As soon as 6,000 tanks come out, there will be three hundred million dollars in funds, which is a big business!
Germany is indeed a rich country, so much money is used without blinking an eye.
Alfred added: “We agree to your terms, but on the premise that you agree to sell us the technical drawings of the T34 tank for ten million.
To be honest, your T34 tanks are really good, and it’s hard for us to reject this technology. ”
Alfred spoke very bluntly, because there was nothing to hide about this matter, and all the technical drawings were required, so what if it wasn’t for production.
Chapter 731: Breaking through the constraints
Su Yun thought for a moment, then shook his head and said, “I can sell the blueprints to your country, but the price of ten million dollars is too low.
The performance of the T34 tank is very good. Many configurations and accessory models are finally determined by us after a lot of experiments.
The research and development costs invested in this, including human and material resources, are very large. ”
Alfred thought for a while and said, “So, Mr. Su, what price do you think it’s worth?”
Su Yun stretched out three fingers: “30 million US dollars, if you accept this price, I can sell the drawings to you now.”
Alfred hesitated.
The performance of the T34 tank is here. He himself is engaged in the military industry. Of course, he knows that to develop such a tank, the cost of investment during the period will definitely not be small.
Strictly speaking, this drawing is worth 30 million.
But Alfred still thinks it is a bit high, after all, there are 6,000 tank orders as a premise.
So Alfred started haggling again.
“Mr. Su, since we have reached a cooperation in the purchase and sale of tanks, your company has also established an exchange of talents and resources with us.
In the future, I think we have more room for cooperation. The price of this drawing is originally given by our government, but for the sake of cooperating with 257 partners, I can add some more to the price of this drawing. How about fifteen million? ”
This time, Alfred began to play the emotional card.
Although he and Huayin Group are business cooperation, interests are the most important, but the bargaining needs to be done step by step.
And Su Yun naturally disagreed with the price, and started a new round of bargaining.
The two of you went back and forth with me for a few rounds, and finally Su Yun made the final decision: “Since everyone is doing business with sincerity, and we will carry out long-term business cooperation in the future, it is convenient for both of us to take a step back.
The price of this drawing is set at 20 million US dollars!
Mr. Alfred, we don’t treat our partners bad, but you always make us profitable.
In terms of tank prices, we have already given a lot of concessions, what do you think? ”
Alfred pondered for a while, nodded and said, “In this case… well, I will report to the country when I go back, and now we can sign the contract.”
“Very good! It’s really refreshing to do business in your country!”
Su Yun nodded in satisfaction.
Immediately, he called Wu Si and asked Wu Si to personally arrange for the drafting of a contract.
The main content of the contract is naturally the number of tanks and tanks reached by the two parties this time.As well as the unit price and total price, as well as the terms on the sale of drawings.
“I understand Mr. Su!”
After Wu Si received the order, he quickly drafted the contract and asked an assistant to send it to the office.
In this contract, in addition to stating the quantity and price of tanks traded by the two parties, as well as the sales conditions of the drawings, there is also a special note.
After the blueprint of the T34 tank was sold to German, without the permission of Huayin Group, German shall not disclose the blueprint to other countries without permission, otherwise Huayin Group has the right to pursue this matter and claim ten times the liquidated damages.
After Su Yun read the contract, he felt that there was no problem, so he handed the contract to Alfred to check.
After Alfred read it, he nodded and said, “No problem.”
Su Yun immediately instructed the assistant: “Go and print out this contract in triplicate. After two of them are sent, the remaining one will be sent to the military. There must be no mistake.”
“Yes, Mr. Su.”
The assistant took the order and left, and sent the printed contract in a short while.
Su Yun and Alfred each hold one.
After confirming the content again, Su Yun said: “Mr. Alfred, if there is no problem, please sign on this.”
Alfred also confirmed the content of the contract. After confirming that it was correct, he signed his name in the name column and pressed his handprint.
Su Yun also signed and stamped the contract, and then stamped the contract with the seal of the group.
After the contract was signed, both parties smiled.
(ajed) The business was going very well this time, and Alfred was very happy.
The tanks provided by Huayin Group, as well as the technical drawings of T34, can greatly help the development of their country’s military power. After the tanks and drawings are returned to China, the status of Krupp will also be greatly increased.
Su Yun is also very happy that with such a large amount of money, the next communication project will be guaranteed.
