“Congratulations, you have been admitted by Huayin Group, Huayin Group is in need of talents of your type.
Now you can take this pass and use them to leave the capital for tonight’s flight to work in the East. ”
Then he took out another contract and pushed it in front of Steve.
“But as a condition, you must sign this contract. After confirmation, you will work for Huayin Group for the next 20 years and cannot breach the contract.”
“Good! Good! Thank you, thank you!”
Steve picked up the pen at hand, signed his name in the name column without looking at it, and pressed his handprint.
Now he has no idea of ​​20 or 30 years. For Steve, as long as he can leave here, he can find a new opportunity.
After signing, Steve handed a copy of the contract to the recruiter, and then asked nervously, “I… can I take my wife and children with me?”
Steve was so happy just now that he noticed that there was only one ticket, enough for him to leave the capital alone.
But when he is gone, what will happen to his wife and children?
The employee looked at him: “Your wife and children? What do they do?”
Steve quickly said: “The child is still young, but my wife is a teacher and is proficient in many languages, in addition to German, Hebrew, English, Russian, etc. She can do translation work when she gets there,”
The recruiter pondered for a while, and then said, “Yes, in this case, your wife is considered a high-level talent, and he can go with you.”
Then he took out another pass and a ticket, and signed them.
When this person signed the pass, Steve quickly called his wife in the back and asked her to sign the contract.
After these things were completed, the recruiter said: “Now you can go. Go straight forward from here, and you will see a crossroad on the north side of the street. There are special vehicles parked there, which will take you directly to the airport.”
“I know, I know, thank you!”
Steve took the pass and ticket and looked at his wife.
At this time, both of them were full of surprises.
His wife was so surprised that he was about to cry, and Steve was shaking with excitement.
He originally thought that his family was about to be cornered, but he knew that in a trance, he would find a way out.
After being excited, Steve hurriedly put away the air tickets and passes. At this moment, these little cards were the life-saving straw for their family.
Immediately, he took the hand of his wife and children, and the family took some luggage and left here quickly, heading to the intersection 0 the recruiter said ……
Unbeknownst to Steve, it was a blessing for his wife to follow him away.
At present, there are many foreign talents in Huayin Group, and there is a shortage of translators. In addition, many Jews will arrive in the group in the future, and the demand chain for translators will also increase.
There are not many people in China who are proficient in German, so when Su Yun talked to Alfred about recruiting talents, he specially told the other party to help him find some translators in addition to industrial talents.
In this way, his wife was chosen.
Otherwise Steve’s family is destined to be separated, and his wife and children will be forced to stay.
The talent recruitment work in Germany is underway, and many Jews were recruited by Krupp and sent to Huayin Group.
In the Huayin Group headquarters outside Jinling City, Su Yun was sitting in the office sipping tea slowly.
Opposite him, Alfred was sitting on a single sofa, drinking tea and looking around slightly, his face full of satisfaction.
Since the cooperation between the two sides was reached, Su Yun and Alfred’s “friendship” has progressed rapidly.
The basis of interest brought them together.
Putting down the tea cup, Su Yun asked Alfred in German, “Mr. Alfred, how does this kind of tea feel?”
Alfred smiled playfully: “Mr. Su, do you want me to tell the truth or lie?”
Su Yun smiled and said, “Of course it’s true 4.3.”
Alfred shook his head slightly: “To be honest, I don’t like it. It doesn’t have the aroma of coffee, and it doesn’t have the rich flavor of other teas.”
Alfred has drunk a lot of tea, but this is the first time he has encountered this kind of tea.
Being a Germanic, he didn’t appreciate the lightness.
After making a joke, Alfred straightened his body and said to Su Yun: “I sent the news of our cooperation back to China before, and now our company has begun to act.
They sent me a message yesterday saying that the company had arranged for people to recruit Jewish talents everywhere.
According to your request, the recruitment is mainly for some industrial talents, and some translators will be brought out. According to the progress, it is estimated that the first batch of talents will arrive in Jinling around tomorrow evening. “.
Chapter 724: The local tyrantThe big one is coming!
“Great, thank you for your help this time.”
“It’s nothing, this is what we are cooperating with. Besides, this kind of thing is a hands-on effort, so don’t be polite.”
Su Yun said politely, and Alfred waved his hand and didn’t care.
In their opinion, those Jews are nothing, and it is a very worthwhile business to exchange these people for friendship and a lot of resources of Huayin Group.
Su Yun is no longer polite, but his heart is indeed very happy.
It is no exaggeration to say that he has been looking forward to this event from a long time ago, and now he finally has his eyes on it.
Now Huayin Group is developing steadily, but the progress of various industries is very slow, and it has not been able to reach a state of blowout development, which makes Su Yun always dissatisfied.
Up to now, Huayin Group’s hardware facilities have already kept up with it, and it has entered the ranks of the world’s top brands, and the basic industrial system has also been formed.
However, the lack of talents has always limited the development of the group.
