But Song Wen didn’t show anything on his face.
He knew that Su Yun must have said more than that.
“Manager Wu, keep talking.”
“it is good”
After Wu Si responded, he continued: “Mr. Su said that the development of these fields needs the support of money, but the biggest problem they currently face is lack of money.
I heard that the Song family has a lot of savings. President Su wants to invite your Song family to participate in it and sponsor Taoism, Chinese medicine, and sports.
If the Song family agrees, three days later, Huayin Group will issue an official document to send an invitation to the Song family. I don’t know what Minister Song thinks. ”
Sure enough!
It was so good!
After listening to Wu Si’s words, Song Wen’s inner ecstasy increased a bit.
Things were similar to what he thought, and Su Yun really meant to invite the Song family to participate in the 247 activities.
And this opportunity is what Song Wen has been waiting for since last year.
Song Wen has always wanted to restore the family’s reputation and eliminate the prejudice against the Song family by the outside world, but the Song family has indeed done some disgusting things before. To eliminate these bad influences, it is not just that simple.
Therefore, since this time last year, Song Wen has clearly realized that if the Song family wants to clean up, they must be led by Huayin Group.
Because the prestige of Huayin Group and Su Yun in the people is unparalleled, as long as Huayin Group recognizes the Song family, the people will naturally look at the Song family with admiration.
Otherwise, judging from the current situation, no matter how hard the Song family tried to prove their innocence, they would only usher in ridicule from all walks of life.
To put it more harshly, it is like a thief who claims to be not a thief and will only be laughed at by countless people.
But from now on, things have finally turned around.
If Su Yun asked the Song family to participate in these activities, the Song family would be able to participate in charity in an open and honest way. With the golden signboard of Huayin Group, why would the family’s reputation not be restored?
Before tonight, Song Wen had been working hard to restore the family’s reputation (ajed).
But from this moment on, the melancholy in his heart dissipated immediately.
After the joy, Song Wen said to Wu Si: “My Song family agrees to this matter, you go back and tell Ziwen that donating to Taoism, Chinese medicine, sports and other fields to help its development is a major plan related to national culture.
In order to show my sincerity, three days later, I will burn incense and sweep the couch to greet me in Song Mansion, just waiting for the invitation letter from Huayin Group.
As soon as the documents arrive, the Song family will do their best to support this event! ”
“Understood Minister Song, I’ll tell President Su right now.”
“Okay, I’ll wait for your good news from President Su.”
Song Wen nodded, and after Wu Si left, he only felt that a depression in his heart disappeared like a cloud and the sun.
Looking at Wu Si’s back, Song Wen understood that after three days, the family’s reputation would usher in a major turning point.
After this sponsorship event, the Song family will be freed from the people’s bad comments and become a good family in the eyes of the people, and the family’s business will also get a progress.
At this moment, Song Wen seemed to see the bright future of the Song family from Wu Si’s back.
His inner ecstasy was boundless, if it wasn’t for this place, Song Wen would even want to laugh.
With Su Yun’s action, the Song family’s road to whitewashing is stable!
Today, among the top families in the country, it can be said that there is a situation where the two powers are juxtaposed and the three pillars stand against each other.
The so-called two powerhouses are Su Yun’s Su family and Wei Zuo’s family.
Even though Su Yun is the only one in the Su family so far, there is a deep and extensive relationship network behind it, so it can be paralleled with the entrusted family. The two are also the two most prestigious families in the country.
And the Su family is the well-deserved soul of the nation!
A few years ago, in the darkest and most turbulent period of the country, Su Yun was one person.Li started from scratch and shouldered the heavy responsibility of national rejuvenation.
His subordinate Huayin Group is even more against the current. When countless businessmen in the country only care about their immediate interests, Su Yun is desperate to develop education, industry, technology, infrastructure and other fields.
And these areas are related to the national economy and people’s livelihood, and more related to the long-term development of the country.
Because of this, Su Yun and Huayin Group have also been recognized by countless people, and Su Yun himself has been on the altar and has become an existence that countless people look up to and respect.
It is no exaggeration to say that with Su Yun raising his arms today, hundreds of millions of people from all over the country will be willing to give their lives to follow him!
The committee also fully supported the Su family.
Up to now, Huayin Group has been involved in all fields necessary for national development, promoting the continuous development of these fields, and the commissioner is in charge of military and political power.
The two families can now be said to complement each other and rely on each other.
The “three-legged” in the three-legged confrontation refers to the three major families of the Song family, the Kong family and the Chen family.
The Chen family will not be mentioned for the time being, and although Fatty Kong lost his official position and the Kong family also plummeted a few years ago, the Kong family has a rich heritage after all.
In addition, Fatty Kong and the commissioner still have a brother-in-law relationship, so the Kong family is still considered a top-notch family in China.
It’s just that the Kong family has long since fallen, and the scenery is no longer there. After the last toss, the business of the family’s business has long since fallen.
The current Kong family is completely in a situation of sitting and eating the mountains.
If things go on like this, it won’t take long for the Kong family to be removed from the top-tier family. Even if they don’t get removed, it’s just an empty shell.
