In other words, the Morgan consortium and the Locke family of the eight major consortia, these two consortiums are Jewish consortiums, and their families are also Jewish families.
And the reason why these people suffered such a big loss in the hands of Huayin Group and are willing to cooperate with Huayin Group is basically for profit.
But Su Yun knew in his heart that these people were not kind-hearted people.
Don’t look at the fact that they are in harmony with Huayin Group now, and some time ago, they were also building momentum for Huayin Group, with a posture of supporting their partners.
But in fact, this is all because they have to rely on Huayin Group for benefits.
If it weren’t for the incident of the island country, these people would definitely think about how to take revenge on Huayin Group. Even if the two sides are in a state of cooperation now, these people will definitely remember the revenge of Huayin Group in their hearts.
While speaking, Su Yun raised his glass again: “Mr. Alfred, I believe you are different from those Jewish consortiums, so in addition to business cooperation, we can also establish real friendship.”
“Hahaha, Mr. Su is a straightforward person, so I wish us a smooth cooperation and a long-lasting friendship.”
Alfred smiled heartily, clinking glasses with Su Yun, and the two drank.
And all of these situations were seen by the delegates.
Today’s state banquet is ostensibly to receive German’s consultant team and strengthen the extensive cooperation between the two countries, but the fundamental purpose is actually to create opportunities for Huayin Group to attract talents.
Don’t look at the high-level officers of the two countries gathered here today, and the battle is not small on the surface.
But in a way, Su Yun and Alfred are the protagonists of this evening.
When Su Yun and Alfred were talking, the commissioner kept paying attention to the actions between the two.
If the negotiation between the two can be successful, Huayin Group can recruit a large number of Jewish talents through Krupp, and its own development can also go further.
And this is also the fundamental purpose of the commission.
At this time, seeing Su Yun and Alfred talking very happily, the entrusted seat was determined.
It seems that his goal for today has been achieved.
247 Since Su Yun can chat so happily with the other party, he should have reached a talent cooperation with the other party.
In the past two years, the development of the country has always been inseparable from the support of Huayin Group. Without Huayin Group’s strong support for the development of industry, education, transportation and other fields, the country would have to wait until it would be as prosperous as it is today.
In this respect, the government owes Huayin a lot of favors.
Because it is the government’s responsibility to drive the country’s development, but they unintentionally made Huayin Group bear this burden.
Fortunately, today he has successfully “matched” between Huayin Group and Germanic, which can be regarded as repayment of Huayin Group’s favor.
After settling down, the commissioner continued to discuss with General Seekert.Army talk.
When the two talked about the content of the military field, Seekert asked: “Now that your country’s military power has been greatly enhanced, I wonder what your next military plan will be?”
Seekert’s question was purely idle chatter and did not mean to inquire about military secrets.
The commissioner also knew this, and said calmly: “At present, there are many rogues and warlords in Huaxia, and they are still dividing up and occupying the land.
Next, we plan to focus on clearing these separatist forces and devoting ourselves to the real reunification of the country. “.
Chapter 715: Take the chaebol to lead the field
Listening to what the commissioner said, General Seeker couldn’t help but nod his head.
He is more or less aware of the current situation in China, although nominally, the committee manages the affairs of the whole country.
But in some places, there are still many separatist forces such as warlords.
Only by eliminating these people can China truly achieve unity.
The commissioner continued: “After realizing the great cause of national reunification, I will prepare for a large-scale battle to expel the little devils from the territory of China and recover the lost territories in the north.
If these actions can be successfully completed and national unity is achieved, we will maintain this unity to the end.
General Seekert, I’m not afraid of your jokes. In the process of facing foreign enemies and internal troubles in China, there are very few despicable people who have different opinions and betray the motherland among our compatriots.
After the little devil is expelled from China, I will personally issue an order to execute him publicly! ”
At the end, a cold color flashed in the eyes of the commissioner.
The contradictions and struggles within Huaxia have been going on for many years, and he has been working hard to change it.
The invasion of foreign enemies has a long history. If you have to go back, you can even start from the last years of the previous dynasty. Of course, the little devils went too far, and they brazenly seized the land of China and slaughtered the people of China!
However, although the committee paid attention to these two points, it did not feel resentful.
This kind of internal and external troubles must be experienced by every country and every nation in the process of development.
After these problems are resolved, the country will be stronger and the nation’s spirit and soul will be stronger. In the past two years, with the development of the economy and the strength of the military, the committee is very confident in solving these problems.
Therefore, what he hates most are those traitors who betray the interests of the country at a critical moment and join the enemy for glory!
When the domestic forces are fighting, some people are eager to contact foreign countries, hoping to get away from China and become rich. When the little devils invade, some people turn to the enemy for wealth and status, and betray the interests of the country.
