Fatty Kong was furious.
He couldn’t figure out why Song Wen insisted on following Su Yun.
Song Wen was very disdainful of Fatty Kong’s terrifying threat.
He is now very clear that if he continues to join forces with Fatty Kong, then he will ruin the Song family.
What’s more, if it was before, he did have concerns in this regard. After all, last time Su Yun suddenly changed his mind and made Han Zhonghao the general manager of Huayin Road 09 Architectural Design Company, which made Song Wen understand that Su Yun was very concerned about himself and the Song family. Actually don’t trust it.
But what happened tonight made Song Wen completely relieved.
It is normal for Su Yun not to trust himself. After all, the cooperation between the Song family and the Su family is full of exchange of interests from beginning to end, and it is not out of true feelings.
But Su Yun would not deliberately suppress the Song family, otherwise he would not take action to clean up the Song family.
In the final analysis, as long as the Song family actively contributes to the country and does not become an enemy of Huayin Group, Su Yun will definitely help the Song family and help the Song family develop.
Seeing Song Wen still treating him coldly, Fatty Kong sat on the sofa and gritted his teeth slightly.
He still wanted to say something, but found nothing to say.
In the end, Fatty Kong got up angrily: “Since the Song family is unwilling to help, then someone from Kong will leave! It’s just that you, Song Wen, don’t regret it in the future!”
Leaving those words, Fatty Kong shook off his steps and left the living room.
Seeing this, Song Wen’s disdain grew even stronger.
Fatty Kong’s words were just over the top of his mouth. He was so irritable that he didn’t even bother to pay attention to it.
His so-called regret is simply nonsense!
Three days later, as soon as the invitation document from Huayin Group arrives, the Song family can justifiably participate in the following donation activities for Chinese medicine, Taoism, sports and other causes.
From that time on, the Song family’s reputation will be restored.
The only thing he may regret at that time is that he donated too little when he donated, which slowed down the pace of the revival of the family’s reputation!
Thinking of this, Song Wen’s depression just now dissipated a lot.
Today was a great day. If Fatty Kong hadn’t come to the door, he would have to drink two more cups.
Afterwards, Fatty Kong called the eldest miss of the Song family, and left the Song mansion with a resentment. The eldest Miss of the Song family didn’t ask any questions when she saw that the two were not looking right.
After sending the two away, Song Wen went to rest.
Early tomorrow morning, he will start to prepare for the cooperation with Huayin Group, which is related to the future of the family and must not be sloppy.
Just as Song Wen was actively preparing for these things, Su Yun’s economic plan also made new progress.
Before, he had negotiated cooperation with the eight major consortiums and wanted to help the other party transport industrial products to the island country. Now the cooperation between the two parties has been officially reached, and frequent trade and transportation activities have also started between the island country, Huayin Group and the eight major consortiums.
From a few days ago to now, for several days, the eight major consortiums have begun to transport a large amount of goods to the East.
Every day in the major coastal ports, there are cargo ships of more than 1,000 tons, and the ships are loaded with various industrial products shipped from the United States.
Huayin Group transfers all these things to the island country.
At the same time, Huayin Group also took this opportunity to transport a large number of industrial products produced by itself to the island country.
The two sides continued to deliver various goods to the island country, and the ports in the island country began to become busy.
Such as Fukuoka, Chiba, Akita and other major external ports, these days are all busy scenes.
On the sea near the port, large and small cargo ships are constantly coming and going
Huayin Group dispatches dozens of freighters every day, many of which are over 1,000 tons.
From day to night, these ports are flooded with the whistle of freighters.
During this period of time, the staff in the port have been busy since dawn, and have been busy until night without rest.
In order to receive so many goods, even the little devil had to send manpower to work day and night and implement a three-shift work mode. Even so, he was still a little busy.
The trade and transportation between the three parties are going on hotly, and Su Yun is also always paying attention to this matter.
On this day, Su Yun was sitting in the office dealing with some traders, and Wu Si was standing opposite the desk.
Su Yun asked, “How are Wang Dehai and the little devil talking, is there any good news in the past few days?”
What Su Yun was referring to was naturally the matter of the little devils planning to buy tanks.
If 2,000 T34 tanks are sold, they can slaughter the little devils and directly increase their military spending.
Wu Si shook his head slightly: “Back to President Su, Wang Dehai has not returned any news in the past few days.”
However, as soon as Wu Si finished speaking, there was a knock on the door outside.
“Come in.”
Su Yun responded and saw an assistant opened the door and walked in with a telegram in his hand.
“President Su, Manager Wu.”
After the assistant greeted him, he handed the telegram to Su Yun.
