Jews in many places have been treated unfairly, and even Jews will be inexplicably mocked and bullied when they walk on the road, but the government doesn’t care about this at all.
And Steve heard that this policy of suppressing Jews was proposed by the government.
But at the time, Steve didn’t really care.
Because his own life has not been affected much, but he will be greeted with scorn when he goes out.
But just yesterday, when Steve was at work, he suddenly received a notice from the company that the employee of the personnel department told himself inexplicably that he was fired!
No reason, no prefix, he was fired just because he was Jewish!
And just today, during the day, he suddenly received a notice from the government, telling him that he must leave Germany within a month.
All his personal property, with the exception of clothes and books, will be confiscated.
Steve was stunned at the time.
He didn’t understand what was going on, he just felt that the sky was falling down in an instant.
I have lived here for half my life, married and established a business, and my life is calm and stable, and I have never sinned against anyone. Why did this happen suddenly?
But the government does notNo instructions were given, except that he was ordered to leave, and if they did not leave Germany within a month, they would be forcibly deported.
Just as Steve’s face was gloomy, his wife came to Steve’s side.
His wife was also a Jew, and she looked at Steve, her blue eyes filled with worry.
“‘ ‘Steve, what do we do next?”
Steve looked up at his wife with confusion in his eyes.
Throwing away the half of the cigarette in his hand, Steve shook his head and said, “I don’t know either. Let me go out tomorrow to find out if things turn around.”
His wife and wife had no choice but to nod.
It happened so suddenly, she didn’t know what to do, and now she can only hope for luck.
Early the next morning, the Steves were having breakfast when there was a knock on the door.
Steve opened the door, where a Germanic officer was standing.
“Hello, what’s the matter?”
Steve asked.
However, as soon as he finished speaking, the officer told him without a trace of emotion: “Before today, your family must move out of here, and within ten days, you must leave the Germanic territory (Li’s), otherwise you will be expelled. .”
The officer’s words were like five thunders, and Steve was stunned all of a sudden.
Things were changing so fast that he was overwhelmed for a while.
Just yesterday, he was told to leave Germany within a month, but today the officer told him that he should move out of here immediately and leave the country within ten days.
What exactly is going on?
However, the officer did not give him time to react.
“At five o’clock in the afternoon, our people will start checking, and if you haven’t left the house by then, you will be at your own risk!”
Leaving those words, the officer turned around and left.
But Steve panicked.
When the officer spoke, his expression was very cold, it didn’t look like he was joking at all.
His wife also heard those words, came over to look at Steve, and said in a panic, “Honey, what should we do now?”.
Chapter 721: We just want to live
The two had never imagined such a situation, and now they simply don’t know what to do.
Steve’s face was full of helplessness and despair.
“What else can I do, hurry up and move!”
After speaking, Steve began to clean up. When he was cleaning up, he felt that the morning sun was getting dark.
He didn’t know what was going on, but there seemed to be a voice in his mind telling him: he and his family must leave this place as soon as possible, otherwise disaster will befall!
Seeing this, the wife had to quickly clean up.
She wanted to go out and ask, but the government didn’t seem to be willing to give them time to respond, so he could only listen to her husband.
The two were busy for a long time, and finally finished packing everything.
But after leaving here, the two couldn’t find a place to stay for a while.
In desperation, Steve could only take his wife and children to the church, intending to settle there first, and then find a way to leave the capital.
At this time, there was still a trace of joy in his heart.
Perhaps there is a place for them outside the capital?
However, when they came to the church, they found that it was already crowded with people.
All of them lost their minds, and some of them had expressions of panic on their faces. They all had a small amount of luggage — everything was confiscated by the government, and everyone looked dazed.
Steve was stunned by the sight in front of him.
He noticed that the people in the church were Jewish.
In other words, he was not the only one who was ordered to move out of the residence, but all the fellow Jews here!
When he came to the church, Steve finally found a place. After putting down his belongings, Steve asked his wife and children to wait for him here. He himself went to the nearest bank to withdraw money.
But after coming to the bank, Steve was told that his account had been frozen, and he could not withdraw a penny!
“how so!”
Steve was a little broken and asked out loud.
However, the people in the bank simply ignored him and treated him coldly.
In desperation, Steve had to return to the church.
At this time, all his thoughts were gone, and he completely understood that the Germans had no place for their Jews, and if he wanted to survive, he had to leave the country.
But he can’t even withdraw the money now, and he only has some loose money with him, how can he leave Germany?
Seeing Steve coming back, his wife stepped forward and asked, “How’s it going?”
Steve raised his face full of despair and recounted what happened in the bank.
After listening to Steve’s description, the wife suddenly despaired.
“Why! What the hell is going on here!”
She asked aloud, tears streaming down her face.
The successive changes made this already weak woman completely collapsed.
Seeing this, the Jews next to her just glanced at her with a sigh.
When they came before, they also encountered the same thing, so the treatment of Steve’s family was no surprise to these people.
Next, Steve sat down with his family, and the three of them looked at each other.
He didn’t understand, he really wanted to know what happened to this country. They, the Jews, didn’t make any treasonous actions. Why did the country treat them like this?
However, this question is destined to have no answer. The decision from the superior is not something they can contend with.
In desperation, Steve suddenly heard a commotion at the door.
Immediately, this commotion became more and more obvious. Steve got up to observe, only to see two people leaving at the door, and as they left, the Jews in the church began to discuss something.
Seeing this, Steve quickly asked around.
Now he is like a frightened bird, for fear of appearing againwhat bad news.
After asking a few people, Steve was relieved.
It’s not bad news this time, but just now someone came in and announced that Krupp is now recruiting talents, and only Jews.
The news refreshed Steve (ajed).
Right now, he has nowhere to go. Since Krupp is recruiting people, he must try it!
As for what to do, he can’t control that much now!
According to the current situation, as long as he can leave here or find a job, he is willing to do whatever, after all, it is at least a way to survive.
Otherwise, he and his family can only stay here and wait for bad luck to come.
According to the Jewish compatriots, Steve learned that Krupp’s recruitment location was on Chris Street. After Steve told his family the news, he brought them here.
But when they came to Chris Street, they found that the whole street was already crowded with people.
Chris Street was originally a very wide street, but it is already crowded. Chris looked around and saw that the entire street was densely packed with people waiting in line.
Many people came with their luggage and their families.
These people were all Jews, and they were all driven out of their homes and desperate, so they came here to try their luck.
Seeing the situation in front of him, Steve couldn’t help but exclaimed: “This… Did all the Jewish compatriots come here?”
The crowd was so dense that Steve couldn’t even see where Krupp was hiring.
But he has to get in line because that’s his only hope.
There were patrolmen on both sides of the street maintaining order. Seeing the arrival of Steve’s family, the patrolmen asked them to go to the back of the crowd and start queuing after they understood the situation.
Steve walked almost a thousand meters with his wife and children before finally reaching the end of the line.
But looking at the team in front of him, Steve suddenly felt his calf tremble.
From here to the other side of the street, it was full of people, and if they were queuing like this, I was afraid that they would not be able to get their turn in three or five hours.
But Steve can’t help it, Krupp is his only hope now, let alone three or five hours, even if he makes him wait until tonight, he has no choice.
In this way, Steve and his family started to line up. Time passed by minute by minute. I don’t know how long it took, but Steve felt that his legs were sore and his stomach was growling.
It wasn’t until the sun turned west that he finally got to the front of the line.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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