What’s more, this Fatty Kong oppresses the common people and the good people, but he doesn’t even care about the interests of the family and the country for the sake of money!
When the economic crisis was about to hit, this guy not only did not contribute to it and tried to fight against the Western consortium, but also took the lead in purchasing a large amount of silver in an attempt to make the country difficult to make money.
Song Wen has always hated this kind of behavior.
So Song Wen didn’t think of helping him at all, so he pretended to be confused.
“Oh? What do you mean?”
When Fatty Kong saw Song Wen asking this, he also knew that Song Wen was deliberately trying to shirk.
He also knew that Song Wen had always had a close relationship with Su Yun, and that he and Su Yun had an inexorable hatred. Based on this alone, Song Wen was unlikely to help himself.
But Fatty Kong did not give up, but sighed and said, “I know you have a deep friendship with Su Yun, but I tell you the truth, you will not gain any benefits by following Su Yun.
Nei skirt: ⒉⒉0⑤23①4⒐・
Su Yun is a ruthless person, he can do anything to achieve his goals, and compared with us, he Su Yun is an outsider after all.
Don’t look at how good he is now, but if something happens one day, Su Yun will definitely let the Song family go out to top the tank! ”
Speaking of which, Fatty Kong leaned forward slightly and said solemnly, “The most trustworthy person in this world must be his own family.
Although you and I are originally from two families, but after all, we have relatives, and it is always better than Su Yun in terms of closeness. What I said is from the bottom of my heart, you have to think about it clearly. ”
However, Song Wen was noncommittal and just looked at Fatty Kong quietly.
This guy is both comforting and talking about his relatives. To put it bluntly, he wants to provoke the relationship between him and Su Yun, and draw himself to his side.
But there is one thing that Fatty Kong said is not wrong.
After getting along with Su Yun for so long, Song Wen also knew that Su Yun did have a deep sense of government, and he was really ruthless in some things.
Otherwise, he would not have thought of completely destroying the Kong family, but also wanted to put Fatty Kong to death.
But so what?
Su Yun’s ruthless heart is aimed at those who are his enemies, as well as those who endanger the interests of the country and the nation.
Song Wen has long been concerned about this. As long as he follows the path given by Su Yun steadily in the future, does not fight against some of the rules proposed by Su Yun, and does not endanger the country and the nation, Su Yun will not target the Song family.
As for taking the Song family’s top tank when something happened, there’s nothing to say.
First, Su Yun is not the kind of person who crosses rivers and demolishes bridges, which Song Wen is very confident about.
Second, since the Song family chose to follow Su Yun, the two families were grasshoppers on a rope. If something really happened and even Su Yun couldn’t stand it, how could the Song family be good?
Seeing Song Wen’s indifference, Fatty Kong was secretly anxious.
Today, he must convince Song Wen, otherwise how can he try to turn things around and find an opportunity for revenge?
Gritting his teeth, Fatty Kong took out his trump card.
His tone was slightly cold, and he said solemnly: “I advise you not to be confused by some of Su Yun’s benefits, and now I might as well tell you that you believe that you have a deep friendship with Su Yun, but you don’t know that Su Yun doesn’t trust you at all. Song Wen!” begged.
Chapter 718: Fatty Kong’s Anger
Listening to Fatty Kong’s words, Song Wen’s heart moved, but he did not show any abnormality and let Fatty Kong continue to speak.
Fatty Kong didn’t care, and continued: “The general manager of Huayin Road Construction Company is Han Zhonghao, he is your nephew, but you shouldn’t have said that to Su Yun before, right?
Song Wen, we know that the Han family and the Song family are one family, but the people outside don’t know! ”
Fatty Kong leaned forward again and stared at Song Wen.
He is very confident that these words are his trump card. As long as he says it himself, Song Wen will definitely be shaken.
Sure enough, Song Wen’s expression changed slightly.
Song Wen was surprised at this time, not because Fatty Kong broke the fact that Su Yun didn’t trust him, but because this guy actually knew that he and Su Yun had reached an exchange.
You must know that at that time, Su Yun promised that his Song family would be the “247” general manager of the road construction design company. This matter was discussed in secret, and Song Wen never disclosed it to anyone.
But why would Fatty Kong know?
Fatty Kong keenly captured the change in Song Wen’s face, and said in a low voice, “Song Wen, although my Kong family is temporarily down, the background is still there.
I just need a chance to breathe, as long as the current stalemate is broken, the Kong family will soon be able to make a comeback.
We are a family, as long as your Song family can pull me at this time, when I make a comeback, there will be a big reward, which is better than following Su Yun and being restricted by others! ”
When Fatty Kong was talking, he kept his eyes on Song Wen.
He believed that his words couldLet Song Wen change his mind.
But Song Wen’s complexion had already returned to normal at this time, and after Fatty Kong finished speaking, Song Wen said directly: “Fatty Kong, you can’t protect yourself, and you still want to tell me these illusory things?
At that time, Su Yun and the committee members worked so hard to get you, how could you easily turn over? ”
When Fatty Kong heard this, his face changed greatly.