09 Although Su Yun also recruited a lot of talents from Nanyang before, but among those talents, there are many people who have received higher education and can be called high-level talents.
But they are only “senior”, and there are very few who can really be called professional cutting-edge talents.
And Huayin Group is in need of such top talents to lead the progress of various industries. They are like drill bits on a drilling rig. Without them, the drilling rig of Huayin Group can only spin in place, and it cannot move forward quickly.
Now these Jews are coming, just to fill the vacancy of cutting-edge talents, which is a good thing.
Su Yun’s joy was written on his face, and Alfred didn’t care when he saw it, but instead reminded Su Yun: “Mr. Su, don’t be too busy to be happy, as a partner, I still want to remind you that you must be careful of these Jews.
They are greedy by nature, and they are the same everywhere, otherwise our country would not have rejected them so much. ”
Su Yun waved his hand and said, “Thank you for reminding me, but these are all minor issues.
Those Jews are all technical talents and don’t know anything about finance. As long as they don’t mess around in the fields of scientific research and production, they don’t need to worry about the rest.
What’s more, I won’t allow these guys to mess around. If they have to make trouble and show signs of getting out of control, then I don’t mind humanely destroying them! ”
When speaking, Su Yun’s expression was very calm, but the words made Alfred stunned slightly.
In the past few days of being with Su Yun, Su Yun’s impression of him has always been that he is quite wise, and he treats people with ease and grace.
At least in Alfred’s eyes, Su Yun can be regarded as a kind person.
But after Su Yun’s words, Alfred suddenly realized that this young man not only has a friendly side, but also a decisive side!
The so-called humane destruction… the meaning of the word is self-evident.
However, Alfred was not too surprised. If someone like Su Yun didn’t have some shrewdness and determination, how could they have gotten to where they are today?
So he nodded and said, “That’s good. Treat these Jews no matter what.”
But Alfred was still a little confused.
“Mr. Su, I want to know why you are in such a hurry to bring those Jews to China. In order to pick up those guys, you deliberately used air transportation, but the cost of air transportation is very high.
By contrast, it would be slower but much less expensive to get them by boat. ”
Su Yun smiled: “Mr. Alfred, it seems that you still don’t know me well enough.
I always pay attention to efficiency in my work. As long as the cost is within an acceptable range, I will not consider the size of the investment in a matter, but will only pursue the race against time.
Let’s be honest, Huayin Group has been stuck in a bottleneck period for a long time, and I am very dissatisfied with the speed of development. My only thought now is to speed up the development of the group.
Those Jews who arrive an hour early, get to work an hour early, which is very important to the group. ”
Hearing Su Yun’s remarks, Alfred couldn’t help shrugging.
He still didn’t quite understand it.
A huge Huayin Group, what’s the point of delaying these few days of effort?
Of course he didn’t understand that Su Yun did this not only to pay attention to efficiency, but also because he wanted to take advantage of this pretext to make a fortune.
Although this amount of money is not much compared to the total amount of tasks today, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat, not to mention that Su Yun is not a big spender, and has always been careful.
But Alfred won’t care too much. This is Huayin Group’s own business, and he doesn’t need to get involved.
After talking about this topic, Alfred said again: “Actually, I came to see you today, not only to tell you about the Jews, but also other things to talk about.”
Su Yun said directly: “If you have anything to say, please say it directly. I’m not the kind of person who likes to beat around the bush.”
“Then let me say it bluntly, the T34 tank produced by your group is the most advanced tank model in the world today, with superior performance and advanced combat power. Our government has taken a fancy to it.
So they entrusted Krupp to buy the design drawings of this tank from you, and also want to order a batch of ready-made T34 tanks from you. ”
When Alfred said his request, Su Yunwen couldn’t help but feel joy in his heart.
It seems that it is the right thing to choose to cooperate with Krupp.
The other party not only recruited talents for himself, but also traded tanks with himself. This is really a pillow when someone just fell asleep.
At present, Huayin Group is starting to produce T44 tanks and intends to send them to the army to replace the original T34 models. However, according to the military’s ideas, the previous T34 tanks were only changed to serve in the army.It won’t be long before you can continue to use it.
But Su Yun didn’t think so.
The daily maintenance of tanks and fuel consumption will bring high costs, which will virtually increase a large amount of military expenditures.
After the T44 tanks are fully popularized in the future, these T34 tanks can only be regarded as the past, and it is not worth spending money on maintenance. If they rust there, they can only be seen as scrap iron.
Instead, it is better to sell these tanks to other countries and make a big profit!
Su Yun didn’t care about the profit in front of him, but after the money was earned, it could either be used as military expenses, or it could be invested in future infrastructure projects.
Su Yun had communicated with He Jingzhi and the commissioner on this matter. After several discussions, the military agreed with Su Yun and asked Huayin Group to sell it on their behalf.
This is why, Su Yun doesn’t care that the little devil wants to buy their tanks.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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