“Mr. Su, I just received a telegram from Manager Wang Dehai, please take a look.”
Su Yun nodded and looked at the contents.
Wang 250 Dehai said in the telegram that the little devils changed their minds and did not want to spend so much to buy the T34 tank, but wanted to buy the technical drawings of the T34 tank at a price of 30 million US dollars.
After Wang Dehai talked to Sasuke that day, Sasuke went back and told Huayin Group’s request to the army executives.
But the Army couldn’t come up with this high amount of money, so it made a workaround and directly wanted to get the drawings of the T34 tank.
Originally, they bought the T34 tank for the purpose of imitating and producing it themselves. There is no need to spend such a large sum of money to place an order for Huayin Group.Get it.
But Su Yun naturally wouldn’t let the little devil’s idea come true.
They bought the blueprints directly, how could they empty the other side’s military spending?
30 million and 160 million, the difference is not a star and a half, of course Su Yun would not agree.
What’s more, these tanks are not sold for themselves.
After putting down the telegram, Su Yun said to the assistant: “Call back Wang Dehai and ask him to tell the little devils that the Huayin Group headquarters is still discussing this matter, and let him drag the other party.”
“Understood Mr. Su.”
The assistant led the way, and Su Yun turned to Wu Si and asked, “How is the transportation of industrial products going? What kind of things have the eight major consortiums shipped over?”.
Chapter 720: The cooperation between the chaebols is the most ruthless
Wu Si replied: “Mr. Su, now our cooperation with Western consortiums has been very smooth.
In the past few days, they have been transporting a large amount of goods into the country. After we received these goods, we arranged for freighters to transport these goods to the island country.
The island nation’s reception has also been ongoing.
Our freighters have been running unimpeded these days. ”
“Fine, go on.”
Su Yun nodded with a satisfied look on his face.
Wu Si went on to say: “The U.S. ships a wide variety of goods, including all kinds of daily necessities, such as cigarettes, clocks and other light industrial products, and even gadgets such as toilet paper.
In addition, they also delivered some food, seeds and other goods. ”
Su Yun raised his eyebrows slightly.
Grain does not belong to the category of industrial products, but to a certain extent, it is also an important resource.
Su Yun thought about it, and suddenly remembered something.
After Wu Si’s report was finished, Su Yun said: “I see, this trade activity is very important, and we must ensure that no mistakes are made.
In addition, after you go back, take the time to collect all the relevant information of the American ADM company, and also carefully collect the information of the other major grain merchants in the United States.
The collection of this information should be completed as soon as possible, and then reported to me. ”
ADM, also known as Aidi Meng, is one of the four largest grain merchants in the world and one of the largest oilseed, corn and wheat processing companies in the world.
The remaining three grain merchants are Bunge, Cargill and Louis Dreyfus.
Except for Louis Dreyfus, the other three major grain companies are in the United States.
Since the beginning of this century, these four major grain companies have gradually moved towards controlling world grain prices.
At present, the domestic grain market is not yet equipped to withstand external shocks. In the final analysis, the domestic grain reserves are too small to withstand large-scale shocks.
However, at present, the domestic economy is improving and agriculture is developing steadily. In a few years, after the domestic grain reserves are improved, they will naturally have enough resistance.
But now Su Yun must be prepared to prevent food companies like ADM from doing anything.
After listening to Su Yun’s instructions, Wu Si nodded and said, “This is no problem, Mr. Su, I will look for it as soon as I go back~々.”
Su Yun waved his hand: “Go, keep an eye on these Americans, they are not good people.
If Wang Dehai receives new news, he must report it in time. ”
“Understood, Mr. Su.”
After Wu Si left the office, Su Yun continued to work on his own business.
Now Su Yun has a lot of things at hand. In addition to handling the cooperation between the United States and Huayin Group and taking into account the plans of the island country, he is also busy preparing for communications.
In addition, Su Yun reached a cooperation condition with Alfred at the state banquet before, intending to exchange resources for Jewish talents.
After that night, Alfred officially confirmed with Su Yun and sent the news back to China.
In the past two days, Krupp has begun to help him search for talents in Germany, so Su Yun has to deal with this aspect.
In the German capital, a man named Steve is sitting on his sofa.
At this moment, he squeezed the half-smoked cigarette in his hand, his face full of despair, and it was not until the cigarette was burnt that Steve came back to his senses slightly.
He used to be a metal engineer at Rheinmetall, earning a decent salary every month and living a good life, but now he has lost his job inexplicably.
Steve didn’t understand what was going on in this country.
From a long time ago, the country has been very unfriendly to Jews.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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