finished speaking, and the commissioner stepped forward again when he saw it.
“The friendship between China and Germany has a long history (is it good), and the two sides have a deep friendship. As early as after the end of World War I, frequent commercial and trade exchanges between the two countries began.
The economies of the two countries are now booming. While it is worth celebrating, we also hope that the two sides can further strengthen cooperation and conduct in-depth exchanges in military, industrial, economic and other fields.
And I also hope that Chinese businessmen can have more business contacts with German businessmen, and further deepen the cooperative relationship between the two sides.
Our two countries are progressing and prospering together. ”
As soon as the commissioner’s voice fell, Sekter took the lead in applauding.
The people below also applauded.
The remarks made by the commissioner were recognized by everyone present.
Su Yun also applauded below, but he kept thinking about the meaning of some of the words of the delegation.
The remarks that just made the appointment seem to be just some scenes, but there are some cryptic information in them.
Chapter 711: The Son of Western Heavy Industry – Alfred
The exchanges between the two countries involve many aspects. Once some words are announced in public, they will set the tone for the relationship between the two countries.
Just now, the committee members said that they should cooperate more and deepen exchanges in the future, which means that the committee members and Germanic people must have reached a consensus on some aspects.
Otherwise, the committee would not have made such a speech in public.
Next, the committee and Sekter took turns to talk about some things, but most of these words were scenes, and Su Yun didn’t care much.
Of course, the words of the two will inevitably involve some military, political and other issues.
But Su Yun didn’t know much about these aspects, so he wouldn’t think about it too much.
The entrusted seat and Sekter’s alternate speeches continued for a while, and after Sekter responded again, the entrusted seat finally gestured to an officer next to him.
This officer is equivalent to tonight’s muezzin.
After being signaled by the commissioner, he waited for the commissioner and Sekter to be seated, and announced the official start of today’s dinner.
“State banquet, start!”
In the hall tonight, in addition to the senior officers of the two countries, there are also some service personnel in the hotel waiting outside.
Hearing this order, the service staff immediately passed the news to the back kitchen.
In an instant, the entire kitchen was busy.
The ingredients that had been prepared for a long time were put into the pot at the same time, and the 243 simmering dishes in the pot were taken out from the pot and introduced into the hall by the service staff.
This state banquet did not adopt the western buffet mode, but adopted the eastern traditional dining mode, and the seats were strictly divided into upper and lower.
Fortunately, most of the Germanic teams who came to this trip knew some Eastern cultures and were not unfamiliar with this model.
In the banquet hall, the entrusted seat and Sekter came to the large round table in front of them hand in hand, and sat next to them were some senior military generals, who were either rich or noble.
As the two most distinguished members of this state banquet, the envoy and General Seekert naturally sat at the top.
The people who bowed down were Wang Cheng and Seekert’s deputy, General Falkenhausen.
At the head of the two, it was Su Yun and Alfred.
What Su Yun had thought before was good. The business group that had a conversation with him at the banquet was the German Krupp company.
Alfred is the representative of Krupp.
He is the next appointed heir of Krupp and the only son of the family, while Su Yun is the chairman of Huayin Group.
Huayin Group started from heavy industry. Krupp is a German military industry leader and a well-known arms manufacturer, mainly engaged in the field of military heavy industry.
It can be said that one of the two is a representative of heavy industry in the East, and the other is a representative of heavy industry in the West.
Under the two of them, there are still many people sitting scattered.
They are both soldiers and have nothing to do with the business world.
In fact, except for Su Yun and Alfred, who had no military rank and belonged to the businessmen, the rest of the people at the state banquet table were basically soldiers.
And these people are senior officers, with the lowest rank of major general.
It is precisely because of this that the commissioner specially arranged for Su Yun and Alfred to sit together.
The large round table in the middle is equivalent to the core of today’s banquet.
After the seats were arranged, the muezzin sent someone to inform the back kitchen to prepare the dishes.
After a while, several service staff of Shengqing Restaurant headed into the hall, each with a dish in their hands, and came to each table to serve it in turn.
After the leading line had passed, a waiter began to file in.
Today’s state banquet, in order to maximize the pomp, Zhou Xian even made uniform requirements for the dress of the restaurant service staff.
The staff who came to serve and serve were all selected from various semicolons, with excellent looks and temperament. They wore uniform small black suits with white shirts underneath, and their every move was neat and polite.
Even when the food is served, the footsteps of these waiters are fast and not chaotic.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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