After landing, the cabin door had just opened, and a group of airmen outside immediately took Lu Jiarong over and escorted him to a torture room in the air force base.
One of the soldiers opened the door, and the two airmen guarding him threw Lu Jiarong inside and turned to leave.
With a “bang”, the door of the torture room was closed. After Lu Jiarong recovered, he saw through the bar window that someone was watching him outside.
This person is none other than Su Yun!
“Damn it, Su Yun!”
Seeing Su Yun, Lu Jiarong shouted and cursed hoarsely, his eyes were full of resentment at this moment.
He was both hated and shocked. Until now, he didn’t understand where he had made his flaws, and why Su Yun had seen through him from the very beginning.
Su Yun didn’t care about Lu Jiarong’s resentment. Across the bars, Su Yun said coldly, “Hello Lu Jiarong, long time no see.”
Although the words are polite, the tone is full of playfulness.
Lu Jiarong couldn’t care anymore, he gritted his teeth and said, “I don’t understand, I don’t understand why you can see through me.
I obviously didn’t reveal anything! ”
Su Yun looked indifferent and didn’t mind telling him that Lu Jiarong was already a dead person anyway.
“Actually it’s very simple, if you don’t be a traitor, you won’t be able to live now, and the little devils won’t make your family feel better.
In other words, if you don’t become a traitor, your family should be protected by Huayin Group now, or they will already be a pile of loess.
The little devils are not kind people. If you betray them, how can they let you go? ”
Hearing this, Lu Jiarong suddenly took two steps forward, but soon lowered his head slumped, and his face began to darken.
He was careless.
I’ve been thinking about everything, but I’ve missed this point.
Su Yun was right, if he really wasn’t the traitor, his family would not have survived long ago, and he might have been killed long ago.Seeing Lu Jiarong’s dejected appearance, Su Yun said blankly: “Actually, you were good at hiding at first, at least at first, I really didn’t doubt you.
It was only later that Boss Dai told me something. The senior management of Huayin Group, whether it was Wu Si, or Diao Li, Yang Qing, Dong Cheng, and others, all encountered some dangers.
Even their family members have been watched.
But you are the only one who is safe. From the beginning to the end, the little devils never thought of attacking you, and they never threatened your family of 257 people.
From that time on, I knew that you must still be a traitor, and you haven’t really separated from the little devils!
And when you came to confess at the beginning, it was just a pre-planned plan, trying to use this method to deceive my trust in you.
Otherwise, why didn’t the little devil attack your family, and how could you have never been assassinated by the little devil? If you are really not a traitor, then the first person they want to get rid of should be you!
Could it be that with the behavior of the little devils, they would still ignore their past grudges? ”
Su Yun said so much in one breath, until Lu Jiarong was speechless. Just now Lu Jiarong was full of resentment towards Su Yun, but now, his heart is only bitter.
From the very beginning, I had done all the calculations, but in the end, it was a hundred secrets. This was a real wrong step, and everything was lost!
Su Yun is indeed very wise, and it is only him and the little devil who can blame him for being careless.
After smiling bitterly, Lu Jiarong asked again: “Since you have already seen through me, why didn’t you arrest me directly, is it just to use me to harvest the finances of the island country?”
Su Yun nodded when he heard the words.
“Lu Jiarong, I have to admit that you are indeed a talented person. It seems that you have already figured out everything, but it’s a pity that your talent is not used in the right way!”.
Chapter 730: One Year Layout
There was a wry smile on Lu Jiarong’s face, and it was useless to say anything.
Although he was scared now, he did not lose his temper. On the plane, Wang Dehai said what he had done before, and Lu Jiarong already knew his ending.
So he is rather calm now.
“Su Yun, I have another question, which I have always wanted to know.
Since you have already discovered my clues, why haven’t you attacked me? Is it just to use me to harvest the finances of the island country? ”
Su Yun shook his head: “In the beginning, I didn’t have this idea.
At that time, the Western chaebols had not yet begun to invade the East, and my plan was not fully prepared. At that time, I just wanted to use you to understand some of the goals of the little devils.
At that time, they had been coveting Huayin Group, but I didn’t know what their real focus was, so I needed to use you to test the little devil’s thoughts.
For example, their key targets are our industrial parks, or some of our technologies. ”
The bitter smile on Lu Jiarong’s face was a little thicker.
It turned out that at that time, Su Yun had already begun to use himself, and it was ridiculous that he had been kept in the dark.
