At this time, Steve was already tired and hungry. He took out his pocket watch and saw that it was past three-thirty in the afternoon.
Seeing the few people left in front of him, Steve breathed a long sigh of relief.
“Finally it’s our turn.”
His wife and son were finally relieved.
The family has been queuing since the morning, and has been waiting for four or five hours now. During this period, the wife has worried countless times, for fear that there will be too many people here, and Krupp will not want them if they recruit enough people.
Fortunately, they can already see who Krupp is hiring.
Those people are greeting the Jewish compatriots in line at this time, and it seems that they are still recruiting.
Chapter 722: Sorry, we don’t want bankers
So far, Steve is a little uneasy.
Krupp recruited so many people, but he didn’t know what to do. He had to inquire about it.
Although their family has nowhere to go, they must find a job that can sustain their existence normally.
Taking a look at the situation at the recruitment office, Steve moved forward slightly and asked a Jewish person in line in front of him, “Sir, do you know what Krupp is doing to recruit people~?”
The man in front turned around and first glanced up and down at Steve.
Seeing that he was also dragging his family, this person immediately knew that Steve was a Jewish compatriot who was ordered to move out of his residence just like him.
The man said: “Dude, don’t you know, I heard that Krupp’s recruitment is not for their own use, but to recruit people for a company called Huayin Group in China.
Krupp seems to have reached some cooperation with Huayin Group, which will help them recruit in our country.
And it seems that Huayin Group only needs to be Jewish, and it has to be an elite.
Many of our compatriots came here to apply for jobs before, but they were rejected because they were not talented enough. I also came here with an attitude of giving it a try. ”
Steve couldn’t help but feel delighted.
Although he didn’t know what Huayin Group recruited them for, since they were recruiting high-level talents, it meant that they would not be recruited to work as coolies.
And the name Huayin Group, Steve vaguely remembered that he should have heard of it.
It was an eastern business giant. It has only risen in the East in the past two years. Now it is booming, and he is also proficient in a lot of mechanical knowledge. If he can pass, he will definitely get a good job.
Thinking of this, Steve’s heart was a little more settled.
Then he asked again: “Then do you know what their specific requirements are? How can we go to the East?”
The man shook his head: “I don’t know the specific requirements. The people from Krupp will conduct inspection and interviews later, but it seems that as long as we pass the application, the people from Krupp will send someone to send us to the East.”
“Okay, thanks for letting me know.”
Steve’s heart burst into ecstasy!
He still has some confidence in his own talents. With his knowledge and work experience, it should not be difficult to pass the application.
Of course it doesn’t matter!
HeavyWhat is needed is that he is now ordered to leave Germany, but his property has been frozen, making it impossible for him to travel at all.
Now as long as Krupp can send him and his family away, it will be a great thing!
As for what to do with Huayin Group, Steve can’t control that much. As long as he is not asked to dig black coal mines, he will be exhausted in three days, not to mention going to the East, even if it is going to poor and backward Africa. , he is willing!
After all, according to the current situation, staying in the country is basically a dead end. When you arrive in the East, you can still find ways to make a living.
While the two were talking, the team moved forward a bit, and it would be their turn soon.
After gaining some confidence in his heart, Steve’s mood became slightly more cheerful, so he chatted a few more words with this person, and waited for the recruitment by the way.
“By the way, this gentleman, don’t know your name yet?”
The man straightened his clothes and said, “You can call me Aris, a banker, how about you, man?”
Aris was obviously very confident and talked a lot. Before Steve could answer, he continued: “I heard that Huayin Group is a well-known business group with a high status in the financial field.
The recent economic war against Huaxia by a Western consortium failed because Huayin Group smashed their plans.
And I happen to be good at the financial field, I believe they will not reject me. ”
“Uh…then congratulations.”
Steve twitched the corners of his mouth slightly.
Aris’ confidence left him speechless.
