Now that many of the little devils’ factories have been migrated there, Su Yun only needs to wait for the current plan to finish before considering the final steps!
But before that, he needs to solve a problem.
Picking up the phone on the table, Su Yun called Wu Si.
“Hello Mr. Su, what are your orders?”
After the call was connected, Wu Si’s voice came from the other end.
He was busy collecting some information about the four major grain companies, which was also the task that Su Yun ordered to him.
Su Yundao: “You take the time to send a telegram to the branch in the island country. I have already prepared the content of the telegram. You can come and get it later.”
“I understand Mr. Su, I’ll go right now.”
After putting down the phone, Su Yun began to quickly write the contents of the telegram.
Now all the work is going very smoothly, and the island country’s plan is also entering the stage of closing the net, so there are some nails, and it is time for him to pull it out!
This nail can be used for him before to nail the fence, but at a critical time, the leaked part can easily hurt his hand.
Now that the fence is going to be removed, the nails can’t be kept!

In Fukuyama, the island country, in the office building of Huayin Group Branch, Lu Jiarong was sitting in the office watching a telegram.
This telegram was sent from China, from the headquarters of the group.
Looking at the above content, Lu Jiarong was a little lost.
The meaning of the above is very simple. In view of the fact that Lu Jiarong has managed the branch in the island country vigorously and helped the group complete a series of plans, he has achieved remarkable results.
Now, in order to recognize his personal achievements, the group headquarters has made a special decision to transfer him back to the headquarters to serve as the deputy manager of the assistant department. The salary will be improved accordingly, and he will be trained as a core executive.
After putting down the telegram, Lu Jiarong couldn’t help frowning.
He picked up the telegram and read it again, and then again.
After several times, Lu Jiarong always felt that something was wrong.
The group intends to cultivate him as the core, which is a good thing. Not only can I get better treatment and future, but also get access to some more important information.
But Lu Jiarong felt uneasy for no reason, he always felt that there was something hidden in it.
What’s more, he can’t just leave now.
During the recent period, some actions made by the group made him feel a little abnormal.
For the past few days, in the name of cooperating with the island country, the group has helped the little devil to build a factory, and it has also pitted the western consortium with the little devil, but Lu Jiarong feels that this is not the real purpose of the group.
It seems that the group does these things, not really to cooperate with the military of the island country, but to make a bigger move.
But he hasn’t figured out the ins and outs of things, so he can’t leave.
Just when Lu Jiarong was in a trance, the people in the office were pushed away from the outside.
Lu Jiarong raised his head, slightly displeased, but found that it was Li Xie who came, Lu Jiarong calmed his expression: “Why don’t you knock on the door when you come in?”
Li Xie didn’t answer, and said as soon as he came in, “I’m still stunned, Brother Lu, the plane is ready, just wait for you to go to board the plane, I’ll help you pack up and go as soon as possible.”
Lu Jiarong was stunned when he heard the words.
“What’s the matter, I just received the news, I didn’t plan to leave when, why is the itinerary arranged?”
As he spoke, Lu Jiarong began to beat more and more in his heart.
This move of Li Xie is really abnormal.
Unexpectedly, Li Xie smiled and clasped his fists and said: “Didn’t the group headquarters want to transfer you back to focus on training, I naturally want to congratulate Brother Lu on his high school career, promotion and making a fortune, naturally, I can’t take it lightly.”.
Chapter 727: The Great Traitor Lu Jiarong
Lu Jiarong nodded, but felt even more wrong in his heart.
This Li Xie is eager to let him go back, what is he going to do?
Lu Jiarong was thinking about what to say, but he didn’t want Li Xie to directly say: “Brother Lu, don’t think too much, the group headquarters also sent me a telegram, saying that after you leave, I will take over as the general manager of the branch, hehe.”
Li Xie said with a cheeky attitude, and Lu Jiarong suddenly realized.
Then he took advantage of the situation: “I said why you are in such a hurry to drive me away, it turns out that you are waiting for me to make room for you to take the position. I think you are not here to congratulate me, but to congratulate yourself?”
Li Xie was not annoyed when he heard the words. The relationship between the two was not unfamiliar on the surface. This kind of joke was normal.
But Lu Jiarong said so, but his heart kept beating.
He had a bad feeling that Li Xie’s performance today was really abnormal.
But Lu Jiarong couldn’t tell what was wrong.
Seeing that Lu Jiarong was distracted, Li Xie didn’t urge him.
