“The cooperation proposed by the committee is to hope that our two countries can conduct in-depth exchanges and cooperation to promote the common progress of the country.
But as a businessman, I focus on interests and the development of the group.
Therefore, if you agree, Huayin Group is very willing to conduct extensive exchanges and cooperation with your Krupp company in many aspects. As for the thinking of politicians, I have no way of guessing. ”
“Haha, Mr. Su Yun, your opinion coincides with mine.”
Alfred smiled.
He admired Su Yun’s straightforwardness, and Alfred himself agreed with Su Yun’s point of view very much.
As Su Yun said, they are businessmen who pursue interests. If the cooperation between the two parties can bring more benefits and development, then Krupp and Huayin Group can reach a cooperation and win-win coexistence for both parties.
As for the national development and political issues contained in it, Alfre “247” Reid, like Su Yun, was unwilling to take care of it.
Strictly speaking, what Alfred just said was a test.
He wanted to see how Su Yun’s attitude towards the cooperation between the two parties was.
When the two sides talked about this, Su Yun has initially shown the intention of cooperation.
After thinking about it, Alfred decided to further test Su Yun’s mind, so he asked: “Mr. Su, if we can cooperate with each other, I think we can start with resources and various mechanical equipment. cooperation.
Huayin Group and Krupp are both industrial giants. You should be interested in cooperation in this area, right? ”
“Excuse me, in what way is this cooperation you mentioned?”
hear alfreyDe asked so, Su Yun asked back.
In fact, it wasn’t just Alfred who was testing Su Yun. Su Yun showed his intention to cooperate before, but he was also testing the other side.
The purpose of his coming here tonight is to take this opportunity to draw a group of top talents from Germany, and Krupp is the best springboard.
Su Yun wants to introduce talents to himself through them.
As for the cooperation on machinery and equipment that we are talking about now, Su Yun understands that this is just a pathfinder between the two parties.
Alfred explained to Su Yun: “Both of us are industrial groups, and the demand for resources and machinery and equipment is very large.
If you agree to cooperate, we can exchange resources.
Specifically, we can sell all kinds of machinery and equipment to Huayin Group, and Huayin Group can sell us all kinds of resources.
As far as I know, you have always needed some mechanical equipment to help you develop, and many resources in Huaxia are richer than those in our country, so we can exchange what we need in these two aspects and take what we need. ”
Facing Alfred’s statement, Su Yun shook his head slightly.
If it was two or three years ago, Su Yun would probably agree to his request for such cooperation.
After all, at that time, Huayin Group did lack all kinds of equipment.
But now what Su Yun wants is not equipment, but talent.
Seeing Su Yun shaking his head, Alfred asked, “Mr. Su is not satisfied with this cooperation model?”
Su Yun nodded and explained: “Yes, Huayin Group has already established the most basic industrial system, and the machinery and equipment can be produced by itself, so there is no shortage of these things.
If you do need resources, you can consider other conditions in exchange. ”
“Oh? Other conditions?”
Alfred raised his eyebrows slightly.
When he came here before, he had heard some wind noises.
Huayin Group has always attached great importance to talents, and with the overall development of the group, their demand for talents is increasing.
Now that Su Yun said that again, Alfred immediately realized Su Yun’s intention.
“Could it be that Mr. Su is interested in the scientists among those Jews?”
“Not bad! What we need most at the moment is human resources.
With all due respect, I have heard that Jews are not very recognized in Germanic territory, and they are not an important group for you.
In this case, if you can provide us with enough Jewish talents, Huayin Group can exchange resources with you. ”
Su Yun did not hide his purpose, but directly showed up.
He knew that the other party would not care about those Jews.
The fact is just as Su Yun thought, after listening to his request, Alfred said easily: “Understood, since this is the case, then the matter is simple.
Just a few Jews, we don’t care. ”
Seeing that the other party looked so relaxed, Su Yun waved his hand and said, “I think you may have misunderstood, we Huayin Group don’t want everyone,
For the type of talents, we also have our own requirements 0 ……
The development of our group is still going on, so I need a certain type of talent to pave the way for the development of the group. ”
“Then Mr. Su, please tell me in detail, what kind of talents do you need?”
Alfred asked.
Su Yun thought for a while: “Specifically, such as mechanical engineers, metallurgical engineers, designers in various fields, and scientists in various fields.
