Chapter 725 : Guest officer, our T34 is cheap and solid!
It’s a pity that the little devils were not fooled, or simply because they were too poor, the dignified army couldn’t even pay out 100 million yuan.
They want to spend 30 million US dollars to buy the technical drawings of the T34 tank. Of course, Su Yun will not do such a one-shot deal.
Now that Germain is taking advantage of this, things will be much easier to handle.
However, Su Yun knew that Germanic belonged to the proper Western tyrants. Compared with the little devils, they were not short of money at all.
Taking advantage of this opportunity, Su Yun had to make this deal.
So Su Yun asked: “So, Mr. Alfred, how many T34 tanks do you plan to buy?”
“Well…it depends on the price you give.”
Alfred thought for a moment and gave this statement.
Unlike Little Devil, he was in the West before. Although he knew the general situation of Huaxia, he did not know the specific transactions between Huayin Group and the military.
So Alfred didn’t know that Huayin Group sold these tanks to the military at the price of cabbage.
Su Yun’s eyes flickered slightly: “It depends on the quantity you buy.
We sell tanks to the outside world, of course, the more the better at one time, if you want enough quantity, the price can be lower, if it is less, the price will be relatively higher.
But you can rest assured that since we have cooperated, we are friends and partners. No matter how much you want, the price I give is fair, and Huayin Group will not cheat its own people. ”
Alfred thought for a while and said, “In this case, if we want to buy two thousand tanks, what price will you give?”
good guy!
It is worthy of being a local tyrant in the West, and there are 2,000 cars when you open your mouth!
Hearing the numbers Alfred said, Su Yun was a little surprised.
He knew that Germanic had money, but he was a bit too generous.
According to the price he gave to the little devil, these two thousand tanks were 160 million US dollars, which was the limit that Su Yun gave the little devil at the beginning.
But at that time, Su Yun wanted to slaughter the little devil, and Su Yun roughly judged the military spending of the little devil’s army, and knew that this was probably the limit they could spend.
But Germanic is different, this is the other party’s initiative to open his mouth to ask.
Now, his big business has come to an end.
With a hint of secret joy, Su Yun replied: “If it is 2,000 cars, we can give a price of 80,000 US dollars.
The T34 tank has excellent performance and strong comprehensive combat power, but the cost of R&D and production is also relatively large, but the price is definitely worth the money~々. ”
Alfred nodded. He was in the arms business. He knew and recognized the performance of the T34 tank very well.
Although the price quoted by Su Yun is higher, it is still within the acceptable range.
Then Alfred asked again, “What if it’s four thousand?”
“For 4,000 cars, it can be reduced to $70,000 a car.”
“How about five thousand?”
“Five thousand…I can set you up to $60,000!”
Answering Alfred’s question, although Su Yun’s face did not change, he was a little surprised.
Alfred was able to move such a large hand, and even he couldn’t help but marvel at the degree of German tyrants.
If the other party can really buy 5,000 tanks, even if the unit price is only 60,000 US dollars, it will require a full 300 million US dollars of funds, which is a huge number!
300 million US dollars can keep up with the military spending of the little devil army for two years!
At the same time, Alfred was also surprised.
He asked so many questions just now. First, he wanted to see the pricing of Huayin Group, and secondly, he wanted to test how many tanks Huayin Group had produced in the past two years.
But Alfred did not expect that the output of Huayin Group’s T34 tanks would actually be so many.
You must know that it has only been about two years since the T34 tank came out. In such a short period of time, Huayin Group has actually built such a large number of T34s.
And seeing that Su Yun’s posture is still at ease, it is estimated that the number of T34s in the opponent’s hands is far more than that.
Alfred thought, this is a good thing for them. The government needs to buy a lot of tanks. If Huayin Group can meet their needs at one time, it will be better.
Immediately, Alfred asked Su Yun: “Then Mr. Su, if we place an order now, when will Huayin Group start supplying?”
After a little calculation, Su Yun replied: “As long as the number of tanks does not exceed 10,000, we can complete the delivery to you within a month.”
“In this case,that is really good. ”
Alfred said so, but he had other thoughts in his heart.
It is impossible for any arms company in the world to produce 10,000 tanks in a month. If it can, there is only one possibility, and that is second-hand goods.
After the tank was unveiled at the last military parade, it was called the world’s No. 1 tank just by virtue of its basic data.
Why did the Chinese military retire them from the military at this time?
Then there is only one answer, that is, the Huaxia military has a better choice, or Huayin Group has developed a new tank.