He had already expressed his intentions just now, but if he reminded him now, it would be a bit too much.
It wasn’t until after a while, seeing that Lu Jiarong had not recovered, Li Xie tentatively asked, “Brother Lu, what are you thinking?”
“Oh, nothing, nothing.”
Lu Jiarong came back to his senses, and then got up from the chair.
“Since you are all ready, then I will pack up and prepare to go.”
“Congratulations Brother Lu!”
Li Xie clasped his fists again, and then said again: “But when you return to the group, you must think about saying a few good things for me. We have known each other for so long, you can’t forget my brother.”
“Haha, that’s easy to say.”
Being interrupted by Li Xie, Lu Jiarong didn’t have time to think too much. He hurriedly packed his things and drove to Fushan Airport with Li Xie.
After arriving at the airport, Lu Jiarong found that Wang Dehai was also waiting here.
He was a little strange: “Brother Wang, why are you here?”
Wang Dehai smiled and said, “I have been in the island country for some time. Now things are almost handled. I just go back with you on this trip and report the situation to the group in detail.”
“So that’s the case, Brother Wang, please.”
Lu Jiarong stretched out his hand and motioned for Wang Dehai to get on the plane first.
After the two boarded the plane, Lu Jiarong glanced over and found that there were seven or eight Huayin Group security guards on the plane, and these security guards were all armed with live ammunition.
He was a little surprised: “Strange, why are there so many security guards on the plane?”
“It’s nothing, to put it arrogantly, we are also the top of the group. Some people have bad intentions against our group, so they have added more guards to make it safer.”
Wang Dehai heard Lu Jiarong’s words and explained it smoothly.
Only then did Lu Jiarong feel at ease.
Wang Dehai and Xiao Guizi were negotiating about buying and selling tanks, and Lu Jiarong also received news that after Su Yun asked Wang Dehai to delay, Xiao Guizi specially asked him to contact him and let him explore Huayin Group’s words.
Therefore, Lu Jiarong didn’t think too much, but felt that Wang Dehai was a little too fussy.
If people really want to pack you up on the plane, can it be solved with a few more people?
Not to mention these security guards, if there is an accident on the plane, 10,000 people will be useless.
But Lu Jiarong also kept his mind. After he received the telegram from the group, a series of things that happened to him were not quite right.
Contacting some of the previous things, Lu Jiarong became more and more uncertain.
In a trance, Lu Jiarong didn’t even notice that the plane took off.
After the plane stabilized, Wang Dehai got up from the seat next to him, sat down opposite him, and then gave Lu Jiarong a simple and honest smile.
“Brother Lu, there is no one else beside me now. Can you tell me how things went before and after?”
Lu Jiarong was surprised: “Brother Wang, what do you mean?”
Wang Dehai still smiled unchanged: “It’s just that you are a traitor, the group treats you well, and you were an upright Chinese before, why do you want to be a traitor?
Don’t get me wrong, I think being a traitor is a lot of money, and I want Lu Bang to recommend it. ”
“Dong dong!”
How did he know!
Lu Jiarong’s heart jumped wildly, but he didn’t mess up, and his face didn’t change. Instead, he pretended to be surprised: “Brother Wang, what are you talking about, this kind of joke is not allowed.”
But as soon as he finished speaking, he found that Wang Dehai’s smile gradually changed.
His mouth was wider, the corners of his mouth were slowly raised, and his brows were also spreading outwards. At this moment, the porthole of the plane blocked the sunlight, reflecting a shadow on Wang Dehai’s face.
This made Wang Dehai’s smile look gloomy at this time!
Seeing this, Lu Jiarong’s face changed slightly.
However, before he could react, two security guards pressed his shoulders from behind.
Then another security guard suddenly pulled his wrist and handcuffed him!
Lu Jiarong was shocked, but he still gritted his teeth and refused to admit it, and said angrily to several security guards: “Damn! What are you doing!”
Several security guards ignored them, and Lu Jiarong glared at Wang Dehai again: “Wang Dehai, I am now the deputy manager of the assistant department of Huayin Group, why do you dare to arrest me!
When I return to the group, I must go to President Su and expose your face! ”
At this time, Wang Dehai had already restrained his smile. Facing Lu Jiarong’s backlash, Wang Dehai was full of disdain.
“Assistant Deputy Manager?
That transfer order was just used to lure you into the bait. Today we arrested you under the order of President Su. Do you still want to bite back? ”
Did Su Yun already know?
Lu Jiarong groaned in his heart, but he still refused to admit it.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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