
Su Yun paid attention to the ajed team. Seeing their performance, he knew that Zhou Xian must have arranged for them to practice in advance.
Such a neat and tidy staging caused everyone present to look sideways.
The members of the German advisory group looked at the service staff, and then looked at the various dishes in their hands, each with a look of amazement on their faces.
A German lieutenant general sighed softly: “China’s food culture has a long history, and what I saw today is indeed well-deserved.”
Some Huaxia officers next to him heard the meaning of this man from the translator, and they all showed pride.
But in fact, they are also lamenting the execution ability of Shengqing Restaurant.
These officers are senior-level cadres of the military. Many of them have traveled from south to north and have extensive knowledge. They have visited dozens or hundreds of restaurants and clubs.
But it was the first time they had seen so many dishes in the same restaurant.
These people are more or less aware of the famous dishes of the four major domestic cuisines. Now they have seen with their own eyes that the serving staff who serve the dishes actually cover the major signature dishes from the four major cuisines.
There are Jiuzhuan large intestines of Shandong cuisine, Mapo tofu of Sichuan cuisine, steamed lion head of Huaiyang cuisine, and so on.
This situation provokes these well-informed characters can’t help but praise.
Some people joked with acquaintances: “Today’s state banquet is not only a group of people, but also a group of dishes!
There are thousands of player restaurants and catering companies in the whole country, and I am afraid that only Huayin Group can invite chefs from the four major cuisines at the same time. ”
Another Huaxia officer kept nodding: “What I mean is, other than Huayin Group, which is capable of hosting such a state banquet, other places are really not qualified.
Not to mention the environment, they can’t do it just by gathering famous chefs from these four major cuisines. ”
Of course these jokes were whispered in private by the officers.
After all, today’s occasion is still very serious. In front of so many Germanic people, the old man is still here.
As the dishes came to the table, the atmosphere around the table gradually became lively.
It has not yet officially opened, and everyone is chatting for a while.
On the table where Su Yun was sitting, Alfred also understood the purpose of this appointment.
Alfred is also interested in Su Yun, a legendary business figure in the East.
He faced Su Yun and greeted him first: “This is the chairman of Huayin Group, Mr. Su Yun, right? I’ve admired his name for a long time.”
Speaking of which, Alfred remembered one thing.
Su Yun is from China and doesn’t seem to understand German.
So Alfred asked tentatively: “Mr. Su, do you know German?”.
Chapter 712: The Collision of Two Heavy Industry Groups
Seeing the other party like this, Su Yun probably guessed the other party’s thoughts and said with a smile, “Mr. Alfred, of course I can speak German.”
Alfred was slightly surprised.
Su Yun was actually communicating with him in German, and he spoke very fluently.
“Mr. Su, I didn’t expect you to know German. In my impression, some people in Huaxia may know English, but there are not many people who know German.”
Su Yun smiled: “I learned something when I was in school before.”
Alfred nodded, and then said curiously, “I can tell that your German has some accents from the capital region. Have you ever studied in our capital?”
The Germanic country is the same as China. Although their language is uniformly called German, the accents in each region are different, just like there are different dialects in different parts of China.
Su Yun replied: “I have never been to your country to study, I learned German from my teacher during school.
If it is as you say, the teacher who taught me probably visited your capital. ”
Su Yun did come into contact with German when he was in college, but at that time he only knew that it was German, and he naturally followed the teacher to learn the pronunciation.
As for the accent issue, Su Yun has no way of paying attention.
Alfred is obviously unwilling to say more in this regard. He is here to discuss business affairs with Su Yun.
So he continued: “Mr. Su, I have heard people talk about your deeds in China.
I have to say that in my eyes, you are an out-and-out genius, who can start from scratch in just a few years and quickly become a representative of the entire eastern business.
This achievement, throughout the history of the world, few people have achieved it.
And I have also heard of your recent deeds. Huayin Group can fight against the eight major consortiums in the United States on its own. I think this is inseparable from your wisdom. ”
When Alfred said these words, there was a look of admiration in his eyes.