Treating this kind of traitor, the commissioner’s attitude has always been intolerable and never tolerated!
“Your Highness, I understand your hatred for those traitors. We Germans will never show any sympathy towards such people~々.”
General Seekert felt the determination of the seat and spoke at the right time.
“And I believe that with China’s current development speed and military strength, you will definitely be able to accomplish these goals.
In my mind, China is the oldest country.
And you, like Germany, are the greatest country in the world!
I believe that you can solve the current problems, and our country is also facing some changes. In view of this, our two countries should help each other, join hands to follow the footsteps of our ancestors, and regain our former glory! ”
When General Seekert spoke, a heroic expression appeared on his face.
He is a soldier, loves his country very much, and knows a lot about the historical background of China.
Therefore, he always believed that Germanic would be able to create a splendid career and truly rank among the top countries in the world. He also believed that Huaxia could regain its glory and restore its former style.
Saying that, Sekter raised his glass and toasted to the audience.
“As a seat, let us raise our glasses together and work together to restore the glory of the motherland and realize the prosperity of the country.”
“Okay! As long as our two countries cooperate sincerely, we can definitely go forward hand in hand, restore the glory of the past, and create greater glories!”
The commissioner also raised the glass and drank it, and the two put down the glass and laughed.
Next, the committee continued to exchange some national and military issues with Sekter, and the senior generals around were also discussing military topics.
The team that Germanic sent to Huaxia this time was originally a team of military consultants, and the meeting between the two sides naturally focused on military topics as the main point of exchange.
Of course, this has to exclude Su Yun and Alfred.
At this state banquet, the two are probably different.
Surrounded by a group of officers, the two business elites seemed a little out of tune, and they talked a lot about business cooperation.
However, this was specially arranged by the commissioner, so it was understandable.
As the banquet went on, the officers of the two countries gradually became more interested, and several officers of the two countries who were cheerful even began to call each other friends.
The whole hall was enveloped in a thick atmosphere of conviviality.
In this harmonious atmosphere, time passes little by little.
It was getting dark, and the state banquet was gradually coming to an end.
After the commissioner and General Seeker delivered speeches, the banquet officially came to an end.
After the banquet was over, Song Wen also walked out of the restaurant after bidding farewell to the German advisory group.
As the Minister of Finance and a senior cadre of government departments, Song Wen is naturally qualified to attend the state banquet.
At this time, Song Wen walked out of the restaurant and couldn’t help but look up at the night sky.
Under the night, countless stars twinkled with mottled light, and a bright moon hung high in the sky, which made Song Wen quite relaxed and happy.
In addition, Song Wen drank some wine at the banquet, which made him feel more comfortable.
Looking up at the night, Song Wen unconsciously revealed a slight smile.
Song Wen does not know the real purpose of today’s meeting, but he knows that China and Germania will deepen cooperation, which is definitely a good thing for the development of the motherland.
Just as Song Wen was thinking about tonightWhen the incident happened, Wu Si walked out of the restaurant.
He came with Su Yun this time, and he came out at this time to convey some of Su Yun’s meaning to Song Wen.
“‘ ‘Minister Song, you are here.”
Hearing Wu Si’s voice, Song Wen turned around and asked, “Manager Wu, what can you do with me?”
Wu Si said respectfully: “Minister Song, we, President Su, want to tell you something, but it is inconvenient to speak at the banquet, so I specially asked me to come over and convey it to you.”
Song Wen heard (did Zhao) hurriedly ask: “What do you have to say to me, Mr. Su?”
At the same time, Song Wen’s brain began to think rapidly.
It was definitely not a trivial matter for Su Yun to specially ask Wu Si to come over to give him a message, otherwise there would be no need to spend such a long time.
Wu Si replied, “Mr. Su said that in the past few days, the West Lake Cultural Exchange Conference is coming to an end, and it will probably end soon.
And Mr. Su also said that after this exchange meeting, Taoists will re-enter the WTO, but their overall condition is not good for him.
Although Huayin Group sponsored some money and materials for Taoism before, these things were only expedient and not enough to restore Taoism to its former glory.
Therefore, the development of Taoism still needs funding to continue to support.
And Mr. Su also mentioned that in addition to Taoism, related fields such as traditional Chinese medicine and sports also need to be paid attention to, and these fields need to be coordinated and supported by someone. “.
Chapter 716: Unwilling Fatty Kong
it is good!
After hearing Wu Si’s words, Song Wen was overjoyed.
Su Yun asked Wu Si to convey these words to him, and the meaning could not be more obvious – Taoism and Chinese medicine. The development of the sports field needs the overall support of someone, and these things need the participation of the Song family.
Otherwise, why would Su Yun ask Wu Si to speak to him?
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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