These people are the people we really need.
As for those bankers and financial talents, we don’t need them. ”
Su Yun’s requirements are very clear. To put it bluntly, he only needs talents in science and engineering.
Huayin Group now needs to engage in infrastructure construction, develop heavy industry, and carry out some equipment research and development, etc., all of which need the support of talents in science and technology.
The Jews were not welcome in Germany, and the Germans looked down upon them.
But Su Yun knew that there were still a lot of these talents among the Jews.
As for the others, Su Yun doesn’t care at all.
Again, he was a businessman, not a philanthropist. He was not obliged to take care of the life and death of the Jews, nor would he sympathetically save them just because he needed Jewish talents.
After listening to Su Yun’s request, Alfred nodded.
“I understand Mr. Su, if only 4.3 is the case, I think I can wish us a happy cooperation in advance.”
Alfred said with a happy smile on his face.
What he wants most is all kinds of resources.
And the Jews were nothing to them.
If they can exchange those Jews who they don’t like at all with Huayin Group to obtain the resources they need, it would be a better deal.
After all, in their view, Jews are useless.
These Jews are not welcome by them, and it is not a pity to even kill them.
But the resources of Huayin Group are still very important to them, at least they can make Krupp develop faster.
On this point, Su Yun had similar views to the other party.
But the two have different attitudes towards Jews and resources.
Chapter 714: Some people are not worthy of sympathy
Su Yun does not pay attention to Jews, but pays attention to their talents. In Su Yun’s view, if he can use some resources to exchange for all kinds of talents needed for the development of the group, it will be a big profit!
Resources can be re-developed when they are gone, but talents are rare.
In particular, mechanical engineers, metallurgical engineers, and top scientists are all necessary talents for the development of the industry.
As long as there are enough talents of this type, the industrial development of the group will not easily encounter bottlenecks. After a period of time, the industrial capacity of Huayin Group will enter a period of blowout growth.
achievedAfter the cooperation consensus, the attitude between the two became obviously warmer.
Afterwards, the two of them talked very happily. Whether it was Su Yun or Alfred, they both tried out each other’s meaning from this joint conversation.
And the result of this trial is quite happy for both parties.
The two only met for the first time, but they successfully laid the foundation for cooperation. Even Su Yun himself did not expect that this cooperation negotiation could go so smoothly.
As the dishes are brought to the table, today’s 09 State Banquet is about to begin.
After all the dishes were served, the delegate seated the muezzin to announce the official start of today’s banquet.
During the meal, the committee and General Seeket discussed some matters concerning cooperation between the two countries, and from time to time they would have some exchanges on military issues.
The other officers, large and small, chatted happily with the interpreter.
Needless to say, Su Yun and Alfred didn’t need to say much. After the tone of cooperation between the two sides was determined, the two of them talked very happily, clinking glasses frequently to congratulate, and the atmosphere was quite harmonious.
After three rounds of drinking, Alfred and Su Yun were both in high spirits. Taking advantage of the wine, Alfred asked Su Yun what he thought of the Jewish consortium.
“Mr. Su, what is your opinion and attitude towards those Jewish consortia?”
Su Yun thought for a moment and replied, “It is said that businessmen seek profits, but I think many businessmen at least have certain moral integrity while pursuing profits.
For example, when facing the country and compatriots, these ethical businessmen will eventually have a sense of honor and shame and compassion.
But the Jewish consortium is different, they are the real evil capital.
In my opinion, these guys have no sense of national honor, they only see pure profit, only money.
For money and profit, they can sell everything, even their own country. ”
“That’s right, those Jewish consortia are like that.”
A look of approval appeared on Alfred’s face.
“As you said, other financial groups in the world have some conscience no matter what the circumstances, they oppress the laborers and exploit the common people, but at least they know how to safeguard their own interests.
But the Jewish consortium is different. They can do whatever they can for their own interests. For them, the state is not worth mentioning in front of their interests. Such people are always worthy of hatred. ”
Alfred said, and reminded Su Yun: “Mr. Su, I heard that you are in contact with those guys recently. Since we have a foundation for cooperation, I should remind you to be careful with those guys.
These guys don’t even care about their own country for their own interests, they are not a group of people who are easy to get along with. ”
Su Yun nodded: “Thank you for reminding me, I will take care of it.”
The people Alfred was referring to were naturally the eight major consortia in the United States.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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