It was the first time he had met Su Yun, and the difference in identities between the two sides was not big, so Alfred was not trying to please him on purpose.
It’s just that Su Yun’s deeds are too amazing, which makes Alfred very admire.
Hearing Alfred’s praise, Su Yun just smiled indifferently.
“Thanks to Mr. Alfred, I am able to achieve what I am today thanks to the help of many people, and some of them are lucky.”
Facing Su Yun’s modesty, Alfred shook his head.
“No, no, Mr. Su, you are too modest.
Your success may indeed involve some luck, I will not refute this, but so far, you should be the first and only person in the world who has calculated all the eight major consortia in the United States.
And it’s the only one who made them suffer a lot.
This courage and foundation cannot always be determined by luck. ”
Su Yun waved his hand slightly:”It’s just a blunder.
The strength of the eight major financial groups is amazing. I was able to win the financial war. There are many coincidence factors in the middle, which cannot be taken seriously. ”
Alfred nodded slightly and smiled politely.
But he didn’t believe Su Yun’s so-called luck.
In order to invade the eastern economy, the eight major consortiums must have been very thoughtful.
What’s more, they are amazing in their own power, and there are many small and medium-sized consortiums helping them.
But Su Yun broke through the siege under the siege of these people, and finally resolved this nationwide economic crisis.
How can such an achievement be attributed to luck?
If this can be called a coincidence or luck, then he simply doesn’t do business and goes to worship God every day!
Naturally, these words cannot be said explicitly, but Alfred always has a question in his heart.
“Mr. Su, I have always had a deep question, and I hope you can answer it for me.”
Su Yun motioned to speak directly in advance.
Alfred asked: “Did you already know that the US consortium would start an economic war against you?”
“Oh? Why do you ask that?”
Su Yun remained calm, but he understood the other party’s thoughts in his heart.
The other party asked this question just because he wondered why he could prepare for the reform of the gold standard system in advance.
Sure enough, Alfred said: “The transformation of the financial standard system requires detailed market research and evaluation, as well as a large amount of data collection.
After completing these, a detailed reform plan must be formulated, and finally can be implemented step by step according to the plan.
Nei skirt: ⒉⒉0⑤23①4⒐・
And in the implementation process, it is also necessary to make corresponding adjustments according to the actual situation.
To complete this series of actions, it will take about a year at the earliest. However, when the West launches an economic invasion against you, until you complete the reform of the gold standard system, it will only take about four months before and after the time is fully calculated.
If you didn’t know each other’s actions in advance, how could it be possible to complete the transformation of the financial standard system in four months? ”
In the face of Alfred’s question, Su Yun still just smiled indifferently.
Of course he knew about this in advance, but he couldn’t have disclosed it to the other party, otherwise the other party would just think he was joking.
Therefore, Su Yun replied: “Speaking of this matter, it can only be said that the people in the Western consortium are unlucky.
The transformation of the financial standard system has been planned for a long time.
Who would have thought that the eight major consortiums launched this economic war just in the second half of my reform, which led to their final failure.
So Mr. Alfred, there are many surprises in this economic war, and what I said earlier is not a lie. ”
“Well, that’s it.”
Alfred nodded thoughtfully.
According to Su Yun, the success of Huayin Group and the failure of the US consortium should indeed be attributed to luck.
But Alfred knew in his heart that things were definitely not that simple.
It’s just that these matters involve financial and commercial secrets, and Su Yun is reluctant to disclose it, and it is impossible for him to continue to ask questions.
So Alfred didn’t bother much about this issue.
In fact, the economic war between the Western consortium and Huayin Group has little effect on him.
No matter who wins or loses on both sides, it will not affect their own business too much.
Alfred asked this out of curiosity.
After finishing this topic, Alfred began to talk about some things about today.
“Mr. Su, your committee member just said that we hope to strengthen exchanges between our two countries and further deepen cooperation in the field of business and trade. What do you think of this matter?”
Seeing the other party mention this, Su Yun acted bluntly.
“Mr. Alfred, I am a businessman, not a politician.” Beg.
Chapter 713: Replacement of resources and talents
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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