In addition to being happy, Alfred said to Su Yun again: “By the way, Mr. Su, when will this batch of tanks start to be delivered?”
Su Yun replied: “I will inform the military today, and within three days, they will be able to prepare the number of tanks.”
Alfred nodded, then said: “Great, but we have a request.
Don’t rush to transport this batch of tanks to the territory of Germany. You can transport 1,000 of them first. Please keep the remaining 5,000 in the warehouse temporarily.
When we need it, I will come to inform you, and at that time, I will ask you to transport the remaining tanks.
You also know that the situation in our country is a bit special now, please understand more. ”
“No problem, it’s just a small matter.”
Su Yun smiled and expressed understanding.
After World War I, Germanic was restricted by the defeat clause and could not have too much military power.
Until now, they are still subject to the relevant terms, and the mustache still needs to break through the restrictions of the treaty a little bit, so he can’t be too hasty.
“That’s work!”
Alfred politely said, “In order to celebrate the success of our cooperation, I would like to invite Mr. Su to celebrate with us tonight.”
“Okay, I’ll be there by then!”
Su Yun rubbed the palm of his hand. Although Alfred was a businessman, he was quite straightforward in private.
At least on the surface, they are very good friends.
After talking about cooperation matters, Alfred brought the contract and got up to leave.
In the evening, Su Yun went to Shengqing Restaurant No. 2 Xuanwu Road to celebrate the successful cooperation with Alfred.
Not long after Huayin Group contacted Krupp, two major cooperations were successfully reached. The first group of Jews had arrived in Jinling long ago, and now they have settled down.
Su Yun was very pleased with this.
And Alfred also got his wish to buy tanks and blueprints, and got the resources of Huayin Group.
Those resources are now being prepared and will soon be shipped to Germany.
These two events are of great significance to the development and status of Krupp.
At the wine party that night, Su Yun and Alfred exchanged glasses.
Chapter 732: Formed Industrial Park
When the cooperation between Huayin Group and Krupp was going smoothly, things in the island country of Fukuyama were also going very smoothly.
The construction of the light industrial park around Fukuyama was almost completed before. After this period of improvement, the first industrial zone has been crowded with factories relocated from all over the island country.
These factories have also been put into production long ago, and the production chain in the park is also running quite smoothly.
On this day, Li Xiezheng took a group of people from the branch to inspect the park with the people sent by the little devil.
The little devil’s team is still led by – Sasuke.
Walking in the park, Sasuke nodded in satisfaction while looking at the facilities and factories.
After walking around for a while, Sasuke asked Nakamura next to him: “Nakamura-kun, you have always been in charge of supervising the industrial park here. Do you know the area of ​​this industrial park?”
“Yes, General!”
Nakamura bowed his head slightly and introduced: “The industrial park where we are now is tentatively named Fushan No. 1 Industrial Park, with a total area of ​​more than 30,000 mu.
This is also the first completed industrial park, and now all the companies here have officially put into production.
In addition to this, there are several industrial parks around Fushan, all of which have an area of ​​more than 30,000 mu.
In these industrial parks, manufacturers of food, medicine, clothing, and various daily necessities such as sugar, wine, and tobacco are gathered.
All the light industrial type manufacturers of the Empire can be found in the park.
In addition to light industrial manufacturers, there are also a small number of steel, chemical andIndustry and other heavy industry manufacturers, after all, there are resources provided by Huayin Group here, which is more convenient to use.
Some heavy industry manufacturers have moved here on their own initiative in order to develop.
We have made special regional divisions for these light and heavy industry manufacturers, as well as different types of manufacturers among them, so as not to affect each other on weekdays. ”
When Nakamura answered Sasuke’s question, he introduced the general situation of the industrial park by the way.
Sasuke nodded and encouraged: “Very good Nakamura-kun, you are very attentive, the empire will reward you.”
“Thank you General!”
Nakamura bowed his head in thanks, and Sasuke asked again, “Our empire’s companies have been relocating here before, how is the situation now?”
Hearing this, Nakamura was a little embarrassed, and after thinking about it, he said, “Reporting General, before the industrial park was completely perfected, there were always manufacturers moving here.
So far, about half of the empire’s light industry manufacturers have relocated to these industrial parks.
As for the exact numbers…sorry General, we’re still counting. ”
“As soon as possible! The industrial park is ready, but you can’t even complete this little thing. This is your dereliction of duty!”
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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