This person does not have the sophistication and maturity of a financial person. Instead, he looks like a young man with no experience in the world. He can’t hold back any words.
But Steve didn’t care either. This person may be generally carefree, but it’s a different attitude to work.
Immediately he answered the other’s question.
“My name is Steve, and I’m good at mechanics and metals.”
Aris smiled and said, “Then you should be fine. I heard that Huayin Group also started out in heavy industry, so you should have a place.”
“Thank you, I don’t know if I can…”
The two were talking, and the person in front of Aris had finished the application. Krupp’s recruiter began to call someone, and Aris stepped forward.
Steve looked forward, he noticed that the man had not passed before, and walked away in despair.
Seeing this, Steve felt a little drum in his heart.
It seems that Huayin Group’s requirements for candidates are not low.
At this time, Aris had already started applying for the job, and Steve stepped forward to observe.
I saw that Krupp’s people were asking for Aris’ personal information.
“Thirty-four years old this year.”

Under the watchful eyes of Steve, Krupp’s recruiters asked Aris’ personal information one by one and quickly registered them.
Throughout the process, Aris also appeared quite confident.
He is a banker with deep knowledge in finance and unique insights in many areas.
…… 0
Aris believes that Huayin Group will not let a talent like him go, and he will definitely be able to leave this damn country through recruitment.
Soon, the other party asked about his former occupation.
Ariston raised his chest slightly, straightened his clothes and said, “Banker, good at finance…”
When it comes to his career, Aris is quite confident, because this is the biggest bargaining chip he has come to apply for.
What made Aris stunned was that before he finished speaking, the recruiter looked up at him, and then threw the statistics just now into the trash can under his feet.
Immediately, the recruiter ignored Aris’ surprised eyes and waved his hands in disgust: “Next!”
Ariston became anxious.
“How is this possible, are you doing something wrong? I am very proficient in finance…”
However, the recruiter didn’t bother to listen to him: “Go away, Huayin Group doesn’t need bankers.”
Aris was stunned, he stood there blankly, his face full of disbelief.
Huayin Group has caused a storm in the financial world before. It is reasonable to say that it is the time when financial talents are needed, and he is an elite in this field. How could Huayin Group not want him?
After being stunned for a long time, Aris finally came to his senses. He hurriedly stepped forward and pointed his finger at himself.
“But I am an expert in the financial field. I have won honors in many companies and have rich work experience!” Qi.
Chapter 723: Engineer? Congrats on being admitted!
Speaking of which, Aris began to open his belongings to rummage. He wanted to find out some of his previous certificates to prove himself.
However, before he could open the package, the military police on duty came over and took him away.
At this time, Aris was still talking loudly about his work experience, hoping to win an opportunity, but the Krupp people ignored him at all.
“waste time!”
The recruiter drank in a low voice, and then said loudly: “Next!”
It was Steve who was next in his turn. He stepped forward and was a little cautious. He could see the situation just now, for fear that he would also be rejected.
Without this opportunity, their family of three will be displaced.
The recruiter glanced up at Steve and asked for his personal information as before, and Steve responded with a “two-five-zero” one by one.
Finally, the recruiter asked about his career and areas of expertise.
Steve quickly replied: “I graduated from Capital University, majoring in mechanical design, and worked for Rheinmetall as a metallurgical engineer.”
After saying this, Steve was afraid that the other party would not want him, and quickly added: “In addition to my achievements in the field of metallurgy, I also know some things.Design of tanks, aircraft, firearms and artillery. ”
Hearing what he said, the recruiter quickly wrote on the register and looked up at him.
Seeing this, Steve was afraid that the other party would still not let him pass, and quickly said: “If….it’s not possible, I can still be a worker and participate in the daily equipment maintenance work! ”
After speaking, Steve took a careful look at the other party.
I saw the other party nodded slightly, took out a pass and quickly wrote on it for a while, then took out a ticket and handed them both to Steve.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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