“Mr. Su, why does he call me a traitor! I have always acted upright and did nothing to harm the country, so why do you slander me! You need to pay attention to a piece of evidence to arrest someone!
Otherwise, you are illegally arresting and abusing lynching! ”
“Oh, we are not a law enforcement department, and we need evidence to arrest people.
To put it bluntly, as long as we identify you as a traitor, we can arrest you, so what can you do?
Now that you honestly explain what happened, and tell what you committed together, Mr. Su may be merciful and take it lightly.
If you continue to resist, you will be at your own risk! ”
Wang Dehai smiled coldly, they wanted to arrest Lu Jiarong, why would they need such a cumbersome means.
Besides, if there is no sufficient evidence, how could President Su attack him.
However, Lu Jiarong didn’t know this. At this time, he calmed down a little and stopped struggling, but he never admitted that he was a traitor.
He knew that the more he struggled, the more suspicious he would appear, so he might as well be calm on the surface and not say anything after being bitten to death.
Wang Dehai kept saying that he was a traitor, but he couldn’t produce any evidence. As long as he didn’t admit it, he didn’t believe that the other party could beg him.
Chapter 728: Heaven and Earth Chessboard, Man-made Chess Pieces
“Wang Dehai, you should pay attention to what you say. Huayin Group has always upheld a fair reputation. Now that you have no evidence and arrest people indiscriminately, you are not afraid of losing your reputation?”
Lu Jiarong can be said to have refused to admit his account. He knew very well in his heart that once he accepted it, he would have no way to live. At that time, his reputation would be ruined, and the sneer on Wang Dehai’s face was even more obvious.
When death is imminent, this guy has to be smart. He actually thinks that he has no evidence and wants to put a hat on Huayin Group!
Look at Lu Jiarong, Wang Dehai LengHe said, “Lu Jiarong, when are you still trying to be smart here?
Don’t you want evidence? Well, I can tell you now that your every move in the island country is under the surveillance of the dark guards, including the first month of the month, when you report to the little devil, saying that Huayin Group will We also know about the return of silver to China. ”
Wang Dehai “two five seven” straightened his body slightly, and continued: “How about Lu Jiarong, you won’t deny this, right?”
Lu Jiarong’s face changed wildly, and he couldn’t hold his breath any longer.
Before, he refused to admit it because he thought that the group was only suspicious of his identity, but there was no conclusive evidence.
But Wang Dehai has told the truth, and if he persists, he will only deceive himself.
What shocked Lu Jiarong was that when he went to report the letter, he pretended to be very natural, and no one in the company knew about it, not even Li Xie.
But Huayin Group actually knew about this!
From this point of view, Huayin Group never believed in itself from the very beginning.
Otherwise, at that time, not long after he arrived in the island country, the company was officially launched, but Su Yun had already sent secret guards to stare at him.
But Lu Jiarong still couldn’t believe it, how did Huayin Group know its secret?
Since he came to Huayin Group, Lu Jiarong has been very cautious in his work to ensure that he will not reveal his faults. When there is nothing to do, Lu Jiarong will not think about the little devils, but will work and live normally to prevent others from seeing clues.
Even so, Huayin Group has been suspicious of him.
What the hell is going on here?
Seeing the dramatic change in Lu Jiarong’s face, Wang Dehai slowly got up and said coldly, “Lu Jiarong, what are you thinking?
Are you wondering why the group knows about your dirty things? Are you wondering why we don’t trust you all the time, but we have to wait until this moment to do anything to you? ”
Lu Jiarong didn’t speak, but his face gradually became ashen.
Yes, he doesn’t understand!
He didn’t understand why the group had always doubted him, even though his usual performance was normal.
He didn’t even understand why Huayin Group didn’t believe in him at the beginning, why did it have to wait until now to do it to him? It stands to reason that if he has never been trusted, when he first joined Huayin Group, he would The one who should be ruled out is.
Noticing the change in Lu Jiarong’s expression, Wang Dehai’s voice became even colder.
“Since you don’t know, let me tell you!”
In fact, Mr. Su has never believed in you, including everything you have done and experienced, everything is under Mr. Su’s control!
Even the fact that you leaked the news of the delivery of silver to the little devils and asked them to take measures to prevent Huayin Group from transporting the silver back to China was specially arranged by President Su!
Let me tell you clearly, since you entered the group and arrived in the island country, everything you have done is in President Su’s plan.
From the beginning to the end, you are working for President Su! ”
Hearing what Wang Dehai said, Lu Jiarong couldn’t sit still.
He wanted to get up suddenly, but was pushed back by the security guard.
Lu Jiarong’s face changed drastically. He didn’t understand what Wang Dehai meant. What was it that he sent a letter to the little devil, and it was also arranged by Su Yun?
“Wang Dehai, make it clear, don’t scare people here, I won’t eat your way!”
Seeing that Lu Jiarong was a little hysterical, Wang Dehai sneered: “It’s all this time, do you still think that you were doing everything before?
joke! Since President Su has long known that you are a traitor, he naturally wants to make good use of your identity!