The performance of the new tank will be much better than that of the T34 tank, so that the Huaxia military will not hesitate to sell this tank, which is called the world’s first.
“‘ ‘Mr. Su, please be blunt, you have delivered so many tanks at one time, shouldn’t they be all second-hand goods used by the military?”
Su Yun understood what the other party meant and didn’t care, but explained: “These tanks are indeed serving in the army, but they have only been in service for less than two years, and they are all 90% new.
And our army didn’t take them to battle, it’s just like new. ”
Alfred started thinking.
If it’s a tank that hasn’t been battled, that’s actually fine.
He knew that the tanks used by the military had to be maintained on a daily basis, so after all, they were indeed similar to new ones.
But Alfred also wanted to take this opportunity to bargain.
Sixty thousand dollars for a tank is not low. They are rich, but they are not taking advantage of it.
So Alfred shook his head slightly and said, “Mr. Su, as you said, although these tanks are comparable to new ones, they are second-hand goods after all, so you need to lower the price.
Well, 60,000 tanks are a bit more expensive. If you don’t mind, how about 50,000 tanks? ”
When Su Yun heard it, if 50,000 cars were used, 5,000 cars would be worth 250 million US dollars, but if the other party bargained, he could also mention the conditions a little.
But this condition cannot be put forward immediately, and it has to be dealt with.
So Su Yun began to bargain with the other party.
“Mr. Alfred, these tanks have been meticulously maintained and have not been used in other ways except for daily training.
Moreover, the components required for the production of T34 are highly precise. Our group has invested a lot of labor and equipment costs in order to develop this tank.
$60,000 a car is almost the lowest price we can accept, and at this price we have little profit.
But for the partner’s sake, I can drop it down to $58,000 a car, what do you think about that price? “.
Chapter 726: A Rusty Nail
At this time, Su Yun took out a standard businessman, and Alfred saw this and said with a straight face: “Mr. Su, you and I are both businessmen, and everyone knows the way of bargaining.
And I am very confident that at present, apart from our Germans, no one can buy so many tanks at one time. This list of more than 200 million US dollars is a big deal even for Huayin Group. You will not admit it. ? ”

Next, Su Yun and Alfred began to play Tai Chi, the two sides stated their reasons and began the process of bargaining.
But Alfred stuck to his offer.
Until the end, Su Yun sighed lightly: “It doesn’t matter, who made us partners, and Huaxia and Germania have to cooperate and develop together, and our two countries are also friends.
Well, if you really want to buy it, 50,000 units are also possible, but your order quantity cannot be less than 6,000 units.
If it’s lower than that, I can’t explain it to our military.
After all, the price they gave us before was $75,000, and now it’s a third lower. If there is not enough quantity to support it, the military will not agree. ”
Su Yun seems to have made a great determination.
Of course, he looks like this, which is for Alfred to see.
As for bargaining, there must be a reason for bargaining. What 253 research and development costs should be explained to the military, these are just for Alfred, or for the German government.
How much to sell is not a matter of his words!
After listening to Su Yun’s words, Alfred hesitated.
He didn’t know the doorway, he just felt that it was worth it to be able to cut such a big price.
It’s just that Su Yun ordered an extra 1,000 vehicles all at once. He still needs to report this matter to the country. After all, the maximum number given in the country is 5,000 vehicles, and he can’t make his own decisions.
So Alfred said: “If there are 6,000 vehicles, I will send a telegram to the country to ask our government’s opinion.
As long as the country agrees, I will notify you as soon as possible. ”
Su Yun nodded: “I can understand, so please give an answer as soon as possible.
This is a big deal for both of us, and to tell you the truth, we want to do it as soon as possible. ”
“Very good, Mr. Su is really refreshing!”
After the two had finished discussing the business, they resumed their previous casual style. Su Yun picked up the tea cup and said with a smile, “Then let us replace the wine with tea, and wish this (ajed) business a successful conclusion.”
Alfred smiled and touched Su Yun’s cup.
Then the two chatted a few more about cooperation, and Alfred got up and said goodbye.
After Su Yun sent him away, he turned around and dealt with other things.
Sitting on the office chair, Su Yun was in a very good mood.
With this batch of talents from German to supplement resources, Huayin Group will soon enter a stage of rapid development. By that time, many of Su Yun’s major plans can be carried out smoothly.
During this time, the islandThings in the country are also progressing quite smoothly.
The industrial products of the eight major consortiums in the United States have been continuously shipped to the island country, and the industrial parks around Fushan have also been completed.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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