Seeing this, Su Yun sneered: “It’s a pity Lu Jiarong, you didn’t bring me many valuable things at that time.
Later, the economic invasion of the Western chaebols was imminent, and the plan for the island country was finally formulated. I sent you to the island country because I knew that when you got there, you would definitely inform the little devil.
Since then, this huge financial harvest preparation war has only just begun.
At that time, I made a lot of plans around you, including that you would tip off the little devil, and you didn’t disappoint me, and you disclosed all the information to the little devil.
To be honest, Lu Jiarong, your forbearance and lurking abilities are really good. If you hadn’t revealed your flaws earlier, maybe I would still believe you.
You are still considered national merit, if you hadn’t given up on the little devil, we really wouldn’t have been able to achieve some of the steps in the middle~々! ”
Su Yun seemed to be praising Lu Jiarong, but his face was full of coldness.
Su Yun does not deny that Lu Jiarong is indeed a good material.
Some of his actions in the island country are indeed secret enough, but it is just because of people’s concerns that there must be a mistake. It is precisely because he ignored the little devil’s attitude towards him that he was exposed in advance.
But Lu Jiarong is also a very handy tool.
The reason why Su Yun sent him to the island country and bet on him with some of the planning steps in the middle was because he took a fancy to his identity as a traitor.
If the island country is notified to prevent the Huayin Group from shipping silver, sending other people will easily arouse suspicion.
But Lu Jiarong was different. He was originally from the little devil. If he sent the letter to the little devil, everything seemed logical.
Listening to Su Yun’s words, Lu Jiarong laughed even more.
Or rather, he smiled even more ugly.
He has always been a self-proclaimed smart and flawless man, but he lost terribly because of an oversight, not only exposing his identity, but also being kept in the dark, serving his opponent all the time.
Seeing him like this, Su Yun let him laugh.
For this kind of person, Su Yun can explain some things to him, which has given him enough face.
What happened to Lu Jiarong next, he was too lazy to care.
After a long time, Lu Jiarong stopped smiling bitterly.
He looked at Su Yun and said solemnly: “I have no use value now, you are planning to kill me now, right?”
Su Yun shook his head and said, “I won’t kill you yet.
If a person like you died too easily, it would be a waste of my time.
You live here with peace of mind. After a period of time, after we finish closing the net, I will make your story public and bring you to the public, so that you can die beautifully! ”
Hearing that, Lu Jiarong suddenly had blue veins on his forehead.
He still doesn’t understand, Su Yun is trying to make a fuss about him, use him to warn the public!
This made Lu Jiarong’s hatred flood into his heart again. He was not afraid of being killed, because he knew for a long time that he would not survive, but he had read books after all, and his face was very important.
However, Su Yun wanted to make him a model and die in public. This is simply murder!
Su Yun didn’t care what he thought, turned around and left.
Before leaving, Su Yun said to the guards here: “You must take good care of this person, you can’t let him die before he deserves to die.
In addition, I have to teach him some lessons every day, but don’t hurt the flesh, I will still use it later. ”
Several guards around were suddenly awe-inspiring.
They have always been very good at this kind of thing, so there is no need for Su Yun to instruct them carefully.
“Su Yun, you devil!”
Looking at Su Yun’s leaving figure, Lu Jiarong couldn’t help but collapse.
He could already imagine the hellish days he would spend next.
Su Yun didn’t look back, his method was already very kind. If Lu Jiarong fell into the hands of Boss Dai, he would know what life is better than death.
Lu Jiarong’s affairs came to an end, and Su Yun also began to prepare for the next thing.
As soon as Su Yun arrived at the office that day, an assistant came in to report: “”Report to Mr. Su, Mr. Alfred is here, saying that he wants to discuss business with you.”
“please come in.”
Su Yun adjusted his clothes slightly and waited for Alfred.
A few days ago, they discussed the purchase of tanks. At that time, Alfred said that the business was too large and needed to be reported to China.
If Su Yun expected it well, this time Alfred came here for this.
Sure enough, when Alfred came in, he immediately mentioned this matter.
“My friend, stay safe, I’m here to tell you good news.”
Alfred entered with a smile on his face.
Seeing that he was in high spirits, Su Yun said with a smile, “Looking at your appearance, your government should agree to this business.”
Alfred (to Li Zhao) nodded: “After I went back that day, I reported this matter to China. Yesterday I received news that our government agreed to Huayin Group’s conditions and was willing to pay $50,000 per dollar. At the price of one vehicle, I place an order for you for six thousand tanks.”
Su Yun was secretly happy.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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