From the very beginning, Mr. Su had expected that you would definitely inform the little devil, so he planned to use you to let the little devil know about our group’s secret acquisition of silver.
When the silver purchase is complete, I will deliberately sell a loophole and let you report this to the little devils, so that they can come forward to stop us.
Then we use this pretext to find the little devils for cooperation.
I don’t need to say more later. The little devils signed a contract with Huayin Group with all their hearts, and our silver was not delayed in shipping back to China. I have to thank you for this! ”
Wang Dehai’s tone was full of ridicule.
Lu Jiarong thought that he acted flawlessly, but he did not know that everything he did had contributed to the progress of Huayin Group’s plan.
When Lu Jiarong heard this, his heart skipped a beat.
No wonder he always felt that something was wrong all this time, but he couldn’t find what was wrong.
It turned out that the problem was actually his own, and Su Yun had already figured him out!
Contact Wang Dehai, think about the previous series of actions of Huayin Group, and now that those industrial products are being transported to the island country for storage, Lu Jiarong instantly understood the intention of Huayin Group!
They want to control the finance of the island nation!
The reason why the industrial products were shipped first was to defeat the local light industry of the island country through the dumping of industrial products while confusing the island country.
After achieving this goal, Huayin Group will be able to monopolize the light industry of the island country.
Then Huayin Group can adjust the prices of industrial products at will, and attack the Japanese yen to gradually control the finance of the island country!
At that time, even if the island country could react, it would be too late, because the market of the island country at that time was already dominated by Huayin Group. As long as the island country dared to resist, Huayin Group could immediately cut off the supply of daily necessities.
Once this happens, within ten days and a half months, the people’s livelihood and economy of the entire 4.3 island country will completely collapse!
Lu Jiarong is not an idiot. Although he became a traitor, he is still a high-level talent and has a very sharp mind.Jiarong immediately figured out everything.
What to do with the island country and what to exchange resources for market share, Huayin Group is preparing to control the island country’s finance.
The ridiculous little devil didn’t know it at all, and he was rushing to help Huayin Group implement the plan.
Now, a large number of industrial products have been shipped, and the next step is the dumping of industrial products. At this stage, the whole plan has entered the stage of closing the network.
And Su Yun’s entire plan will also be exposed within Huayin Group.
That’s why they arrested themselves at this time, because for Su Yun, his “messager” has lost all value! .
Chapter 729: One child’s drop, the whole game is lost
Lu Jiarong couldn’t help showing a stern smile.
He was a little angry, a little unwilling, and a little self-deprecating, and many emotions spread in his heart.
As a traitor, after betraying the country, he was manipulated by others to “betray” his master, and staged a wonderful “double-sided agent” drama.
The funny thing is that he is still in the dark, thinking that everything is perfect.
Seeing Lu Jiarong’s expression change, Wang Dehai smiled.
He stretched out his hand and patted Lu Jiarong’s cheek lightly, then heavier and heavier until the palm hit his face with a crisp sound.
“Lu Jiarong, judging from your appearance, you should have understood the ins and outs of the matter. In this case, you are not hopelessly stupid, you should understand what will happen to you in the future.”
Disregarding his hot cheeks, Lu Jiarong nodded forcefully, and then said ruthlessly: “This is the end of the matter, I have nothing to say, I just want to know, how did you know that I betrayed the country and joined the enemy.
When I was in Huayin Group, no flaws were exposed. ”
Lu Jiarong wasn’t afraid of jokes either. The matter had come to this point, he knew that he would definitely not be able to live, but he just wanted to die more clearly.
He had never understood this question.
When he entered the Huayin Group, according to the plan he negotiated with the little devil, he took the initiative to jump out and tell Su Yun about the little devil’s conspiracy.
And confessed that he was an undercover agent sent by the little devil, hoping to gain Su Yun’s trust.
At that time, Su Yun did believe him, and Lu Jiarong also thought that Su Yun had never suspected him, because Su Yun entrusted him with many things, and later promoted him to be the department manager of the group.
Because of this, Lu Jiarong always felt that he was very successful in disguising himself. The department manager is a high-level person in the company. To this point, he can get close to the core circle of Huayin.
But today’s facts told Lu Jiarong that his success was just wishful thinking.
Su Yun didn’t trust him at all, and even saw his own details from the very beginning!
Wang Dehai did not answer, but said to him: “This question will naturally be known after you meet President Su.
I advise you, at that time, you’d better be honest and say everything you need to say, so that when you accept the sanctions, you may be more happy. After all, you also made a contribution to the group. ”
Lu Jiarong’s face sank immediately after hearing this.
What Wang Dehai said of meritorious deeds naturally meant that he informed the little devil and facilitated the Huayin Group’s plan.
Wang Dehai didn’t care whether the words were difficult or not. When dealing with such traitors, it would be an exaggeration to apply any ugly words to them. If it wasn’t for the hatred in his heart, Wang Dehai wouldn’t even bother to say anything to him.
After leaving these words, Wang Dehai ignored Lu Jiarong and just told the security guard to keep him in custody.
The plane headed straight for the domestic direction, and after a while, it finally arrived at Jinling University Airport.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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