Under the premise of the Kong and Chen families, as long as the Song family can successfully whitewash this time and regain their reputation in the hearts of the common people, they can leap up and become the family second only to the Su family.
And after having a good reputation, the Song family can gradually accumulate prestige and ensure that the family will be passed down for a long time.
Looking forward to the brilliance of the Bu family in the near future, Song Wen breathed a sigh of relief, and the expression on his face was extremely comfortable.
Getting in the car, Song Wen happily returned to Song Mansion.
After driving for a while, the car came to the entrance of Song Mansion.
Song Wen got out of the car and was striding into the door, but his butler hurried up to greet him with a hurried look.
“Sir, you are back. Fatty Kong and the eldest lady came to the mansion and said they wanted to see you. They are now waiting in the living room.”
“Miss? What are they doing here?”
Song Wen frowned.
Hearing that Fatty Kong came to look for him, Song Wen’s interest suddenly lost half.
Since he was dismissed from the official position, Fatty Kong has been staying at home honestly these days, but he also thought about doing some activities, but in those days when the commissioner specially sent people to watch him, Fatty Kong did not dare to be too public.
Chapter 717: Does He Really Believe You?
Now that so long has passed, the wind has passed, and Fatty Kong has recently become active.
But at this juncture, this guy found himself, and it is estimated that there is nothing good.
After thinking about it in his heart, Song Wen said to the housekeeper: “You go and tell my eldest sister and the others that I will be attending the state banquet tonight, and I may not be able to come back when, so they don’t have to wait.”
The housekeeper’s eyes flickered when he heard the words, but he didn’t say anything, just responded, “Yes, sir.”
Saying that, the butler will head to the parlour.
He could see that Song Wen didn’t seem very willing to see the eldest lady and Fatty Kong.
But this kind of thing is not something he can take care of.
However, when the housekeeper turned around, Song Wen suddenly stopped him.
“Wait, I’ll go over there~”
Saying that, Song Wen walked straight to the reception hall.
When he passed the housekeeper, Song Wen- sighed softly.
If Fatty Kong was the only one here today, he would definitely not entertain him, but his eldest sister also followed. If he didn’t go, he would lose his affection.
Although Fatty Kong is not a good thing, the eldest sister is still her own family after all.
What’s more, since the accident at Kong’s family, the eldest sister has not been home in the past few months. Now that she is here specially, she has to go there to see her no matter what.
Coming to the living room, Song Wen saw Fatty Kong and the eldest sister sitting on the sofa waiting at a glance.
Without waiting for Song Wen to say hello, Fatty Kong said first: “You’re back, we’ll wait for you for a long time, and we have something to discuss with you.”
Song Wen frowned slightly when he heard the words.
He noticed that Fatty Kong’s face was not very good-looking, and his words were a little urgent.
Ignoring Fatty Kong, Song Wen glanced at Big Sister again.
Compared with Fatty Kong, Miss Song’s complexion is much better. This is her own home, and Song Wen is still her own younger brother. When she returns to her parents’ house, Miss Song’s mood is naturally much better.
Out of etiquette, Song Wen still greeted, “eldest sister, brother-in-law, we haven’t seen you for a long time, why don’t you go home and see?”
Fatty Kong shook his head slightly and said, “You also know that during this period of time, my luck was not good, and I was harmed by villains. It is not convenient for me to communicate with you more.
Having said that, Fatty Kong secretly gestured to the eldest Miss Song with his eyes.
Upon seeing this, the eldest miss of the Song family got up and said, “Brother, we haven’t seen each other for a long time. I came to see you today, and now I have seen you. You and your brother-in-law will chat here first, and I will go for a walk in the yard.
I haven’t come back for some time. I just came back, and I still have some thoughts about my family. ”
After saying this, Miss Song family walked out of the living room.
Song Wen glanced at the back of the eldest sister, then at Fatty Kong, and then sat down on the sofa.
When Song Wen saw the eldest sister’s demeanor just now, he knew that Fatty Kong must have something to discuss with him alone. Now he and Fatty Kong are the only two left in the living room, and Song Wen is no longer fussing.
“Tell me, come to the door today, what do you have to do with me?”
Fatty Kong thought of a few more polite words. Seeing that Song Wen was so straightforward, he didn’t hide it.”Since you have said so, then I will be more relaxed, I came to the house today, and I really want you to help me with something.
You also know that some time ago, I was framed by villains and lost the trust of the committee members. At that time, I was walking on thin ice, and I had to be careful in everything. Now that the wind is almost over, I came this time to want you to pull me. Bundle. ”
The villain in Fatty Kong’s mouth naturally refers to Su Yun.
After hearing this, Song Wen pretended to be puzzled.
He knew that Fatty Kong’s purpose was nothing more than wanting him to help him carry out activities in front of the government and commissioners, so that he could make a comeback.
But Fatty Kong had done so many filthy things before, and he did anything to make money. He offended countless people, and the reputation of the Song family also deteriorated. He has been criticized by the people to this day.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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