He didn’t expect Song Wen to reject him so bluntly, and to speak so straightforwardly.
And he didn’t understand, didn’t what he said just now make Song Wen change his mind? Is he really willing to follow Su Yun with all his heart?
Fatty Kong did not know that the cooperation between Song Wen and Su Yun was related to the future reputation and future of the Song family.
Song Wen went through all kinds of twists and turns in exchange for this opportunity to cleanse the family, how could he repeat the same mistakes, break away from Su Yun at this time, and then join forces with his Fatty Kong?
Seeing that Fatty Kong was displeased, Song Wen didn’t care, but asked, “Fatty Kong, you are in such a situation, why didn’t you think about why they would attack you at that time?”
Fatty Kong bowed his head slightly, and did not speak. Thinking of the original situation, he only felt resentment in his heart.
Things at that time, he is still a little cloudy.
At that time, Su Yun, Wei Zuo and others suddenly attacked him, causing the huge Kong family to fall.
To this day, although the Kong family still bears the title of one of the three major families, it has long since become a joke. Not only people from the outside world look down on it, but even he himself knows that the current situation of the family is not optimistic.
All of the family’s businesses and properties have gone bankrupt, and he himself has lost all his positions and all his contacts.
When the Confucius family was prosperous before, everyone around him respected him like a god, and tried to win over him in every possible way, but now the tree has fallen and scattered.
Although no one dared to think of putting him to death because of his brother-in-law relationship with Weizuo, the guys who touted him in every possible way before have disappeared one by one.
Not to mention helping himself to turn over, even if he saw himself on the street, he would hide far away.
Besides, when it comes to finding someone to do things, in the past, others were rushing to ask him to do things, but now it’s better, even if he is willing to ask for help, he can’t find anyone who is willing to help him.
After the wind had calmed down, he had also found some people, hoping to get through some relationships and try again.
But he gave gifts and money, but those people didn’t accept them!
Some dare not, while others simply refuse.
Although they didn’t say anything, they expressed their meaning very clearly. You, Fatty Kong, are like this now. We don’t want to make a fool of yourself in the face of the commissioner, but don’t harm us again!
In this case, the entire Kong family is completely sitting on the air, without a trace of future and hope.
Sometimes Fatty Kong would even think that, fortunately, the family has a deep background, otherwise, with his current situation, no one would be willing to give him money even if he starved to death.
In this case, he can only come to Song Wen for help 0……
The Kong family and the Song family are considered relatives after all. Fatty Kong thinks that Song Wen should give him some face, or that the Song family is his only hope of turning over at this time.
But Fatty Kong didn’t expect that Song Wen would reject him so bluntly, regardless of his feelings.
Fatty Kong’s face was a little gloomy, Song Wen saw him like this, picked up the tea cup and drank it for himself.
After putting down the teacup, Song Wen said indifferently: “Since you still don’t understand, then I might as well tell you.
In recent years, driven by Huayin Group, the domestic economy has developed rapidly, the people’s life has become increasingly rich, and the government’s finances have become increasingly prosperous. The future of the entire country can be described as bright.
In this case, if you only want to make money, but for your own selfish interests, disregarding the interests of the country and the nation, you wantonly buy silver and help foreigners harvest domestic finance!
The situation in the country is very good, but you are in disguised form to conspire with foreigners and destroy the general trend of the country’s prosperity. Isn’t it self-defeating? ”
Song Wen said this, his expression gradually turned cold.
He looked at Fatty Kong and continued: “What’s more, your Kong family exploited the common people for countless evil deeds in the past, and the people all resented your Kong family.
To tell you the truth, you are still sitting here safe and sound today, and it is because of my fourth sister’s face, otherwise, your fate will be much uglier than it is now! ”
When Fatty Kong listened to this, 4.3’s face became quite ugly.
He raised his head and said coldly, “It’s true that I squeeze the people, but isn’t that the case with Su Yun?
Huayin Group, under the slogan of serving the country and the people, appears to help the country, but what it actually does is a monopoly.
Now Huayin Group has become a giant, monopolizing the domestic industrial and commercial field. He Su Yun is abusing his authority, and who he wants to suppress is entirely up to personal preference.
Compared with me, is Su Yun aloof?
I, Fatty Kong, consider myself not a good person, but he Su Yun is just doing the same thing as me. ”
“Ha ha.”
Song Wen sneered with great disdain.
Fatty Kong is hopeless.
He had already made what he said very clearly just now, but this guy was still obsessed, thinking that what he did was nothing wrong.
Chapter 719: Frequent maritime trade begins
Su Yun suppresses someone, not because of personal preference, but to see whether that person is determined to be his enemy, whether he has endangered the interests of the country and the nation, or whether he has done something against his conscience.
And Fatty Kong’s suppression of others is just to eradicate dissidents.
What’s more, Su Yun didn’t betray national interests at the critical moment!
Looking at each other coldly, Song Wen said: “Fatty Kong, don’t think of everyone as bad as you. It is because you have always held this kind of thinking that I will never help you.”
“You! If you continue to be obsessed,Sooner or later the Song family will be buried in your hands! ”
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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